A few notes for outlaw and the rest of alt.drugs.hard

On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:
> >snip oh 2-belo, I don't want be your bad guy these days.
> >times have changed, new things have yet to be explored.

> >I apologize if any nut****ery has offended you indirectly because
> >of the zombie junkies on alt.drugs.hard. let's be friends again
> >:)

> Assuming this isn't a wacky forgery... you're kidding, right? You do realize
> that posting offerings of reconciliation and friendship in alt.flame is
> tantamount to submitting your throat, lamblike, to your conquerors to slash to
> ribbons for all eternity? What the hell's the matter with you? Are you on
> drugs ?!
> Oh wait.

I have 60mg of prozac 300mg of neurontin x3 a day and 80mg of

it helps me

especially when i mix it with other things

btw some people forget to log out after using public computers which
is "mad rad"
and fun for all.

> --
> The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
> Emperor, Meow (Retired, on generous military pension)
> afk-mn WebCenter:http://www.godhatesjanks.org/webcenter/
> auk: Hammer of Thor by Special Decree 1999
> (Upgraded to Diamond in 2005)
> aavf3: mhm21x20
> "Today tragedy struck a very small town. The town's
> only parking lot caught fire and burned to the ground.
> The police chief had this to say: 'It was either one
> psychopath, full of hate... or a group of five psychopaths
> with 20 percent of the hate for each.'" -- John F. Stepp

Rob Cypher
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblackley@gmail.com wrote:

>On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
>> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:
>> >snip oh 2-belo, I don't want be your bad guy these days.
>> >times have changed, new things have yet to be explored.

>> >I apologize if any nut****ery has offended you indirectly because
>> >of the zombie junkies on alt.drugs.hard. let's be friends again
>> >:)

>> Assuming this isn't a wacky forgery... you're kidding, right? You do realize
>> that posting offerings of reconciliation and friendship in alt.flame is
>> tantamount to submitting your throat, lamblike, to your conquerors to slash to
>> ribbons for all eternity? What the hell's the matter with you? Are you on
>> drugs ?!
>> Oh wait.

>I have 60mg of prozac 300mg of neurontin x3 a day and 80mg of

get off the prozac, pronto, dude. really. it has the highest
incidence of SSRI poopout, which is a life threatening, sudden drop
into the abyss of suicidal depression. one day fine, next day
suicidal. ive been there.

zoloft or paxil is much safer, specially zoloft.

>it helps me
>especially when i mix it with other things
>btw some people forget to log out after using public computers which
>is "mad rad"
>and fun for all.
>> --
>> The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
>> Emperor, Meow (Retired, on generous military pension)
>> afk-mn WebCenter:http://www.godhatesjanks.org/webcenter/
>> auk: Hammer of Thor by Special Decree 1999
>> (Upgraded to Diamond in 2005)
>> aavf3: mhm21x20
>> "Today tragedy struck a very small town. The town's
>> only parking lot caught fire and burned to the ground.
>> The police chief had this to say: 'It was either one
>> psychopath, full of hate... or a group of five psychopaths
>> with 20 percent of the hate for each.'" -- John F. Stepp

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>
Somewhere on teh intarweb "don100024@yahoo.com" typed:
> On Feb 18, 7:00 pm, the long con <tyronethighbone...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Go **** yourself, loser. What a pitiful example of a human being you
>> are.
>> - Show quoted text -

> You know tyronethighbone,
> I have looked about here a bit and on every post you make
> it's just more of the same.
> Calling people names and using profanity
> Seems youre the pitful one here as you seem unable to rise above
> simple namecalling and showing your arse.

You aren't fooling anyone Ben Leaman. (It's in the headers)

BTW, nice job of describing your own posts.
On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
> >wrote:
> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

> >> >snip oh 2-belo, I don't want be your bad guy these days.
> >> >times have changed, new things have yet to be explored.

> >> >I apologize if any nut****ery has offended you indirectly because
> >> >of the zombie junkies on alt.drugs.hard. let's be friends again
> >> >:)

> >> Assuming this isn't a wacky forgery... you're kidding, right? You do realize
> >> that posting offerings of reconciliation and friendship in alt.flame is
> >> tantamount to submitting your throat, lamblike, to your conquerors to slash to
> >> ribbons for all eternity? What the hell's the matter with you? Are you on
> >> drugs ?!

> >> Oh wait.

> >I have 60mg of prozac 300mg of neurontin x3 a day and 80mg of
> >strattera

> get off the prozac, pronto, dude. really. it has the highest
> incidence of SSRI poopout, which is a life threatening, sudden drop
> into the abyss of suicidal depression. one day fine, next day
> suicidal. ive been there.
> zoloft or paxil is much safer, specially zoloft.

nah, prozac has helped me the most out of all the SSRIs. Both zoloft
and paxil kill
my sex drive, cause nightmares, and generally makes me more
Ironically zoloft/paxil is usually prescribed for people suffering
from PTSD, which
I've been diagnosed with. all depends on the individual's
neurochemical makeup.

> >it helps me

> >especially when i mix it with other things

> >btw some people forget to log out after using public computers which
> >is "mad rad"
> >and fun for all.

> >> --
> >> The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
> >> Emperor, Meow (Retired, on generous military pension)
> >> afk-mn WebCenter:http://www.godhatesjanks.org/webcenter/
> >> auk: Hammer of Thor by Special Decree 1999
> >> (Upgraded to Diamond in 2005)
> >> aavf3: mhm21x20

> >> "Today tragedy struck a very small town. The town's
> >> only parking lot caught fire and burned to the ground.
> >> The police chief had this to say: 'It was either one
> >> psychopath, full of hate... or a group of five psychopaths
> >> with 20 percent of the hate for each.'" -- John F. Stepp

> --
> dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
> <This space for rent.>

Rob Cypher
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher
<robcypherenator@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
>> >wrote:
>> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

>> >> >snip oh 2-belo, I don't want be your bad guy these days.
>> >> >times have changed, new things have yet to be explored.

>> >> >I apologize if any nut****ery has offended you indirectly because
>> >> >of the zombie junkies on alt.drugs.hard. let's be friends again
>> >> >:)

>> >> Assuming this isn't a wacky forgery... you're kidding, right? You do realize
>> >> that posting offerings of reconciliation and friendship in alt.flame is
>> >> tantamount to submitting your throat, lamblike, to your conquerors to slash to
>> >> ribbons for all eternity? What the hell's the matter with you? Are you on
>> >> drugs ?!

>> >> Oh wait.

>> >I have 60mg of prozac 300mg of neurontin x3 a day and 80mg of
>> >strattera

>> get off the prozac, pronto, dude. really. it has the highest
>> incidence of SSRI poopout, which is a life threatening, sudden drop
>> into the abyss of suicidal depression. one day fine, next day
>> suicidal. ive been there.
>> zoloft or paxil is much safer, specially zoloft.

>nah, prozac has helped me the most out of all the SSRIs. Both zoloft
>and paxil kill
>my sex drive, cause nightmares, and generally makes me more
>Ironically zoloft/paxil is usually prescribed for people suffering
>from PTSD, which
>I've been diagnosed with. all depends on the individual's
>neurochemical makeup.

abso****inglutely true that bit about all of us having slightly
different neurochemical makeups. makes the whole damned process of
finding a drug ****tail that works so hard and long and frustrating
that it just makes you want to cry.

well, i just hope your chemistry wards off that nasty SSRI poopout,
and if it DOES happen, please get ye to the emergency room stat, or,
as i did, i called a friend who came and got me while i cowered in a
corner scared to death of my own mind.

in any case, i wish you only the best of luck finding out what works
for you, and, more importantly, that it keeps working and doesnt stop
working in a few years. which sucks whale balls, man.

a small side note: paxil has a somewhat amphetamine side to it, which
when mixed with wellbutrin (same amphetamine side effects) and ritilin
(!), gave me several 20 minute bouts with well over 200 pulse rate.
~scared~ ~the~ ~****~ ~out~ ~of~ ~me~, i tell you! not to mention an
increased rate of manic episodes. needless to say, i was off that
****tail post haste!

>> >it helps me

>> >especially when i mix it with other things

>> >btw some people forget to log out after using public computers which
>> >is "mad rad"
>> >and fun for all.

>> >> --
>> >> The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
>> >> Emperor, Meow (Retired, on generous military pension)
>> >> afk-mn WebCenter:http://www.godhatesjanks.org/webcenter/
>> >> auk: Hammer of Thor by Special Decree 1999
>> >> (Upgraded to Diamond in 2005)
>> >> aavf3: mhm21x20

>> >> "Today tragedy struck a very small town. The town's
>> >> only parking lot caught fire and burned to the ground.
>> >> The police chief had this to say: 'It was either one
>> >> psychopath, full of hate... or a group of five psychopaths
>> >> with 20 percent of the hate for each.'" -- John F. Stepp

>> --
>> dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
>> <This space for rent.>

>Rob Cypher

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher
<robcypherenator@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
>> >wrote:
>> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
recognize the mania. youd be surprised how well my cats are
predictors of this. next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
zyprexa, at bedtime. voila!, squashes my mania. once, i had to do
the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. but its
worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
episodes a year.

id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
cravings every day im on the stuff.

theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
super quashing manias. they call it the Covington ****tail. and
youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
sure bet. its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
5mg haldol (haloperidol). be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
take this one. unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.

(my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
or email him before i do it anyway.)

unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
knock those out, too.

another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. sometimes, i
dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
back and identify what did it.

just another 2 cents for ya.

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>
On Feb 25, 6:09 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher
> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
> >> >wrote:
> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
> recognize the mania. youd be surprised how well my cats are
> predictors of this. next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
> zyprexa, at bedtime. voila!, squashes my mania. once, i had to do
> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. but its
> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
> episodes a year.
> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
> cravings every day im on the stuff.
> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
> super quashing manias. they call it the Covington ****tail. and
> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
> sure bet. its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
> take this one. unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.
> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
> or email him before i do it anyway.)
> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
> knock those out, too.
> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. sometimes, i
> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
> back and identify what did it.
> just another 2 cents for ya.
> --
> dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
> <This space for rent.>

Dave, not to intrude, but are you only taking a mood stabilizer when
you're cycling into mania? (Likes the sound of that). If so, how does
that work out for you when you're not manic? Do you feel more-or-less

I'm on Abilify for a mood stabilizer, but it interferes with sleep.
Zyprexa and Seroquel are terrible for weight gain, longterm (which you
know). It would be nice to take an antipsychotic only as needed.

On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:58:06 -0800 (PST), marcia
<marcia12345.c@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Feb 25, 6:09 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher
>> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
>> >> >wrote:
>> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

>> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
>> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
>> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
>> recognize the mania. youd be surprised how well my cats are
>> predictors of this. next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
>> zyprexa, at bedtime. voila!, squashes my mania. once, i had to do
>> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. but its
>> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
>> episodes a year.
>> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
>> cravings every day im on the stuff.
>> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
>> super quashing manias. they call it the Covington ****tail. and
>> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
>> sure bet. its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
>> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
>> take this one. unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
>> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.
>> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
>> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
>> or email him before i do it anyway.)
>> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
>> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
>> knock those out, too.
>> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
>> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. sometimes, i
>> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
>> back and identify what did it.
>> just another 2 cents for ya.
>> --
>> dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
>> <This space for rent.>

>Dave, not to intrude, but are you only taking a mood stabilizer when
>you're cycling into mania? (Likes the sound of that). If so, how does
>that work out for you when you're not manic? Do you feel more-or-less
>I'm on Abilify for a mood stabilizer, but it interferes with sleep.
>Zyprexa and Seroquel are terrible for weight gain, longterm (which you
>know). It would be nice to take an antipsychotic only as needed.

heck no, yer not intruding.

im on a daily ****tail right now thats worked reasonably well for at
least a year. (before that, i was on lithium, which did great, but my
dose was the same as if i bit a chunk of lithium from a lithium bar,
and since im still "young", my pdoc wanted me off it as it WILL
eventually poison several organs) my current ****tail is seroquel
(mood stabilizer, does ok at keeping away depressions most of the
time), zoloft (whos only ability seems to be keeping the suicidal
thoughts away, which is reason enough to take it), cozaar for high
blood pressure related to weight gained while on remeron 4 years ago,
and, when i get the anxiety or panic **** that can go along with
bipolar, i take klonopin as needed. i so love klonopin vs other
benzos, as it may take a little longer to act, but it lasts me maybe 8
hours. right now, pdoc and i have added 300mg (almost nothing) of
lithium to see if we can get me out of the current slump of sleeping
12 - 20 hours a day. and ive rigged a 175W metal halide bulb right
over my computer chair in case its actually seasonal effective

id actually love to try abilify, but its too damned expensive and
would eat my medicare prescription coverage up in less than half a

so far, ive had no real problems with seroquel for weight gain, though
it may be interfering with weight LOSS a bit. i still need to drop 50

so, no, i need a mood stabilizer everyday or i become the bitch from
hell on the rag every day of the month. but i only take the
antipsychotic zyprexa for a few days every manic cycle.

you know, ive thought that the atkins diet might be a really good one
for us folks who take medicine that tweeks the carb cravings. once
you are through the initial onset 2 week diet, you go into a ketosis
based (fat based, not carb based) metabolism. once there, you can
stare at a bowl of spag or a piece of bread for hours and not want a
taste, as per my erlier experience with the diet. but its not a cheap
diet. meat and cheese are much more expensive than carb foods. and
you have to drink TONS of fluids so your kidneys stay healthy. and
take good vitamins. its not an easy road to start out with. just a

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 19:57:33 -0500, dave hillstrom <DaVe@MeOw.OrG>

>On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:58:06 -0800 (PST), marcia
><marcia12345.c@gmail.com> wrote:
>>On Feb 25, 6:09 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher
>>> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>>> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
>>> >> >wrote:
>>> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:
>>> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
>>> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
>>> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
>>> recognize the mania. youd be surprised how well my cats are
>>> predictors of this. next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
>>> zyprexa, at bedtime. voila!, squashes my mania. once, i had to do
>>> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. but its
>>> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
>>> episodes a year.
>>> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
>>> cravings every day im on the stuff.
>>> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
>>> super quashing manias. they call it the Covington ****tail. and
>>> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
>>> sure bet. its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
>>> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
>>> take this one. unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
>>> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.
>>> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
>>> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
>>> or email him before i do it anyway.)
>>> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
>>> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
>>> knock those out, too.
>>> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
>>> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. sometimes, i
>>> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
>>> back and identify what did it.
>>> just another 2 cents for ya.
>>> --
>>> dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
>>> <This space for rent.>

>>Dave, not to intrude, but are you only taking a mood stabilizer when
>>you're cycling into mania? (Likes the sound of that). If so, how does
>>that work out for you when you're not manic? Do you feel more-or-less
>>I'm on Abilify for a mood stabilizer, but it interferes with sleep.
>>Zyprexa and Seroquel are terrible for weight gain, longterm (which you
>>know). It would be nice to take an antipsychotic only as needed.

>heck no, yer not intruding.
>im on a daily ****tail right now thats worked reasonably well for at
>least a year. (before that, i was on lithium, which did great, but my
>dose was the same as if i bit a chunk of lithium from a lithium bar,
>and since im still "young", my pdoc wanted me off it as it WILL
>eventually poison several organs) my current ****tail is seroquel
>(mood stabilizer, does ok at keeping away depressions most of the
>time), zoloft (whos only ability seems to be keeping the suicidal
>thoughts away, which is reason enough to take it), cozaar for high
>blood pressure related to weight gained while on remeron 4 years ago,
>and, when i get the anxiety or panic **** that can go along with
>bipolar, i take klonopin as needed. i so love klonopin vs other
>benzos, as it may take a little longer to act, but it lasts me maybe 8
>hours. right now, pdoc and i have added 300mg (almost nothing) of
>lithium to see if we can get me out of the current slump of sleeping
>12 - 20 hours a day. and ive rigged a 175W metal halide bulb right
>over my computer chair in case its actually seasonal effective

oh, yeah, almost forgot! im taking straterra as well, which IS
helping with motivation and concentration a bit.

and, just so you know, my illness list is: bipolar disorder WITH
associated anxiety, AADD, and a little bit of autism, which is what
~I~ think is the root cause of the others, not that that helps.

>id actually love to try abilify, but its too damned expensive and
>would eat my medicare prescription coverage up in less than half a
>so far, ive had no real problems with seroquel for weight gain, though
>it may be interfering with weight LOSS a bit. i still need to drop 50
>so, no, i need a mood stabilizer everyday or i become the bitch from
>hell on the rag every day of the month. but i only take the
>antipsychotic zyprexa for a few days every manic cycle.
>you know, ive thought that the atkins diet might be a really good one
>for us folks who take medicine that tweeks the carb cravings. once
>you are through the initial onset 2 week diet, you go into a ketosis
>based (fat based, not carb based) metabolism. once there, you can
>stare at a bowl of spag or a piece of bread for hours and not want a
>taste, as per my erlier experience with the diet. but its not a cheap
>diet. meat and cheese are much more expensive than carb foods. and
>you have to drink TONS of fluids so your kidneys stay healthy. and
>take good vitamins. its not an easy road to start out with. just a

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>
On Feb 25, 6:09?pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher
> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
> >> >wrote:
> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
> recognize the mania. ?youd be surprised how well my cats are
> predictors of this. ?next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
> zyprexa, at bedtime. ?voila!, squashes my mania. ?once, i had to do
> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. ?but its
> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
> episodes a year.
> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
> cravings every day im on the stuff.
> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
> super quashing manias. ?they call it the Covington ****tail. ?and
> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
> sure bet. ?its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). ?be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
> take this one. ?unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.
> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
> or email him before i do it anyway.)
> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
> knock those out, too.
> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. ?sometimes, i
> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
> back and identify what did it. ?
> just another 2 cents for ya.
> --
> dave hillstrom ? mhm15x4 ? zrbj
> <This space for rent.>

So you take Zyprexa on a prn basis? I'm not being nosy but curious
if you are on any other meds

My son was started on Zyprexa 5mg and 3 days later Cymbalta. This
was for depression with psychotic features.

I have to say it has worked well. I use to think these meds took a
month to work but they do work within days so I can understand your
prn basis.

That "Covington" ****tail is usually when someone is out of control.
It is more like chemical restraint.

On Feb 25, 2:05?pm, Rob Cypher <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> > On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
> > >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
> > >wrote:
> > >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

> > >> >snip oh 2-belo, I don't want be your bad guy these days.
> > >> >times have changed, new things have yet to be explored.

> > >> >I apologize if any nut****ery has offended you indirectly because
> > >> >of the zombie junkies on alt.drugs.hard. let's be friends again
> > >> >:)

> > >> Assuming this isn't a wacky forgery... you're kidding, right? You do realize
> > >> that posting offerings of reconciliation and friendship in alt.flame is
> > >> tantamount to submitting your throat, lamblike, to your conquerors to slash to
> > >> ribbons for all eternity? What the hell's the matter with you? Are you on
> > >> drugs ?!

> > >> Oh wait.

> > >I have 60mg of prozac 300mg of neurontin x3 a day and 80mg of
> > >strattera

> > get off the prozac, pronto, dude. ?really. ?it has the highest
> > incidence of SSRI poopout, which is a life threatening, sudden drop
> > into the abyss of suicidal depression. ?one day fine, next day
> > suicidal. ?ive been there.

> > zoloft or paxil is much safer, specially zoloft.

> nah, prozac has helped me the most out of all the SSRIs. Both zoloft
> and paxil kill
> my sex drive, cause nightmares, and generally makes me more
> depressed.
> Ironically zoloft/paxil is usually prescribed for people suffering
> from PTSD, which
> I've been diagnosed with. all depends on the individual's
> neurochemical makeup.
> > >it helps me

> > >especially when i mix it with other things

> > >btw some people forget to log out after using public computers which
> > >is "mad rad"
> > >and fun for all.

> > >> --
> > >> The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
> > >> Emperor, Meow (Retired, on generous military pension)
> > >> afk-mn WebCenter:http://www.godhatesjanks.org/webcenter/
> > >> auk: Hammer of Thor by Special Decree 1999
> > >> (Upgraded to Diamond in 2005)
> > >> aavf3: mhm21x20

> > >> "Today tragedy struck a very small town. The town's
> > >> only parking lot caught fire and burned to the ground.
> > >> The police chief had this to say: 'It was either one
> > >> psychopath, full of hate... or a group of five psychopaths
> > >> with 20 percent of the hate for each.'" -- John F. Stepp

> > --
> > dave hillstrom ? mhm15x4 ? zrbj

> > <This space for rent.>

> Rob Cypher
> robcypher.livejournal.com- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Research is working on individualizing medication.
Personally, those medications are all interchangeable.
It's just a matter of what works best for you.

I was Dx with PTSD. I found EMDR worked well.

On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:26:34 -0800 (PST), suzie MD <acranet@gmail.com>

>On Feb 25, 6:09?pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher
>> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
>> >> >wrote:
>> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

>> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
>> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
>> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
>> recognize the mania. ?youd be surprised how well my cats are
>> predictors of this. ?next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
>> zyprexa, at bedtime. ?voila!, squashes my mania. ?once, i had to do
>> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. ?but its
>> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
>> episodes a year.
>> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
>> cravings every day im on the stuff.
>> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
>> super quashing manias. ?they call it the Covington ****tail. ?and
>> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
>> sure bet. ?its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
>> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). ?be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
>> take this one. ?unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
>> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.
>> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
>> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
>> or email him before i do it anyway.)
>> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
>> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
>> knock those out, too.
>> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
>> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. ?sometimes, i
>> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
>> back and identify what did it. ?
>> just another 2 cents for ya.
>> --
>> dave hillstrom ? mhm15x4 ? zrbj
>> <This space for rent.>

>So you take Zyprexa on a prn basis? I'm not being nosy but curious
>if you are on any other meds

yup. zyprexa on prn basis. and i think i went over all my meds in
another post i wrote soon after this one, so check there first.

>My son was started on Zyprexa 5mg and 3 days later Cymbalta. This
>was for depression with psychotic features.
>I have to say it has worked well. I use to think these meds took a
>month to work but they do work within days so I can understand your
>prn basis.

some meds take two weeks to a month to kick in, some dont. i imagine
its personal neurochemistry that effects that.

>That "Covington" ****tail is usually when someone is out of control.
>It is more like chemical restraint.

yes, but it DOES work.

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>
In article <07a7s3d42b28skco016vbrjmqngd84sdao@4ax.com>, dave
hillstrom says...

> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:26:34 -0800 (PST), suzie MD <acranet@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >On Feb 25, 6:09?pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> >> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher
> >>
> >> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> >> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne..jp>
> >> >> >wrote:
> >> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:
> >>
> >> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
> >> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
> >> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
> >> recognize the mania. ?youd be surprised how well my cats are
> >> predictors of this. ?next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
> >> zyprexa, at bedtime. ?voila!, squashes my mania. ?once, i had to do
> >> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. ?but its
> >> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
> >> episodes a year.
> >>
> >> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
> >> cravings every day im on the stuff.
> >>
> >> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
> >> super quashing manias. ?they call it the Covington ****tail. ?and
> >> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
> >> sure bet. ?its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
> >> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). ?be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
> >> take this one. ?unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
> >> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.
> >>
> >> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
> >> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
> >> or email him before i do it anyway.)
> >>
> >> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
> >> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
> >> knock those out, too.
> >>
> >> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
> >> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. ?sometimes, i
> >> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
> >> back and identify what did it. ?
> >>
> >> just another 2 cents for ya.
> >>
> >> --
> >> dave hillstrom ? mhm15x4 ? zrbj
> >>
> >> <This space for rent.>

> >
> >So you take Zyprexa on a prn basis? I'm not being nosy but curious
> >if you are on any other meds

> yup. zyprexa on prn basis. and i think i went over all my meds in
> another post i wrote soon after this one, so check there first.
> >My son was started on Zyprexa 5mg and 3 days later Cymbalta. This
> >was for depression with psychotic features.
> >
> >I have to say it has worked well. I use to think these meds took a
> >month to work but they do work within days so I can understand your
> >prn basis.

> some meds take two weeks to a month to kick in, some dont. i imagine
> its personal neurochemistry that effects that.

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. And my little glass pipe
takes only seven seconds...

> >That "Covington" ****tail is usually when someone is out of control.
> >It is more like chemical restraint.

> yes, but it DOES work.

So does 240 grains of copper-jacketed lead...


"Tis an ill wind that blows no minds"
On Feb 25, 8:04 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 19:57:33 -0500, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG>
> wrote:
> >On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:58:06 -0800 (PST), marcia
> ><marcia1234...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >>On Feb 25, 6:09 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> >>> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher

> >>> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> >>> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
> >>> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
> >>> >> >wrote:
> >>> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

> >>> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
> >>> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
> >>> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
> >>> recognize the mania. youd be surprised how well my cats are
> >>> predictors of this. next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
> >>> zyprexa, at bedtime. voila!, squashes my mania. once, i had to do
> >>> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. but its
> >>> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
> >>> episodes a year.

> >>> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
> >>> cravings every day im on the stuff.

> >>> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
> >>> super quashing manias. they call it the Covington ****tail. and
> >>> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
> >>> sure bet. its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
> >>> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
> >>> take this one. unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
> >>> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.

> >>> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
> >>> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
> >>> or email him before i do it anyway.)

> >>> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
> >>> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
> >>> knock those out, too.

> >>> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
> >>> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. sometimes, i
> >>> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
> >>> back and identify what did it.

> >>> just another 2 cents for ya.

> >>> --
> >>> dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

> >>> <This space for rent.>

> >>Dave, not to intrude, but are you only taking a mood stabilizer when
> >>you're cycling into mania? (Likes the sound of that). If so, how does
> >>that work out for you when you're not manic? Do you feel more-or-less
> >>stable?

> >>I'm on Abilify for a mood stabilizer, but it interferes with sleep.
> >>Zyprexa and Seroquel are terrible for weight gain, longterm (which you
> >>know). It would be nice to take an antipsychotic only as needed.

> >heck no, yer not intruding.

> >im on a daily ****tail right now thats worked reasonably well for at
> >least a year. (before that, i was on lithium, which did great, but my
> >dose was the same as if i bit a chunk of lithium from a lithium bar,
> >and since im still "young", my pdoc wanted me off it as it WILL
> >eventually poison several organs) my current ****tail is seroquel
> >(mood stabilizer, does ok at keeping away depressions most of the
> >time), zoloft (whos only ability seems to be keeping the suicidal
> >thoughts away, which is reason enough to take it), cozaar for high
> >blood pressure related to weight gained while on remeron 4 years ago,
> >and, when i get the anxiety or panic **** that can go along with
> >bipolar, i take klonopin as needed. i so love klonopin vs other
> >benzos, as it may take a little longer to act, but it lasts me maybe 8
> >hours. right now, pdoc and i have added 300mg (almost nothing) of
> >lithium to see if we can get me out of the current slump of sleeping
> >12 - 20 hours a day. and ive rigged a 175W metal halide bulb right
> >over my computer chair in case its actually seasonal effective
> >disorder.

I haven't tried lithium, but the threat of liver toxicity (which
caused someone I know to spend almost 2 weeks in ICU) and kidney
problems are too scary to contemplate. I can see why you went off it.

Seroquel is great, isn't it? Unfortunately, it caused me to sugar
binge, which lead to a 20lb weight gain, so we switched over to

I've got the anxiety problems that go with bipolar, too, so can
sympathize. Also take Klonopin.

> oh, yeah, almost forgot! im taking straterra as well, which IS
> helping with motivation and concentration a bit.
> and, just so you know, my illness list is: bipolar disorder WITH
> associated anxiety, AADD, and a little bit of autism, which is what
> ~I~ think is the root cause of the others, not that that helps.

What is AADD... is that Attention Attention Deficit Deficit? :) Not
familiar with that one.

> >id actually love to try abilify, but its too damned expensive and
> >would eat my medicare prescription coverage up in less than half a
> >year.

> >so far, ive had no real problems with seroquel for weight gain, though
> >it may be interfering with weight LOSS a bit. i still need to drop 50
> >lbs.

I lost 20 lbs on Abilify, but it seems to have plateaued at that.
Psych meds be damned! Except, of course, they're a bit better than
depression. I don't mind the mania as much, but don't cycle like I
used to--it's mostly depression these days.

> >so, no, i need a mood stabilizer everyday or i become the bitch from
> >hell on the rag every day of the month. but i only take the
> >antipsychotic zyprexa for a few days every manic cycle.

> >you know, ive thought that the atkins diet might be a really good one
> >for us folks who take medicine that tweeks the carb cravings. once
> >you are through the initial onset 2 week diet, you go into a ketosis
> >based (fat based, not carb based) metabolism. once there, you can
> >stare at a bowl of spag or a piece of bread for hours and not want a
> >taste, as per my erlier experience with the diet. but its not a cheap
> >diet. meat and cheese are much more expensive than carb foods. and
> >you have to drink TONS of fluids so your kidneys stay healthy. and
> >take good vitamins. its not an easy road to start out with. just a
> >thought.

I'll have to look into that. I could live on Sushi, though I suppose
the rice would be off limits, which would only leave raw fish and
seaweed... hmmm... Eskimo diet.
> --
> dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
> <This space for rent.>
On Feb 26, 12:53?am, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:26:34 -0800 (PST), suzie MD <acra...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >On Feb 25, 6:09?pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> >> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher

> >> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
> >> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
> >> >> >wrote:
> >> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

> >> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
> >> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
> >> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
> >> recognize the mania. ?youd be surprised how well my cats are
> >> predictors of this. ?next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
> >> zyprexa, at bedtime. ?voila!, squashes my mania. ?once, i had to do
> >> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. ?but its
> >> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
> >> episodes a year.

> >> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
> >> cravings every day im on the stuff.

> >> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
> >> super quashing manias. ?they call it the Covington ****tail. ?and
> >> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
> >> sure bet. ?its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
> >> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). ?be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
> >> take this one. ?unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
> >> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.

> >> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
> >> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
> >> or email him before i do it anyway.)

> >> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
> >> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
> >> knock those out, too.

> >> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
> >> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. ?sometimes, i
> >> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
> >> back and identify what did it. ?

> >> just another 2 cents for ya.

> >> --
> >> dave hillstrom ? mhm15x4 ? zrbj

> >> <This space for rent.>

> >So you take Zyprexa on a prn basis? ?I'm not being nosy but ?curious
> >if you are on any other meds

> yup. ?zyprexa on prn basis. ?and i think i went over all my meds in
> another post i wrote soon after this one, so check there first.
> >My son was ?started on Zyprexa 5mg and 3 days later Cymbalta. ?This
> >was for depression with psychotic features.

> >I have to say it has worked well. ?I use to think these meds took a
> >month to work but they do work within days so I can understand your
> >prn basis.

> some meds take two weeks to a month to kick in, some dont. ?i imagine
> its personal neurochemistry that effects that.
> >That ?"Covington" ****tail is usually when someone is out of control.
> >It is more like chemical restraint.

> yes, but it DOES work.
> --
> dave hillstrom ? mhm15x4 ? zrbj
> <This space for rent.>

to each his own; but when it is given it's usually to free up

> >That "Covington" ****tail is usually when someone is out of
> >control.
> >It is more like chemical restraint.

> yes, but it DOES work.
> --
> dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
> <This space for rent.>

to each his own; but when it is given it's usually to free up

Please enlighten me.
All googoo talks about is "Covington ****tail" Tables...

Is the Cov-**** that cocaine/heroin combo used for pain management in
terminal cancer cases..?
(But not in the USA, of course)
That was Brompton's ****tail I mentioned above.

So, what, prey-tell is in a Covington's..?
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 22:10:45 -0800, PsychoChicken
<bawkbawkbawkbawk@heseverywhereheseverywhere.com> wrote:

>In article <07a7s3d42b28skco016vbrjmqngd84sdao@4ax.com>, dave
>hillstrom says...
>> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:26:34 -0800 (PST), suzie MD <acranet@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >On Feb 25, 6:09?pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> >> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher
>> >>
>> >> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> >> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
>> >> >> >wrote:
>> >> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:
>> >>
>> >> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
>> >> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
>> >> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
>> >> recognize the mania. ?youd be surprised how well my cats are
>> >> predictors of this. ?next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
>> >> zyprexa, at bedtime. ?voila!, squashes my mania. ?once, i had to do
>> >> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. ?but its
>> >> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
>> >> episodes a year.
>> >>
>> >> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
>> >> cravings every day im on the stuff.
>> >>
>> >> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
>> >> super quashing manias. ?they call it the Covington ****tail. ?and
>> >> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
>> >> sure bet. ?its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
>> >> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). ?be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
>> >> take this one. ?unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
>> >> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.
>> >>
>> >> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
>> >> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
>> >> or email him before i do it anyway.)
>> >>
>> >> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
>> >> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
>> >> knock those out, too.
>> >>
>> >> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
>> >> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. ?sometimes, i
>> >> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
>> >> back and identify what did it. ?
>> >>
>> >> just another 2 cents for ya.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> dave hillstrom ? mhm15x4 ? zrbj
>> >>
>> >> <This space for rent.>
>> >
>> >So you take Zyprexa on a prn basis? I'm not being nosy but curious
>> >if you are on any other meds

>> yup. zyprexa on prn basis. and i think i went over all my meds in
>> another post i wrote soon after this one, so check there first.
>> >My son was started on Zyprexa 5mg and 3 days later Cymbalta. This
>> >was for depression with psychotic features.
>> >
>> >I have to say it has worked well. I use to think these meds took a
>> >month to work but they do work within days so I can understand your
>> >prn basis.

>> some meds take two weeks to a month to kick in, some dont. i imagine
>> its personal neurochemistry that effects that.

>Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. And my little glass pipe
>takes only seven seconds...


>> >That "Covington" ****tail is usually when someone is out of control.
>> >It is more like chemical restraint.

>> yes, but it DOES work.

>So does 240 grains of copper-jacketed lead...

that seems a little harsh as a means of getting rid of a manic
incident, dont you think?

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 23:59:18 -0800 (PST), marcia
<marcia12345.c@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Feb 25, 8:04 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 19:57:33 -0500, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG>
>> wrote:
>> >On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:58:06 -0800 (PST), marcia
>> ><marcia1234...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> >>On Feb 25, 6:09 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> >>> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher

>> >>> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> >>> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >>> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
>> >>> >> >wrote:
>> >>> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

>> >>> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
>> >>> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
>> >>> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
>> >>> recognize the mania. youd be surprised how well my cats are
>> >>> predictors of this. next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
>> >>> zyprexa, at bedtime. voila!, squashes my mania. once, i had to do
>> >>> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. but its
>> >>> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
>> >>> episodes a year.

>> >>> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
>> >>> cravings every day im on the stuff.

>> >>> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
>> >>> super quashing manias. they call it the Covington ****tail. and
>> >>> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
>> >>> sure bet. its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
>> >>> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
>> >>> take this one. unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
>> >>> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.

>> >>> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
>> >>> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
>> >>> or email him before i do it anyway.)

>> >>> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
>> >>> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
>> >>> knock those out, too.

>> >>> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
>> >>> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. sometimes, i
>> >>> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
>> >>> back and identify what did it.

>> >>> just another 2 cents for ya.

>> >>> --
>> >>> dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

>> >>> <This space for rent.>

>> >>Dave, not to intrude, but are you only taking a mood stabilizer when
>> >>you're cycling into mania? (Likes the sound of that). If so, how does
>> >>that work out for you when you're not manic? Do you feel more-or-less
>> >>stable?

>> >>I'm on Abilify for a mood stabilizer, but it interferes with sleep.
>> >>Zyprexa and Seroquel are terrible for weight gain, longterm (which you
>> >>know). It would be nice to take an antipsychotic only as needed.

>> >heck no, yer not intruding.

>> >im on a daily ****tail right now thats worked reasonably well for at
>> >least a year. (before that, i was on lithium, which did great, but my
>> >dose was the same as if i bit a chunk of lithium from a lithium bar,
>> >and since im still "young", my pdoc wanted me off it as it WILL
>> >eventually poison several organs) my current ****tail is seroquel
>> >(mood stabilizer, does ok at keeping away depressions most of the
>> >time), zoloft (whos only ability seems to be keeping the suicidal
>> >thoughts away, which is reason enough to take it), cozaar for high
>> >blood pressure related to weight gained while on remeron 4 years ago,
>> >and, when i get the anxiety or panic **** that can go along with
>> >bipolar, i take klonopin as needed. i so love klonopin vs other
>> >benzos, as it may take a little longer to act, but it lasts me maybe 8
>> >hours. right now, pdoc and i have added 300mg (almost nothing) of
>> >lithium to see if we can get me out of the current slump of sleeping
>> >12 - 20 hours a day. and ive rigged a 175W metal halide bulb right
>> >over my computer chair in case its actually seasonal effective
>> >disorder.

>I haven't tried lithium, but the threat of liver toxicity (which
>caused someone I know to spend almost 2 weeks in ICU) and kidney
>problems are too scary to contemplate. I can see why you went off it.

i was taking 2100mg a day. thats right, 2.1 ~grams~ of lithium a day.
and it worked like a champ, i tell you! but in a few more years id be
coming into the hospital with all of my internal organs poisoned and

>Seroquel is great, isn't it? Unfortunately, it caused me to sugar
>binge, which lead to a 20lb weight gain, so we switched over to

im so glad i dont seem to have gained any weight on seroquel. but i
sure havent lost much. then again, i think ive been sitting on my ass
the majority of the last few months...

>I've got the anxiety problems that go with bipolar, too, so can
>sympathize. Also take Klonopin.

klonopin good! xanax bad!

>> oh, yeah, almost forgot! im taking straterra as well, which IS
>> helping with motivation and concentration a bit.
>> and, just so you know, my illness list is: bipolar disorder WITH
>> associated anxiety, AADD, and a little bit of autism, which is what
>> ~I~ think is the root cause of the others, not that that helps.

>What is AADD... is that Attention Attention Deficit Deficit? :) Not
>familiar with that one.

adult attention deficit disorder. surprisingly, my pdoc says that it
and bipolar are very close and often come together. its just another
way for mother nature to **** with your ability to concentrate and
motivate and make rational decisions.

>> >id actually love to try abilify, but its too damned expensive and
>> >would eat my medicare prescription coverage up in less than half a
>> >year.

>> >so far, ive had no real problems with seroquel for weight gain, though
>> >it may be interfering with weight LOSS a bit. i still need to drop 50
>> >lbs.

>I lost 20 lbs on Abilify, but it seems to have plateaued at that.
>Psych meds be damned! Except, of course, they're a bit better than
>depression. I don't mind the mania as much, but don't cycle like I
>used to--it's mostly depression these days.

ive had several different flavors of mania. some are fun, some are
definitely NOT fun and rather scary. they are ~all~ unbalancing. so
i choose to get rid of them as quickly as i can, now that i have a way
to do so.

and i so agree that psych meds suck, but id say its better than the

i mean, really, as far as my priorities are concerned, mental balance
is A number one, head of the class, first on the list. before
anything. anything. because if you dont have your mental health and
balance, what the **** good are you really going to be to yourself or
anyone else?

and depression is just a bitch. the one good thing ive learned over
the last 20 years is that beating myself up over it (which im great
at) only makes it worse. so now a days when im depressed, i just go
with the flow. hide in the bed like i want to from the evil outside
world. be good to myself and give myself treats. i mean, im gonna
feel like this no matter what i do, i might as well take it easy and
be kind to my mind.

>> >so, no, i need a mood stabilizer everyday or i become the bitch from
>> >hell on the rag every day of the month. but i only take the
>> >antipsychotic zyprexa for a few days every manic cycle.

>> >you know, ive thought that the atkins diet might be a really good one
>> >for us folks who take medicine that tweeks the carb cravings. once
>> >you are through the initial onset 2 week diet, you go into a ketosis
>> >based (fat based, not carb based) metabolism. once there, you can
>> >stare at a bowl of spag or a piece of bread for hours and not want a
>> >taste, as per my erlier experience with the diet. but its not a cheap
>> >diet. meat and cheese are much more expensive than carb foods. and
>> >you have to drink TONS of fluids so your kidneys stay healthy. and
>> >take good vitamins. its not an easy road to start out with. just a
>> >thought.

>I'll have to look into that. I could live on Sushi, though I suppose
>the rice would be off limits, which would only leave raw fish and
>seaweed... hmmm... Eskimo diet.

oh, gawds, sashimi.... <drool>

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>
On Tue, 26 Feb 2008 16:03:14 -0800 (PST), suzie MD <acranet@gmail.com>

>On Feb 26, 12:53?am, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:26:34 -0800 (PST), suzie MD <acra...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >On Feb 25, 6:09?pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> >> On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:05:29 -0800 (PST), Rob Cypher

>> >> <robcypherena...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> >On Feb 22, 11:56 pm, dave hillstrom <D...@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>> >> >> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:11:07 -0800 (PST), rmblack...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >> >> >On Feb 22, 12:07 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
>> >> >> >wrote:
>> >> >> >> Rob Cyphertotally sneezed all over alt.flame with a withering cloud of snot:

>> >> oh, PS, if you experience manic episodes, my pdoc and i have found
>> >> this super cool thing to stop them dead in their tracks in my mind.
>> >> first, of course, you have to be in tune with your mental space to
>> >> recognize the mania. ?youd be surprised how well my cats are
>> >> predictors of this. ?next, i take a three to four day course of 30mg
>> >> zyprexa, at bedtime. ?voila!, squashes my mania. ?once, i had to do
>> >> the treatment twice to get rid of a particularly nasty one. ?but its
>> >> worked now for three years, and im a "fast" cycler with maybe 5 or 6
>> >> episodes a year.

>> >> id use zyprexa every day, but i gain about 1-2 pounds due to carb
>> >> cravings every day im on the stuff.

>> >> theres another ****tail that they use in the hospitals around here for
>> >> super quashing manias. ?they call it the Covington ****tail. ?and
>> >> youll feel like hell for two or three days after, but its supposedly a
>> >> sure bet. ?its 2mg ativan (lorazepam), 2mg cogentin (benztropine), and
>> >> 5mg haldol (haloperidol). ?be on your bed, ready for sleep when you
>> >> take this one. ?unlike the zyprexa treatment, this is a one time shot,
>> >> but its got a serious rep of killing mania dead.

>> >> (my pdoc sets me up with this stuff, as he feels im extremely in tune
>> >> and knowledgable about my own particular illness, and i usually call
>> >> or email him before i do it anyway.)

>> >> unfortunately, none of this stuff does jack **** for depressions.
>> >> this is our next quest, to see if we can find a short term therapy to
>> >> knock those out, too.

>> >> another thing about mania that ive been able to do for my own sitch is
>> >> start to recognize the triggers that can set it off. ?sometimes, i
>> >> dont think there ARE any triggers, but most of the time i can look
>> >> back and identify what did it. ?

>> >> just another 2 cents for ya.

>> >> --
>> >> dave hillstrom ? mhm15x4 ? zrbj

>> >> <This space for rent.>

>> >So you take Zyprexa on a prn basis? ?I'm not being nosy but ?curious
>> >if you are on any other meds

>> yup. ?zyprexa on prn basis. ?and i think i went over all my meds in
>> another post i wrote soon after this one, so check there first.
>> >My son was ?started on Zyprexa 5mg and 3 days later Cymbalta. ?This
>> >was for depression with psychotic features.

>> >I have to say it has worked well. ?I use to think these meds took a
>> >month to work but they do work within days so I can understand your
>> >prn basis.

>> some meds take two weeks to a month to kick in, some dont. ?i imagine
>> its personal neurochemistry that effects that.
>> >That ?"Covington" ****tail is usually when someone is out of control.
>> >It is more like chemical restraint.

>> yes, but it DOES work.
>> --
>> dave hillstrom ? mhm15x4 ? zrbj
>> <This space for rent.>

>to each his own; but when it is given it's usually to free up


the zyprexa drill is so much less traumatic...

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>