Limbaugh encourages listeners to commit FELONIES - Why is this nut still on the air?

  • Thread starter Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDE
  • Start date
"Trace" <> wrote in message
> I'm Lovin It! Operation Chaos has got the commie/libs running in
> circles!
> Please tell me where it is a felony to crossover vote. I would love
> to know since even in increasingly liberal Ohio, the liberals there
> have not ruled against the issue and or Rush. But, you know so much,
> so tell me where.

Naturally a Reichtard would think breaking the law is funny because they
have no regard for it as the culture of corruption in their party proves.

"(B) When the right of a person to vote is challenged upon the ground set
forth in division (A)(3) of this section, membership in or political
affiliation with a political party shall be determined by the person's
statement, made under PENALTY OF ELECTION FALSIFICATION, that the person
desires to be affiliated with and SUPPORTS THE PRINCIPLES OF THE POLITICAL
PARTY whose primary ballot the person desires to vote." (emphasis added)

Please. You can't even figure out the difference between your thumb and
your dick, Travidiot. Remember when you used to cruise the dating
newsgroups for hairy Jewish women?

The Travidiot, a contraction of this luser's 2 best known sock puppets and
most prominent feature - Tracey "Trace" Levin and David Abrams + idiot - has
been known for many years, now as sh/i/t, a contraction of she - he - it.

BTW, for those with a strong stomach, here's some hard evidence of
Travidiot's astounding mendacity, stupidity and general net.kookiness:

Here are 20 some odd thousand responses to his posts using the "Tracey12"
aka Tracey Levin, aka, Trace, aka, Trace1212 identity:

Here's another 8 some odd thosands responses to his "David Abrams" identity:

And here are several hundred posts laying out the evidence that Tracey Levin
and David Abrams are one and the same:

Before sh/i/t showed up here in the political groups, sh/i/t was the pimple
on the ass of numerous local general groups, many in Texas. His MO was to
cross post dozens of stupid, inflammatory, off topic bullshit posts per day
to 10 or so different groups.

The truth is Travid is a gender confused Jew for Jesus janitor fired by a
school district in TX for, "inappropriate" behavior, a luser who has
variously claimed to be a male P.I., a female attorney and who knows how
many other gender bending bullshit claims, a luser who spent time scouring
the internet for hairy, large breasted Jewish women willing to put up with
his stupid ass.

If you're somehow not familiar with Travid, a contraction of his most used
sock puppets "David Abrams and "Tracey Levin", you're missing the genuine
On Mar 25, 12:25 pm, "Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS"
<> wrote:
> Will Rush Limbaugh Be Indicted for Voter Fraud?
> By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet. Posted March 21, 2008.
> As Ohio election officials investigate illegal crossover voting in the
> 2008 primary,

False. Crossover voting is not illegal in Ohio. It is an open primary
state, i.e. voters do not register with parties.

"Ohio's open primary system enables voters to choose on the spot which
primary they want to vote in. Poll workers are supposed to give voters
who are switching parties a form to sign that attests the voter
upholds the ideals of that party. The voter is then automatically
listed as a member of that party at least until the next primary."

"Crossover voting is allowed as well.

That's where Republicans want to cast ballots for Democrats or vice-

However, such voters have to fill out and sign Form 10W, which says
you support the principles of that particular party.

"It's just something to make sure you want to vote in that side of the
primary," said John Williams, director of the Hamilton County Board of

Poll workers record which ballot voters get by marking a "D" or "R" by
their names - and that designation can't be changed until the next
partisan primary in 2010.

"In Ohio we don't register with a party," said Williams. "At a Board
of Elections, we merely track voting history."

"In Ohio, Texas primaries, independents, Republicans can vote"

"........The Illinois senator has mobilized his party's left wing, a
big help in caucus races where party activists and fired-up newbies
are key. And he's drawn crossover Republicans and independents to
primaries in which they are allowed to vote.

Ohio and Texas make it easy for them to do so. If they do, it could
boost Obama's vote.

Among independents, Obama is leading Clinton by 14 percentage points
in Ohio and by 13 in Texas, according to a Washington Post-ABC News
telephone poll taken Feb. 16-20."

> questions arise on Limbaugh's role.
> As the board of election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where Cleveland is
> located, launches an investigation into illegal crossover voting in the
> state's 2008 presidential primary, a big open question remains
> unanswered: Will county officials go after the ringleaders of apparently
> illegal electioneering where thousands of Republican voters swore --
> under penalty of law -- allegiance to the Democratic Party in order to
> vote for Hillary Clinton?

False. The voter does not swear an allegiance to the Democrat party,
they MAY be asked to sign a from saying that they support the party's
principles. That is not the same as an "allegiance to the Democrat

> In case you missed it, Rush Limbaugh, the nation's top-rated talk radio
> host, was urging Republicans in Texas and Ohio to skip their party's
> primary on March 4 and instead cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in order
> to prolong the fight between her and Barack Obama. And that Tuesday, as
> media in both states reported, thousands of Republicans did just what
> Limbaugh and others had suggested -- they changed parties to vote for
> Clinton.
> (snip)
> While this all makes for great talk radio and sounds like fun, there is
> one catch: What Limbaugh encouraged Republican voters to do in Ohio was a
> fifth-degree felony in that state, punishable with a $2,500 fine and six
> to 12 months in jail. That is because in order to change party
> affiliation in Ohio, voters have to fill out a form swearing allegiance
> to that party's principles "under penalty of election falsification."
> On Thursday, March 20, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that the
> "Cuyahoga County Board of Election has launched an investigation that
> could lead to criminal charges against voters who maliciously switched
> parties for the March 4 presidential primary." According to the report,
> "One voter scribbled the following addendum to his pledge as a new
> Democrat: "For one day only."
> "Such an admission amounts to voter fraud," the report continued,
> attributing that conclusion to BOE member Sandy McNair, a Democrat.
> (snip) (The Weasel) wrote in

> Poll workers are supposed to give voters who are switching parties a
> form to sign that attests the voter upholds the ideals of that
> party.

Since neither party has any ideals, that easy to do.

Bert Hyman | St. Paul, MN |
On Mar 25, 2:12 pm, "Nebuchadnezzar II" <>
> "Trace" <> wrote in message
> <snip>
> > I'm Lovin It! Operation Chaos has got the commie/libs running in
> > circles!
> > Please tell me where it is a felony to crossover vote. I would love
> > to know since even in increasingly liberal Ohio, the liberals there
> > have not ruled against the issue and or Rush. But, you know so much,
> > so tell me where.

> Naturally a Reichtard would think breaking the law is funny because they
> have no regard for it as the culture of corruption in their party proves.
> "(B) When the right of a person to vote is challenged upon the ground set
> forth in division (A)(3) of this section, membership in or political
> affiliation with a political party shall be determined by the person's
> statement, made under PENALTY OF ELECTION FALSIFICATION, that the person
> desires to be affiliated with and SUPPORTS THE PRINCIPLES OF THE POLITICAL
> PARTY whose primary ballot the person desires to vote." (emphasis added)

The Burnet County Democrats are committed to the principles of the
Democratic Party: strength, inclusion, and opportunity"

Just exactly how hard is it for anyone from any political part to
support these principles?

> Please. You can't even figure out the difference between your thumb and
> your dick, Travidiot. Remember when you used to cruise the dating
> newsgroups for hairy Jewish women?
> The Travidiot, a contraction of this luser's 2 best known sock puppets and
> most prominent feature - Tracey "Trace" Levin and David Abrams + idiot - has
> been known for many years, now as sh/i/t, a contraction of she - he - it.
> BTW, for those with a strong stomach, here's some hard evidence of
> Travidiot's astounding mendacity, stupidity and general net.kookiness:
> Here are 20 some odd thousand responses to his posts using the "Tracey12"
> aka Tracey Levin, aka, Trace, aka, Trace1212 identity:
> Here's another 8 some odd thosands responses to his "David Abrams" identity:
> And here are several hundred posts laying out the evidence that Tracey Levin
> and David Abrams are one and the same:
> Before sh/i/t showed up here in the political groups, sh/i/t was the pimple
> on the ass of numerous local general groups, many in Texas. His MO was to
> cross post dozens of stupid, inflammatory, off topic bullshit posts per day
> to 10 or so different groups.
> The truth is Travid is a gender confused Jew for Jesus janitor fired by a
> school district in TX for, "inappropriate" behavior, a luser who has
> variously claimed to be a male P.I., a female attorney and who knows how
> many other gender bending bullshit claims, a luser who spent time scouring
> the internet for hairy, large breasted Jewish women willing to put up with
> his stupid ass.
> If you're somehow not familiar with Travid, a contraction of his most used
> sock puppets "David Abrams and "Tracey Levin", you're missing the genuine
> cr
On Mar 25, 2:38 pm, Bert Hyman <> wrote:
> (The Weasel) wrote
> > Poll workers are supposed to give voters who are switching parties a
> > form to sign that attests the voter upholds the ideals of that
> > party.

> Since neither party has any ideals, that easy to do.

LOL. I think that goes more to their party platform, but I could not
agree more. Another election of the lessor of all evils.

> --
> Bert Hyman | St. Paul, MN |
"Obama's Mama's A White Cracker" <White Cracker@Obama's Hood> wrote in
> "Arizona Bushwhacker" <> wrote in message
> news:SNbGj.23872$CD7.6249@newsfe11.phx...
>> "znuybv" <> wrote in message
>> > On Mar 25, 11:31 am, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
>> > <> wrote:
>> >> If democrats crossed party lines to insure that
>> >> the idiot republicans nominate the most mindless
>> >> moron to be the republican candidate, the
>> >> republicans would be pissed as hell.
>> >
>> > They did.

>> Are you telling us that you idiot ****ing
>> republicans didn't nominate a total
>> dip-**** like McCain all on your own?

> Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
> Pennsylvania

And exactly what is your problem with that?
"Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS" <> wrote in
message news:Xns9A6C7E5B0AB45riemann1850yahoocom@

Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
We need your help registering voters this weekend!" read a message on Barack
Obama's Web site, urging volunteers to spend the weekend convincing
unregistered voters, Republicans and Independents to become newly-minted
"Arizona Bushwhacker" <> wrote in message

****ing Obama IS a Criminal !

Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
We need your help registering voters this weekend!" read a message on Barack
Obama's Web site, urging volunteers to spend the weekend convincing
unregistered voters, Republicans and Independents to become newly-minted
"Arizona Bushwhacker" <> wrote in message
> "HarryNadds" <> wrote in message
> On Mar 25, 1:31 pm, "Arizona Bushwhacker" <>
> wrote:
> > If democrats crossed party lines to insure that
> > the idiot republicans nominate the most mindless
> > moron to be the republican candidate, the
> > republicans would be pissed as hell.
> >
> > For them to cross party lines and screw
> > with the democrat's nomination process
> > is just business as usual for the ****ing
> > republicans.
> >
> > The funny part is...
> > The democrats don't need to cross party
> > lines to insure that the republicans nominate
> > the biggest idiot of the pack... The republicans
> > can be counted on to do that to America
> > all on their own!
> >
> > I suggest McCain and Bush are sufficient
> > evidence as absolute proof that I'm telling
> > the truth!

> Is it illegal for Hillary and the Obammy to try and encourage
> republicans to cross party lines and vote for them??
> / /
> A candidate encouraging voters to vote for them,
> is not the same as when the ****ing republicans
> maliciously cross party lines to screw with the
> democrats nominating process.


Another Liberal Maggot Bitch slappped bloody raw .

Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
We need your help registering voters this weekend!" read a message on Barack
Obama's Web site, urging volunteers to spend the weekend convincing
unregistered voters, Republicans and Independents to become newly-minted
"Obama's Mama's A White Cracker" <White Cracker@Obama's Hood> wrote in

> Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
> Pennsylvania

Exactly what is your ****ing problem with
voter registration efforts?

Only a ****ing republican like you and the
rest of the idiot ****ing republicans in America
could think voter registration is a felony!

You idiot ****ing republicans truly are nothing
but a pack of ****ing dip-shits!
"Grendel" <> wrote in message
On Mar 25, 1:25 pm, "Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS"
<> wrote:

>Why is this nut still on the air?

Because a lot of people listen to him. It's really that simple.


Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
We need your help registering voters this weekend!" read a message on Barack
Obama's Web site, urging volunteers to spend the weekend convincing
unregistered voters, Republicans and Independents to become newly-minted
<> wrote in message
On Mar 25, 3:04 pm, Trace <> wrote:
> On Mar 25, 1:25 pm, "Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS"
> <> wrote:
> >

> > Will Rush Limbaugh Be Indicted for Voter Fraud?

> > By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet. Posted March 21, 2008.

> > As Ohio election officials investigate illegal crossover voting in the
> > 2008 primary, questions arise on Limbaugh's role.
> > As the board of election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where Cleveland is
> > located, launches an investigation into illegal crossover voting in the
> > state's 2008 presidential primary, a big open question remains
> > unanswered: Will county officials go after the ringleaders of apparently
> > illegal electioneering where thousands of Republican voters swore --
> > under penalty of law -- allegiance to the Democratic Party in order to
> > vote for Hillary Clinton?

> > In case you missed it, Rush Limbaugh, the nation's top-rated talk radio
> > host, was urging Republicans in Texas and Ohio to skip their party's
> > primary on March 4 and instead cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in order
> > to prolong the fight between her and Barack Obama. And that Tuesday, as
> > media in both states reported, thousands of Republicans did just what
> > Limbaugh and others had suggested -- they changed parties to vote for
> > Clinton.

> > (snip)

> > While this all makes for great talk radio and sounds like fun, there is
> > one catch: What Limbaugh encouraged Republican voters to do in Ohio was

> > fifth-degree felony in that state, punishable with a $2,500 fine and six
> > to 12 months in jail. That is because in order to change party
> > affiliation in Ohio, voters have to fill out a form swearing allegiance
> > to that party's principles "under penalty of election falsification."

> > On Thursday, March 20, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that the
> > "Cuyahoga County Board of Election has launched an investigation that
> > could lead to criminal charges against voters who maliciously switched
> > parties for the March 4 presidential primary." According to the report,
> > "One voter scribbled the following addendum to his pledge as a new
> > Democrat: "For one day only."

> > "Such an admission amounts to voter fraud," the report continued,
> > attributing that conclusion to BOE member Sandy McNair, a Democrat.

> > (snip)

> I'm Lovin It! Operation Chaos has got the commie/libs running in
> circles!
> Please tell me where it is a felony to crossover vote. I would love
> to know since even in increasingly liberal Ohio, the liberals there
> have not ruled against the issue and or Rush. But, you know so much,
> so tell me where.

A crossover vote, even a malicious one, isn't technically illegal. A
malicious crossover vote is, IMHO, un-American.

Yep Obama is Unamerican all right.

Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
We need your help registering voters this weekend!" read a message on Barack
Obama's Web site, urging volunteers to spend the weekend convincing
unregistered voters, Republicans and Independents to become newly-minted
"Arizona Bushwhacker" <> wrote in message
> "znuybv" <> wrote in message
> > On Mar 25, 11:31 am, "Arizona Bushwhacker"
> > <> wrote:
> >> If democrats crossed party lines to insure that
> >> the idiot republicans nominate the most mindless
> >> moron to be the republican candidate, the
> >> republicans would be pissed as hell.

> >
> > They did.

> Are you telling us that you idiot ****ing
> republicans didn't nominate a total
> dip-**** like McCain all on your own?

Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
We need your help registering voters this weekend!" read a message on Barack
Obama's Web site, urging volunteers to spend the weekend convincing
unregistered voters, Republicans and Independents to become newly-minted
On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:52:32 -0500, "Obama's Mama's A White Cracker"
<White Cracker@Obama's Hood> wrote:

>"Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS" <> wrote in
>message news:Xns9A6C7E5B0AB45riemann1850yahoocom@
>Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
>We need your help registering voters this weekend!" read a message on Barack
>Obama's Web site, urging volunteers to spend the weekend convincing
>unregistered voters, Republicans and Independents to become newly-minted

How is this a felony?
On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:55:30 -0500, "Obama's Mama's A White Cracker"
<White Cracker@Obama's Hood> wrote:

><> wrote in message
>On Mar 25, 3:04 pm, Trace <> wrote:
>> On Mar 25, 1:25 pm, "Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS"
>> <> wrote:
>> >

>> > Will Rush Limbaugh Be Indicted for Voter Fraud?

>> > By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet. Posted March 21, 2008.

>> > As Ohio election officials investigate illegal crossover voting in the
>> > 2008 primary, questions arise on Limbaugh's role.
>> > As the board of election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where Cleveland is
>> > located, launches an investigation into illegal crossover voting in the
>> > state's 2008 presidential primary, a big open question remains
>> > unanswered: Will county officials go after the ringleaders of apparently
>> > illegal electioneering where thousands of Republican voters swore --
>> > under penalty of law -- allegiance to the Democratic Party in order to
>> > vote for Hillary Clinton?

>> > In case you missed it, Rush Limbaugh, the nation's top-rated talk radio
>> > host, was urging Republicans in Texas and Ohio to skip their party's
>> > primary on March 4 and instead cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in order
>> > to prolong the fight between her and Barack Obama. And that Tuesday, as
>> > media in both states reported, thousands of Republicans did just what
>> > Limbaugh and others had suggested -- they changed parties to vote for
>> > Clinton.

>> > (snip)

>> > While this all makes for great talk radio and sounds like fun, there is
>> > one catch: What Limbaugh encouraged Republican voters to do in Ohio was

>> > fifth-degree felony in that state, punishable with a $2,500 fine and six
>> > to 12 months in jail. That is because in order to change party
>> > affiliation in Ohio, voters have to fill out a form swearing allegiance
>> > to that party's principles "under penalty of election falsification."

>> > On Thursday, March 20, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that the
>> > "Cuyahoga County Board of Election has launched an investigation that
>> > could lead to criminal charges against voters who maliciously switched
>> > parties for the March 4 presidential primary." According to the report,
>> > "One voter scribbled the following addendum to his pledge as a new
>> > Democrat: "For one day only."

>> > "Such an admission amounts to voter fraud," the report continued,
>> > attributing that conclusion to BOE member Sandy McNair, a Democrat.

>> > (snip)

>> I'm Lovin It! Operation Chaos has got the commie/libs running in
>> circles!
>> Please tell me where it is a felony to crossover vote. I would love
>> to know since even in increasingly liberal Ohio, the liberals there
>> have not ruled against the issue and or Rush. But, you know so much,
>> so tell me where.

>A crossover vote, even a malicious one, isn't technically illegal. A
>malicious crossover vote is, IMHO, un-American.
>Yep Obama is Unamerican all right.
>Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority in
>We need your help registering voters this weekend!" read a message on Barack
>Obama's Web site, urging volunteers to spend the weekend convincing
>unregistered voters, Republicans and Independents to become newly-minted

Obama is not requesting a malicious crossover vote. Any person who
crosses over to Obama, he would prefer them to also vote for him in
the general election.

But you are such a dumb pig ****er that you can't tell the difference.
"Arizona Bushwhacker" <> wrote in message
> "Obama's Mama's A White Cracker" <White Cracker@Obama's Hood> wrote in
> message
> > Barack Obama's campaign has made voter registration their top priority

> > Pennsylvania

> Exactly what is your ****ing problem with
> voter registration efforts?
> Only a ****ing republican like you and the
> rest of the idiot ****ing republicans in America
> could think voter registration is a felony!

Thats not what you told the first poster in this thread calling Rush a
felon. You lose again skank bait.
On Mar 25, 12:52 pm, wrote:
> On Mar 25, 3:29 pm, Jakthehammer <> wrote:
> > On Mar 25, 11:19�am, wrote:

> > > On Mar 25, 3:04�pm, Trace <> wrote:

> > > > On Mar 25, 1:25 pm, "Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS"

> > > > <> wrote:
> > > > >

> > > > > Will Rush Limbaugh Be Indicted for Voter Fraud?

> > > > > By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet. Posted March 21, 2008.

> > > > > As Ohio election officials investigate illegal crossover voting in the
> > > > > 2008 primary, questions arise on Limbaugh's role.
> > > > > As the board of election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where Cleveland is
> > > > > located, launches an investigation into illegal crossover voting in the
> > > > > state's 2008 presidential primary, a big open question remains
> > > > > unanswered: Will county officials go after the ringleaders of apparently
> > > > > illegal electioneering where thousands of Republican voters swore --
> > > > > under penalty of law -- allegiance to the Democratic Party in order to
> > > > > vote for Hillary Clinton?

> > > > > In case you missed it, Rush Limbaugh, the nation's top-rated talk radio
> > > > > host, was urging Republicans in Texas and Ohio to skip their party's
> > > > > primary on March 4 and instead cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in order
> > > > > to prolong the fight between her and Barack Obama. And that Tuesday, as
> > > > > media in both states reported, thousands of Republicans did just what
> > > > > Limbaugh and others had suggested -- they changed parties to vote for
> > > > > Clinton.

> > > > > (snip)

> > > > > While this all makes for great talk radio and sounds like fun, there is
> > > > > one catch: What Limbaugh encouraged Republican voters to do in Ohio was a
> > > > > fifth-degree felony in that state, punishable with a $2,500 fine and six
> > > > > to 12 months in jail. That is because in order to change party
> > > > > affiliation in Ohio, voters have to fill out a form swearing allegiance
> > > > > to that party's principles "under penalty of election falsification."

> > > > > On Thursday, March 20, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that the
> > > > > "Cuyahoga County Board of Election has launched an investigation that
> > > > > could lead to criminal charges against voters who maliciously switched
> > > > > parties for the March 4 presidential primary." According to the report,
> > > > > "One voter scribbled the following addendum to his pledge as a new
> > > > > Democrat: "For one day only."

> > > > > "Such an admission amounts to voter fraud," the report continued,
> > > > > attributing that conclusion to BOE member Sandy McNair, a Democrat..

> > > > > (snip)

> > > > I'm Lovin It! �Operation Chaos has got the commie/libs running in
> > > > circles!
> > > > Please tell me where it is a felony to crossover vote. �I would love
> > > > to know since even in increasingly liberal Ohio, the liberals there
> > > > have not ruled against the issue and or Rush. �But, you know so much,
> > > > so tell me where.

> > > A crossover vote, even a malicious one, isn't technically illegal. A
> > > malicious crossover vote is, IMHO, un-American.

> > > It is a felony to lie on an affidavit, which is actually what is being
> > > considered in Ohio.- Hide quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -

> > "But Yer Honner,  I intended to Vote for a Democrat when I signed the
> > Affidavit. Then after a few days, I found out what SCUMBAGS Democrats
> > are and Changed My Mind"..............Heehee.........

> How typical. You think breaking the law is funny. HEEHEE.

They're breaking the law? Prove it.
> > Democrat cross overs played a part in the dip shits nomination.

> And your proof is???

It's right next to your proof that Republicans are voting for Hillary
to screw up the Democrats nomination.

Payback is a bitch, isn't it?

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