All Religions are the reason this world sucks

fullauto said:
Personal gain, power and greed is exactly what some religions offer in exchange for horrific acts... I hate to harp on Islam, but it is the most obvious example...

If you kill yourself in the act of killing infidels, you are a martyr and go directly to heaven where you are surrounded by virgins....

that is just one example, and I'm sure there are a lot more that entail other religions, but that one is just so blatant!

I'm not saying that the problem would go away if religion disappeared, but it certainly is not helping...

My God,do you people ever actually listen?
You got it all wrong.Islam does not say go around killing an ''Infidel'' and you'll go straight to heaven.You have to have a much better reason to take any life or to fight against people.Murder,is the perfect reason.
Muslims can only fight if they are fought against or if they are driven away from their homes.

''Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes.Verily Allah loves those who deal with equity.''

It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion,and have driven you out of your homes,and helped to drive you out,that Allah forbids you to befriend them.And whosoever will befriend them,then such are the Zalimun(wrong-doers).''

Blaming a religion makes it too easy for people to deviate from their own mistakes.Yeah we might tell ourselves that people are fighting cos of religion,but it only makes us stop looking deeper and find the root cause of wars.
It's all about power.Everyone wants more for themselves and will go to any lengths to get it.
Can you deny this fact Fullo??
popeye said:
Religion a.k.a. the NRL, is just a myth. "God", if there is one, wouldn't want us to waste our valuable time on this planet worshiping them when after all we will be with God for all eternity possibly, damn, I cant even stand being around certain people more then a few minutes, what if I dont like being around God? then where do I go to get away from God? Hell? no thanks , like I would want to watch "A Nightmare on Elm Street" over and over, how boring. lol. If there is a God, then God would want us to do what ever we want , mainly enjoy what the planet has to offer us. People need to wake up and just chill out and enjoy the ride, and when I die and there happens to be a :) God , I will shake God's hand and say Thank you, but till then Im gonna party like its 2999. P.S., you religious freaks on T.V. make me laugh. Thank God for weirdos like you, makes me feel better about myself. the end , Popeye , I am what I am ..real and to the point. oh by the way NRL stands for National Religious League, after all, anyone who is religious is on a competitive team against another rival team. This creates WAR! duh. P.S.S. religon is a waste of your valuable time here on earth , go out and play in the sun and shut up about God for Christ's sake! LOL :)

What drugs are you on, and can I score some? :rolleyes: