Almost Acoustic Christmas


New member
i know that isn't my december on the piano, my december goes DFEF not whatever that is. somebody said pushing me away?

EDIT: my fault, im deaf i hear it now



New member
They played it a little differently than they ever did too, it was pretty cool.

Listen to the Christmas music that Mike's playing :) Into Breaking The Habit... oh well, its not a bad song IMO, we are just sick of it. Nice little Christmas intro though, ha.



New member
I told you guys not to give up hope. Look at that, apologize to LP in a written letter for your horrid fan support, lol.
I wasn't THAT bad...

**** IT!!!

Breaking The Habit...



New member
Breaking the Habit = LP hates the fans for making it a hit so they will just play it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

And over



New member
Honestly I am sick of this song, back in 2005 yeah this song was pretty cool but ive heard it so much that its kinda like ehh..bu hey im singing along oh well..haha


New member
Breaking the Habit = LP hates the fans for making it a hit so they will just play it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

And over
Thats somewhat of an.. well.. everyone was so excited with they first played it in 03, there were ******* throughout the community. Of course they have to play it, its a single, and one of there more popular ones at that.



New member
Oh yeah! Let's disapoint the fans more and more! They love hearing the same **** over and over! Crawling! Yeah! Christmas! w00t

**** LP, I am off of being a fan until I hear something respectable



New member
Crawling wow that was a weird start, kinda all over the place. That chick doesnt need to sing anymore...nerver..never...and never.


New member
still nothing special, more predictable and expected
My December hasn't been played in well over a year. Thats special enough for me.

Jeez, you guys are horrible sometimes, don't even bother being an LP fan, its not worth it to you guys, or LP, or the fanbase in general. You complain the whole time, then My December comes on, and you're all like woot, now you're complaining again, honestly...

What other bands on the show didn't play their singles? Its what they are gonna do, its what the majority want to hear and are expecting. Crawling and In The End are two of the fans biggest songs, they'd be stupid not to play them and have the whole crowd singing along. Most people didn't go to this show to pay and see LP, they need to play their most well-known songs or the crowds gonna be lost.

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