Abuse of Moderator Status


New member
The only difference between GF Mods and mods on other forums, is we don't hide the fact that were BIAS, corrupted, smartasses.

I would think a bigger crime would be ******* admins like at TAP/ Public Debate/insert gay forum here, that have admins who come up with 100 thousand rules that people must obey or be kicked out..

Here, we OPENLY ADMIT we abuse you and MOD status as well !!

******* crybaby



**** you, PW.

Thanks to CES, I no longer have the avatar I paid good money to have. As a result of his actions, I have been cheated out of what I paid for. Therefore, I am going to take action against CES, Bob, and GF.

That avatar was a rare find. It was edited and had special wording in it. As such, it is beyond irreplaceable. Since I no longer have it on this computer, and I seriously doubt I will ever be lucky enough to find it again, I am left at a loss because of a dishonest ******* moderator.

Above all else, that is what I most furious about. I paid for a membership so that I could use that avatar. Now it's gone. With that avatar went my faith in GF.

Thanks for ******* me over, CES. You ******* piece of ****.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
**** you, PW.
Thanks to CES, I no longer have the avatar I paid good money to have. As a result of his actions, I have been cheated out of what I paid for. Therefore, I am going to take action against CES, Bob, and GF.

That avatar was a rare find. It was edited and had special wording in it. As such, it is beyond irreplaceable. Since I no longer have it on this computer, and I seriously doubt I will ever be lucky enough to find it again, I am left at a loss because of a dishonest ******* moderator.

Above all else, that is what I most furious about. I paid for a membership so that I could use that avatar. Now it's gone. With that avatar went my faith in GF.

Thanks for ******* me over, CES. You ******* piece of ****.
Dear Crybaby,

Your pic is still on your profile pic...try here.

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New member
A lawsuit is now going to be filed aginst GF, CES, PW, and Robert Schwarz individually.

TH, as you fill your arsenal, you might want to take a peek inside the defense's briefcase....

As a member, and as a Prem, you have access to all threads.

As such, you have access to the multitude of references on this site regarding "rules" and "breaking rules".

The site is rife with references (love alliterations) ...to the fact that the mods and super mods just loooove to break rules and and re-break them. One might call it "whimsical modding".

We get to ***** and moan at them when they do so....but that's about it. Might as well just whip out the **** and **** against the wind. (ahhh..more alliteration, I'm bathing in my own spreading warmth)

I too am familar with legal processes. I'd venture to guess that even if you could find a starving claimant attny willing to take your case ..(try brooklyn) .....you'll be riding your rocking horse...to nowhere.

I don't see members lining up behind you either, sword in hand. In fact, you just might be making yourself look foolish. (shades of yesterday - view, "find all posts by TH")

I've done a bit of research for the defense attny (something in which I have a lot of experience) (and yes, I was paid quite nicely too!) (Love those Defense Billing files!) ... and I'll post a bit here ....that will work against you as much or more as your own foolishness:

We have the right as Mods to use the functions made available to us, and even to have fun with it. The premiums do not have that ability, which is why we give them the forum...

You are the one that told me I needed to be more evil and have more fun. Perhaps you should be careful what you wish for...

When it's just 1 or 2 people handling whats going on, it's easy to make and break your own rules, like I have always done. 2 people can coordinate much better the 6. Plus, when you factor in, that, instead of just letting the board be Moderated, we insist that paying members also give their input as well, then you have a collective set of people instead of Moderators calling the shots.
So I don't want to call anything we decide actual RULES, nor would I even call them GUIDELINES, I think we should call it initial tactic.

Okay, let me see. I'm getting slightly confused with all of the new "initial tactics" of how to do things around here. When to vote, when not to vote, who gets 1 vote and who gets 2, where the vote goes so we can see it, but then not see it, so that we can move it here or there and maybe see it anywhere, and who gets to vote upon whom and when and where because they are blue, or was it green, or maybe orange like me, however Legacys are not Premiums who ratify the Mods and quasi-Mods who have complete but limited and often non-existent abilities because the secret decoder ring was paid for in advance and has to expire first so that it can go back to where it started before it can get from here to there, yet still everybody is somewhat over or under Whites unless of course they are Yellow which requires a vote on sentence but not incarceration or procreation, unless they **** on the **** Pot which is a free for all zone, except you have to have a validated passport and not speak the language but then if it's Tuesday then rule #34 doesn't count except on every 17th Friday provided that the moon is in an ascending pattern from the constellation Aires. Furthermore, just to keep you on your toes, Bob "might" be working on it, but who knows when or if or ever and we really really really need to get 10,000 members by next Thursday 5 years from now so get to work on it!

Yep, you got it !!
It's a clusterfuck and we like it that way.

If I have my way, GF will eventually turn into the AOL you always wanted combined with some kick *** VR type navigation to paying members... but that is a LOONG ways away... Were still slowly adding stuff we talked about over 6 months ago in our GF roadmap at EXACTALLY the pace we want, and focusing on gaining more and more credibility across the net.. It's a time consuming task, but we are both very confident we can do it, and are VERY happy with the results we have gotten so far, with things like our Corruptable Mods, our idiot box, our forum structure, our google archiving abilitys, our MODS MAKE OUR OWN RULES THEN BREAK THEM type Moderating, and most important, Bob had planned from the start to make the behind the scenes MOD team more of an elective type team that works together instead of calling all the shots from their point of view.
Simply stated, not only can us Mods make our own rules, we can be ***** and BREAK them too. (It's good to be the Mod)

So how be you just go back to picking on MRIH and let us go back to our naps?

Sincerely Yours


(the one in CES's court with the wickedly cute shorts and poms poms)

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