American Idol.

American Idol is my guilty pleasure lol. I watch every episode.
Yes, Paula Abdul does look drunk, especially in the last episode when she was talking about the salad and the melon or something like that. I don't even know what she was saying.
I want Chris Daughtry to win. Definately the best I've ever seen on the competition. I even have his songs on my iPod lol. And I drew a picture of him. Yeah, I'm crazy.
American Idol represents practically everything that is bad about music. Period.
It's awfull. I used to like it when I thought shitty pop music was rock, but then I found out what real music was (from the beatles, to pink floyd, to led zeppelin, to tool) and stopped watching it.
I watched it once & thought it was boring & not very good....& those were like the finals or something. So I figure the rest was worst & never watched it.
ugh. i LOVE American Idol. my whole family is caught up in it.
Kellie, Taylor, and Bucky (gag) are from NC. whoop... whoop.

not to give a biography about the NCers.. butttt..
Kellie just needs to go home. she's just another Carrie Underwood. boo for that. and she's dumb.
Bucky's from Rockingham.. which is 15 minutes away from me.. but he sucks balls. he also needs to go home.. and give his hair a good washin' and cuttin'... ew.
Taylor.. ok, i lovelovelove this man. he's not THE BEST singer but his personality rules at life. we're getting married someday.

Katherine's also good.. i wouldnt mind seeing her win.