And the nominees for President in 2008 are ??


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
I have heard no official talk but would anybody care to guess who will be the contenders in 2008 ?? And what political affiliation... I.E. Democrat/Republican/Green...etc..

Couple names that come up in the media are Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, John Kerry, Dick Cheney, Dipshit Hulk Hogan... hell who knows ??? Do you ??
phreakwars said:
I have heard no official talk but would anybody care to guess who will be the contenders in 2008 ?? And what political affiliation... I.E. Democrat/Republican/Green...etc..

Couple names that come up in the media are Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, John Kerry, Dick Cheney, Dipshit Hulk Hogan... hell who knows ??? Do you ??

Did you just say...HOGAN? :eek:
The figurehead is unimportant, as long as the string-pullers remain above reproach.

Is Jeb really a candidate?
Jeb? No I doubt it. Hilly Clinton! Come on! she'll run for sure. Dum bitch.
I would like to see Condoleezza Rice!
That would be something! Two women running the same time.
snafu said:
Jeb? No I doubt it. Hilly Clinton! Come on! she'll run for sure. Dum bitch.
I would like to see Condoleezza Rice!
That would be something! Two women running the same time.

cept condi is a yes woman and hilary is a stubborn bitch........

sadly condi would win......

god bless america

can i be in charge of homo-land security :p
If Hillary runs in 2008, I would most definitely vote for her. The same if Condi Rice decides to run, however I would choose Hillary over Condi any ol' day of the freakin' week.

Face it, boys, we've had a good run of men since the country's foundation. Very few of them have had the integrity and the dignity to face the nation with the straight dope.

Morons like Neal Boortz (A moron I agree with alot) and Sean Hannity would tear her apart.
MRIH said:
I hearby nominate myself, and if elected I will do everything in my power to erradicate islam from face of the planet."

Is your real name George? Be honest now..... :D
Couple names that come up in the media are Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, John Kerry, Dick Cheney, Dipshit Hulk Hogan... hell who knows ??? Do you ??

Heh, I heard something about Christopher Walken on T.V. Goddamnit. Celebrities are taking over.
I would NEVER vote for a celebrity unless the have not been in the Hollywood spotlight for many years (like Reagan) and have actually done some REAL political work.

Same here, but most people aren't going to look at it that way. There are more idiots than people like us...and they will win...They did last time... :eek: :cool:
well i think a woman president is going to happen in my lifetime. Its going to happen sooner or later. Heck we even have a tv show now depicting perhaps the media is starting to get us used to the fact...who knows

If hillary runs i will vote for her...she seems to be pretty politically intelligent (not so in relationships...but we cant all be perfect). So i would vote for her as well........

hmm i wonder if a woman can sue the political parties. after all companies get sued for discriminating all the time......why not the presidency.

another after thought........If a woman does get elected, sadly she will have to be near perfect.....because people will look at it as it was a woman that failed us....not the individual. Gotta love the bible belt and its generalizations!
Remember that Margaret Thatcher ruled Britain quite effectively. They called her the Iron Maiden. She went against popular wishes to instigate changes that were a long time coming. Not the most popular leader, but most effective.

Don't get me wrong, I hated the bitch, but she was not in the job to increase her fan base.

Her swift decision to liberate a handful of English national in the Falklands war increased her standing no end. Not to mention putting the Argentinians back in their box. :D

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