Al Gore slams global warming doubters at Live Earth

  • Thread starter Captain Compassion
  • Start date
On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:20:38 -0600, timeOday
<> wrote:

>Captain Compassion wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 20:07:11 -0600, timeOday
>> <> wrote:
>>> wrote:
>>>> OK, anarchy and freedom for me and Captain Compassion, socialism for
>>>> rest of you peasants.
>>> How can you complain about taxes if you're an anarchist? By the logic
>>> of anarchy, there is no property; anybody is entitled to "your" stuff if
>>> they're strong enough to take it from you. The government is, and it does.

>> Wouldn't it depend upon what flavor of anarchy you are talking about?
>> Perhaps he's an anarcho-capitalist or an anarcho-individualist. Why
>> would you assume he's talking about anarcho-communism?

>I'm talking about pure anarchy - the law of the jungle.
>Property rights are instituted by law, and thus by government. They
>restrict freedom (the freedom to walk off with stuff) in favor of
>another value most people share - exclusive use of things.
>"taxationistheft" thinks anarchy and complete freedom is the way to go,
>but I disagree.
>The law prohibiting murder is another restriction on freedom that most
>people are in favor of.

In all behavior the law of reciprocity must apply.

There may come a time when the CO2 police will wander the earth telling
the poor and the dispossed how many dung chips they can put on their
cook fires. -- Captain Compassion.

Wherever I go it will be well with me, for it was well with me here, not
on account of the place, but of my judgments which I shall carry away
with me, for no one can deprive me of these; on the contrary, they alone
are my property, and cannot be taken away, and to possess them suffices
me wherever I am or whatever I do. -- EPICTETUS

Joseph R. Darancette