A very bittersweet day


New member
Now I aint sayin you're a gold digger

But you aint messin wit no broke ******

Now I aint sayin you're a gold digger

but you aint messin wit no broke ******




New member
I have sense enough to be able to spell sense.
What's suprising, is that in all of the ways you can spell it, under different circumstances, the way you spelled it, is not one of them.
So you attack my spelling? Just look at that whole post of yours. You can't say that it's 100% error free. Lighten up a bit buddy! :p Hehe.

Look dude, I was just saying that a person like her is not going to go out with some random person. Just trying to give you some pointers.

But now I'm pretty sure that you were just doing it "just to do it". So now you can be like "Hey, I asked Holly Brook out... she said no, but still!". Am I right at all?




Active Members
At least have the dignity to ask the girl in person. Asking someone on a date who has never met you, in a chat room over the internet, is just flat-out tacky.

And who cares about spelling, unless you are a sentient version of the Microsoft Word Spell Check, how about we just drop it, ok? Its just silly.......

Just like asking women out over the internet.



New member
Actually, no, I didn't know that.

I didn't say anything about marraige either. I just want to date her... Isn't that what dating is for? Getting to know people?

yes and no. yes, dating is to get to know people better. but dating is MORE to find a potential mate. why would you want to date someone if you have no reason of marrying them? just to "have a good time?"

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