Air Force Sergeant Playboy

Apparently the manginas think it is alright to disrespect the uniform.

Mangina 1 said: what core values has she transgressed upon?

Probably the one prohibiting any form of sex other than missionary? Or how about the one stating that oral sex is illegal. Oh, wait, they finally OK'd that one a few years ago.

How exactly has she dishonored the men and women of our military?

So should we expect quick inspections in all places military to find and destroy all nudey pics that our service men have posted up?

If it was a male that had posed for Playgirl would there be the same fallout?

Asinine. I can see if she wasn't in the military then fine, but keep your shirt on when you are serving and have some bearing.

Mangina 2 said:
Posing for Playboy makes her an "animal"? Jesus dude. Ever hear of proportioned response? Relax. We're all nude underneath our clothes.

I don't remember seeing "posing for Playboy" under the 7 deadly sins.

I will probably get called FAGGOT or WOMAN HATER for this but I gives a damn. And if a man was doing the same thing I would be ripping about him too.
Outlaw2747 said:
I will probably get called FAGGOT or WOMAN HATER for this but I gives a damn. And if a man was doing the same thing I would be ripping about him too.
You, sir, are no faggot or woman-hater for saying this. This Sergeant is very guilty of violating one of the most sacred tenets of the Armed Forces: do NOT do anything disparaging in public while in uniform. Of course I would expect that only a person who has worn the uniform would understand this. We had this practically beaten into our heads while I was in the Navy, and again in the National Guard.

Ever see a civilian out on the town ****ing up? What do people say about him (or her) when they see that person acting up? They say, "wow, that guy is ****ed up".

Now imagine how you'd react upon seeing a Sailor/Airman/Soldier/Marine doing the same thing? Most folks would say, "damn, those soldiers are a bunch of ****ups, huh?". C'mon, admit it - that's exactly what you were thinking, isn't it?

That, my friends, is the inherent responsibility which goes with wearing the uniform. People are usually quick to judge a book by its cover (otherwise there'd be no such creature as racism, for example). When the see an individual they usually judge that person on his/her own merits (at least, in an ideal world); but when they see someone in a uniform, they automatically attribute any actions by that person to the entire organization he or she represents. Doesn't matter whether or not this is accurate, they do it anyway. Come to think of it, folks like to make these prejudgements when it comes to race as well, don't they?

Yes, it's wrong to do that; but it's never that easy to change people's minds. On the other hand it is a little easier to regulate one's own behavior, especially when you know that the public is going to thrust the role of "Armed Forces Ambassador" upon you (like it or not). They see one of us ****ing up, they think we are all like that.

The Military brass so realized the importance of this fact that they even drew up some standards of behavior for us servicemembers to follow; some of you might know it as the UCMJ. This Sergeant, by allowing her position to be used in conjunction with her involvement with a morally questionable endeavor, has violated that code of laws (UCMJ Article 134, I believe).

The hammer is about to fall, hard.
Best explanation i have ever heard. I had to show the guys at this other forum your answer to get my point across (apparently I stink at arguing since none of my very simple words got through to them). I am fixing to leave the site because the manginas are overbearing.

I mean come on now, before you raise your hand in oath you are giving rules of conduct. When you work for an organization for the government you are expected to present yourself accordingly. If you cannot do it, don't raise your damn hand. She knew what would happen by doing it. Now she suffers from it (well not really because she is now on Playboy getting all the attention she needs).

The guys on the other site claim that it is being taken too seriously and that we don't care about the rape that goes on in the military, the killing of civilians, and other things but the Miss Playboy thing is far blown out. Bullshit, she just got kicked out and I bet she doesn't care.
She will make her money off the noteriety. She knew damn well it was done before, and what the consequenses were. The only reason she is whoring herself out now for the media for interviews is for the noteriety it will bring from the exposure.
tech10171968 said:
.....This Sergeant is very guilty of violating one of the most sacred tenets of the Armed Forces: do NOT do anything disparaging in public while in uniform. Of course I would expect that only a person who has worn the uniform would understand this. We had this practically beaten into our heads while I was in the Navy, and again in the National Guard........
I agree 100%! And yet I'm curiously aroused. :cool:
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. A nice looking gal took the opportunity to make a few bucks, and get some "exposure". Who gives a flying **** if shes with the military or not? Did she do this while on military (taxpayers) time..I doubt it. Playboy, of all the nudie rags, is one of the most tastefully done magazines.. Shes not spead eagle shoving a cucumber up her ****.. nor is she standing buck-nekkid saying "We want YOU in the US Army". Ya'll sound like a bunch of prudes. What is so offensive about this, tell me please, cuz I dont get it. Would we have the same reaction if some male soldiers posed nude in Playgirl? I think not. The term disparaging was used in an earlier post. Per Merriam-Webster:

Main Entry: dis
She doesn't get my sympathies.

Back when I got kicked out of my convent for posing for Playboy in my habit and crucifix, no one rallied for my reinstatement.
When she enlisted she agreed in writing to up hold the rules and regulations of said force.
One of those regulations is to not be out of uniform while on duty. That means wearing parts of a uniform, not complete.
Anytime you are in uniform you are on duty. She was on our dime. And the cloths she
Phantom said:
She doesn't get my sympathies.

Back when I got kicked out of my convent for posing for Playboy in my habit and crucifix, no one rallied for my reinstatement.

Pics please.
snafu said:
When she enlisted she agreed in writing to up hold the rules and regulations of said force.
One of those regulations is to not be out of uniform while on duty. That means wearing parts of a uniform, not complete.
Anytime you are in uniform you are on duty. She was on our dime. And the cloths she
what she did is a discrace to the uniform and she should be removed from the military...... but i'd still like to see the pictures, anyone got them?
And I ask again.. why is it a disgrace? Its JUST a nude woman!

Edit: as far as the wenches pics..I imagine once the Feb issue comes out, theyll be all over the net.
thekid65 said:
And I ask again.. why is it a disgrace? Its JUST a nude woman!

Edit: as far as the wenches pics..I imagine once the Feb issue comes out, theyll be all over the net.

but the uniform is a symbol of the military, AND she is legally and morally obligated to not 'conduct behavior unbecoming to an officer' ESPECALLY while in uniform, it's a discrace to the military, and pretty much a slap in the face, the top brass don't want people that break the rules like that on purpose leading and deciding how/if troops live or die.

and i'm sure this thread will have 3 or 4 copies of each picture in it by a few days after the issue gets out.
I agree that the uniform is the symbol of the military. Howver, I dont believe she was in her uniform. And the rules.. IMO, are open to interpretation. One persons definition of "degrading" is different from anothers.

Edit: Like I said, Playboy is pretty classy. No pink to speak of, and no insertion pics. There is no degredation here..nor anything to be ashamed of.
thekid65 said:
I agree that the uniform is the symbol of the military. Howver, I dont believe she was in her uniform. And the rules.. IMO, are open to interpretation. One persons definition of "degrading" is different from anothers.

Edit: Like I said, Playboy is pretty classy. No pink to speak of, and no insertion pics. There is no degredation here..nor anything to be ashamed of.

well, that's your opinion, BUT, you must also understand that she has compleatly undermined her ability to command, who the **** is going to lisen to the sarge if we have pictures of her nude? the bitch gets touchy, you just picture her nude and don't lisen

(that goes to your edit to)
I would wager that shes not a DS of a male unit. And yes, thats a challange she may have to overcome, even with the females. She was pretty gal when she made the rank of DS, and I would think shes preformed her duties well, and trained good soldiers. Does taking off her clothes change what she was? I think not. Shes still got the same ****, ass, and brains. Only now, her **** and ass are in a magazine.
thekid65 said:
Do dogtags count as a uniform? I think not.

oh, ok, the one symbol that shows you are a member of the United States military, the ONE part of the uniform that even ****ing matters, is not important enough to be considered part of the uniform. right...

that's a link to a true American's website, read the story. (in a nutshell) they went to Vietnam on vacation and ended up buying MANY MANY MANY GI dogtags of fallen soldiers and returned them to the families of the fallen. that little piece of metal means more than anything else on the uniform (Marine EGA excluded, I'd say they are close but DT not quite more important) it IS the soldier/marine/airman who wears them, AND it is the United States Military.

so don't ****ing say it's not part of the uniform