A life vidio where LP doesnt really suck


New member
Ya, tell me

Oh well.

But the first video is the best one I saw =)

You can have your own opinion about LPs life concerts

at least theyre LIVE



New member
Nope If Ill find you a video where LP SUUUUUUUx will you belive me?
Seriously, LP can't suck... the vid's you found are like from the beginning when they didn't have the dope equipment they have now... Duh!

And btw, if you really dig LP... you wouldn't dare to say that they suck!



New member
Seriously, LP can't suck... the vid's you found are like from the beginning when they didn't have the dope equipment they have now... Duh!
And btw, if you really dig LP... you wouldn't dare to say that they suck!
Ok they please give me a video where the do not suck at all.

I will admit it. Maybe you are right by the way :)



New member
LP arent the best live act going, nothing about them is really standout and yes they do make mistakes but thats human nature........... btw its LIVE not Life.
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