A special forum!

In these forums everyone seems to look on the bright side of everything almost ignoring the bad .......and that is just great....not many people do that most people are so negative..... :D
Yes u are right Chester_Chazy,we are all nice ppl in here:D and that´s one of reasons why I like LPF,despite sometime ppl dissagree on some opinions we try to get on well.
This place is awesome,I´m so adicted to it.
4everLP_Shinoda said:
Yes u are right Chester_Chazy,we are all nice ppl in here:D and that´s one of reasons why I like LPF,despite sometime ppl dissagree on some opinions we try to get on well.
This place is awesome,I´m so adicted to it.
aren't we all?? lol! at least i know i'm addicted! :D
that's what sets us LP fans apart from other fans... cuz we're so damn nice! :)
I am glad everyone loves the site, I try and make it a place where anyone can express themselves with out getting harazed for what they say.