An Online Fight


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2005
Beneath My Skin
yesterday me and my friends had broken up. i feel so hurt. :confused: how this happened here goes . . . i was tired that my friend cynthia was always leaving me behind for boys . . . my friend said that shes been noticing that. and i also told them that cynthia and them were hidind things from me . . . and they were like "well you know what u got to ask" and i do and they were like "some times we dont like telling, and you think the world revolves around you" and this had hurt me sooo much. They dissed me and said curses so i said curses because i wasnt going to back down. i told this to my other friend Qvanaa and shes like "say sorry" and im like "no, they have hurt me for the last time". now i think me Ana, Cynthia and Katherine will never be friends again. :(

so can someone help me solve my problems? :confused: i would really appreciate it.
Can I ask a question first?.........How good of friends are you guys? And how much do you guys really like eachother? What I basicly am getting as is that is this just a fight or a thing where you don't want to be friends ever again?

before we had like 2 more other fights and got over them in like 2 days. but before we were 3 friends until this other girl ana came in. before ana we were unseperable . . . the 3 muskateers. but the girl (cynthia) as time passed started to like boys more than us. :(
Well, if this is a friendship that you believe is worth staying in, then I can give you advice on it. People change, and you gotta except that. If you don't think they'll be your real friends in the end, then don't even worry with them.

On the other hand, you need to just apologize. First give them some time to cool off before you try to mend things. I recently had a fight with my friend. After a week or so I decided to apologize to her, even though it wasn't me who did anything. What I did was I made her a CD full of songs that say "I'm sorry." If you don't know what I mean, then just ask, and I can try to give you some examples. Also, try to have a civilzed conversation with her about your problems, and just try to make up. I know it will be hard, but it's possible. If she seems in a good mood just go up and talk her like any other day. Just be like "Hey. What's up? Can I talk to you for a minute or two?" Just work out your problems. You may want to do it over the internet (that's just easier for me to talk on AIM).

Hope this helps.
i know how ya feel. some of my closest friends will totally ignore me whenever they get a guy. it hurts. but we found ways to get over it. both of us said we were sorry, but it took a while for us to swallow our pride and appologize.
Mikes_Shadow said:
No, life is like a cheese salad, its mixed up and it stinks.

My god...that is so true!!

Just say sorry, if you really wanna be friends again, you got to say sorry, and work it out! i suck at advice or what!?

You can always go on the Dr.Phil show:D