A question for non-Muslims

No,silly.You don't need to go to a sink and whip it out.God!you're stupid.Ever heard of a container filled with water.Take it into the toilet and use it while sitting.And God didn't tell us how to wipe our ass,He told us to use water.And piss is vey unpure and inorder to be clean you gotta wash it off.

OK since im "stupid" where do you keep this 'container filled with water'

now at home i have no question where it comes from....

But in public, or at work...whre do you get this container? I can hold my pee for a good 4 or 5 hours if need be.....

but im not the average bladder!
Vortex said:
OK since im "stupid" where do you keep this 'container filled with water'

now at home i have no question where it comes from....

But in public, or at work...whre do you get this container? I can hold my pee for a good 4 or 5 hours if need be.....

but im not the average bladder!

It don't need to be a huge container.I rarely use public toilets,but when I'm desperate,I use empty volvic or evian bottles.I buy water to drink everyday,so don't ask,''what if you don't have them everyday?''

I can't believe this thread myself,but for the sake of arguing aimlessly,it's cool. :D
Some stories about outdoor dunnies:

People in those days were REALLY happy when they got boxes of christmas oranges

Before TP, they used handfuls of straw, or whatever else they could get their hands on

In cold weather the contents of said dunny would freeze and pile up PAST the hole that you **** in, so they had to break them down with a hammer

The community hall in the hick town I grew up in was built in 1925 and doesn't have flush toilets. Only recently has there been an effort to build a new one.

People did indeed love the sears catalogue when it was available
You're kidding me right? We are talking about our ass-care etiquite???

First of all I don't wash my hands after I take a piss....unless i piss on them, which only happens if i am really drunk!

Second...I am not going to carry a bucket of water with me to the restroom at work to where I can wash my ass! I'll wipe till the ****ing paper isn't brown, then go about my day. Sometimes, I try to have those flushable wipes handy, to make sure my asshole is squeky clean!

If none of those are handy, I'll pay a hooker to give me a rim job before I go out that night....hey, you always need to make sure your asshole is clean!

So now that you know my most personal ass care secrets, WHY THE **** DID ARAB CHICK WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THIS STUFF??????

So now my question......If muslims have cleaner shitholes than everyone else, why do they smell so funny? :cool:

PS>>>>Never had an odor problem...so I really don't know what to tell Arab Chick.....I guess God or Allah, or whoever just blessed me to where I don't stink. That and I bathe regurlary, and use deoderant!

Most childrren in America are taught to wipe themselves after using the toilet. It's more cultural to us then religous. I know many people who think arabs wipe themselves with thier left hand rather then a wad of toilet paper. As far as I know, this is true, which is why, in some middle eastern cultures, it's considered disgusting to have your left hand on the table during mealtime. My guess would be this is why thieves are punished by having thier right hand chopped off.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I believe this answers your question.

I guess we all saw the History channel again.
I just watched it last night.
Boy we need a thread on the latest episode. Most of you are before me in the time zone so you
No...I don't..... The only thing I'll do in a public restroom is piss!

If I have to take a dump....i'll go find a tree, or pasture!

I'd rather **** in my pants than to **** in a public restroom! :eek:
Spleefman said:
No...I don't..... The only thing I'll do in a public restroom is piss!

If I have to take a dump....i'll go find a tree, or pasture!

I'd rather **** in my pants than to **** in a public restroom! :eek:

LOL,I thought I was the weird one. Spare the trees....Human **** is hardly a good fertilizer.
LOL,I thought I was the weird one. Spare the trees....Human **** is hardly a good fertilizer.

Maybe so....but I am not putting my ass down on something that over several thousand truckers, junkies, AIDS infested, Herpes ridden, child molesting, animal fornicators, and butt-monkeys have peed all over 365 days a year!

No thanks! The tree is doomed!
Spleefman said:
Maybe so....but I am not putting my ass down on something that over several thousand truckers, junkies, AIDS infested, Herpes ridden, child molesting, animal fornicators, and butt-monkeys have peed all over 365 days a year!

No thanks! The tree is doomed!

LOL,but Aids can't be trasmitted through toilet seats... :D
You can always put tissue,alot of tissue around the rim when desperate.Or you could carry your own attachable toilet seat. :)
Toilet paper is a recent concept and far from being a global one. Each nation has it's own technique for "clensing" which is why so many people consider it an insult to offer anything with the right hand ;)