After The ABC News Debacle: How To Change Media - Why Making Media The Issue Is Crucial For Saving D

Can you say "For all Operation Chaos did in Pa., Obama is still only single
digits down.

"ZNUYBV" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 21, 12:13 pm, "Gandalf Grey" <> wrote:
> > "znuybv" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Apr 21, 11:26 am, "Lamont Cranston" <>
> > > wrote:
> > >> Taylor wrote:
> > >> > "Gandalf Grey" <> wrote in message
> > >> >news:480cc564$0$21500$
> > >> >> After The ABC News Debacle: How To Change Media - Why Making Media
> > >> >> The Issue
> > >> >> Is Crucial For Saving Democracy

> >
> > >> >> By Danny Schechter

> >
> > >> >> Created Apr 19 2008 - 11:27am

> >
> > >> >> How ironic that in the same week that the National Association of
> > >> >> Broadcasters gave actor Tim Robins a platform to challenge media
> > >> >> gatekeepers
> > >> >> to open the airwaves to more perspectives ABC NEWS gave us all a
> > >> >> classic example of how a network can dumb down a presidential

> > >> >> and turn it into a disgraceful hit job rather than an enlightening
> > >> >> hit.
> > >> >> Rather than advance the political high that so many are having

> > >> >> an exciting campaign, it set a new low in TV coverage and was a

> > >> >> to our political discourse.

> >
> > >> >> Oddly, the other big news revolved around the Pope's visit.

> > >> >> knew how to get attention in the US press--by talking about sexual
> > >> >> perversion. What he didn't discuss, and what the media didn't

> > >> >> us of, was the last
> > >> >> concerns of his Saintly predecessor Pope John Paul 11. That Pope
> > >> >> focused on
> > >> >> a subject that most media outlets cover the least: their own
> > >> >> performance.
> > >> >> That "holy father" focused on what the media should be doing in

> > >> >> last apostolic letter.

> >
> > >> >> Let me remind you since I was struck by the irony of Pontiff's

> > >> >> wish, it
> > >> >> was during the "live" coverage of the death of the Pope--one of

> > >> >> major media moments of 2005, that brought an army of journalists

> > >> >> cover the multitudes of mourners. In a sense it was his dying

> > >> >> I was in Rome at the time but only found out about this revelation
> > >> >> afterwards. It seemed to have been buried with him or went over

> > >> >> heads of most of those "covering"
> > >> >> a spectacle that went on for a week. His image was praised; his
> > >> >> ideas were not.

> >
> > >> >> That Pope expressed several wishes calling for a greater sense of
> > >> >> social responsibility in the media, and for the media, too,

> >
> > >> >> "Promote justice and solidarity according to an organic and

> > >> >> vision
> > >> >> of human development by reporting events accurately and

> > >> >> analyzing situations and problems completely, and providing a

> > >> >> for different opinions. An authentically ethical approach to using
> > >> >> the powerful
> > >> >> communication media must be situated within the context of a

> > >> >> exercise
> > >> >> of freedom and responsibility, founded upon the supreme criteria

> > >> >> truth and justice."

> >
> > >> >> He also spoke about media ownership:

> >
> > >> >> "I would like to recall our attention to the subject of media
> > >> >> access, and of co-responsible participation in their

> > >> >> If the communications media are a good destined for all humanity,
> > >> >> then ever-new means must be found - including recourse to

> > >> >> legislative measures -
> > >> >> to make possible a true participation in their management by all.

> > >> >> culture of co-responsibility must be nurtured."

> >
> > >> >> Unlike other papal passions, however, implementing this wish

> > >> >> rely on
> > >> >> faith alone-it will take practical steps.

> >
> > >> >> Changing our media demands action and ideas on many fronts,
> > >> >> including the legislative, regulatory, institutional, and
> > >> >> educational. It's about changing
> > >> >> structures of power and ways of looking at the world. It demands
> > >> >> thought about what we want from ourselves, not just others. It
> > >> >> requires a new consciousness among those that make media and those
> > >> >> that consume it.
> > >> >> Some years back in discussing my media manifesto, The Death of

> > >> >> (Melville House Books) the editors of Buzzflash noted:

> >
> > >> >> "The conventional media is such a huge part of the crisis we face
> > >> >> as a democracy that it is hard to even talk about issues. The
> > >> >> corporate media goes wherever the White House or the latest

> > >> >> bride leads them. The real news isn't profitable enough for the
> > >> >> corporate-owned press, so they don't really DO much news anymore.
> > >> >> They do public relations and entertainment.

> >
> > >> >> And they aren't going to go out on a limb to report much of the
> > >> >> truth about the Bush Administration lies, deception and imperial
> > >> >> presidency, because they are afraid that the vengeance-driven
> > >> >> Busheviks will sabotage their corporate bottom line."

> >
> > >> >> Let's admit that the problem goes deeper than just what THEY do
> > >> >> wrong--because they have been following the same ideological
> > >> >> approach for decades. Yes, it is also about the failure of what WE
> > >> >> are not doing right, of the refusal of political movements and
> > >> >> activists to take up this problem,
> > >> >> not just as occasional reaction to some outrage such as the George
> > >> >> and Charlie Show but as an ongoing issue, a problem of democracy

> > >> >> deep as lobbyists, money in politics and various policy questions.

> >
> > >> >> You cannot have a real democracy without a really free media.
> > >> >> Period. If the
> > >> >> public is not being informed, and, in fact, is continually
> > >> >> misinformed, people will not vote in their best interest. Period.

> >
> > >> >> Most candidates and political parties raise hundreds of millions

> > >> >> influence the media, to buy airtime, and get on TV. They know that
> > >> >> all politics is media politics in America. There's even a word for
> > >> >> it: "The air
> > >> >> war." They know the media sets the agenda, spins the news, and
> > >> >> decides what
> > >> >> will and will not be discussed. The war in Iraq grinds on partly
> > >> >> because the
> > >> >> media promoted it and now mostly ignores it.

> >
> > >> >> Let's put it simply. More coverage like ABC's impartial bla bla

> > >> >> and Fox's GOP trench warfare and John McCain will be our next
> > >> >> president. Period.
> > >> >> The media knows how to make Sh t smell sweet. That's their

> >
> > >> >> It's good that MoveOn has launched a petition asking the networks
> > >> >> not to do
> > >> >> what they will continue to do. At least it's a start. But so much
> > >> >> more is needed--a serious activist campaign to challenge the

> > >> >> business, lobbying not just at the FCC but of all organizations on
> > >> >> the ground to put media change on their agenda, and also
> > >> >> significant, to support independent media to challenge and where
> > >> >> possible compete with the corporate media agenda.

> >
> > >> >> Let's think about the kind of "Media And Democracy Act" that will
> > >> >> include funding for media makers and media literacy educators that
> > >> >> we can all agree
> > >> >> on.

> >
> > >> >> While obscene amounts of money are being raised to fund political
> > >> >> campaigns,
> > >> >> the Indy Media sector is actually being defunded as foundations

> > >> >> back and donors give everywhere but into a dynamic counter media.

> >
> > >> >> We need to get anti-war activists to start campaigning for honest
> > >> >> coverage from media companies that are complicit in the war. We

> > >> >> to challenge the
> > >> >> media failure to tell us that the economic crisis was coming too.

> > >> >> investigate its causes, the people responsible for the plunder.

> >
> > >> >> We need to get so-called media reform "movements" like Free Press

> > >> >> stop putting their main focus on Washington lobbying and internet
> > >> >> petitions or holding rallies they call conferences with little
> > >> >> follow-up to mount an activist campaign for media accountability.
> > >> >> Let's put some organizers in the
> > >> >> streets, not more lawyers and experts in the suites.

> >
> > >> >> The sad truth is that many of the organizations engaged in media
> > >> >> advocacy won't work together or cross-promote each other's work

> > >> >> instead, compete
> > >> >> for funding and bragging rights. That's been our experience at
> > >> >> MediaChannel
> > >> >> which was set up as a network to promote the whole movement. We

> > >> >> hanging
> > >> >> on when we should be flourishing as media concentration and media
> > >> >> crimes persist --yes, the word crime is not too strong, a crime
> > >> >> against democracy is what many media outlets have become.

> >
> > >> >> These are some of the ABC's of media change. Anyone listening?

> > >> >> willing to act?

> >
> > >> >> --
> > >> >> NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which

> > >> >> not always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making

> > >> >> material available to advance understanding of
> > >> >> political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice
> > >> >> issues. I
> > >> >> believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material

> > >> >> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
> > >> >> Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107

> >
> > >> >> "A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass

> > >> >> their spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight,
> > >> >> restore their government to its true principles. It is true that

> > >> >> the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit,
> > >> >> and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of

> > >> >> public debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we
> > >> >> must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an
> > >> >> opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this

> > >> >> a game where principles are at
> > >> >> stake."
> > >> >> -Thomas Jefferson

> >
> > >> > A couple of their own break liberal news ranks and ask some hard
> > >> > questions, and it's a "debacle"?

> >
> > >> There are no "liberal news ranks" and the questions that were asked
> > >> weren't
> > >> "hard," only irrelevant.

> >
> > >> > Can't wait for the general election!

> >
> > >> Practice saying "President Obama."

> >
> > > Can you say, Black Surrender Monkey?

> >
> > Can you say Doddering Old White Fascist?

> Yes. Doddering Old White Fascist.
> Now can you say, Black Surrender Monkey?