Abba Mania


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
My stomach has been bothering me today... I have a slight case of the shits too... all after I discovered THIS article:

Yes, when I heard ABBA is going on the big screen, I nearly **** my pants.. More horrible then Muriel's Wedding, another ****ing ABBA movie is in the works !

I REALLY was glad to survive the 80's, and don't get me wrong, the 70's were cool, and YES I do like ABBA...Uhm... I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO...:rolleyes: , but PLEASE don't make us all relive the ABBA era again... for fear it might re spawn another "ACE OF BASE" type band...
phreakwars said:
My stomach has been bothering me today... I have a slight case of the shits too... all after I discovered THIS article:

Yes, when I heard ABBA is going on the big screen, I nearly **** my pants.. More horrible then Muriel's Wedding, another ****ing ABBA movie is in the works !

I REALLY was glad to survive the 80's, and don't get me wrong, the 70's were cool, and YES I do like ABBA...Uhm... I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO...:rolleyes: , but PLEASE don't make us all relive the ABBA era again... for fear it might re spawn another "ACE OF BASE" type band...

Have any movies of this ilk done well in the box office? I mean movies centered around a band?
I can't imagine this will do well at all...while I like their music I can't imagine a movie centered around it.
How can you NOT love ABBA, the ****ing music is infectious, and THAT is what I fear the most..

The unwritten 11th commandment:

ABBA is ABBA in all their glory, and there shalt not be another ABBA before them.... nor after....
Okay this is deja vu. I just installed a 2.0 USB card in a co-workers cp for her Ipod and we were saying the same thing. She has an album of Abba, but she is going to get a whole set and is going to let me copy it. Momma me'a !
Lethalfind said:
Have any movies of this ilk done well in the box office? I mean movies centered around a band?
I can't imagine this will do well at all...while I like their music I can't imagine a movie centered around it.

What about spinal tap lol.