1. If by consensus you mean-there's totally NOT a consensus, you're exactly right. The list of scientists who've signed a petition stating their opposition to the ‘consensus’ is now 31,000 strong and growing...9000 of whom are PHD's. You can visit the site at
Home - Global Warming Petition Project
2. Well, it's interesting then, that in the last 10 years, the temperature has remained steady, and in fact last year, declined. It almost seems like that 2 million degree burning ORB in the sky called...um, THE SUN...had something to do with the temperature on this planet!?!?! During the warmer '90's, solar flares were at their peak...over the past decade, solar activity has returned to normal. Let's talk about crops for a minute. Don't they grow BETTER in warmth? It seems to me there's not a lot of food growing in Antarctica. During the "Medieval Optimum Period" a time of unusual warmth in the Northern Hemisphere from 800-1300 AD, people prospered, because there was more FOOD. As for the "boiling oceans", scientists place 3500 temperature probes in the oceans to monitor just how hot the water is getting. Guess what they found? NO warming at all...in fact, they discovered slight cooling.
3. What I have against Al Gore is simply this: he's a fat, stinking hypocrite. We'll cover his energy gorging next time. For now, let's focus on his motives. There's a famous quote by Al that I've always loved; "I live a carbon-neutral life, and both of my businesses are carbon neutral." The fact is, he's not even on the same planet as carbon-neutral, but here's the real story. He tells us his conscience is clear because he buys "carbon offsets". What Gore doesn't say is that the "offsets" he buys are from his own company, GIM (Generation Investment Management). He's saving the planet by investing in his own company?
4. It's true that big-hearted billionaire Richard Branson pledged all the profits from his Virgin Aviation business for the next 10 years to go toward combating the most critical problem the world has ever faced, global warming. But instead of Branson sending $4 billion to send polar bears life preservers, refrigerating Greenland or saving endangered Pygmy tribes in New Guinea, he's simply investing the money in his new business venture, Virgin Fuel. Like Gore, it seems he's just found another way to enhance his own bank account.