Anonymous World Scientology Protest


New member
Religion has always been abused.

The Islamic faith unfortunately has a lot of violence associated with it.

Christianity is known for its corrupt leadership.

Scientology has Tom Cruise.

Scientology is stupid in my opinion. I mean it was based off the ideas of a science fiction write so i take it with a grain of salt, but I try to steer away from talking about it because it's hypocritical in a sense, because I am Christian and I hate it when people criticize my faith.



New member
sten,catholic in itself is different from scientology, as is catholic-scientology different from opus dei...protestants etc they are based around the same PREMISE(ie one ***, a few commandments,go to church...etc), but are in most regards VERY different

if catholicism and protestant were the "same", why the **** are the northern irelanders alwys at each others throats? arent they from the "same" religion? same ***...but different sets of values and beliefs

honestly, if they were the "same", why are they under such different names? why do they have different values? why are catholics lining up to renounce scientology? they are NOT the same

i think one of their values is that scientology do have is the renoucement of modern medicines liek drugs...pyschotherapy etc i dont think its their whole ideal,but certainly a major point for them,they have quite a"the human spirit is eternal which only possesess body and mind(or something along thsoe lines)...A person is basically good, but becomes "aberrated" by moments of pain and unconsciousness...etc"



New member
Tonz;554553']and lets not turn this into the "we hate catholics/christian thread"
They are the same religion u nutty thing!
that is dumbest thing i have heard in a while

Catholic is a type of Christianity, but Christianity is split into Catholics and Protestants.

For **** sake we had a religion thread and already discussed that.



New member
lol I don't think his post was that serious...

anyway he is kinda right. catholicism is the same as christianity, cause it's a part of it. catholicism is still the same religion as all other christian denominations, hence why they're all christian, lol.

justin you sound like you think matt doesn't know the difference...

and well as a matter of fact back in the day before all the nutty protestant denominations sprung up like tulips everywhere (and well orthodox churches too, although not everywhere lol) catholicism was the same as christianity, the exact same. there wasn't any other type of christianity.



New member
In the interest of the topic i thought I'd add a link to a protest that happened, i dont know if its the same one lol but its a pretty big one with some funny pictures, the website is hosted by a girl on Deviant, she was a part of the protest and posted pics on it.


Just let me say now that I dont follow any religion and i really dont bother with anyones or dislike people because of their religions, as long as no one tries to bother me with their religion i dont bite.

I'm posting this is the interest of the topic and for anyone interested in seeing it, i like the V for Vendetta masks lol.

I have no opinion on scientology at all or any other religion but let it be said...I HAtE tOm cRuiSe :D he sucks for just being him :D lol my opinion XD

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