Abortion [Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life]

its honestly too hard to call, and how u were raised, and wat ur personal beliefs lie in.
but to me it should be pro-choice, we could take a rape victim for instance, i mean as a rape victim, u dont wanna be carrying around a mental scar forever.
but then you could say u are essentially killing a potential life...but then whos to say this child wouldnt have wasted their lives anyways??
it IS too hard to call...and one with which we essentially shouldnt be forcing ourselves to make, bcoz it WILL divide societies,some more so than others.
to me choice should come first, simply bcoz it is a god given right for us to devide our lives. but there should be steps put in place so that abortion is but a LAST resort or a means to another end.
Id say pro choice any day and thats not just because i dont like children. Common sence if if you dont want something then dont keep it bacuse you'll regret it along the line, especially somethinglike a baby.
Lyson said:
Id say pro choice any day and thats not just because i dont like children. Common sence if if you dont want something then dont keep it bacuse you'll regret it along the line, especially somethinglike a baby.

Yeah, I was going to comment on that comment but since I need to learn to control my anger, I'll just say that's the dumbest reason I have read yet.
Lyson said:
Id say pro choice any day and thats not just because i dont like children. Common sence if if you dont want something then dont keep it bacuse you'll regret it along the line, especially somethinglike a baby.

I think that is a very very stupid idea to look at it. That is kinda like having a girl friend/boy friend and saying meh I tired of you and shooting it. It is also a very very selfish way to think about it.

Lyson said:
Common sence [is] if you dont want something then dont keep it bacuse you'll regret it along the line, especially somethinglike a baby.

Now I would like to put out this part. A human being is not an "it". It is a he or a she (or even sometimes a he-she). You make it sound like a baby is a CD, DVD, or something that cost money. It sounds as if you have no love for life the way you just said everything.
i say abort every1 if jimmy doesent do his homework abort him... thats how dumb pro choice is... just becuase the baby cannot speak for it self does not mean you can treat it like a walmart product its a human not a "thing".
GraDoN said:
i say abort every1 if jimmy doesent do his homework abort him... thats how dumb pro choice is... just becuase the baby cannot speak for it self does not mean you can treat it like a walmart product its a human not a "thing".

*cough GREAT ****ING POINT cough*

I stopped coming in here for awhile because I was getting sick of hearing the lame excuses, BUT that has changed now.

1. A baby is NOT an IT even if the baby hasn't been born yet. Are you an It? Didn't think so.

2. If you abort a child before its born then I guess there really is no problem with a mother or father killing their child a year or two after its born. No difference, right? They thought about it and decided that keeping the child wasn't the right thing to do. So they drowned the child or they sufforcated him or poisened him...

3. Picture this. Someone comes up to you and says "I'm going to kill you" then they kill you. But you didn't get a say in whether you wanted to be killed or not... did you? No. But did you want a say in it? You probably would right?

4. You don't always have to keep the child. You can give it an odoption agency or a family member. OR you can work hard and learn to take care of the baby no matter how hard it gets. People who give up just show how much the world has really changed... The world is full of spoiled little brats these days... They get what they want and they dont even have to work for it.

5. For a teenager who gets pregnant. . . If you think your old enough to sleep with your girlfriend/boyfriend then you should be old enough to take of the consequences. . . Right? Well, pregnancy happens to be a consequence of sex. Getting an abortion just shows you that... your not old enough to take of the consequences. It shows you that your not ready for the kind of responisiblity no matter how good the sex feels. Sex WAS originally used for producing the young, but now its just a "good pass time" and hey if you get pregnant, that's okay. You can just kill it because it means nothing... It's just an oops.

6. No Child, No human being is an Oops or a Mistake. How dare someone call a child a mistake. A child is gift no matter how it happened. If you call your child an oops or mistake then you should take a look in the mirror. Whether you were drunk or high or otherwise intoxicated when this "oops" happened then your no better then the child that you put those words to.

7. If the pregnancy is related to rape or incest, then it should be the girl's choice to have an abortion. But ONLY if she has some sort of proof that it happened under rape or an incest environment. As in, the person who caused it was arrested and charged for the rape/incest happening.
FireHawk said:
I think that is a very very stupid idea to look at it. That is kinda like having a girl friend/boy friend and saying meh I tired of you and shooting it. It is also a very very selfish way to think about it.
Now I would like to put out this part. A human being is not an "it". It is a he or a she (or even sometimes a he-she). You make it sound like a baby is a CD, DVD, or something that cost money. It sounds as if you have no love for life the way you just said everything.

Lol, geez, so i dont like kids thats my problem, my CDs and stuff are ten times more important to me any way. and i dont really have love for life either...and you know what...i have no reason lol! (-_-)"
its my opinion anyway dude, if "its" important in your life then good for you.
abortion is stupid to begin with though because you just shouldn't be careless enough to get knocked up if you dont want kids... :rolleyes:
"Each politician must walk a mile into less well-off areas and interact with their peoples before making decisions on their area's behalf."
-Rafael Casal "Billing them for my Rights."

There you have it. If you have never been impregnated, or has never had a spouse/girlfriend who was pregnant, shut the **** up. You don't determine morals or decisions for another person whether you "understand what they're going through" or not. Because you don't.

Some people are really going way over the top with this topic. This thread wouldn't even be helpful if someone came in here considering abortion. They would just say, "Wow, look at these punks who made a thread about abortion just for sake of arguing about it." It's not some biased 7-step Q&A to see whether you should abort or not. Tools.
djwakka said:
Some people are really going way over the top with this topic. This thread wouldn't even be helpful if someone came in here considering abortion. They would just say, "Wow, look at these punks who made a thread about abortion just for sake of arguing about it." It's not some biased 7-step Q&A to see whether you should abort or not. Tools.

I don't think you undestand this an opion thread. Of course its not a 7 Question Q&A about abortion. It wasn't meant for someone to say "Hmm I am getting an abortion lets see what these people think." It is just to say why people support or don't support abortion. Mr. Wakka I think you kinda take some of this to serious (and I have done it before). You just give up posting in every thread I make about why you don't like it. I'm gonna keep making them, and plus it is kinda fun to argue about it (if it dosen't go to over the top like it has in the past.)
I do agree this thread wouldn't be too much of a help for people considering abortion... but just because you've never been pregnant doesn't mean you can't voice your opinion over stuff. What are we? Just a bunch of kids, why are we talking about **** anyways? We've never been through anything. If we're just gonna talk about stuff we've been through and never looks forward, how are we going to be ready for the future?

And come on, this is a freakin internet forum, what do you want from us? Hypothesis and Application? Besides, we hafta debate to be able to see the other side more clearly. We're not here trying to convince anyone anything nor are we spreading religion of any kind (at least, i'm not). Unless your ignorant, arguing increases your knowledge level and it's not like we're just here to pick a fight.
LP~Shinoda~FM said:
I do agree this thread wouldn't be too much of a help for people considering abortion... but just because you've never been pregnant doesn't mean you can't voice your opinion over stuff. What are we? Just a bunch of kids, why are we talking about **** anyways? We've never been through anything. If we're just gonna talk about stuff we've been through and never looks forward, how are we going to be ready for the future?

And come on, this is a freakin internet forum, what do you want from us? Hypothesis and Application? Besides, we hafta debate to be able to see the other side more clearly. We're not here trying to convince anyone anything nor are we spreading religion of any kind (at least, i'm not). Unless your ignorant, arguing increases your knowledge level and it's not like we're just here to pick a fight.

Actaully, this thread would be a good thread to read if you were considering abortion. It gives opinions and reasons to whether or not abortion is a good thing or not.

No offence, but maybe you consider yourself kid. Maybe you like being talked to as if your a kid. But threads like these make teenagers feel like their opinions matter. It gives them a chance to express themselves and their opinions without some adult drawing a line.

It is possible for us so called "kids" to think like adults and give reasonable opinions.
Yea, this would be a good thread for people considering abortion, but i think what LP~Shinoda~FM was trying to say is that if people say you shouldn't talk about stuff we've never been through, we'd be a bunch of kids cuz we've never been through so much stuff...

At least, that's what i got from it o_O

And who said that teenager's opinions didn't matter?
Well usually when people say something like "us kids haven't expirenced it so why should we talk about it" . . . basically means we don't know what we're talking about. which eventaully leads to "our opinions don't matter"
[- High Voltage +] said:
Yea, this would be a good thread for people considering abortion, but i think what LP~Shinoda~FM was trying to say is that if people say you shouldn't talk about stuff we've never been through, we'd be a bunch of kids cuz we've never been through so much stuff...

At least, that's what i got from it o_O

And who said that teenager's opinions didn't matter?

Well sort of, not really, i was saying that in a hypothetical way, if you know what i mean... :p

And knowledge does not always come with age and experience. Some people coulda lived an entire life and not really thinking about it. And i've met some quite narrow-minded old people too :mad: They think all teenagers these days are sadistic.
I'm talking to all of you who are crying that your opinions matter. Why would your one-sided biased opinions matter to a person going through pregnancy? Who are you to demoralize them, and say that your solution is the right one?
djwakka said:
I'm talking to all of you who are crying that your opinions matter. Why would your one-sided biased opinions matter to a person going through pregnancy? Who are you to demoralize them, and say that your solution is the right one?

I'm sorry if that is directed toward me. And I'm not saying sorry if I offended you in some way. I'm sorry for you to go make that assumption.

I never said that I was demoralizing them or shoving it down their throats. It's my opinion and MY choice to be PRO-LIFE. I never said that my solution was the right one. I was expressing my opinion. My opinion to be pro-life is MY opinion. I never said that people or pregnant women had to listen to me or believe what I say or agree with me. I believe in personal choice and personal preference as well. I'm not trying to convince anyone to change their minds. I'm explaining why I choose to be pro-life.

I'm not sorry that I like my voice being heard. I'm definetly not sorry that you don't like that fact. And I'm not sorry that you seemingly think that our opinions don't matter.
Ok people, just chill. This is, after all, a thread expressing *opinions*... and like i said, every situation is different. And of course, everyone's opinions matter. But we know there's not such thing as the absolute answer to everything. We're not saying our answers are right. It's not a fact that abortion is bad or good. It's like religion, it's what you believe in and think is "right"
djwakka said:
I'm talking to all of you who are crying that your opinions matter. Why would your one-sided biased opinions matter to a person going through pregnancy? Who are you to demoralize them, and say that your solution is the right one?

I don't see exactly where you are getting we are all saying that?