All Religions are the reason this world sucks


New Member
Jun 1, 2005
Religion a.k.a. the NRL, is just a myth , "God" if there is one, wouldnt want us to waste our valuable time on this planet worshiping them when after all we will be with God for all eternity possibly, damn, I cant even stand being around certain people more then a few minutes, what if I dont like being around God? then where do I go to get away from God? Hell? no thanks , like I would want to watch Nightmare on Elm street over and over , how boring lol. If there is a God then God would want us to do what ever we want , mainly enjoy what the planet has to offer us. People need to wake up and just chill out and enjoy the ride, and when I die and there happens to be a :) God , I will shake Gods hand and say Thank you, but till then Im gonna party like its 2999 . P.S. you religious freaks on T.V. make me laugh , thank God for weirdos like you, makes me feel better about myself. the end , Popeye , I am what I am ..real and to the point. oh by the way NRL stands for National Religious League, after all anyone who is religious is on a competitive team against another rival team. this creates WAR duh. P.S.S. relgion is a waste of your valuable time here on earth , go out and play in the sun and shut up about god for christs sake LOL :)
Religious crazies, like Pat Robertson...and others, continue to claim that these religious values that are being pushed by the religious right are the same values that people have held for thousands of years. So why should they be denied? The left, they say, always claim to be tolerant... yet when the vote to ban gay marriage in several states came through it outraged most liberals. Why, he asked, can't the left be tolerant of the religious right?

First of all, you'd have to have your memory removed to believe that! Sure...those religious values have been around... If fact, it was those same religious values that caused people in this country to burn so-called witches at the stake! Was it not those same religious values that have allowed slavery and racism? And wasn't it those same religious values that allowed the slaughter and rape of millions of Native Americans? (Oh, those savages!)

To this day, the religions of the world breed more hatred and separate more people than any other common denominator. If we start making all our laws based on our religious beliefs we will be working backwards - slowly taking our freedoms away. When we base politics on religion it is no different than an extremist Muslem regime like the Taliban in Afghanistan. (Remember a few years ago when women didn't have the right to vote in this country?).

Conservatives on the right claim that liberals want "big government" - (which of course means more taxes. Personally, I'd rather have my taxes go to helping others and building schools rather than in making weapons of mass destruction to use on innocent people in far away lands). But how much bigger can this current government get if it is involved in my personal affairs like marriage and abortion? How many more freedoms can this government take away with laws like The Patriot Act?
To Tolerant means to allow people the freedom to do as they want in their personal affairs even if it means you don't agree. I will tolerate anyone's religious beliefs. Do whatever you want... worship however you please. But I will not tolerate laws being made to limit our freedoms based solely on particular religious beliefs.

Do not try to make the government the church. Open your eyes and look at the state of the world! Read a book other than the bible and you will see what should be done. Seems like common sense, eh?
Religions are not crazy but we are crazy. It is our convoluted minds that make the world crazy, and looking to blame religions as an easy way out. much as I understand your sentimate. Even though most wars in the past were started over religion......

This world without religion would be very chaotic. Yes...I know, like it isn't already....right? :rolleyes:

The problems would be worse however. This nation's basic laws are based on religious texts...the Bible.

Thou shall not kill, steal.....etc. We are already running over the damn dam with those offensives...imagine if there were no common law spawned by religion!

Chaotic Anarchy! :eek: No thanks!
Spleefman said: much as I understand your sentimate. Even though most wars in the past were started over religion......

This world without religion would be very chaotic. Yes...I know, like it isn't already....right? :rolleyes:

The problems would be worse however. This nation's basic laws are based on religious texts...the Bible.

Thou shall not kill, steal.....etc. We are already running over the damn dam with those offensives...imagine if there were no common law spawned by religion!

Chaotic Anarchy! :eek: No thanks!

Why is it that almost every culture, no matter how isolated they are from the rest of the world, has these same basic rules (not killing, stealing, etc.)?

Could it be, perhaps, because these things are fundamentally understood by most people from birth, and don't have **** to do with religion? Hmmm....

I find it extraordinarilly sad that so many people cannot envision a peaceful world without adhereing to a religion.
Ok, Maybe the whole "Don't kill" thing is COMMON SENSE, and is necessary to the existance of civilized mankind. It's nothing to do with religion, it's COMMON SENSE.

The only religious connections it may have is the fact that Religion was an ancient method used to control the masses. "If you're bad, god will send you to hell where you'll burn forever". It's a scare tactic used to keep people from being savages. Hell it's the exact thing as "Kiddies be good, and Santa Claus will give you toys". Kids want toys, kids be good. Simple.

Nowadays, Religion is obsolete. Natural phenomonem that were once unexplainable so were thought of as godly activity now have clear-as-day scientific explanations. And instead of using the fear of divine punishment, we now have weaponry, police, military and politicians to keep people from becoming savage.

And not to mention COMMON SENSE.
Aw **** me....I wasn't trying to go evangelic on anyone here. I was simply stating a ****ing fact.

All you guys do is try to make yourselves look more intellectual by mentally masturbating yourselves with your theories of "Religion is bullshit", and taking potshots at the people who do follow some form of faith.

Can you not accept that on topic, religion has done alot of good in this world?.....Fed the hungry, remedied the sick (or at least tried), re-built roads, buildings, and other things devastated by storms, supplied to those who needed aide, or lost all....etc.

Religion has indeed caused a bunch of **** as argument there. But yes...there was indeed religious involvement when it came to the formation of certain laws, countries, and governments....ours being one of them. Religion, and the evolvement of civilization has indeed served it's purposes as well as hindered at times.

And civilizations that are not civilized, they wouldn't think twice of cutting your head off and eating your brains. Cannibalism, ever heard of it? Tribes killing tribes?

Prehistoric man had no differentialality in killing a saber toothed tiger, or some buck-toothed hairy bitch that "ugghed" too much!

I am not saying that one has to be religious, but to make a blanket statement that laws were not transpired in law creation, or that all current laws would have been created without religion is assinine.

Religion helped in the civilization of humankind. Assisting in moral understanding and growth. It's man himself that has taken religion in many areas and ****ed it all up!
Spleefman said:
And civilizations that are not civilized, they wouldn't think twice of cutting your head off and eating your brains. Cannibalism, ever heard of it? Tribes killing tribes?

Prehistoric man had no differentialality in killing a saber toothed tiger, or some buck-toothed hairy bitch that "ugghed" too much!

I am not saying that one has to be religious, but to make a blanket statement that laws were not transpired in law creation, or that all current laws would have been created without religion is assinine.

Religion helped in the civilization of humankind. Assisting in moral understanding and growth. It's man himself that has taken religion in many areas and ****ed it all up!

Tribes killing Tribes? You mean kinda like countries killing countries? So how is that any different than these "civilized christian" nations killing people now?

If things were so chaotic as you say they would be without religion, then Prehistoric man wouldn't have lasted long enough to evolve into the many cultures that exist today.
I have not argued where religion has failed. I have simply stated that religion has done good, and has influenced laws. Period.

Jesus Jumping Christ! Some of you sure like to go through life with ****ing tunnel vision!
cynthiaa89 said:
Disagreement over religions = War. Always has, always will.

cynthiaa89, I am beginning to wonder if you have been using your mind, or just your Government issued opinion... have you been tested yet ?
cynthiaa89, I am beginning to wonder if you have been using your mind, or just your Government issued opinion... have you been tested yet ?

The political description that
fits you best is...
CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government
control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on
the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention
and sometimes support individual freedom of choice.
Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind,
tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what
they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 70%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 40%.

Heh, not to far from you. Government issued opinion my ass. I think what I want to think about whatever I want to think it about. My opinion on one thing might contradict my opinion on another issue, but I speak my mind regardless. :(
cynthiaa89 said:
The political description that
fits you best is...
CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government
control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on
the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention
and sometimes support individual freedom of choice.
Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind,
tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what
they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 70%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 40%.

Heh, not to far from you. Government issued opinion my ass. I think what I want to think about whatever I want to think it about. My opinion on one thing might contradict my opinion on another issue, but I speak my mind regardless. :(

About time you answered his post.
Well it's simple for people to blame religion for all **** ups isn't it.
This world is not ****ed up cos of religion,this world is ****ed up cos nobody gives a **** about other people or the aftermath of our actions.
People don't kill people cos of religion(as we are made to believe),people kill cos of personal gain,power and greed.
This is why this world is ****ed up.Don't kid yourselves by blaming a faith.It's the endless flaws in us that do the deed.We destroy ourselves.
People don't kill people cos of religion(as we are made to believe),people kill cos of personal gain,power and greed.

Personal gain, power and greed is exactly what some religions offer in exchange for horrific acts... I hate to harp on Islam, but it is the most obvious example...

If you kill yourself in the act of killing infidels, you are a martyr and go directly to heaven where you are surrounded by virgins....

that is just one example, and I'm sure there are a lot more that entail other religions, but that one is just so blatant!

I'm not saying that the problem would go away if religion disappeared, but it certainly is not helping...
Well, we blame religion..but in the end, we also created it (well, its concepts and texts, and ways of following it, etc.). So we can blame religion, or we can blame ourselves. In the end it's the same thing. The world will always go up, and the world will always go down, and each civilization will meet it's end.
obviously, the religion is root of all evil. I think it's devils advocate, religion playing both side of good and evil.

really, if you think about it, with modern science since age of enlightenment, religions are basically a fairy stories. they only exist to make weak people fear the consequences of their death, which in turn make them live a safe and honest life.

Otherwise, if everyone didn't believed in some sorta god, the world would be in chaos.

which is good part of the religion.

but the bad part is trying to force it down the throat.

Really, i don't see the difference between those pushy christian types from terrorists.

It's just that Christians bore you to death, while terrorists blow you up with bombs to death.

either way, religions are causing a lot of deaths, ever since we could think.

I guess people can't except that life just happens sometimes without a cause.
cynthiaa89 said:
Disagreement over religions = War. Always has, always will.

Actually cynthia,...can you imagine a world without religion?

..before you get all teary eyed...have a good think.

..will it irradicate wars???

I don't really have a problem with God....just his followers.