Alien abduction


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2005
Why aren't people being abducted by aliens anymore?
Maybe it was a case of mass delusion......
Maybe they've run out of probes.......
Just because you don't hear very much about it anymore doesn't mean there aren't people out there who will claim it has happened to them recently.
I personally believe that there is other 'Intelligent" life somewhere else the universe. Its part of my conspiracy theory regarding the creation and evolution of religion. However, my questions is this. Why would they want to come visit us? We are nothing special and at worst we are zenephobic, isolationistic, superstitious and psychopathic. At our best, we are the best, but that is rare and often drowned out by humanities, in humanity towards its fellow humans.
If there is intellident life out there they most probably go out of there way to avoid us, I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some kind of quarantine field around the entire earth system.
Because space movies are not "HIP" at the box office anymore. And LSD is not used by as many people these days.
phreakwars said:
Because space movies are not "HIP" at the box office anymore. And LSD is not used by as many people these days.
That is just your media induced paranoia talking man. Your generation was exposed to twice the amount that mine was and the one before you ,10 times of that. You want to follow a good conspiracy? Check out the paper trails of LSD and the people who followed it back to the source in the late 80s. :rolleyes:
I always thought it was HILARIOUS how people would go on about being abducted and anally probed...
I think this was a subconcouis desire on their part...
You know, like rape fantasies women have.
Lethalfind said:
I always thought it was HILARIOUS how people would go on about being abducted and anally probed...
I think this was a subconcouis desire on their part...
You know, like rape fantasies women have.

Women have rape fantasies? :D