A Few Jewish 'Contributions' to the USA

That coming from a pig, is music to my ears:)

"David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> Another living example that stupidity is, in fact, the most abundant
> substance in the universe.
> "Peitsche" <none@none.com> wrote in message
> news:8cWdncM0wv_lb8fbnZ2dnUVZ_vamnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> So what, one good jew among millions of evil ones?,That`s saying

> much...
>> "Roger" <rogerfx@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:465ab30c$0$12459$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> > Jesus was a Jew.
>> >
>> >
>> > "Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
>> > news:RKk6i.5219$3B1.5037@trnddc08...
>> >> National American Jewish History Month
>> >>
>> >> Joseph Cortina
>> >>
>> >> May 25, 2007
>> >>
>> >> I agree 100% with Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz , the original
>> >> sponsor of the ===== National American Jewish History Month!
>> >>
>> >> It has been way too long to deny our school children the benefits

> of
>> >> knowing the true historic contributions of the Jewish people to the
>> >> United States of America
>> >>
>> >> Jewish contribution to Christian America has been underrated and
>> >> ignored long enough!
>> >>
>> >> Let's get "Jewish History Month" (MAY 2007) started with a bang!
>> >>
>> >> Here are but a few historic `contributions' by Jews to the American
>> >> dream.
>> >>
>> >> (1) Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg - man and wife traitors to America

> who
>> >> by selling nuclear secrets to our mortal Marxist enemies in the

>> >> have caused the torture deprivations and deaths of countless

>> >> of Europeans as well as having ALL Americans for some FOURTY

>> >> live under the `Sword of Damacles' - the threat of nuclear
>> >> annihilation by the Rosenberg's good friends - the Communists. The
>> >> lives of those foreigners ( mostly misguided Christians) were not
>> >> important, and the conduct of the Rosenbergs was very sincere and
>> >> courageous. We will never forget these `pioneers'.
>> >>
>> >> (2) Another Jew historic icon was Israeli spy and traitor Jonathan
>> >> Pollard - whose duplicity against his OWN country - in the words of
>> >> top ranking US intelligence specialists - had created SO MUCH

>> >> to our security that the full effects of his treason would not be
>> >> fully realized for decades! Not surprisingly - most Jews in

> Israel -
>> >> EVEN TODAY, revere Jew traitor Pollard as a `folk hero'! American
>> >> officials have obviously overreacted and Pollard should be freed -

> and
>> >> Americans should be more tolerant to Jews with loyalty to IsraHELL

> in
>> >> lieu of our America.
>> >>
>> >> (3) Those of us celebrating Jew history month cannot be grateful
>> >> enough to the efforts of the ADL and Jew dominated ACLU in removing
>> >> the laws of God from Chief Justice Moore's courthouse in Alabama.

> This
>> >> was an historic step in the `re-education' from our former naive
>> >> superstitious Christian selves.
>> >>
>> >> (4) In promoting homosexual perversions like child molesters - the
>> >> Jews in America have no equal. Our thanks go out to them for

> bringing
>> >> we Christian goy to realize the political correctness of some of

> their
>> >> best known efforts - such as NAMBLA. Who are we backward Gentiles

> to
>> >> suggest that it is wrong to for an adult pervert to give a 5 year

> old
>> >> child `sexual pleasure'. Thank you for your historic efforts in
>> >> teaching us to `grow up' in `your world'.
>> >>
>> >> (5) Not to be outdone by the level of porn in their IsraHELL

> homeland
>> >> - American Jews have made us proud to say that today - through

> their
>> >> tireless efforts - America now ranks as the porn capitol of the

> world!
>> >> The examples are too numerous to chronicle , but typical are the
>> >> series of child pornography web sites operated by two Jews with

> ties
>> >> to Israel who go by the names of Jeff Libman and Marc Greenburg.

> These
>> >> two Jewish pedophiles operate their "kiddy porn" business under
>> >> Florida's corporate laws. Those of us Gentiles who wish to become
>> >> successful businessmen like Libman and Greenberg would do well to
>> >> learn from these `pros' because Jews have historically proven to be
>> >> leaders in profitable businesses.
>> >>
>> >> (6) Certainly high on the list should be the Jewish contribution to
>> >> the cold-blooded butchering of hundreds of our sons fathers and
>> >> brothers aboard an unarmed Navy vessel (the USS Liberty) in
>> >> international waters. These thoughtless sailors had the audacity to

> do
>> >> something that obviously upset the Jews who were at the time
>> >> committing wholesale war crimes. Our `hats off' to the tireless
>> >> efforts of American Jews like Jay Crystal - who dedicated his life

> to
>> >> expose the alleged atrocities against Israel as "baseless
>> >> conspiratorial nonsense". Jay - we are so embarrassed that America
>> >> would dare to criticize your country for something so trivial as

> the
>> >> slaughter of a few useless US Navy sailors.
>> >>
>> >> (7) Making sure that American made food products meet their rigid
>> >> standards - Jews here bravely pioneered the `kosherizing' of

> hundreds
>> >> of products we use everyday and by their rabbinic blessing - we
>> >> ignorant Christian goy are protected. Of course we goy must PAY

>> >> for these Jew `blessings' but we are fortunate to have Jews look

> out
>> >> after our health and well being.
>> >>
>> >> (8) By enforcing the censorship of prayer in our public schools

> Jews
>> >> in America have saved us from our own mistakes of mixing religion

> and
>> >> state. Countless murders, violence, pregnancies and crimes have
>> >> resulted from this action - but we must focus on the big picture.

> We
>> >> are grateful to have been shown the error of our silly ways and the
>> >> offending of minority groups.
>> >>
>> >> (8) Perhaps one of their greatest contributions to keeping America

> on
>> >> the `correct' path is the Jew success of removing all vestiges of

> our
>> >> offensive and superstitious celebration of the birth of our Lord.

> Only
>> >> under their strict censorship of anything with the word "Jesus" or
>> >> "Christmas" - have we come to see the error of our ways and our
>> >> thoughtless insensitivity to Jewish feelings. How thoughtless of us
>> >> `goy' to show such universal reverence for a Man that the Jews find

> so
>> >> offensive.
>> >>
>> >> (9) We should celebrate many of their historic efforts in projects
>> >> such as the promotion of interracial marriage, homosexual

> marriages,
>> >> perverts as scoutmasters and role model for our misguided youth. We
>> >> owe a debt of gratitude to these Jews for `opening our eyes' to our
>> >> narrow-mindedness and disregard for `diversity'.
>> >>
>> >> (10) Without ANY doubt - Jews have historically been the firebrands

> on
>> >> the pro-choice movements in America. We are thankful to these Jews

> for
>> >> their instrumental part in the eradication of tens of millions of
>> >> `fetuses' - which - left to live would have become `babies' and
>> >> therefore create huge social problems when these unwanted nuisances
>> >> become adults and need jobs, homes, food, life, liberty and the
>> >> pursuit of happiness. Some say that that "terminating

> pregnancies" -
>> >> endlessly - by tens of millions - creates a society that becomes
>> >> insensitive to life. That is obviously childish sentimental

> rubbish.
>> >>
>> >> Lest anyone think that the IsraHELL Jew is not keeping `their end'

> of
>> >> this commitment up to par - consider this verifiable fact. Not to

> be
>> >> outdone, the IsraHELL self-chosen there, murder 18-20% of ALL of

> their
>> >> unborn on a annual basis - year in and year out. Commendable

> conduct!
>> >>
>> >> (10) Jews have also been `pioneers' in the eradication of Biblical
>> >> fables like creationism and have successfully replaced this

> nonsense
>> >> with scientifically founded principles like evolutionism. Their
>> >> tireless pioneering efforts in protecting our youth from ignorance

> in
>> >> this matter have spread to popular `educational channels' like

> History
>> >> Channel - Discovery Channel - Science Channel - and National
>> >> Geographic Channel. We guileless Christians have long needed this
>> >> `enlightenment'.
>> >>
>> >> (11) Jew pioneers such as Michael Eisner have changed the moral
>> >> landscape of Disney World to incorporate a more "diverse"

> atmosphere
>> >> of real life violence - homosexuals - and the expunging of all
>> >> Biblical nonsense ( fantasies, which of course could do irreparable
>> >> damage to the psyche of our young.)
>> >>
>> >> (12) Jew Historians have made us aware of the immense suffering of
>> >> fellow Jews in the `Holocaust'. It has made we `goy' realize that

> the
>> >> `chosen' are the only ethnic group in history to suffer

> persecution -
>> >> and of course should we discover that TWENTY MILLION CHRISTIANS

> were
>> >> persecuted and murdered by Jews - we must keep in mind that ONLY

> the
>> >> suffering of the Jew is of historical importance.
>> >>
>> >> (13) Other Jew historians have brought us to our senses about our
>> >> unfounded admiration of the Founding Fathers - having taught us

> their
>> >> true natures as bigots, philanderers, hypocrites, and criminals in
>> >> general. We misguided Christians need to divest ourselves of these
>> >> false `patriots' and adopt role models more in touch with Jewish
>> >> intellectuals - such as Lenin - Stalin - Marx - Freud - Trotsky and
>> >> Kaganovitch.
>> >>
>> >> (14) American history and Jew film history are inseparable. We owe

> a
>> >> great deal of thanks to Jew movie moguls who have helped to forge a
>> >> new American youth - no longer hindered by sentimental nonsense,
>> >> archaic values, and corrupt Christian beliefs. They have freed our
>> >> children's souls with real life lessons in violence, rape, murder,
>> >> porn, crime, perversions, profanity and blasphemies. Only Jews

> could
>> >> have done this invaluable favor for our naively wholesome misguided
>> >> youth. There are hundreds of good examples - but Whoppi Goldberg

> set
>> >> the `mark' when in a public show, she suggested that the Christian
>> >> Bible should be used for "toilet paper" - thus freeing us `goy'

> from
>> >> our childlike beliefs in these nonsense fairytales. We owe the
>> >> Hollywood Jew-dominated entertainment industry a tremendous vote of
>> >> thanks for `straightening out' our silly harmful superstitions.
>> >>
>> >> (15) History will also credit American Jews with having led America
>> >> into endless serial wars with evil Arab peoples - so as to benefit
>> >> their true homeland - Israel. One can only admire their ability to
>> >> make Christian Americans their personal `bulldog' - trained to

> attack
>> >> ANY nation who so much as criticizes the `chosen'. They have taught

> us
>> >> ignorant goy that any enemy of Israel is America's enemy also - and
>> >> must be exterminated. God will certainly bless America for our part

> in
>> >> the `Palestinian Holocaust'. The Jews are absolutely correct. We
>> >> should kill every one of those "****roaches" ( The favorite Israeli
>> >> description of the Palestinians) - ESPECIALLY the children, which

> we
>> >> are doing our best at, every day!
>> >>
>> >> (16) Not to be overlooked in importance, is the historic fact that
>> >> Jews financed and created, the one true religion - Marxist/Leninist
>> >> Communism! 1917 will be a date in history that mankind will never
>> >> forget and Jewish leadership made it possible. Although some

> critical
>> >> historians would tell us that the over 200,000,000 souls whose

> lives
>> >> were snuffed out in the bloody reign of terror `process' was too

> high
>> >> a price to pay - we now understand that it was necessary for our
>> >> reeducation and the creation of the `new man' devoid of the
>> >> superstitious beliefs and burdensome moral restraints taught by "a
>> >> dead God". After all folks - if you must make an `ideological

> omelet'
>> >> - ya gotta `break some eggs'.
>> >>
>> >> (17) Finally - we American `Goy' should be eternally thankful for

> Jews
>> >> having Jesus murdered by torture and crucifixion. Who knows what
>> >> mischief this "blasphemer" and "false prophet" might have wrought

> if
>> >> not stopped by the courageous actions of the Pharisee Jew

> leadership
>> >> at the time! Oh vey! Swindling people with money changing `such a
>> >> deals' at the Temples was a `Jew thing' and the impudence of
>> >> muckrakers like Jesus with His angry tantrums of kicking over the
>> >> gambling tables in the Temples could just not be tolerated. Also
>> >> important to consider. Since these Jews were the wisest men of the
>> >> time, and if they said that the mother of Jesus was a whore - it
>> >> certainly had to be true!
>> >>
>> >> (18) The historical contributions of America Jews are legion and I
>> >> have humbly touched on only a few highlights. It must be with great
>> >> pride that these Jews can honestly say that their contributions

> have
>> >> helped make our secular, diverse, multicultural, material non-
>> >> religious nation the powerful feared imperialist country we are

> today.
>> >> But MOST importantly - throughout our history - Jew have led the

> way
>> >> in educating us Christians to the fact that making money and more

> and
>> >> more money IS IN FACT what life here in AmeriKa is all about. We

> are
>> >> eternally grateful for showing us the error of our ways in our
>> >> childlike and offensive worship and dedication to the teachings of
>> >> Jesus Christ - and leading us in the discovery and worship of the

> one
>> >> true Jewish God - MONEY AND SEXUAL DPRAVITIES!
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >


That coming from an idiot makes me proud.

"Peitsche" <none@none.com> wrote in message
> That coming from a pig, is music to my ears:)
> "David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> news:5c0c54F2ueaqmU1@mid.individual.net...
> > Another living example that stupidity is, in fact, the most abundant
> > substance in the universe.
> >
> > "Peitsche" <none@none.com> wrote in message
> > news:8cWdncM0wv_lb8fbnZ2dnUVZ_vamnZ2d@comcast.com...
> >> So what, one good jew among millions of evil ones?,That`s saying

> > much...
> >>
> >> "Roger" <rogerfx@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> >> news:465ab30c$0$12459$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
> >> > Jesus was a Jew.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > "Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
> >> > news:RKk6i.5219$3B1.5037@trnddc08...
> >> >> National American Jewish History Month
> >> >>
> >> >> Joseph Cortina
> >> >>
> >> >> May 25, 2007
> >> >>
> >> >> I agree 100% with Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz , the original
> >> >> sponsor of the ===== National American Jewish History Month!
> >> >>
> >> >> It has been way too long to deny our school children the

> > of
> >> >> knowing the true historic contributions of the Jewish people to

> >> >> United States of America
> >> >>
> >> >> Jewish contribution to Christian America has been underrated and
> >> >> ignored long enough!
> >> >>
> >> >> Let's get "Jewish History Month" (MAY 2007) started with a bang!
> >> >>
> >> >> Here are but a few historic `contributions' by Jews to the

> >> >> dream.
> >> >>
> >> >> (1) Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg - man and wife traitors to

> > who
> >> >> by selling nuclear secrets to our mortal Marxist enemies in the

> > USSR
> >> >> have caused the torture deprivations and deaths of countless

> >> >> of Europeans as well as having ALL Americans for some FOURTY

> > YEARS -
> >> >> live under the `Sword of Damacles' - the threat of nuclear
> >> >> annihilation by the Rosenberg's good friends - the Communists.

> >> >> lives of those foreigners ( mostly misguided Christians) were

> >> >> important, and the conduct of the Rosenbergs was very sincere

> >> >> courageous. We will never forget these `pioneers'.
> >> >>
> >> >> (2) Another Jew historic icon was Israeli spy and traitor

> >> >> Pollard - whose duplicity against his OWN country - in the words

> >> >> top ranking US intelligence specialists - had created SO MUCH

> >> >> to our security that the full effects of his treason would not

> >> >> fully realized for decades! Not surprisingly - most Jews in

> > Israel -
> >> >> EVEN TODAY, revere Jew traitor Pollard as a `folk hero'!

> >> >> officials have obviously overreacted and Pollard should be

freed -
> > and
> >> >> Americans should be more tolerant to Jews with loyalty to

> > in
> >> >> lieu of our America.
> >> >>
> >> >> (3) Those of us celebrating Jew history month cannot be grateful
> >> >> enough to the efforts of the ADL and Jew dominated ACLU in

> >> >> the laws of God from Chief Justice Moore's courthouse in

> > This
> >> >> was an historic step in the `re-education' from our former naive
> >> >> superstitious Christian selves.
> >> >>
> >> >> (4) In promoting homosexual perversions like child molesters -

> >> >> Jews in America have no equal. Our thanks go out to them for

> > bringing
> >> >> we Christian goy to realize the political correctness of some of

> > their
> >> >> best known efforts - such as NAMBLA. Who are we backward

> > to
> >> >> suggest that it is wrong to for an adult pervert to give a 5

> > old
> >> >> child `sexual pleasure'. Thank you for your historic efforts in
> >> >> teaching us to `grow up' in `your world'.
> >> >>
> >> >> (5) Not to be outdone by the level of porn in their IsraHELL

> > homeland
> >> >> - American Jews have made us proud to say that today - through

> > their
> >> >> tireless efforts - America now ranks as the porn capitol of the

> > world!
> >> >> The examples are too numerous to chronicle , but typical are the
> >> >> series of child pornography web sites operated by two Jews with

> > ties
> >> >> to Israel who go by the names of Jeff Libman and Marc Greenburg.

> > These
> >> >> two Jewish pedophiles operate their "kiddy porn" business under
> >> >> Florida's corporate laws. Those of us Gentiles who wish to

> >> >> successful businessmen like Libman and Greenberg would do well

> >> >> learn from these `pros' because Jews have historically proven to

> >> >> leaders in profitable businesses.
> >> >>
> >> >> (6) Certainly high on the list should be the Jewish contribution

> >> >> the cold-blooded butchering of hundreds of our sons fathers and
> >> >> brothers aboard an unarmed Navy vessel (the USS Liberty) in
> >> >> international waters. These thoughtless sailors had the audacity

> > do
> >> >> something that obviously upset the Jews who were at the time
> >> >> committing wholesale war crimes. Our `hats off' to the tireless
> >> >> efforts of American Jews like Jay Crystal - who dedicated his

> > to
> >> >> expose the alleged atrocities against Israel as "baseless
> >> >> conspiratorial nonsense". Jay - we are so embarrassed that

> >> >> would dare to criticize your country for something so trivial as

> > the
> >> >> slaughter of a few useless US Navy sailors.
> >> >>
> >> >> (7) Making sure that American made food products meet their

> >> >> standards - Jews here bravely pioneered the `kosherizing' of

> > hundreds
> >> >> of products we use everyday and by their rabbinic blessing - we
> >> >> ignorant Christian goy are protected. Of course we goy must PAY

> >> >> for these Jew `blessings' but we are fortunate to have Jews look

> > out
> >> >> after our health and well being.
> >> >>
> >> >> (8) By enforcing the censorship of prayer in our public schools

> > Jews
> >> >> in America have saved us from our own mistakes of mixing

> > and
> >> >> state. Countless murders, violence, pregnancies and crimes have
> >> >> resulted from this action - but we must focus on the big

> > We
> >> >> are grateful to have been shown the error of our silly ways and

> >> >> offending of minority groups.
> >> >>
> >> >> (8) Perhaps one of their greatest contributions to keeping

> > on
> >> >> the `correct' path is the Jew success of removing all vestiges

> > our
> >> >> offensive and superstitious celebration of the birth of our

> > Only
> >> >> under their strict censorship of anything with the word "Jesus"

> >> >> "Christmas" - have we come to see the error of our ways and our
> >> >> thoughtless insensitivity to Jewish feelings. How thoughtless of

> >> >> `goy' to show such universal reverence for a Man that the Jews

> > so
> >> >> offensive.
> >> >>
> >> >> (9) We should celebrate many of their historic efforts in

> >> >> such as the promotion of interracial marriage, homosexual

> > marriages,
> >> >> perverts as scoutmasters and role model for our misguided youth.

> >> >> owe a debt of gratitude to these Jews for `opening our eyes' to

> >> >> narrow-mindedness and disregard for `diversity'.
> >> >>
> >> >> (10) Without ANY doubt - Jews have historically been the

> > on
> >> >> the pro-choice movements in America. We are thankful to these

> > for
> >> >> their instrumental part in the eradication of tens of millions

> >> >> `fetuses' - which - left to live would have become `babies' and
> >> >> therefore create huge social problems when these unwanted

> >> >> become adults and need jobs, homes, food, life, liberty and the
> >> >> pursuit of happiness. Some say that that "terminating

> > pregnancies" -
> >> >> endlessly - by tens of millions - creates a society that becomes
> >> >> insensitive to life. That is obviously childish sentimental

> > rubbish.
> >> >>
> >> >> Lest anyone think that the IsraHELL Jew is not keeping `their

> > of
> >> >> this commitment up to par - consider this verifiable fact. Not

> > be
> >> >> outdone, the IsraHELL self-chosen there, murder 18-20% of ALL of

> > their
> >> >> unborn on a annual basis - year in and year out. Commendable

> > conduct!
> >> >>
> >> >> (10) Jews have also been `pioneers' in the eradication of

> >> >> fables like creationism and have successfully replaced this

> > nonsense
> >> >> with scientifically founded principles like evolutionism. Their
> >> >> tireless pioneering efforts in protecting our youth from

> > in
> >> >> this matter have spread to popular `educational channels' like

> > History
> >> >> Channel - Discovery Channel - Science Channel - and National
> >> >> Geographic Channel. We guileless Christians have long needed

> >> >> `enlightenment'.
> >> >>
> >> >> (11) Jew pioneers such as Michael Eisner have changed the moral
> >> >> landscape of Disney World to incorporate a more "diverse"

> > atmosphere
> >> >> of real life violence - homosexuals - and the expunging of all
> >> >> Biblical nonsense ( fantasies, which of course could do

> >> >> damage to the psyche of our young.)
> >> >>
> >> >> (12) Jew Historians have made us aware of the immense suffering

> >> >> fellow Jews in the `Holocaust'. It has made we `goy' realize

> > the
> >> >> `chosen' are the only ethnic group in history to suffer

> > persecution -
> >> >> and of course should we discover that TWENTY MILLION CHRISTIANS

> > were
> >> >> persecuted and murdered by Jews - we must keep in mind that ONLY

> > the
> >> >> suffering of the Jew is of historical importance.
> >> >>
> >> >> (13) Other Jew historians have brought us to our senses about

> >> >> unfounded admiration of the Founding Fathers - having taught us

> > their
> >> >> true natures as bigots, philanderers, hypocrites, and criminals

> >> >> general. We misguided Christians need to divest ourselves of

> >> >> false `patriots' and adopt role models more in touch with Jewish
> >> >> intellectuals - such as Lenin - Stalin - Marx - Freud - Trotsky

> >> >> Kaganovitch.
> >> >>
> >> >> (14) American history and Jew film history are inseparable. We

> > a
> >> >> great deal of thanks to Jew movie moguls who have helped to

forge a
> >> >> new American youth - no longer hindered by sentimental nonsense,
> >> >> archaic values, and corrupt Christian beliefs. They have freed

> >> >> children's souls with real life lessons in violence, rape,

> >> >> porn, crime, perversions, profanity and blasphemies. Only Jews

> > could
> >> >> have done this invaluable favor for our naively wholesome

> >> >> youth. There are hundreds of good examples - but Whoppi Goldberg

> > set
> >> >> the `mark' when in a public show, she suggested that the

> >> >> Bible should be used for "toilet paper" - thus freeing us `goy'

> > from
> >> >> our childlike beliefs in these nonsense fairytales. We owe the
> >> >> Hollywood Jew-dominated entertainment industry a tremendous vote

> >> >> thanks for `straightening out' our silly harmful superstitions.
> >> >>
> >> >> (15) History will also credit American Jews with having led

> >> >> into endless serial wars with evil Arab peoples - so as to

> >> >> their true homeland - Israel. One can only admire their ability

> >> >> make Christian Americans their personal `bulldog' - trained to

> > attack
> >> >> ANY nation who so much as criticizes the `chosen'. They have

> > us
> >> >> ignorant goy that any enemy of Israel is America's enemy also -

> >> >> must be exterminated. God will certainly bless America for our

> > in
> >> >> the `Palestinian Holocaust'. The Jews are absolutely correct. We
> >> >> should kill every one of those "****roaches" ( The favorite

> >> >> description of the Palestinians) - ESPECIALLY the children,

> > we
> >> >> are doing our best at, every day!
> >> >>
> >> >> (16) Not to be overlooked in importance, is the historic fact

> >> >> Jews financed and created, the one true religion -

> >> >> Communism! 1917 will be a date in history that mankind will

> >> >> forget and Jewish leadership made it possible. Although some

> > critical
> >> >> historians would tell us that the over 200,000,000 souls whose

> > lives
> >> >> were snuffed out in the bloody reign of terror `process' was too

> > high
> >> >> a price to pay - we now understand that it was necessary for our
> >> >> reeducation and the creation of the `new man' devoid of the
> >> >> superstitious beliefs and burdensome moral restraints taught by

> >> >> dead God". After all folks - if you must make an `ideological

> > omelet'
> >> >> - ya gotta `break some eggs'.
> >> >>
> >> >> (17) Finally - we American `Goy' should be eternally thankful

> > Jews
> >> >> having Jesus murdered by torture and crucifixion. Who knows what
> >> >> mischief this "blasphemer" and "false prophet" might have

> > if
> >> >> not stopped by the courageous actions of the Pharisee Jew

> > leadership
> >> >> at the time! Oh vey! Swindling people with money changing `such

> >> >> deals' at the Temples was a `Jew thing' and the impudence of
> >> >> muckrakers like Jesus with His angry tantrums of kicking over

> >> >> gambling tables in the Temples could just not be tolerated. Also
> >> >> important to consider. Since these Jews were the wisest men of

> >> >> time, and if they said that the mother of Jesus was a whore - it
> >> >> certainly had to be true!
> >> >>
> >> >> (18) The historical contributions of America Jews are legion and

> >> >> have humbly touched on only a few highlights. It must be with

> >> >> pride that these Jews can honestly say that their contributions

> > have
> >> >> helped make our secular, diverse, multicultural, material non-
> >> >> religious nation the powerful feared imperialist country we are

> > today.
> >> >> But MOST importantly - throughout our history - Jew have led the

> > way
> >> >> in educating us Christians to the fact that making money and

> > and
> >> >> more money IS IN FACT what life here in AmeriKa is all about. We

> > are
> >> >> eternally grateful for showing us the error of our ways in our
> >> >> childlike and offensive worship and dedication to the teachings

> >> >> Jesus Christ - and leading us in the discovery and worship of

> > one
> >> >> true Jewish God - MONEY AND SEXUAL DPRAVITIES!
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>

> >
> >

"Peitsche" <none@none.com> wrote in message
> And the devil `s spawn killed.

Read your bible. Jesus was supposed to be killed.

> "Roger" <rogerfx@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:465ab30c$0$12459$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> Jesus was a Jew.
>> "Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
>> news:RKk6i.5219$3B1.5037@trnddc08...
>>> National American Jewish History Month
>>> Joseph Cortina
>>> May 25, 2007
>>> I agree 100% with Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz , the original
>>> sponsor of the ===== National American Jewish History Month!
>>> It has been way too long to deny our school children the benefits of
>>> knowing the true historic contributions of the Jewish people to the
>>> United States of America
>>> Jewish contribution to Christian America has been underrated and
>>> ignored long enough!
>>> Let's get "Jewish History Month" (MAY 2007) started with a bang!
>>> Here are but a few historic `contributions' by Jews to the American
>>> dream.
>>> (1) Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg - man and wife traitors to America who
>>> by selling nuclear secrets to our mortal Marxist enemies in the USSR
>>> have caused the torture deprivations and deaths of countless MILLIONS
>>> of Europeans as well as having ALL Americans for some FOURTY YEARS -
>>> live under the `Sword of Damacles' - the threat of nuclear
>>> annihilation by the Rosenberg's good friends - the Communists. The
>>> lives of those foreigners ( mostly misguided Christians) were not
>>> important, and the conduct of the Rosenbergs was very sincere and
>>> courageous. We will never forget these `pioneers'.
>>> (2) Another Jew historic icon was Israeli spy and traitor Jonathan
>>> Pollard - whose duplicity against his OWN country - in the words of
>>> top ranking US intelligence specialists - had created SO MUCH DAMAGE
>>> to our security that the full effects of his treason would not be
>>> fully realized for decades! Not surprisingly - most Jews in Israel -
>>> EVEN TODAY, revere Jew traitor Pollard as a `folk hero'! American
>>> officials have obviously overreacted and Pollard should be freed - and
>>> Americans should be more tolerant to Jews with loyalty to IsraHELL in
>>> lieu of our America.
>>> (3) Those of us celebrating Jew history month cannot be grateful
>>> enough to the efforts of the ADL and Jew dominated ACLU in removing
>>> the laws of God from Chief Justice Moore's courthouse in Alabama. This
>>> was an historic step in the `re-education' from our former naive
>>> superstitious Christian selves.
>>> (4) In promoting homosexual perversions like child molesters - the
>>> Jews in America have no equal. Our thanks go out to them for bringing
>>> we Christian goy to realize the political correctness of some of their
>>> best known efforts - such as NAMBLA. Who are we backward Gentiles to
>>> suggest that it is wrong to for an adult pervert to give a 5 year old
>>> child `sexual pleasure'. Thank you for your historic efforts in
>>> teaching us to `grow up' in `your world'.
>>> (5) Not to be outdone by the level of porn in their IsraHELL homeland
>>> - American Jews have made us proud to say that today - through their
>>> tireless efforts - America now ranks as the porn capitol of the world!
>>> The examples are too numerous to chronicle , but typical are the
>>> series of child pornography web sites operated by two Jews with ties
>>> to Israel who go by the names of Jeff Libman and Marc Greenburg. These
>>> two Jewish pedophiles operate their "kiddy porn" business under
>>> Florida's corporate laws. Those of us Gentiles who wish to become
>>> successful businessmen like Libman and Greenberg would do well to
>>> learn from these `pros' because Jews have historically proven to be
>>> leaders in profitable businesses.
>>> (6) Certainly high on the list should be the Jewish contribution to
>>> the cold-blooded butchering of hundreds of our sons fathers and
>>> brothers aboard an unarmed Navy vessel (the USS Liberty) in
>>> international waters. These thoughtless sailors had the audacity to do
>>> something that obviously upset the Jews who were at the time
>>> committing wholesale war crimes. Our `hats off' to the tireless
>>> efforts of American Jews like Jay Crystal - who dedicated his life to
>>> expose the alleged atrocities against Israel as "baseless
>>> conspiratorial nonsense". Jay - we are so embarrassed that America
>>> would dare to criticize your country for something so trivial as the
>>> slaughter of a few useless US Navy sailors.
>>> (7) Making sure that American made food products meet their rigid
>>> standards - Jews here bravely pioneered the `kosherizing' of hundreds
>>> of products we use everyday and by their rabbinic blessing - we
>>> ignorant Christian goy are protected. Of course we goy must PAY EXTRA
>>> for these Jew `blessings' but we are fortunate to have Jews look out
>>> after our health and well being.
>>> (8) By enforcing the censorship of prayer in our public schools Jews
>>> in America have saved us from our own mistakes of mixing religion and
>>> state. Countless murders, violence, pregnancies and crimes have
>>> resulted from this action - but we must focus on the big picture. We
>>> are grateful to have been shown the error of our silly ways and the
>>> offending of minority groups.
>>> (8) Perhaps one of their greatest contributions to keeping America on
>>> the `correct' path is the Jew success of removing all vestiges of our
>>> offensive and superstitious celebration of the birth of our Lord. Only
>>> under their strict censorship of anything with the word "Jesus" or
>>> "Christmas" - have we come to see the error of our ways and our
>>> thoughtless insensitivity to Jewish feelings. How thoughtless of us
>>> `goy' to show such universal reverence for a Man that the Jews find so
>>> offensive.
>>> (9) We should celebrate many of their historic efforts in projects
>>> such as the promotion of interracial marriage, homosexual marriages,
>>> perverts as scoutmasters and role model for our misguided youth. We
>>> owe a debt of gratitude to these Jews for `opening our eyes' to our
>>> narrow-mindedness and disregard for `diversity'.
>>> (10) Without ANY doubt - Jews have historically been the firebrands on
>>> the pro-choice movements in America. We are thankful to these Jews for
>>> their instrumental part in the eradication of tens of millions of
>>> `fetuses' - which - left to live would have become `babies' and
>>> therefore create huge social problems when these unwanted nuisances
>>> become adults and need jobs, homes, food, life, liberty and the
>>> pursuit of happiness. Some say that that "terminating pregnancies" -
>>> endlessly - by tens of millions - creates a society that becomes
>>> insensitive to life. That is obviously childish sentimental rubbish.
>>> Lest anyone think that the IsraHELL Jew is not keeping `their end' of
>>> this commitment up to par - consider this verifiable fact. Not to be
>>> outdone, the IsraHELL self-chosen there, murder 18-20% of ALL of their
>>> unborn on a annual basis - year in and year out. Commendable conduct!
>>> (10) Jews have also been `pioneers' in the eradication of Biblical
>>> fables like creationism and have successfully replaced this nonsense
>>> with scientifically founded principles like evolutionism. Their
>>> tireless pioneering efforts in protecting our youth from ignorance in
>>> this matter have spread to popular `educational channels' like History
>>> Channel - Discovery Channel - Science Channel - and National
>>> Geographic Channel. We guileless Christians have long needed this
>>> `enlightenment'.
>>> (11) Jew pioneers such as Michael Eisner have changed the moral
>>> landscape of Disney World to incorporate a more "diverse" atmosphere
>>> of real life violence - homosexuals - and the expunging of all
>>> Biblical nonsense ( fantasies, which of course could do irreparable
>>> damage to the psyche of our young.)
>>> (12) Jew Historians have made us aware of the immense suffering of
>>> fellow Jews in the `Holocaust'. It has made we `goy' realize that the
>>> `chosen' are the only ethnic group in history to suffer persecution -
>>> and of course should we discover that TWENTY MILLION CHRISTIANS were
>>> persecuted and murdered by Jews - we must keep in mind that ONLY the
>>> suffering of the Jew is of historical importance.
>>> (13) Other Jew historians have brought us to our senses about our
>>> unfounded admiration of the Founding Fathers - having taught us their
>>> true natures as bigots, philanderers, hypocrites, and criminals in
>>> general. We misguided Christians need to divest ourselves of these
>>> false `patriots' and adopt role models more in touch with Jewish
>>> intellectuals - such as Lenin - Stalin - Marx - Freud - Trotsky and
>>> Kaganovitch.
>>> (14) American history and Jew film history are inseparable. We owe a
>>> great deal of thanks to Jew movie moguls who have helped to forge a
>>> new American youth - no longer hindered by sentimental nonsense,
>>> archaic values, and corrupt Christian beliefs. They have freed our
>>> children's souls with real life lessons in violence, rape, murder,
>>> porn, crime, perversions, profanity and blasphemies. Only Jews could
>>> have done this invaluable favor for our naively wholesome misguided
>>> youth. There are hundreds of good examples - but Whoppi Goldberg set
>>> the `mark' when in a public show, she suggested that the Christian
>>> Bible should be used for "toilet paper" - thus freeing us `goy' from
>>> our childlike beliefs in these nonsense fairytales. We owe the
>>> Hollywood Jew-dominated entertainment industry a tremendous vote of
>>> thanks for `straightening out' our silly harmful superstitions.
>>> (15) History will also credit American Jews with having led America
>>> into endless serial wars with evil Arab peoples - so as to benefit
>>> their true homeland - Israel. One can only admire their ability to
>>> make Christian Americans their personal `bulldog' - trained to attack
>>> ANY nation who so much as criticizes the `chosen'. They have taught us
>>> ignorant goy that any enemy of Israel is America's enemy also - and
>>> must be exterminated. God will certainly bless America for our part in
>>> the `Palestinian Holocaust'. The Jews are absolutely correct. We
>>> should kill every one of those "****roaches" ( The favorite Israeli
>>> description of the Palestinians) - ESPECIALLY the children, which we
>>> are doing our best at, every day!
>>> (16) Not to be overlooked in importance, is the historic fact that
>>> Jews financed and created, the one true religion - Marxist/Leninist
>>> Communism! 1917 will be a date in history that mankind will never
>>> forget and Jewish leadership made it possible. Although some critical
>>> historians would tell us that the over 200,000,000 souls whose lives
>>> were snuffed out in the bloody reign of terror `process' was too high
>>> a price to pay - we now understand that it was necessary for our
>>> reeducation and the creation of the `new man' devoid of the
>>> superstitious beliefs and burdensome moral restraints taught by "a
>>> dead God". After all folks - if you must make an `ideological omelet'
>>> - ya gotta `break some eggs'.
>>> (17) Finally - we American `Goy' should be eternally thankful for Jews
>>> having Jesus murdered by torture and crucifixion. Who knows what
>>> mischief this "blasphemer" and "false prophet" might have wrought if
>>> not stopped by the courageous actions of the Pharisee Jew leadership
>>> at the time! Oh vey! Swindling people with money changing `such a
>>> deals' at the Temples was a `Jew thing' and the impudence of
>>> muckrakers like Jesus with His angry tantrums of kicking over the
>>> gambling tables in the Temples could just not be tolerated. Also
>>> important to consider. Since these Jews were the wisest men of the
>>> time, and if they said that the mother of Jesus was a whore - it
>>> certainly had to be true!
>>> (18) The historical contributions of America Jews are legion and I
>>> have humbly touched on only a few highlights. It must be with great
>>> pride that these Jews can honestly say that their contributions have
>>> helped make our secular, diverse, multicultural, material non-
>>> religious nation the powerful feared imperialist country we are today.
>>> But MOST importantly - throughout our history - Jew have led the way
>>> in educating us Christians to the fact that making money and more and
>>> more money IS IN FACT what life here in AmeriKa is all about. We are
>>> eternally grateful for showing us the error of our ways in our
>>> childlike and offensive worship and dedication to the teachings of
>>> Jesus Christ - and leading us in the discovery and worship of the one


"Peitsche" <none@none.com> wrote in message

[Ignorant puke deleted]

At least 173 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been awarded
the Nobel Prize, accounting for 23% of all individual recipients
worldwide between 1901 and 2006, and constituting 37% of all US
recipients during the same period. In the scientific research fields of
Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world and
US percentages are 27% and 39%, respectively. (Jews currently make up
approximately 0.25% of the world's population and 2% of the US

Chemistry (29 prize winners, 19% of world total, 28% of US total)
Economics (22 prize winners, 38% of world total, 51% of US total)
Literature (13 prize winners, 13% of world total, 27% of US total)
Peace (9 prize winners, 10% of world total, 11% of US total)
Physics (47 prize winners, 26% of world total, 38% of US total)
Physiology or Medicine (53 prize winners, 28% of world total, 42% of US

See also:

Jewish Recipients of the US National Medal of Science (158 recipients,
37% of total)
Jewish Recipients of the Kyoto Prize (27% of recipients)
Early Bird wrote:
> Dax p8oihd102@sneakemail.com said:
>> National American Jewish History Month

> Spiro T. Agnew speaks to me from the spirit world and keeps demanding that we
> search out all the neo-Nazis and shove un greased hand grenades up their tight
> assholes, detonating them with an electric anal probe.
> Do you know what these dreams mean?

It means you need to watch those homosexual fantasies.

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"David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> "Peitsche" <none@none.com> wrote in message
> news:gL2dnckJTKhM3MbbnZ2dnUVZ_qarnZ2d@comcast.com...
> [Ignorant puke deleted]
> At least 173 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry

What's a 1/2 jew? haha We'll count those as non jews lol

have been awarded
> the Nobel Prize, accounting for 23% of all individual recipients
> worldwide between 1901 and 2006, and constituting 37% of all US
> recipients during the same period. In the scientific research fields of
> Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world and
> US percentages are 27% and 39%, respectively. (Jews currently make up
> approximately 0.25% of the world's population and 2% of the US
> population.)

We all know the Nobel Prize is a joke and the Nobel committee has been taken
over by yids.The real brains in this world belong to the European non-jews.
It's a prize putzhead just like the Acedemy Awards and people vote on who
wins lol The Pulizer Prize winners tend to be frauds and losers as well.

Here are some losers who won the prize: Jimmy Carter(putzhead)Nelson Mandela
(terrorist and bomber)Arafat,Rabin and Peres (schmucks and terrorists)
Gorbachev(communist dictator) Elie Weisel(fraud and charlatan) Martin Luther
King (plagiarist,abuser of white women and dunce) hahahahaha
"Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
> "David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> news:5c154eF2um3ouU1@mid.individual.net...
> > "Peitsche" <none@none.com> wrote in message
> > news:gL2dnckJTKhM3MbbnZ2dnUVZ_qarnZ2d@comcast.com...
> >
> > [Ignorant puke deleted]
> >
> > At least 173 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry
> > have been awarded
> > the Nobel Prize, accounting for 23% of all individual recipients
> > worldwide between 1901 and 2006, and constituting 37% of all US
> > recipients during the same period. In the scientific research

fields of
> > Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world

> > US percentages are 27% and 39%, respectively. (Jews currently make

> > approximately 0.25% of the world's population and 2% of the US
> > population.)

> We all know the Nobel Prize is a joke and the Nobel committee has been

> over by yids.The real brains in this world belong to the European

> It's a prize putzhead just like the Acedemy Awards and people vote on

> wins lol The Pulizer Prize winners tend to be frauds and losers as


I've got news for you douchebag. Nobel Prize winners are people who
have made huge contributions to the world. Can you say "sour grapes?"

You, on the other hand, are the biggest fraud AND the biggest loser I've
ever seen in my life. Can you say "projection?"

Go crawl back under your rock, you pathetic piece of dung.
On May 28, 6:46 am, "Roger" <roge...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Jesus was a Jew.

And the Jews had him killed because he didn't like their
money-grubbing in the temple and because he didn't
care to make Jews rulers of the world.
On May 28, 11:55 am, "David Z" <m...@privacy.net> wrote:
> Another living example that stupidity is, in fact, the most abundant
> substance in the universe.

It certainly is in the U.S., where way too many swallow ZioNazi
On May 28, 7:00 pm, "David Z" <m...@privacy.net> wrote:
> "Peitsche" <n...@none.com> wrote in message
> news:gL2dnckJTKhM3MbbnZ2dnUVZ_qarnZ2d@comcast.com...
> [Ignorant puke deleted]
> At least 173 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry

But wait! I thought Jewishness was a religion, not a race....

The Nobel prize is pretty much a joke now really...more concerned with
<floresrikitic@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> On May 28, 7:00 pm, "David Z" <m...@privacy.net> wrote:
> > "Peitsche" <n...@none.com> wrote in message
> >
> > news:gL2dnckJTKhM3MbbnZ2dnUVZ_qarnZ2d@comcast.com...
> >
> > [Ignorant puke deleted]
> >
> > At least 173 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry

> But wait! I thought Jewishness was a religion, not a race....
> The Nobel prize is pretty much a joke now really...more concerned with
> politics.

The only thing dumber than stupidity is obstinate stupidity.

If there were a Nobel prize for that, you'd be a top candidate.

An argument can be made that the Nobel Peace prize has a political
component. However, Nobel Prize recipients in such areas of Chemistry,
Economics, Physics, and Medicine have certainly made enormous
contributions to the world based on great achievements in their fields.
Only someone with a huge, unwarranted axe to grind would argue

The inability to give credit where credit is due is a major character
flaw. You should do some serious soul searching.
On Mon, 28 May 2007 19:00:34 -0400, "David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote:

>"Peitsche" <none@none.com> wrote in message
>[Ignorant puke deleted]
>At least 173 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been awarded
>the Nobel Prize, accounting for 23% of all individual recipients
>worldwide between 1901 and 2006, and constituting 37% of all US
>recipients during the same period. In the scientific research fields of
>Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world and
>US percentages are 27% and 39%, respectively. (Jews currently make up
>approximately 0.25% of the world's population and 2% of the US
>Chemistry (29 prize winners, 19% of world total, 28% of US total)
>Economics (22 prize winners, 38% of world total, 51% of US total)
>Literature (13 prize winners, 13% of world total, 27% of US total)
>Peace (9 prize winners, 10% of world total, 11% of US total)
>Physics (47 prize winners, 26% of world total, 38% of US total)
>Physiology or Medicine (53 prize winners, 28% of world total, 42% of US
>See also:
>Jewish Recipients of the US National Medal of Science (158 recipients,
>37% of total)
>Jewish Recipients of the Kyoto Prize (27% of recipients)

You forgot to mention sitting on your cowardly asses and facilitating
the murder of 6 million of your own. Now that's one hell of an
<bl@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> On Mon, 28 May 2007 19:00:34 -0400, "David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote:
> >"Peitsche" <none@none.com> wrote in message
> >news:gL2dnckJTKhM3MbbnZ2dnUVZ_qarnZ2d@comcast.com...
> >
> >[Ignorant puke deleted]
> >
> >At least 173 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been

> >the Nobel Prize, accounting for 23% of all individual recipients
> >worldwide between 1901 and 2006, and constituting 37% of all US
> >recipients during the same period. In the scientific research fields

> >Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world

> >US percentages are 27% and 39%, respectively. (Jews currently make

> >approximately 0.25% of the world's population and 2% of the US
> >population.)
> >
> >Chemistry (29 prize winners, 19% of world total, 28% of US total)
> >Economics (22 prize winners, 38% of world total, 51% of US total)
> >Literature (13 prize winners, 13% of world total, 27% of US total)
> >Peace (9 prize winners, 10% of world total, 11% of US total)
> >Physics (47 prize winners, 26% of world total, 38% of US total)
> >Physiology or Medicine (53 prize winners, 28% of world total, 42% of

> >total)
> >
> >See also:
> >
> >Jewish Recipients of the US National Medal of Science (158

> >37% of total)
> >Jewish Recipients of the Kyoto Prize (27% of recipients)
> >

> You forgot to mention sitting on your cowardly asses and facilitating
> the murder of 6 million of your own. Now that's one hell of an
> accomplishment.

Blame the victim, eh?

OK, let me guess...you probably blame them, too, for creating their own
homeland and defending it. Correct?
">> >
>> You forgot to mention sitting on your cowardly asses and facilitating
>> the murder of 6 million of your own. Now that's one hell of an
>> accomplishment.

> Blame the victim, eh?
> OK, let me guess...you probably blame them, too, for creating their own
> homeland and defending it. Correct?

But they didn't create it, we did. We felt sorry for the schlemiels and gave
it to them.
"Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
> ">> >
> >>
> >> You forgot to mention sitting on your cowardly asses and

> >> the murder of 6 million of your own. Now that's one hell of an
> >> accomplishment.

> >
> > Blame the victim, eh?
> >
> > OK, let me guess...you probably blame them, too, for creating their

> > homeland and defending it. Correct?

> But they didn't create it, we did. We felt sorry for the schlemiels

and gave
> it to them.

More psychotic nonsense from Avenger, the Frustrated, Bitter Moron Loser
of Usenet

>> ">> >
>> >>
>> >> You forgot to mention sitting on your cowardly asses and

> facilitating
>> >> the murder of 6 million of your own. Now that's one hell of an
>> >> accomplishment.
>> >
>> > Blame the victim, eh?
>> >
>> > OK, let me guess...you probably blame them, too, for creating their

> own
>> > homeland and defending it. Correct?

>> But they didn't create it, we did. We felt sorry for the schlemiels

> and gave
>> it to them.

> More psychotic nonsense from Avenger, the Frustrated, Bitter Moron Loser
> of Usenet

The putzhead is really ignorant, so much for the myth of the smart jew lol
The Yids had their eye on Palestine for a hundred years but all they were
able to do is buy property there, they still didn't have their own country.
After WWII there were many jew refugees (I guess the Nasties didn't kill
them all lol) and they had nowhere to go. So eventually through the
manipulation of the US and jew groups they got Palestine from the UN. They
could have had Uganda, a beautiful Africa country on a plateau with a
temperate climate and a lot of natural resources where they could have been
like Kings compared to the Negroes who lived there. But no, they had to have
this piece of dirt in the middle east where they were basically aliens,
surrrounded by a trillion arabs lol Nice desert there too, it makes the
deserts of the US southwest look like the garden of eden. Jews smart?
"Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
> >> ">> >
> >> >>
> >> >> You forgot to mention sitting on your cowardly asses and

> > facilitating
> >> >> the murder of 6 million of your own. Now that's one hell of an
> >> >> accomplishment.
> >> >
> >> > Blame the victim, eh?
> >> >
> >> > OK, let me guess...you probably blame them, too, for creating

> > own
> >> > homeland and defending it. Correct?
> >>
> >> But they didn't create it, we did. We felt sorry for the schlemiels

> > and gave
> >> it to them.

> >
> > More psychotic nonsense from Avenger, the Frustrated, Bitter Moron

> > of Usenet

> The putzhead is really ignorant,

Yes, you are.

> The Yids had their eye on Palestine for a hundred years...

No, moron, they've lived there continuously for over 3,000 years.
"David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> "Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:e1H7i.4801$D31.1698@trnddc01...
>> >> ">> >
>> >> >>
>> >> >> You forgot to mention sitting on your cowardly asses and
>> > facilitating
>> >> >> the murder of 6 million of your own. Now that's one hell of an
>> >> >> accomplishment.
>> >> >
>> >> > Blame the victim, eh?
>> >> >
>> >> > OK, let me guess...you probably blame them, too, for creating

> their
>> > own
>> >> > homeland and defending it. Correct?
>> >>
>> >> But they didn't create it, we did. We felt sorry for the schlemiels
>> > and gave
>> >> it to them.
>> >
>> > More psychotic nonsense from Avenger, the Frustrated, Bitter Moron

> Loser
>> > of Usenet

>> The putzhead is really ignorant,

> Yes, you are.
>> The Yids had their eye on Palestine for a hundred years...

> No, moron, they've lived there continuously for over 3,000 years.

You're a wacko. Now, Rome is legitimately 3000 years old but no jew lived
for more than about 50 years continuously in Palestine. Even the oldest book
included in the Bible is at MOST from 700-900BC. and we don't even know who
wrote it or if it had anything to do with the ancient Hebrews, who never
numbered more than 150k. Everyone knows that the so called Temple was
originally a Roman Temple to Apollo, this is why when they explore the
foundations and cellar they find scrolls written in LATIN. It's true that
the jews used this temple but it was given to them by the Romans to keep
them quiet. At that time the jews were holding their sacrifices,
circumcisions and other primitive rites in tents. Yes, tents!
So little boy, go study some history because I think you're about 15 and
know nothing but the propaganda you were taught in hebrew school.

"Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
> "David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> news:5c942pF2uhu9lU1@mid.individual.net...
> >
> > "Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
> > news:e1H7i.4801$D31.1698@trnddc01...
> >>
> >> >> ">> >
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> You forgot to mention sitting on your cowardly asses and
> >> > facilitating
> >> >> >> the murder of 6 million of your own. Now that's one hell of

> >> >> >> accomplishment.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Blame the victim, eh?
> >> >> >
> >> >> > OK, let me guess...you probably blame them, too, for creating

> > their
> >> > own
> >> >> > homeland and defending it. Correct?
> >> >>
> >> >> But they didn't create it, we did. We felt sorry for the

> >> > and gave
> >> >> it to them.
> >> >
> >> > More psychotic nonsense from Avenger, the Frustrated, Bitter

> > Loser
> >> > of Usenet
> >>
> >> The putzhead is really ignorant,

> >
> > Yes, you are.
> >
> >> The Yids had their eye on Palestine for a hundred years...

> >
> > No, moron, they've lived there continuously for over 3,000 years.

> You're a wacko. Now, Rome is legitimately 3000 years old but no jew

> for more than about 50 years continuously in Palestine. Even the

oldest book
> included in the Bible is at MOST from 700-900BC. and we don't even

know who
> wrote it or if it had anything to do with the ancient Hebrews, who

> numbered more than 150k. Everyone knows that the so called Temple was
> originally a Roman Temple to Apollo, this is why when they explore the
> foundations and cellar they find scrolls written in LATIN. It's true

> the jews used this temple but it was given to them by the Romans to

> them quiet. At that time the jews were holding their sacrifices,
> circumcisions and other primitive rites in tents. Yes, tents!
> So little boy, go study some history because I think you're about 15

> know nothing but the propaganda you were taught in hebrew school.


What a crock of ****!

My only question to you is -- how do you pull this stuff out of your ass
when your head's in the way?
"David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> "Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:qON7i.1993$d63.1737@trnddc06...
>> "David Z" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
>> news:5c942pF2uhu9lU1@mid.individual.net...
>> >
>> > "Avenger" <avenger@avengers.co.uk> wrote in message
>> > news:e1H7i.4801$D31.1698@trnddc01...
>> >>
>> >> >> ">> >
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> You forgot to mention sitting on your cowardly asses and
>> >> > facilitating
>> >> >> >> the murder of 6 million of your own. Now that's one hell of

> an
>> >> >> >> accomplishment.
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > Blame the victim, eh?
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > OK, let me guess...you probably blame them, too, for creating
>> > their
>> >> > own
>> >> >> > homeland and defending it. Correct?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> But they didn't create it, we did. We felt sorry for the

> schlemiels
>> >> > and gave
>> >> >> it to them.
>> >> >
>> >> > More psychotic nonsense from Avenger, the Frustrated, Bitter

> Moron
>> > Loser
>> >> > of Usenet
>> >>
>> >> The putzhead is really ignorant,
>> >
>> > Yes, you are.
>> >
>> >> The Yids had their eye on Palestine for a hundred years...
>> >
>> > No, moron, they've lived there continuously for over 3,000 years.

>> You're a wacko. Now, Rome is legitimately 3000 years old but no jew

> lived
>> for more than about 50 years continuously in Palestine. Even the

> oldest book
>> included in the Bible is at MOST from 700-900BC. and we don't even

> know who
>> wrote it or if it had anything to do with the ancient Hebrews, who

> never
>> numbered more than 150k. Everyone knows that the so called Temple was
>> originally a Roman Temple to Apollo, this is why when they explore the
>> foundations and cellar they find scrolls written in LATIN. It's true

> that
>> the jews used this temple but it was given to them by the Romans to

> keep
>> them quiet. At that time the jews were holding their sacrifices,
>> circumcisions and other primitive rites in tents. Yes, tents!
>> So little boy, go study some history because I think you're about 15

> and
>> know nothing but the propaganda you were taught in hebrew school.

> ROTFLMAO!!!!!!
> What a crock of ****!
> My only question to you is -- how do you pull this stuff out of your ass
> when your head's in the way?

So you don't refute it? All I hear is a lot of dumb juvenile comments
(typical jew) like "crock of ****" . Why are jews always thinking of ****?