aaaaand Chester breaks his wrist :(


New member
I wanna know how Chaz managed to fall off of a wall he was sitting on to begin with? I hope his arm/wrist isn't broken too bad.


New member
I wanna know how Chaz managed to fall off of a wall he was sitting on to begin with? I hope his arm/wrist isn't broken too bad.
not trying to be mean but did noone watch the video on

he has been jumping off the crates on stage for years on heavy parts of songs they play. he did it a lot on PR. however, this time he tried to jump from the top of LPs metal cage-like stage thing they have. it's a big jump and he would have made it. he jumped off right when the riff on papercut came in and would have made it but his foot got caught in the stairs on the stage going down, which caused him to trip and fall over, smashing his wrist.

he wasn't sitting to begin with, he was standing. it was an accident. lol.



New member
Ahh, that breaks my heart. Poor Chazy, but **** that was awesome of him to continue the show. I hope he gets well though. But Chester is one strong man, haha he'll survive.
not trying to be mean but did noone watch the video on
he has been jumping off the crates on stage for years on heavy parts of songs they play. he did it a lot on PR. however, this time he tried to jump from the top of LPs metal cage-like stage thing they have. it's a big jump and he would have made it. he jumped off right when the riff on papercut came in and would have made it but his foot got caught in the stairs on the stage going down, which caused him to trip and fall over, smashing his wrist.

he wasn't sitting to begin with, he was standing. it was an accident. lol.
Yea i watched it, its pretty cringe worthy.



New member
i was just thinking "***... if we're ever ganna get a b-side let today be the day..."

haha! nope! chester breaks his wrist instead!



New member
His screams were great at the Sunday show. I was surprised at how good he was. And we got the full length scream on Given Up which was ******* awesome.
Yeah that´s awesome:DI really miss the cd´s, ****..

Still amazed chester finished the whole show, seeing the vid that he was in ******* pain, amazing



New member
What a ****** dunce.

That chester is a bull in a china closet.... or a bull in a wrist closet.

It'd be more impressive if he was a drummer and finished the show with a broken wrist.



New member
His screams were great at the Sunday show. I was surprised at how good he was. And we got the full length scream on Given Up which was ******* awesome.
freaking great!!! Melbourne gets 2 awesome kick *** shows lol.

As for the broken wrist... Can't watch the video much... at least while paying attention to it, pain sucks! lol



New member
It'd be more impressive if he was a drummer and finished the show with a broken wrist.
Screw that. Screw that up the *** with a broomstick.

Impressive, yes, but it does a **** of a lot more damage. Most people don't seem to realise how much drummers use their wrists. He'd need MONTHS of rehab to get back up to scratch. I've drummed with a strained wrist before and that was bad enough, but broken? **** no.

Travis Barker from Blink 182 has played with a broken ankle, but that's not so bad, you can rig up your kit to make up for the loss of a leg.


crazy robster

New member
OMG poor Chaz!! I feel so sorry for him and I gotta bow to him what he did was ****** admirable!! That made me feel much more respect for him than I did before. Hope he gets well really soon...


New member
Yeah it must have hurt like ****. :[ the screams must have come from that. lol

o believe me...a broken wrist hurt's like ****:(

maybe when he was screaming...he then felt better...because he "let the pain out" ...he was like....releasing the pain trough his screaming ...(yeah sorry...psychology lessons made me like that :D )



New member
******* impressive!

I mean getting up as if nothing happened and keep going with the show..

Now that's what I call true dedication.

Get well Chazz!

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