Al Gore: The 22,619 Kilowatt-Hour Per Year Fraud

On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 15:06:04 -0800, "Roger" <>

On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 17:17:54 -0600, "Peter Principle"
<> wrote:

"Nader2008" <> wrote in message
> On Feb 27, 5:54 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> "Nader2008" <> wrote in message
>> > Al Gore: The 22,619 Kilowatt-Hour Per Year Fraud
>> > Tired of democrat hypocrisy when it comes to ethics, war, the
>> > environment and racial tolerance?
>> > Replace the democrats with a REAL Green
>> > Vote Green!

>> Vote Green!!!
>> Screw the Democrats!!

> Nader said it right today when he called Al Gore a "balloon full of
> C02 and hypocrisy"


The REAL Nader, not people stealing his name to post.
"Nader2008" <> wrote in message
> On Feb 27, 5:54 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> "Nader2008" <> wrote in message
>> > Al Gore: The 22,619 Kilowatt-Hour Per Year Fraud
>> > Tired of democrat hypocrisy when it comes to ethics, war, the
>> > environment and racial tolerance?
>> > Replace the democrats with a REAL Green
>> > Vote Green!

>> Vote Green!!!
>> Screw the Democrats!!

> Nader said it right today when he called Al Gore a "balloon full of
> C02 and hypocrisy"

Perhaps someone should take a look at that HUGE mansion Edwards is

I bet its got a carbon footprint the size of Godzilla!!!!

Shame on Edwards, shame on the lying Dems...
"Serena" <> wrote in message
>The democrat party is nothing but a LIE just like global warming, Y2K
>and all the other crisis' they create in their heads to scare people

I don't think liberals propagated concern about a Y2K problem. It's an open
question whether Y2K was worth worrying about, but it wasn't a liberal

Republicans scare people with what they say will ensue if we pull out of
Iraq. Soon they will probably scare us with what will happen if we don't
bomb Iran.

Serena wrote:

> The democrat party is nothing but a LIE just like global warming, Y2K
> and all the other crisis' they create in their heads to scare people

Jaybus Freaking Crisco...

And another conservative Big Thinker chimes in.

Yo, dimbo, WTF are you babbling about? It was the conservadolt moron
survivalist imbeciles that made a big fuss about y2k, not, repeat, you
incredible imbecile, NOT Democrats. In point of fact, dimbo, it was
Republidolts that hyped y2k fears, like John McCain's idiotic y2k amnesty
bill. But no doubt your stupid ass is completely ignorant of these FACTS.

I defy you, dimbo, to find so much as ONE SINGLE REFERENCE in the more than
NINETY-TWO ****ING THOUSAND news stories about y2k that in any way mentions
and kind of fear mongering or hyperbole about y2k from Democrats. Begin,

FYI, dimbo, for future reference, that is what is know in technical circles
as a FACT, something with which you are obviously unfamiliar. Of course,
none of this in any way changes the FACT that your little idiot.fart has
NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with Al Gore's energy usage, which, were you not
such an incredible imbecile, you might know is the SUBJECT UNDER DISCUSSION.
Duh, duh, duh...

Now, while you're here, on another topic, how long have you been
speaking/writing English? What was your first language? Or are you merely
comically subliterate?

Man, ya jess gotta love these incredible idiots who can't even manage to
string a dozen words together in any kind of coherent, cogent form, but
nonetheless are positive that their stupid asshole opinion is of value.

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?