Adopt children from our own damn country


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2006
Its seems to be the trend lately.

All these highly publicized adoptions. Famous celebs bringing home children from foreign countries.

I am so sick of seeing Angelina Jolie and Madonna parade around with their adopted children that they obtained on foreign soil. Even Jodie Foster, she adopted a baby from China not too long ago. Nothing more pisses me off than this.

What the hell is wrong with adopting a child right here in the US?
A child is a child, no matter what. But with thousands of babies, and millions of children here in the US up for adoption, why go to another country? We need to take care of our own first..
I assume publicity is at the heart of this trend. It sounds so shallow and vain to do such a thing. What keeps a celebrities celebrity alive, is publicity. Even bad publicity can garnish new life in a dead career.
It seems on the surface a noble act of selflessness and diversity. To adopt a withered child from Zaire.
Madonna has stolen her newest child from an illiterate man in Africa. He thought she was just taking the child for proper rearing for a few years. As it turns out he was duped into signing his rights to the child over to her and her high price lawyers.

We have in this country a massive shortage of adoptive parents, especially for males. Yet these celebs travel across the continents to adopt. Why? I assume the culprit again is publicity. America isn't the only country that these celebs find their cash flow. Its seen as a humanitarian effort to travel to the most desperate of nations and rescue a child. To adopt an American child would gain them little of this same respectability on the world stage.
When you adopt a child from another country, the adopotion is final. You don't have the bio's two years later deciding they made a mistake, and taking the child back. The cases may be few and far between, but given a choice, most people don't want to take that chance.
KathyA said:
What the hell is wrong with adopting a child right here in the US?

I know.

If the star or starlet waits long enough, they'll get a foreign child adopted right here on U.S. soil.

Hell, I heard about a Ethiopian man who circumcised his daughter at the tender age of three. I think she'll want a new set of parents real soon.
Perhaps the motovation is to take save a life from a more dire situation than that which exists for parentless children in the US. There atleast they've regular food and care at hostels and foster homes etc, and even if it came to living off the streets for awhile they could survive and even pull through. In contrast, a child from Soudan hasn't much hope to hold out for, aside from either being KIA at the age of 7 or being adopted by someone from outside the country.

I'm not saying this is the whole story, just a flip side to the above opinions.
Yup... what eisanbt said. That is why... and the whole notion of bio-parents showing up and wanting something... especially from a celeb. Doesn't make it right, just makes it a thing. I say you have to adopt at least one American baby for every two foriegn ones. If the judge knows who you are, you have to adopt 4 homegrowns to every 1 foriegn.

I have spoken. Make it law.
I suppose you two are right. There is a part of me that thinks its like getting an exotic pet. Like I can see Madonna sitting at some stuffy ****ing tea social in London. All her socialite friends showing off their well bred children. Then she whips out Motuku, the bush baby. Ohhh the envy. Pure bred spear chuka.

Adopting an American orphan is like going to the pound and getting a Chow-Shepard-Labrador mutt.
I like the disease in your thought dude. You hit that on the head, and I never would have come up with the words for it.
There is a 5 year waiting list in America for adopting a child under 4 years old.

The problem in America is that it takes far too much to terminate parental rights.

In cases of abandoned children... It doesn't matter if the child is raised in foster homes from birth to 18... If the parents make an effort to visit the child a few times a year... the courts will not typically terminate parental rights.

In the case of abused children... Most of them aren't removed from the homes for good. They stick the kid in a foster home somewhere and send mom and dad to parenting classes for a few months.. then they give the kid back. That can happen over and over again. By the time the courts actually take the kid away for good it is 14 years old and has a violent disposition and a criminal rap sheet.

I used to know 3 kids.. brothers... who came from a home where their dad would hold a gun to their mother's head and tell the boys he would kill their mom if they didn't do unnatural things to her.. so they did. Finally someone reported it and the dad was sent to prison. A few months later it was discovered that she was accepting collect calls from the dad and allowing him to scare the boys over the phone so that they would continue to do what they had been doing. DFS took the kids away... for a year. They sent mom to counseling and then sent the kids back home.

So long as the government pays parents to keep children they don't want... we will never have orphans ... we will have foster kids and victims of abuse.
ClassyMissFancy said:
I used to know 3 kids.. brothers... who came from a home where their dad would hold a gun to their mother's head and tell the boys he would kill their mom if they didn't do unnatural things to her.. so they did. Finally someone reported it and the dad was sent to prison. A few months later it was discovered that she was accepting collect calls from the dad and allowing him to scare the boys over the phone so that they would continue to do what they had been doing. DFS took the kids away... for a year. They sent mom to counseling and then sent the kids back home.

Ya need to stop hanging around trailer parks.
I wasn't hanging around the trailer parks. I was hanging around a house where I lived with 12 abused and neglected kids who had been removed from their homes by DFS.

Are the trailer parks where you go to look for kids?
ClassyMissFancy said:
I wasn't hanging around the trailer parks. I was hanging around a house where I lived with 12 abused and neglected kids who had been removed from their homes by DFS.

Are the trailer parks where you go to look for kids?

I ain't the one who just admitted to neglecting and abusing kids.
Um.. can you ****ing read?

I said I lived with kids who had been abused and neglected and so were removed from their own homes by DFS..

Do I need to get out the fat crayons again... or did you eat them?
ClassyMissFancy said:
Um.. can you ****ing read?

I said I lived with kids who had been abused and neglected and so were removed from their own homes by DFS..

Do I need to get out the fat crayons again... or did you eat them?

Go back to your episodes of Will and Grace. Thank God for them children you are no longer in a position to abuse them.
Hugo, you big bully. You should be set in the naughty chair for an hour for picking on the new kid.
I couldn't help but notice yet another new member has gotten boxed right off the bat. Probably not the best of ways to gain new members. This is truly an anti-social forum.
Jhony5 said:
Hugo, you big bully. You should be set in the naughty chair for an hour for picking on the new kid.
I couldn't help but notice yet another new member has gotten boxed right off the bat. Probably not the best of ways to gain new members. This is truly an anti-social forum.

It seems that has become the norm, however a good hazing never hurt anyone.
Jhony5 said:
Hugo, you big bully. You should be set in the naughty chair for an hour for picking on the new kid.
I couldn't help but notice yet another new member has gotten boxed right off the bat. Probably not the best of ways to gain new members. This is truly an anti-social forum.


Hugo has done nothing but make an ass of his self. He and Orleans jump onto a newbie's post as though they are going to attempt to actually interject something intelligent in rebuttal. Instead of actually making a point of any kind, they get kicked in the teeth, so they attempt to save face by trying to divert from the topic through hurling infantile insults.

You really shouldn't encourage them, you know.
ClassyMissFancy said:

Hugo has done nothing but make an ass of his self. He and Orleans jump onto a newbie's post as though they are going to attempt to actually interject something intelligent in rebuttal. Instead of actually making a point of any kind, they get kicked in the teeth, so they attempt to save face by trying to divert from the topic through hurling infantile insults.

You really shouldn't encourage them, you know.

The ignoramous, who can only support her opinions with episodes of Will and Grace, speaks.

I guess she's used to forcefully imposing her beliefs on children. She is a real sicko.
How do you forcefully impose beliefs?

My "opinions" on children carry a bit more weight than yours.

Just as your opinions on swallowing after a BJ carry more weight than mine.

Experience is key.
ClassyMissFancy said:
How do you forcefully impose beliefs?

My "opinions" on children carry a bit more weight than yours.

Just as your opinions on swallowing after a BJ carry more weight than mine.

Experience is key.

I don't have your experience beating children. That is true. Ya got me there.