Al Gore Invented Global Warming


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2004
First and foremost, I have not and never have disputed the global rise in temperatures. What I maintain is that humans have a negligible, if any, real affect on this rise. The bullshit Global Warming I refer to is Al Gore's brand of alarmist 'global warming.'
Climate is cyclical: we are either still rising or are on the final cusp of the new warming phase after a previous cold phase. Remember, geologic time works in at least tens of thousands of years.
The Earth warms due to the Greenhouse effect and cools as photosynthesizers have a boom in growth due to the abundance of CO2. Remember also that a single small scale volcano eruption can match a car manufacturers (all plants) gas outputs over... a year I believe when I last did my calculations. That's small scale Hawaiian style volcanoes, not St. Helens style volcanoes.
Every year alarmists attribute the WEATHER to global warming and make everything a doomsday. Remember the horrific hurricane season last year? They made predictions that this year would be EVEN WORSE! Know how many named hurricanes ACTUALLY hit land this year? Pretty much none.
Build better energy solutions? Yes! Let
What everyone should realize is the Earth has gone through climate changes many times. We are just moving towards something that is perfectly natural. Maybe we might have facilitated the effects by dumping all the pollutants into the atmosphere, but, what is happening has happened before and will happen again.
Al Gore has reinvented the "political platform".

When is George Bush gonna go Hollywood?
.When is George Bush gonna go Hollywood?

Every politician is a spotlight grabber.

I think we should all panic IMMEDIATELY. The world is in crisis due to our polluting ways, and soon will be inhospitable due to GLOBAL COOLING

First it's warming, now it's cooling. Someone needs to make up their mind.
I think we should all thank Al Gore for inventing the Internet. Without him, we would not be having this conversation right now.

Praise hypocrisy!

Actually...first it was cooling, now warming.

Sometimes it pays to learn from history - and the panic that ensued in the 70's when we were told our planet was entering another ice age.

I recall being told by scientific experts in the 80's that the world would completely run out of oil in 10 years.

I recall being told by scientific experts that humans used to be monkeys, chipmunks, tadpoles etc too...but that's a WHOLE other discussion.
In the true spirit of procrastination, I say we wait until something horrible happens before we make our move.

.....and if the Earth does start to cool, should we then begin to partake in activities that cause global warming to offset the cooling? We could call it Global Normaling.
I think many of these scientists should get a real job, so they don't have to sponge millions of our govts for research into their latest scare story.
Phantom said:
Alright! Another South Park fan!
I have a hard time understanding what they're saying sometimes. The little munchkins need to speek up. Clean Mr **** out of their mouths.
I think many of these scientists should get a real job, so they don't have to sponge millions of our govts for research into their latest scare story.

most of the research into global warming and renewable energy is funded by large insurance companies, not so much governments. If the scientists were researching something else, chances are that'd be funded by the governments, so maybe you would like them to stay where they are?

If you please, you can download a trial version of minitab, go to your favourite source of climate and atmospheric data and run your on correlation tests between carbon dioxide levels and temperature, and carbon dioxide levels and human-related carbon emissions. You will find you get p values that suggest temperature and carbon levels are strongly correlated. You will probably get a p value that suggests a significant correlation between carbon levels and human-related carbon emission, but this p value will strengthen if you take into account the human-related carbon-absorption destruction (such as logging).

Alternatively you could find a scientific report - I suggest searching through the journal articles at your library for "correlation between temperature, green house gases and post-industrial revolution carbon emission rates" and simply read it.

Still not convinced, you can head on over to google, and search "precautionary principle" and learn why we don't need such certainty to enforce that precautionary measures be taken.

You can choose to panic if you please, but that's hardly necessary.

Furthermore, buying real estate on high land and building a strong armoured wall around it is counted as panic.
GF Admin said:
South Park Fans are bung-hole kissers, comedy for the dense.

Are you kidding me? It is filled with innuendos and satire. Observe.
