Al Gore plagiaried and lied about AGW



April-18-2008, 20/20, John Stossel interviewed the Hollywood
Film company which produced and used a COMPUTER
GENERATED Artic Landscape for one of the sequences
in their fantasy film "Day After Tomorrow", a scence which fat
Al Gore plagiarized & presented as a real world Antarctic
event sequence in his film "An inconvenient truth".... ahaha...

Now you have the real inconvenient truth about fat Al Gore and
his idiot green mooches which he duped into becoming damaged
goods like posters Ouroboros_Rex & Peter BP.... ahahaha...
.... Gore, his goons and his fools operate according to the edicts
of the green bible which says:

= "It doesn't matter what is true ... it only matters what people
= believe is true. -- Paul Watson, Sea Shepard/ex-Greenpeace, &...
= "A lot of environmental [sci/soc/pol] messages are simply not
= accurate. We use hype." -- Jerry Franklin, Ecologist, UoW, and...
= "If you don't know an answer, a fact, a statistic, then make it up
= on the spot ... for the mass-media today ... the truth is irrelevant."
= -- Paul Watson in Earthforce: An Earth Warrior's Guide to Strategy.
= "We make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little
= mention of any doubts we may have [about] being honest."
= -- Stephen Schneider (Stanford prof. who first sought fame as
= a global cooler, but has now hit the big time as a global warmer)
= "It is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presen-
= tations" -- Al Gore, Chairman, Gen. Investment Management Bank.

ahahahaha... Al Gore and his inner circle is ****ing you out of the
few dollars that are left in your wallet... AHAHA... Serves you right!
Not much different then the Bush-Cheney oil boys who milk you at
the gas pump for their own "environmental" reasons... ahahaha...
Thanks for the laughs all you little green idiots!... AHAHAHAHA...
ahahaha... ahahahanson

--------------------- Original post --------------------
"Benj" <> wrote in message

Ouroboros_Rex <>, a real fanatical; green turd wrote
>> > AGW is a case in point - experiments continually verify it, so the
>> > denialists are generally stuck with editorials and politics, where
>> > they can lie about the experiments.


"Benj" <> wrote in message
> No, Experiments DO NOT verify "AGW"! Experiments tend to verify
> "climate change". So AGW politicos are pretty much stuck with the
> arguments below:
> (PeterBP), a scared little green idiot wrote:
>> Quibble here, but you've being vague - experiments continually verify
>> GW . The currecntly accepted explanation for this GW is increased CO2
>> and CH4 (et al) content in the atmosphere, most of which comes from
>> humanity.


"Benj" <> wrote in message
> Here it is folks! The same old bait and switch argument "invented" by
> Algore. The first part about GW seems to be true not only on Earth
> but some other planets as well!
> The second part comes the fraud which blames "AGW" on CO2 (which is
> impossible) and CH4 (which is a better candidate but still not all
> that likely) which is then blamed on man.
> The idea is to make huge quantities of cash smashing the first world
> economy by wheeling and dealing in "carbon footprints". It's like the
> biggest political fraud of the new century! This "explanation is in
> fact only "accepted" by people who have no knowledge of science or
> spectroscopy and is promoted by a well-defined bunch of sold-out so-
> called scientists who are in on the scam.
> The clever part of this scam is to use those to deny climate change to
> try to give credence to the bogus "caused by man" theories. The truth
> is that "man" is already endangering the earth plenty with nasty
> pollution in air and oceans and this fraud simply draws public
> attention away from the truly important damages such as from mercury
> in coal and the nasty chems in each space shuttle launch and all the
> rest. It's a scandal of major dimensions and it's easy to identify
> those here who are in on the scam!
> And Algore? Oh yeah, I remember. He's that Nobel prize winning
> "scientist" who invented the Internet and "AGW". He also won an Oscar
> and Emmy for his theatrical creations.
> Yawn this same old tired crap has been repeated here so much that
> you'd think they'd give up. I guess too much potential profit is
> involved for that!
I said:
> > And Algore? Oh yeah, I remember. He's that Nobel prize winning
> > "scientist" who invented the Internet and "AGW". He also won an Oscar
> > and Emmy for his theatrical creations.

> > Yawn. This same old tired crap has been repeated here so much that
> > you'd think they'd give up. I guess too much potential profit is
> > involved for that!

Only the new thing here is that Algore used CGI hollywood scenes for
his "Oscar winning" "documentary"! Of course "simulated" documentary
scenes is a "modern" film technique pioneered by that "great" film
maker Michael Moore!
You gotta admit these guys have some pretty big cajones!
"Edward Green" <> wrote in message

hanson... you are a vicious polemic infighter
-- and I mean that in a nice way. ;-)
recently typing has become a chore, or I'd write more.

hanson wrote:
..... ahahaha... AHAHAHA... "vicious polemic infighter"
I like that, Ed, you old submariner. ... Thanks!... hahaha...
Hey, a man s'gotta do what a man 'sgotta do... ahaha...

Listen Ed, typing chores/pain... Are you experiencing
some Carpal-Tunnel type/sort of difficulties?... Recently,
it has been noticed that scores of people have such pain
symptoms, severe pain, in both hands, at the thumb-wrist
-arm joint (Pron. Quad / Abductor Pollicis) region and sites.
Indications are though that it does not come from "overuse"
but rather from the "settling in" of viruses there onto the nerve
tissue in the extremities, after a flu or cold. - Remedy is easy.

Anyways, take care Ed, thanks for the accolades and here
is the "round of infighting" again that so impressed you:

---------- Fat Al Gore's Globally Warmed Plagiarism -----
April-18-2008, 20/20, John Stossel interviewed the Hollywood
Film company which produced and used a COMPUTER
GENERATED Artic Landscape for one of the sequences in
their fantasy film "The Day After Tomorrow", a scence which fat
Al Gore plagiarized & presented as a real world Antarctic
event sequence in his film "An inconvenient truth".... ahaha...

Now you have the real inconvenient truth about fat Al Gore and
his idiot green mooches which he duped into becoming damaged
goods like posters Ouroboros_Rex & Peter BP are.... ahahaha...
.... Gore, his goons and his fools operate according to the edicts
of the green bible which says:

= "It doesn't matter what is true ... it only matters what people
= believe is true. -- Paul Watson, Sea Shepard/ex-Greenpeace, &...
= "A lot of environmental [sci/soc/pol] messages are simply not
= accurate. We use hype." -- Jerry Franklin, Ecologist, UoW, and...
= "If you don't know an answer, a fact, a statistic, then make it up
= on the spot ... for the mass-media today ... the truth is irrelevant."
= -- Paul Watson in Earthforce: An Earth Warrior's Guide to Strategy.
= "We make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little
= mention of any doubts we may have [about] being honest."
= -- Stephen Schneider (Stanford prof. who first sought fame as
= a global cooler, but has now hit the big time as a global warmer)
= "It is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presen-
= tations" -- Al Gore, Chairman, Gen. Investment Management Bank.

ahahahaha... Al Gore and his inner circle is ****ing you out of the
few dollars that are left in your wallet... AHAHA... Serves you right!
Not much different then the Bush-Cheney oil boys who milk you at
the gas pump for their own "environmental" reasons... ahahaha...
Thanks for the laughs all you little green idiots!... AHAHAHAHA...
ahahaha... ahahahanson

--------------------- Original post --------------------
"Benj" <> wrote in message

Ouroboros_Rex <>, a real fanatical; green turd wrote
>> > AGW is a case in point - experiments continually verify it, so the
>> > denialists are generally stuck with editorials and politics, where
>> > they can lie about the experiments.


"Benj" <> wrote in message
> No, Experiments DO NOT verify "AGW"! Experiments tend to verify
> "climate change". So AGW politicos are pretty much stuck with the
> arguments below:
> (PeterBP), a scared little green idiot wrote:
>> Quibble here, but you've being vague - experiments continually verify
>> GW . The currecntly accepted explanation for this GW is increased CO2
>> and CH4 (et al) content in the atmosphere, most of which comes from
>> humanity.


"Benj" <> wrote in message
> Here it is folks! The same old bait and switch argument "invented" by
> Algore. The first part about GW seems to be true not only on Earth
> but some other planets as well!
> The second part comes the fraud which blames "AGW" on CO2 (which is
> impossible) and CH4 (which is a better candidate but still not all
> that likely) which is then blamed on man.
> The idea is to make huge quantities of cash smashing the first world
> economy by wheeling and dealing in "carbon footprints". It's like the
> biggest political fraud of the new century! This "explanation is in
> fact only "accepted" by people who have no knowledge of science or
> spectroscopy and is promoted by a well-defined bunch of sold-out so-
> called scientists who are in on the scam.
> The clever part of this scam is to use those to deny climate change to
> try to give credence to the bogus "caused by man" theories. The truth
> is that "man" is already endangering the earth plenty with nasty
> pollution in air and oceans and this fraud simply draws public
> attention away from the truly important damages such as from mercury
> in coal and the nasty chems in each space shuttle launch and all the
> rest. It's a scandal of major dimensions and it's easy to identify
> those here who are in on the scam!
> And Algore? Oh yeah, I remember. He's that Nobel prize winning
> "scientist" who invented the Internet and "AGW". He also won an Oscar
> and Emmy for his theatrical creations.
> Yawn this same old tired crap has been repeated here so much that
> you'd think they'd give up. I guess too much potential profit is
> involved for that!
"Edward Green" <> wrote in message

hanson... you are a vicious polemic infighter
-- and I mean that in a nice way. ;-)
recently typing has become a chore, or I'd write more.

hanson wrote:
..... ahahaha... AHAHAHA... "vicious polemic infighter"
I like that, Ed, you old submariner. ... Thanks!... hahaha...
Hey, a man s'gotta do what a man 'sgotta do... ahaha...

Listen Ed, typing chores/pain... Are you experiencing
some Carpal-Tunnel type/sort of difficulties?... Recently,
it has been noticed that scores of people have such pain
symptoms, severe pain, in both hands, at the thumb-wrist
-arm joint (Pron. Quad / Abductor Pollicis) region and sites.
Indications are though that it does not come from "overuse"
but rather from the "settling in" of viruses there onto the nerve
tissue in the extremities, after a flu or cold. - Remedy is easy.

Anyways, take care Ed, thanks for the accolades and here
is the "round of infighting" again that so impressed you:

---------- Fat Al Gore's Globally Warmed Plagiarism -----
April-18-2008, 20/20, John Stossel interviewed the Hollywood
Film company which produced and used a COMPUTER
GENERATED Artic Landscape for one of the sequences in
their fantasy film "The Day After Tomorrow", a scence which fat
Al Gore plagiarized & presented as a real world Antarctic
event sequence in his film "An inconvenient truth".... ahaha...

Now you have the real inconvenient truth about fat Al Gore and
his idiot green mooches which he duped into becoming damaged
goods like posters Ouroboros_Rex & Peter BP are.... ahahaha...
.... Gore, his goons and his fools operate according to the edicts
of the green bible which says:

= "It doesn't matter what is true ... it only matters what people
= believe is true. -- Paul Watson, Sea Shepard/ex-Greenpeace, &...
= "A lot of environmental [sci/soc/pol] messages are simply not
= accurate. We use hype." -- Jerry Franklin, Ecologist, UoW, and...
= "If you don't know an answer, a fact, a statistic, then make it up
= on the spot ... for the mass-media today ... the truth is irrelevant."
= -- Paul Watson in Earthforce: An Earth Warrior's Guide to Strategy.
= "We make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little
= mention of any doubts we may have [about] being honest."
= -- Stephen Schneider (Stanford prof. who first sought fame as
= a global cooler, but has now hit the big time as a global warmer)
= "It is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presen-
= tations" -- Al Gore, Chairman, Gen. Investment Management Bank.

ahahahaha... Al Gore and his inner circle is ****ing you out of the
few dollars that are left in your wallet... AHAHA... Serves you right!
Not much different then the Bush-Cheney oil boys who milk you at
the gas pump for their own "environmental" reasons... ahahaha...
Thanks for the laughs all you little green idiots!... AHAHAHAHA...
ahahaha... ahahahanson

--------------------- Original post --------------------
"Benj" <> wrote in message

Ouroboros_Rex <>, a real fanatical; green turd wrote
>> > AGW is a case in point - experiments continually verify it, so the
>> > denialists are generally stuck with editorials and politics, where
>> > they can lie about the experiments.


"Benj" <> wrote in message
> No, Experiments DO NOT verify "AGW"! Experiments tend to verify
> "climate change". So AGW politicos are pretty much stuck with the
> arguments below:
> (PeterBP), a scared little green idiot wrote:
>> Quibble here, but you've being vague - experiments continually verify
>> GW . The currecntly accepted explanation for this GW is increased CO2
>> and CH4 (et al) content in the atmosphere, most of which comes from
>> humanity.


"Benj" <> wrote in message
> Here it is folks! The same old bait and switch argument "invented" by
> Algore. The first part about GW seems to be true not only on Earth
> but some other planets as well!
> The second part comes the fraud which blames "AGW" on CO2 (which is
> impossible) and CH4 (which is a better candidate but still not all
> that likely) which is then blamed on man.
> The idea is to make huge quantities of cash smashing the first world
> economy by wheeling and dealing in "carbon footprints". It's like the
> biggest political fraud of the new century! This "explanation is in
> fact only "accepted" by people who have no knowledge of science or
> spectroscopy and is promoted by a well-defined bunch of sold-out so-
> called scientists who are in on the scam.
> The clever part of this scam is to use those to deny climate change to
> try to give credence to the bogus "caused by man" theories. The truth
> is that "man" is already endangering the earth plenty with nasty
> pollution in air and oceans and this fraud simply draws public
> attention away from the truly important damages such as from mercury
> in coal and the nasty chems in each space shuttle launch and all the
> rest. It's a scandal of major dimensions and it's easy to identify
> those here who are in on the scam!
> And Algore? Oh yeah, I remember. He's that Nobel prize winning
> "scientist" who invented the Internet and "AGW". He also won an Oscar
> and Emmy for his theatrical creations.
> Yawn this same old tired crap has been repeated here so much that
> you'd think they'd give up. I guess too much potential profit is
> involved for that!
"hanson" <> wrote in message
> "Edward Green" <> wrote in message

> hanson... you are a vicious polemic infighter
> -- and I mean that in a nice way. ;-)
> recently typing has become a chore, or I'd write more.

> hanson wrote:
> .... ahahaha... AHAHAHA... "vicious polemic infighter"
> I like that, Ed, you old submariner. ... Thanks!... hahaha...
> Hey, a man s'gotta do what a man 'sgotta do... ahaha...

> Listen Ed, typing chores/pain... Are you experiencing
> some Carpal-Tunnel type/sort of difficulties?... Recently,
> it has been noticed that scores of people have such pain
> symptoms, severe pain, in both hands, at the thumb-wrist
> -arm joint (Pron. Quad / Abductor Pollicis) region and sites.
> Indications are though that it does not come from "overuse"
> but rather from the "settling in" of viruses there onto the nerve
> tissue in the extremities, after a flu or cold. - Remedy is easy.

and I thought it was global warming
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:01:11 -0700, Benj wrote:

> I said:
>> > And Algore? Oh yeah, I remember. He's that Nobel prize winning
>> > "scientist" who invented the Internet and "AGW". He also won an Oscar
>> > and Emmy for his theatrical creations.

>> > Yawn. This same old tired crap has been repeated here so much that
>> > you'd think they'd give up. I guess too much potential profit is
>> > involved for that!

> Only the new thing here is that Algore used CGI hollywood scenes for his
> "Oscar winning" "documentary"! Of course "simulated" documentary scenes
> is a "modern" film technique pioneered by that "great" film maker Michael
> Moore!
> You gotta admit these guys have some pretty big cajones!

And $300M for propaganda. I wonder how much Ford spent promoting the
Bill Ward wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:01:11 -0700, Benj wrote:
>> I said:
>>>> And Algore? Oh yeah, I remember. He's that Nobel prize winning
>>>> "scientist" who invented the Internet and "AGW". He also won an Oscar
>>>> and Emmy for his theatrical creations.
>>>> Yawn. This same old tired crap has been repeated here so much that
>>>> you'd think they'd give up. I guess too much potential profit is
>>>> involved for that!

>> Only the new thing here is that Algore used CGI hollywood scenes for his
>> "Oscar winning" "documentary"! Of course "simulated" documentary scenes
>> is a "modern" film technique pioneered by that "great" film maker Michael
>> Moore!
>> You gotta admit these guys have some pretty big cajones!

> And $300M for propaganda. I wonder how much Ford spent promoting the
> Edsel?

Al Gore gets bills for Propaganda that makes some countries fule bills
look tiny.
hanson wrote:

"Benj" <> wrote in message
I said:
>> And Algore? Oh yeah, I remember. He's that Nobel prize winning
>> "scientist" who invented the Internet and "AGW". He also won an
>> Oscar nd Emmy for his theatrical creations.
>> Yawn. This same old tired crap has been repeated here so much
>> that you'd think they'd give up. I guess too much potential profit is
>> involved for that!

> Only the new thing here is that Algore used CGI hollywood scenes for
> his "Oscar winning" "documentary"! Of course "simulated" documentary
> scenes is a "modern" film technique pioneered by that "great" film
> maker Michael Moore!
> You gotta admit these guys have some pretty big cajones!

hanson wrote:
No, it is not surprising that "these guys have some big cajones!"
What IS surprising, in a very big way, is that so many other wise
quite normal people run like idiot sheep after them and worship
the ejaculates and excrements of those con men...

Look, ... it may have begun even earlier but in recorded history
that phenomenon started ~ 6000 years ago, when the peasants
bought into
::: the aberrant legacy of the perverse sociopathy of Abe,
::: the Arab. -- Abraham who was a child abuser & the original
::: self-circumciser due to his VD malady, a deranged member
::: from the criminal out-cast tribe of the Habaru, who some 5768
::: years ago, .... (acc. to the tales in the current Jewish calendar,
::: probably on a Oct. 25, during a Shabbat ... ahaha... ahahaha)
::: spawned the seeds of monotheism that gave rise to Judaism,
::: Xianity and Islam, whose sole & chief raison d'etre seems to
::: be to kill each other off, wholesale, in the name of their own
::: respective irrational, godly-ungodly "spiritual" oye-weh-
::: Yahweh-, trall-Allah- or junk-Jehovah- delusions... ahahaha...

"Trust me!", "Oye weh!", "Go figure"...AHAHAHA... Remember,
first it was the Jews who bought this "G-d" ****, then came the
more dumber gyoim, the Xians, who followed that train of crap,
only to be out done be the even dumber & more fanatical ass-
venting Muslims... ahahaha... and that very same type of cons
continued, down the line over millennia, via Marx & Engles to
Hitler whose own Nazi Reichsmarshall and Luftwaffe-Chief
Hermann Goering stated during his interrogation after WWII:

"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Hermann Goering
shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his
life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back
to his farm in one piece?" -- "Voice or no voice, the people can
always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy.
All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country."

These tactics of selling doom & fears which teaches & instills
all kinds mental aberrations continues unabashed, like seen here:
< >

.... & the same sordid belief machinations and manipulations are
used since 1970 by the Enviro turds whose green bible declares
= "It doesn't matter what is true ... it only matters what people
= believe is true. -- Paul Watson, Sea Shepard/ex-Greenpeace, &...
= "A lot of environmental [sci/soc/pol] messages are simply not
= accurate. We use hype." -- Jerry Franklin, Ecologist, UoW, and...
= "If you don't know an answer, a fact, a statistic, then make it up
= on the spot ... for the mass-media today ... the truth is irrelevant."
= -- Paul Watson in Earthforce: An Earth Warrior's Guide to Strategy.
= "We make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little
= mention of any doubts we may have [about] being honest."
= -- Stephen Schneider (Stanford prof. who first sought fame as
= a global cooler, but has now hit the big time as a global warmer)
= "It is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presen-
= tations" -- Al Gore, Chairman, Gen. Investment Management Bank.

ahahahaha... Al Gore and his inner circle is ****ing you out of the
few dollars that are left in your wallet... AHAHA... Serves you right!
Not much different then the Bush-Cheney oil boys who milk you at
the gas pump for their own "environmental" reasons... ahahaha...

.... and it is still in full swing at this very moment, unabated... ahaha

So, is the bottom line of that strange behavior rooted in the
recognition and the use of the fact which can be expressed
in one simple line that "only the paranoid survives"?... ahahaha...

Ahhh... ahahaha, gotta go, sports, gotta don my frock and grab
the collection plate, tell'em some fearsome doomsday stories
and I'll have my collection plate filled to the brim... ahahahaha...

Thank you, all you loveable green & religious sisters & brethren
in the same of gaja and "G-d"... ahahaha... AHAHAHA... BUT,
most of all thanks for the laughs... ahahaha... ahahanson
ahahaha... Hey, James old buddy. Long time no talk, Hya?

"James" <> wrote in message
> "hanson" <> wrote in message
> news:dKoOj.332$nb4.117@trnddc08...
>> "Edward Green" <> wrote in message

>> hanson... you are a vicious polemic infighter
>> -- and I mean that in a nice way. ;-)
>> recently typing has become a chore, or I'd write more.

>> hanson wrote:
>> .... ahahaha... AHAHAHA... "vicious polemic infighter"
>> I like that, Ed, you old submariner. ... Thanks!... hahaha...
>> Hey, a man s'gotta do what a man 'sgotta do... ahaha...
>> Listen Ed, typing chores/pain... Are you experiencing
>> some Carpal-Tunnel type/sort of difficulties?... Recently,
>> it has been noticed that scores of people have such pain
>> symptoms, severe pain, in both hands, at the thumb-wrist
>> -arm joint (Pron. Quad / Abductor Pollicis) region and sites.
>> Indications are though that it does not come from "overuse"
>> but rather from the "settling in" of viruses there onto the nerve
>> tissue in the extremities, after a flu or cold. - Remedy is easy.


James wrote
> and I thought it was global warming

hanson wrote:
.... ahahahaha... thanks for giving me the microphone, James.
I trust you were referring to this issue here:

---------- Fat Al Gore's Globally Warmed Plagiarism -----
April-18-2008, 20/20, John Stossel interviewed the Hollywood
Film company which produced and used a COMPUTER
GENERATED Artic Landscape for one of the sequences in
their fantasy film "The Day After Tomorrow", a scence which fat
Al Gore plagiarized & presented as a real world Antarctic
event sequence in his film "An inconvenient truth".... ahaha...

Now you have the real inconvenient truth about fat Al Gore and
his idiot green mooches which he duped into becoming damaged
goods like posters Ouroboros_Rex & Peter BP are.... ahahaha...
.... Gore, his goons and his fools operate according to the edicts
of the green bible which says:

= "It doesn't matter what is true ... it only matters what people
= believe is true. -- Paul Watson, Sea Shepard/ex-Greenpeace, &...
= "A lot of environmental [sci/soc/pol] messages are simply not
= accurate. We use hype." -- Jerry Franklin, Ecologist, UoW, and...
= "If you don't know an answer, a fact, a statistic, then make it up
= on the spot ... for the mass-media today ... the truth is irrelevant."
= -- Paul Watson in Earthforce: An Earth Warrior's Guide to Strategy.
= "We make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little
= mention of any doubts we may have [about] being honest."
= -- Stephen Schneider (Stanford prof. who first sought fame as
= a global cooler, but has now hit the big time as a global warmer)
= "It is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presen-
= tations" -- Al Gore, Chairman, Gen. Investment Management Bank.

ahahahaha... Al Gore and his inner circle is ****ing you out of the
few dollars that are left in your wallet... AHAHA... Serves you right!
Not much different then the Bush-Cheney oil boys who milk you at
the gas pump for their own "environmental" reasons... ahahaha...
Thanks for the laughs all you little green idiots!... AHAHAHAHA...
ahahaha... ahahahanson

--------------------- Original post --------------------
"Benj" <> wrote in message

Ouroboros_Rex <>, a real fanatical; green turd wrote
>> > AGW is a case in point - experiments continually verify it, so the
>> > denialists are generally stuck with editorials and politics, where
>> > they can lie about the experiments.


"Benj" <> wrote in message
> No, Experiments DO NOT verify "AGW"! Experiments tend to verify
> "climate change". So AGW politicos are pretty much stuck with the
> arguments below:
> (PeterBP), a scared little green idiot wrote:
>> Quibble here, but you've being vague - experiments continually verify
>> GW . The currecntly accepted explanation for this GW is increased CO2
>> and CH4 (et al) content in the atmosphere, most of which comes from
>> humanity.


"Benj" <> wrote in message
> Here it is folks! The same old bait and switch argument "invented" by
> Algore. The first part about GW seems to be true not only on Earth
> but some other planets as well!
> The second part comes the fraud which blames "AGW" on CO2 (which is
> impossible) and CH4 (which is a better candidate but still not all
> that likely) which is then blamed on man.
> The idea is to make huge quantities of cash smashing the first world
> economy by wheeling and dealing in "carbon footprints". It's like the
> biggest political fraud of the new century! This "explanation is in
> fact only "accepted" by people who have no knowledge of science or
> spectroscopy and is promoted by a well-defined bunch of sold-out so-
> called scientists who are in on the scam.
> The clever part of this scam is to use those to deny climate change to
> try to give credence to the bogus "caused by man" theories. The truth
> is that "man" is already endangering the earth plenty with nasty
> pollution in air and oceans and this fraud simply draws public
> attention away from the truly important damages such as from mercury
> in coal and the nasty chems in each space shuttle launch and all the
> rest. It's a scandal of major dimensions and it's easy to identify
> those here who are in on the scam!
> And Algore? Oh yeah, I remember. He's that Nobel prize winning
> "scientist" who invented the Internet and "AGW". He also won an Oscar
> and Emmy for his theatrical creations.
> Yawn this same old tired crap has been repeated here so much that
> you'd think they'd give up. I guess too much potential profit is
> involved for that!
AHAHAahahaha... and Al Gore talks about "a moral imperative" said
Scott Nudds "V-for-Vendicar" <>
who wrote in news:HhpOj.52946$
> "hanson" <> wrote in message
> news:n2hOj.589$pH4.88@trnddc06...
>> April-18-2008, 20/20, John Stossel interviewed the Hollywood
>> Film company which produced and used a COMPUTER
>> GENERATED Artic Landscape for one of the sequences
>> in their fantasy film "Day After Tomorrow", a scence which fat
>> Al Gore plagiarized & presented as a real world Antarctic
>> event sequence in his film "An inconvenient truth".... ahaha...


Scott Nudds wrote:
> Scientists OK Gore's Movie for Accuracy
> By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer
> Some scientists said Gore confused his ice sheets when he said the effect
> of the Clean Air Act is noticeable in the Antarctic ice core; it is the
> Greenland ice core. Others thought Gore oversimplified the causal-link
> between the key greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and rising temperatures.
> While some nonscientists could be depressed by the dire disaster-laden
> warmer world scenario that Gore laid out, one top researcher thought it
> was too optimistic. Tom Wigley, senior scientist at the National Center
> for Atmospheric Research, thought the former vice president sugarcoated
> the problem by saying that with already-available technologies and changes
> in habit - such as changing light bulbs - the world could help slow or
> stop global warming.
> While more than 1 million people have seen the movie since it opened in
> May, that does not include Washington's top science decision makers.
> President Bush said he won't see it. The heads of the Environmental
> Protection Agency and NASA haven't seen it,
> and the president's science adviser said the movie is on his to-see list.
> "They are quite literally afraid to know the truth," Gore said.
> "Because if you accept the truth of what the scientific community is
> saying, it gives you a moral imperative to start to rein in the 70 million
> tons of global warming pollution that human civilization is putting into
> the atmosphere every day."
> As far as the movie's entertainment value, Scripps Institution geosciences
> professor Jeff Severinghaus summed it up: "My wife fell asleep. Of course,
> I was on the edge of my chair."

hanson wrote:
.... ahahahaha... So Scotty, since when do you have doubts about
Al Gore whom you have revered as your personal god for a decade
now?... ahahaha... Be careful what you wish for but make some $$
off this gigantic ****ing GW con, like I did for a long time now.
The peasantry is a marvelous and lovable phenomenon... you can
tell'em into there faces that you lie to them and ****'em.. Still they
continue to smile in awe and continue with bending over and lick
your dick and give you their last dime that was meant to feed their
own kids. (more about that in my post to Benj)... ahahaha...
See it's simple, bloodless and the principles are laid out in the
Green bible that says:

= "It doesn't matter what is true ... it only matters what people
= believe is true. -- Paul Watson, Sea Shepard/ex-Greenpeace, &...
= "A lot of environmental [sci/soc/pol] messages are simply not
= accurate. We use hype." -- Jerry Franklin, Ecologist, UoW, and...
= "If you don't know an answer, a fact, a statistic, then make it up
= on the spot ... for the mass-media today ... the truth is irrelevant."
= -- Paul Watson in Earthforce: An Earth Warrior's Guide to Strategy.
= "We make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little
= mention of any doubts we may have [about] being honest."
= -- Stephen Schneider (Stanford prof. who first sought fame as
= a global cooler, but has now hit the big time as a global warmer)
= "It is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presen-
= tations" -- Al Gore, Chairman, Gen. Investment Management Bank.

ahahahaha... Al Gore and his inner circle is ****ing you out of the
few dollars that are left in your wallet... AHAHA... Serves you right!
Not much different then the Bush-Cheney oil boys who milk you at
the gas pump for their own "environmental" reasons... ahahaha...
Thanks for the laughs all you little green idiots!... AHAHAHAHA...
ahahaha... ahahahanson

Sea level "rising 6 m"


Pacific islands "drowning"


Thermohaline circulation "stopping"


CO2 "driving temperature"


Gore says
"V-for-Vendicar" <> wrote in message
> "hanson" <> wrote in message
> news:n2hOj.589$pH4.88@trnddc06...
>> April-18-2008, 20/20, John Stossel interviewed the Hollywood
>> Film company which produced and used a COMPUTER
>> GENERATED Artic Landscape for one of the sequences
>> in their fantasy film "Day After Tomorrow", a scence which fat
>> Al Gore plagiarized & presented as a real world Antarctic
>> event sequence in his film "An inconvenient truth".... ahaha...

> Scientists OK Gore's Movie for Accuracy
> By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer
> Tuesday, June 27, 2006
> (06-27) 18:15 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) --
> The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth,"
> Al Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy.

I'll make this one concise rather than address all the inaccuracies.

AL Gore has been debunked
"hanson" <> wrote in message
> April-18-2008, 20/20, John Stossel interviewed the Hollywood
> Film company which produced and used a COMPUTER
> GENERATED Artic Landscape for one of the sequences
> in their fantasy film "Day After Tomorrow", a scence which fat
> Al Gore plagiarized & presented as a real world Antarctic
> event sequence in his film "An inconvenient truth".... ahaha...

Scientists OK Gore's Movie for Accuracy

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

(06-27) 18:15 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) --

The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth," Al
Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy.

The former vice president's movie - replete with the prospect of a flooded
New York City, an inundated Florida, more and nastier hurricanes, worsening
droughts, retreating glaciers and disappearing ice sheets - mostly got the
science right, said all 19 climate scientists who had seen the movie or read
the book and answered questions from The Associated Press.

The AP contacted more than 100 top climate researchers by e-mail and phone
for their opinion. Among those contacted were vocal skeptics of climate
change theory. Most scientists had not seen the movie, which is in limited
release, or read the book.

But those who have seen it had the same general impression: Gore conveyed
the science correctly; the world is getting hotter and it is a manmade
catastrophe-in-the-making caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

"Excellent," said William Schlesinger, dean of the Nicholas School of
Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University. "He got all the important
material and got it right."

Robert Corell, chairman of the worldwide Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
group of scientists, read the book and saw Gore give the slideshow
presentation that is woven throughout the documentary.

"I sat there and I'm amazed at how thorough and accurate," Corell said.
"After the presentation I said, `Al, I'm absolutely blown away. There's a
lot of details you could get wrong.' ... I could find no error."

Gore, in an interview with the AP, said he wasn't surprised "because I took
a lot of care to try to make sure the science was right."

The tiny errors scientists found weren't a big deal, "far, far fewer and
less significant than the shortcoming in speeches by the typical politician
explaining an issue," said Michael MacCracken, who used to be in charge of
the nation's global warming effects program and is now chief scientist at
the Climate Institute in Washington.

One concern was about the connection between hurricanes and global warming.
That is a subject of a heated debate in the science community. Gore cited
five recent scientific studies to support his view.

"I thought the use of imagery from Hurricane Katrina was inappropriate and
unnecessary in this regard, as there are plenty of disturbing impacts
associated with global warming for which there is much greater scientific
consensus," said Brian Soden, a University of Miami professor of meteorology
and oceanography.

Some scientists said Gore confused his ice sheets when he said the effect of
the Clean Air Act is noticeable in the Antarctic ice core; it is the
Greenland ice core. Others thought Gore oversimplified the causal-link
between the key greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and rising temperatures.

While some nonscientists could be depressed by the dire disaster-laden
warmer world scenario that Gore laid out, one top researcher thought it was
too optimistic. Tom Wigley, senior scientist at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research, thought the former vice president sugarcoated the
problem by saying that with already-available technologies and changes in
habit - such as changing light bulbs - the world could help slow or stop
global warming.

While more than 1 million people have seen the movie since it opened in May,
that does not include Washington's top science decision makers. President
Bush said he won't see it. The heads of the Environmental Protection Agency
and NASA haven't seen it, and the president's science adviser said the movie
is on his to-see list.

"They are quite literally afraid to know the truth," Gore said. "Because if
you accept the truth of what the scientific community is saying, it gives
you a moral imperative to start to rein in the 70 million tons of global
warming pollution that human civilization is putting into the atmosphere
every day."

As far as the movie's entertainment value, Scripps Institution geosciences
professor Jeff Severinghaus summed it up: "My wife fell asleep. Of course, I
was on the edge of my chair."
Gauche & loud communist, US-expatriate & pauper Scott Nudds
aka "VD-for-Vendicar" <> aka
VD Scotty who bragged that he never drove and much less
owned an automobile cranked himself grievously and then he
Scuttled his Nutts while he wrote unintentionally the questionable
half-praise about Al Gore in the post below which he quickly tried
to cover up.... ahahaha... Here it is again for the sake of laughs:

AHAHAahahaha... and Al Gore talks about "a moral imperative" said
Scott Nudds "V-for-Vendicar" <>
who wrote in news:HhpOj.52946$
> "hanson" <> wrote in message
> news:n2hOj.589$pH4.88@trnddc06...
>> April-18-2008, 20/20, John Stossel interviewed the Hollywood
>> Film company which produced and used a COMPUTER
>> GENERATED Artic Landscape for one of the sequences
>> in their fantasy film "Day After Tomorrow", a scence which fat
>> Al Gore plagiarized & presented as a real world Antarctic
>> event sequence in his film "An inconvenient truth".... ahaha...


Scott Nudds wrote:
> Scientists OK Gore's Movie for Accuracy
> By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer
> Some scientists said Gore confused his ice sheets when he said the effect
> of the Clean Air Act is noticeable in the Antarctic ice core; it is the
> Greenland ice core. Others thought Gore oversimplified the causal-link
> between the key greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and rising temperatures.
> While some nonscientists could be depressed by the dire disaster-laden
> warmer world scenario that Gore laid out, one top researcher thought it
> was too optimistic. Tom Wigley, senior scientist at the National Center
> for Atmospheric Research, thought the former vice president sugarcoated
> the problem by saying that with already-available technologies and changes
> in habit - such as changing light bulbs - the world could help slow or
> stop global warming.
> While more than 1 million people have seen the movie since it opened in
> May, that does not include Washington's top science decision makers.
> President Bush said he won't see it. The heads of the Environmental
> Protection Agency and NASA haven't seen it,
> and the president's science adviser said the movie is on his to-see list.
> "They are quite literally afraid to know the truth," Gore said.
> "Because if you accept the truth of what the scientific community is
> saying, it gives you a moral imperative to start to rein in the 70 million
> tons of global warming pollution that human civilization is putting into
> the atmosphere every day."
> As far as the movie's entertainment value, Scripps Institution geosciences
> professor Jeff Severinghaus summed it up: "My wife fell asleep. Of course,
> I was on the edge of my chair."

hanson wrote:
.... ahahahaha... So Scotty, since when do you have doubts about
Al Gore whom you have revered as your personal god for a decade
now?... ahahaha... Be careful what you wish for but make some $$
off this gigantic ****ing GW con, like I did for a long time now.
The peasantry is a marvelous and lovable phenomenon... you can
tell'em into there faces that you lie to them and ****'em.. Still they
continue to smile in awe and continue with bending over and lick
your dick and give you their last dime that was meant to feed their
own kids. (more about that in my post to Benj)... ahahaha...
See it's simple, bloodless and the principles are laid out in the
Green bible that says:

= "It doesn't matter what is true ... it only matters what people
= believe is true. -- Paul Watson, Sea Shepard/ex-Greenpeace, &...
= "A lot of environmental [sci/soc/pol] messages are simply not
= accurate. We use hype." -- Jerry Franklin, Ecologist, UoW, and...
= "If you don't know an answer, a fact, a statistic, then make it up
= on the spot ... for the mass-media today ... the truth is irrelevant."
= -- Paul Watson in Earthforce: An Earth Warrior's Guide to Strategy.
= "We make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little
= mention of any doubts we may have [about] being honest."
= -- Stephen Schneider (Stanford prof. who first sought fame as
= a global cooler, but has now hit the big time as a global warmer)
= "It is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presen-
= tations" -- Al Gore, Chairman, Gen. Investment Management Bank.

ahahahaha... Al Gore and his inner circle is ****ing you out of the
few dollars that are left in your wallet... AHAHA... Serves you right!
Not much different then the Bush-Cheney oil boys who milk you at
the gas pump for their own "environmental" reasons... ahahaha...
Thanks for the laughs all you little green idiots!... AHAHAHAHA...
ahahaha... ahahahanson
"V-for-Vendicar" <> wrote in message
> "James" <> wrote
>> AL Gore has been debunked

> Observation, out of 20 points listed below. Libertarian Cato is found to
> have lied in every instance.
> Concludion. Libertarian Cato is a Liar.
> Hardly a surprise as I have never encounterd a Libertairan who wasn't a
> perpetual liar.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 1
>> Sea level "rising 6 m"

> Never stated. Cato's First lie.
>> ERROR 2
>> Pacific islands "drowning"

> Stated in the future tense, not the current tense. Cato's Second Lie.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 3
>> Thermohaline circulation "stopping"

> Stated as a possibility - and correctly so. Cato's Third Lie.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 4
>> CO2 "driving temperature"

> It does. Cato's Forth Lie.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 5
>> Gore says "global warming" has been melting the snows of Mount
>> Kilimanjaro in Africa. It is not.

> One researcher claims otherwise. The rest side with Gore. Cato's Fifth
> lie.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 6
>> Lake Chad "drying up" Gore says "global warming" dried up Lake Chad in
>> Africa. It did not. Over-extraction of water and changing agricultural
>> patterns dried the lake, which was also dry in 8500BC, 5500BC, 1000BC
>> and 100BC.

> Which is Lie number 6 for Cato.
> This is what Gore says about Lake Chad...
> "Unbelievable tragedies have been unfolding there and there are a lot
> reasons for it. Darfur and Niger are among those tragedies. One of the
> factors that has been compounding this is the lack of rainfall and the
> increasing drought. This is Lake Chad, once one of the largest lakes in
> the
> world. It has dried up over the last few decades to almost nothing."
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 7
>> Hurricane Katrina "man made"

> Which is lie # 7 for Cato
> This is what Gore says about Katrina.
> "And then of course came Katrina. It is worth remembering that when it
> hit
> Florida it was a Category 1, but it killed a lot of people and caused
> billions of dollars worth of damage. And then, what happened? Before it
> hit
> New Orleans, it went over warmer water. As the water temperature
> increases,
> the wind velocity increases and the moisture content increases. And
> you'll
> see Hurricane Katrina form over Florida. And then as it comes into the
> Gulf
> over warm water it becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. Look at
> that
> Hurricane's eye. And of course the consequences were so horrendous; there
> are no words to describe it. "
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 8
>> Polar bears "dying"

> Which is lie #8 for Cato
> This is what Gore said about Polar Bears.
> "So there is a faster build up of heat here at the North Pole in the
> Arctic
> Ocean and the Arctic generally than any where else on the planet. That's
> not
> good for creatures like polar bears that depend on the ice. A new
> scientific
> study shows that for the first time they're finding polar bears that have
> actually drowned, swimming long distances up to 60 miles to find the ice.
> They did not find that before."
> Which is correct.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 9
>>Gore says coral reefs are "bleaching" because of "global warming."
>> They are not. There was some bleaching in 1998, but this was caused by
>> the exceptional El Nino Southern Oscillation that year.

> Which is error #9 from Cato.
> And what is El Nino? A Warming of the Pacific surface waters.
> So acccording to Cato, here, it isn't the warming of the earth's oceans
> that causes coral bleaching, in th pacific, it's the rise of pacific
> ocean
> temperatures.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 10
>> 100 ppmv of CO2 "melting mile-thick ice"

> And that is lie 10 out of 10 for Cato.
> The phrase "melting mile-thick ice." never appears in Gores Documentary.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 11
>> Hurricane Caterina "manmade"

> Which is lie # 11 for Cato A repeat of Lie #7
> This is what Gore says about Katrina.
> "And then of course came Katrina. It is worth remembering that when it
> hit
> Florida it was a Category 1, but it killed a lot of people and caused
> billions of dollars worth of damage. And then, what happened? Before it
> hit
> New Orleans, it went over warmer water. As the water temperature
> increases,
> the wind velocity increases and the moisture content increases. And
> you'll
> see Hurricane Katrina form over Florida. And then as it comes into the
> Gulf
> over warm water it becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. Look at
> that
> Hurricane's eye. And of course the consequences were so horrendous; there
> are no words to describe it. "
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 12
>> Japanese typhoons "a new record"

> Which is lie # 12 for Cato.
> Warmer Seas Creating Stronger Hurricane, Study Confirms
> by Ker Than
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 13
>> Hurricanes "getting stronger"

> Which is lie # 13 for Cato
> .
> Warmer Seas Creating Stronger Hurricane, Study Confirms
> by Ker Than
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 14
>> Big storm insurances losses "increasing"

> Which is lie # 14 for Cato
> Weather-Related Insurance Losses Doubled in '07
> 30 Dec 07
> Losses to insurers from natural disasters nearly doubled this year to
> just
> below $30 billion globally after an unusually quiet 2006, a leading
> reinsurer said, from winter storms in Europe, flooding in Britain and
> wildfires in the U.S.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 15
>> Mumbai "flooding"

> Which is lie # 15 for Cato.
> Mumbai did flood.
> The Maharashtra floods of 2005 refers to the flooding of many parts of
> the
> Indian state of Maharashtra including large areas of the metropolis
> Mumbai,
> a city located on the coast of the Arabian Sea, on the western coast of
> India, in which at least 1,000 people died. It occurred just one month
> after
> similar flooding in Gujarat.
> The floods were caused by the eighth heaviest ever recorded 24-hour
> rainfall
> figure of 944 mm (37.2 inches) which lashed the metropolis on 26 July
> 2005,
> and intermittently continued for the next day. 644 mm (25.4 inches) was
> received within the 12-hr period between 8am and 8pm. Torrential rainfall
> continued for the next week.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 16
>> Severe tornadoes "more frequent"

> Which is lie # 16 for Cato.
> Reconstructing the frequency of tornado occurrence in the central United
> States
> Matthew J. Menne, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC
> Evidence is presented that the apparent decrease in strong-to-violent
> tornado frequency since 1950 implied by the official storm archive is
> inconsistent with the radiosonde record. Abrupt changes in the bias of
> the
> reconstruction, that is, the ratio of the number of tornado soundings
> predicted to the number observed, are shown to be coincident with changes
> in
> storm classification procedures that occurred during the 1970s and the
> early
> 1990s. Rather than a decrease in frequency since the 1950s, the
> reconstruction suggests that supercell tornado frequency has been
> reasonably
> stationary until the 1990s when some increase in frequency is suggested.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 17
>> The sun "heats the Arctic ocean"

> Which is lie # 17 for Cato.
> The sun does heat the arctic ocean from the moment the sun rises over the
> arctic ocean.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 18
>> Arctic "warming fastest" Gore says the Arctic has been warming faster
>> than the rest of the planet. It is not.

> Which is lie #18 by Cato.
> Arctic warming at twice global rate
> Shaoni Bhattacharya
> 17:58 02 November 2004
> news service
> Global warming in the Arctic is happening now, warns the most
> comprehensive
> scientific report to date. The reports concludes that the northern ice
> cap
> is warming at twice the global rate and that this will lead to serious
> consequences for the planet.
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 19
>> Greenland ice sheet "unstable"

> Which is lie #19 by Cato.
> The word "unstable" never appears in Gore's award winning documentary -
> "An
> Inconvenient Truth".
> "Cato" <> wrote
>> ERROR 20
>> Himalayan glacial melt waters "failing"

> Which is lie #20 by Cato.
> The word "failing" never appears in Gore's award winning documentary -
> "An
> Inconvenient Truth."

By being a stickler for minutia, you get the liars award.
"hanson" <> wrote in message
> Gauche & loud communist, US-expatriate & pauper Scott Nudds
> aka "VD-for-Vendicar" <> aka
> VD Scotty who bragged that he never drove and much less
> owned an automobile cranked himself grievously and then he
> Scuttled his Nutts while he wrote unintentionally the questionable
> half-praise about Al Gore in the post below which he quickly tried
> to cover up.... ahahaha... Here it is again for the sake of laughs:

> AHAHAahahaha... and Al Gore talks about "a moral imperative" said
> Scott Nudds "V-for-Vendicar" <>
> who wrote in news:HhpOj.52946$
>> "hanson" <> wrote in message
>> news:n2hOj.589$pH4.88@trnddc06...
>>> April-18-2008, 20/20, John Stossel interviewed the Hollywood
>>> Film company which produced and used a COMPUTER
>>> GENERATED Artic Landscape for one of the sequences
>>> in their fantasy film "Day After Tomorrow", a scence which fat
>>> Al Gore plagiarized & presented as a real world Antarctic
>>> event sequence in his film "An inconvenient truth".... ahaha...


> Scott Nudds wrote:
>> Scientists OK Gore's Movie for Accuracy
>> By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer
>> Some scientists said Gore confused his ice sheets when he said the
>> effect
>> of the Clean Air Act is noticeable in the Antarctic ice core; it is the
>> Greenland ice core. Others thought Gore oversimplified the causal-link
>> between the key greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and rising temperatures.
>> While some nonscientists could be depressed by the dire disaster-laden
>> warmer world scenario that Gore laid out, one top researcher thought it
>> was too optimistic. Tom Wigley, senior scientist at the National Center
>> for Atmospheric Research, thought the former vice president sugarcoated
>> the problem by saying that with already-available technologies and
>> changes
>> in habit - such as changing light bulbs - the world could help slow or
>> stop global warming.
>> While more than 1 million people have seen the movie since it opened in
>> May, that does not include Washington's top science decision makers.
>> President Bush said he won't see it. The heads of the Environmental
>> Protection Agency and NASA haven't seen it,
>> and the president's science adviser said the movie is on his to-see
>> list.
>> "They are quite literally afraid to know the truth," Gore said.
>> "Because if you accept the truth of what the scientific community is
>> saying, it gives you a moral imperative to start to rein in the 70
>> million
>> tons of global warming pollution that human civilization is putting into
>> the atmosphere every day."
>> As far as the movie's entertainment value, Scripps Institution
>> geosciences
>> professor Jeff Severinghaus summed it up: "My wife fell asleep. Of
>> course,
>> I was on the edge of my chair."

> hanson wrote:
> ... ahahahaha... So Scotty, since when do you have doubts about
> Al Gore whom you have revered as your personal god for a decade
> now?... ahahaha... Be careful what you wish for but make some $$
> off this gigantic ****ing GW con, like I did for a long time now.
> The peasantry is a marvelous and lovable phenomenon... you can
> tell'em into there faces that you lie to them and ****'em.. Still they
> continue to smile in awe and continue with bending over and lick
> your dick and give you their last dime that was meant to feed their
> own kids. (more about that in my post to Benj)... ahahaha...
> See it's simple, bloodless and the principles are laid out in the
> Green bible that says:

> = "It doesn't matter what is true ... it only matters what people
> = believe is true. -- Paul Watson, Sea Shepard/ex-Greenpeace, &...
> = "A lot of environmental [sci/soc/pol] messages are simply not
> = accurate. We use hype." -- Jerry Franklin, Ecologist, UoW, and...
> = "If you don't know an answer, a fact, a statistic, then make it up
> = on the spot ... for the mass-media today ... the truth is irrelevant."
> = -- Paul Watson in Earthforce: An Earth Warrior's Guide to Strategy.
> = "We make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little
> = mention of any doubts we may have [about] being honest."
> = -- Stephen Schneider (Stanford prof. who first sought fame as
> = a global cooler, but has now hit the big time as a global warmer)
> = "It is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presen-
> = tations" -- Al Gore, Chairman, Gen. Investment Management Bank.

> ahahahaha... Al Gore and his inner circle is ****ing you out of the
> few dollars that are left in your wallet... AHAHA... Serves you right!
> Not much different then the Bush-Cheney oil boys who milk you at
> the gas pump for their own "environmental" reasons... ahahaha...
> Thanks for the laughs all you little green idiots!... AHAHAHAHA...
> ahahaha... ahahahanson

Seems you are the only one who can shut VD up.
"Benj" <> wrote
> Only the new thing here is that Algore used CGI hollywood scenes for
> his "Oscar winning" "documentary"!

No references. No evidence. No credibility...


Scientists OK Gore's Movie for Accuracy

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

(06-27) 18:15 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) --

The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth," Al
Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy.

The former vice president's movie - replete with the prospect of a flooded
New York City, an inundated Florida, more and nastier hurricanes, worsening
droughts, retreating glaciers and disappearing ice sheets - mostly got the
science right, said all 19 climate scientists who had seen the movie or read
the book and answered questions from The Associated Press.

The AP contacted more than 100 top climate researchers by e-mail and phone
for their opinion. Among those contacted were vocal skeptics of climate
change theory. Most scientists had not seen the movie, which is in limited
release, or read the book.

But those who have seen it had the same general impression: Gore conveyed
the science correctly; the world is getting hotter and it is a manmade
catastrophe-in-the-making caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

"Excellent," said William Schlesinger, dean of the Nicholas School of
Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University. "He got all the important
material and got it right."

Robert Corell, chairman of the worldwide Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
group of scientists, read the book and saw Gore give the slideshow
presentation that is woven throughout the documentary.

"I sat there and I'm amazed at how thorough and accurate," Corell said.
"After the presentation I said, `Al, I'm absolutely blown away. There's a
lot of details you could get wrong.' ... I could find no error."

Gore, in an interview with the AP, said he wasn't surprised "because I took
a lot of care to try to make sure the science was right."

The tiny errors scientists found weren't a big deal, "far, far fewer and
less significant than the shortcoming in speeches by the typical politician
explaining an issue," said Michael MacCracken, who used to be in charge of
the nation's global warming effects program and is now chief scientist at
the Climate Institute in Washington.

One concern was about the connection between hurricanes and global warming.
That is a subject of a heated debate in the science community. Gore cited
five recent scientific studies to support his view.

"I thought the use of imagery from Hurricane Katrina was inappropriate and
unnecessary in this regard, as there are plenty of disturbing impacts
associated with global warming for which there is much greater scientific
consensus," said Brian Soden, a University of Miami professor of meteorology
and oceanography.

Some scientists said Gore confused his ice sheets when he said the effect of
the Clean Air Act is noticeable in the Antarctic ice core; it is the
Greenland ice core. Others thought Gore oversimplified the causal-link
between the key greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and rising temperatures.

While some nonscientists could be depressed by the dire disaster-laden
warmer world scenario that Gore laid out, one top researcher thought it was
too optimistic. Tom Wigley, senior scientist at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research, thought the former vice president sugarcoated the
problem by saying that with already-available technologies and changes in
habit - such as changing light bulbs - the world could help slow or stop
global warming.

While more than 1 million people have seen the movie since it opened in May,
that does not include Washington's top science decision makers. President
Bush said he won't see it. The heads of the Environmental Protection Agency
and NASA haven't seen it, and the president's science adviser said the movie
is on his to-see list.

"They are quite literally afraid to know the truth," Gore said. "Because if
you accept the truth of what the scientific community is saying, it gives
you a moral imperative to start to rein in the 70 million tons of global
warming pollution that human civilization is putting into the atmosphere
every day."

As far as the movie's entertainment value, Scripps Institution geosciences
professor Jeff Severinghaus summed it up: "My wife fell asleep. Of course, I
was on the edge of my chair."