Ace's Journal


New member
Hey there! Thought I may aswell start one up, since it seems fun to write one!

11th October 11.50pm

Well, just been to another great 18th party, didn't get drunk (Which i'm suprised; Jack Daniels straight and still completely sober! :D ) It was pretty cool; good music to dance too, all my friends there and there was the cool girl that I like (friend of a friend, she's awesome.) Don't really know why I like her, not that there's anything wrong with her, she's just different to other girls (in a good way). She isn't afraid to give her opinion, and she's funny :) Good job I didn't get drunk and make a fool out of myself in front of her like I did with another girl >_> Pfft! **** happens!

Didn't really get to talk to her much- Oooh, got a text from someone:

Thank u 4 an awesome evening. I love u all so much. X x x

*Shrug* No idea who that was, look at me, mr popular ;o

Moving on.. where was I? *Looks up the page* Ah yes! Didn't really talk to her much since there were so many people there, meh. That's what MSN and Myspace are for! Got no lessons until last tommorrow, gotta love sleeping in! :) No work on Saturday either since I booked it off! Woooooooooh!! But bleh... My mum wants to take me to a Uni open day... I don't think I even want to go to Uni, plus I won't get enough UCAS points to get in anyway.. I'm not very academic, and people seem to frown upon me for that. I can't help it, I prefer being the funny guy than someone I'm not! Hmm, we'll see. I guess Uni could be cool.. but the debts worry me! Ah well, I still have another year to ponder on it, it's all good!:thumbsup:

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