Almost Acoustic Christmas

Uploading part 4 now.. Sorry for teh wait.. While I was doing laundry someone stopped my uploading that i started earlier.
so how about the show guys? definitely the best one of the year for me lol
lol actually for me too, i loved the intros and mt december was awesome so = <3

hah thanks a lot heiley!
First of all thank you victim for the rips :) + rep for that

so how about the show guys? definitely the best one of the year for me lol

I agree with you mark, I thought the show was really good
My december was great, and I loved the choir and the band that was at the intro + BIO
Also some things i noticed for myself lol :

Imo chester´s guitar is really cool
I didn´t know brad played keyboard at HHH
Robs hair is longer than normal, think he´s gonna let it grow?:D
oohh man, the beginning of this thread is insane!!
i'm gonna watch this just to see if the show was that bad or not...
cause after all, if there was HHH and My December it is supposed to be good...

my damn server got OWNED in the middle of the night.

here try this:

aahh thanx a lot u 2!! +rep :thumbsup:
im downloading it now, should be good, KROQ AACs are alwys pretty good, anyone know the other bands that played?

everything seems positive so far...if u discount Darkness's every 2nd post bag out of LPs performance ahahaha
all AAC performances when broadcasted/ripped/recorded ALWAYS miss the lead guitar or lack and real "punch", Live sitting in the actual place is sposed to be ALOT different, everything is really good live as opposed to watching it on the net, its like the soundboard doesnt quite record the guitars or something
yeah it is realy good, i love how chester goes into the crowd, lol at he ****es up at LOATR at the second chorus hehe
and when chester goes into the crows the one person grabs his year then he gives her/him a cold stare lol
yeah it is realy good, i love how chester goes into the crowd, lol at he ****es up at LOATR at the second chorus hehe
and when chester goes into the crows the one person grabs his year then he gives her/him a cold stare lol

Grabs his year?

@ AussieLP

Well in one pic of rob's younger years he had really long hair, so who knows haha

Edit : Just listened again to BTH, and I haven´t heard the intro that good since live 8 imo