A n00b's guide to everything

^lol, you freaked out didnt you?
Howz Taryn Dawn?

Hey Sucidie King, good idea, keep your hard work up, yopur contribution to this site is uncomparable.
Hehe "whats a noob"....that is without a doubt the biggest newb question you can ask. Nothing wrong with a newb though; we were all newbs at some point, right guys? :D
hey can i make an official name abbreviation thread? when i look around here theres a lot of abbreviations like BTH, and while they're kinda common sense, it takes a while for me to go through all the songs. should i just create the thread, do i need approval, or is it just a dumb idea? lol
hey, im new and i need some help. Whats a sig and how do you get one?? how do you get the writing that appears below every message that you create? Where does the signature appear hen you have made one??
thanx in advance
a sig is the writing or picture that is always displayed under your post. you can make a sig, type a message, or request a sig. (you need 30 non spam posts to request one from here). to get the writing below every message you create, go to user control panel, and hit edit signature. then type your message. (0nce you get a pic we'll tell u how to add it). i hope this answers everything.