another concert :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2004
Jacksonville, North Carolina
I just thought I'd share my last concert experience on the board. I should of written this earlier... it's been a few days.
Anyways. Friday night we went to see "Slipknot", along with "All That Remains", "Shadows Fall", and "Lamb of God" from the Subliminal Versus Tour in Hampton Virginia. We drove almost 6hrs to get there and 6rs back [would of been only 3hrs back if it wasn't for all the detours... dont ask]. I must admit, not being a real big fan of Slipknot and barely knowing a lot about the rest of the bands [originally only going to see Shadows Fall and Lamb of God] I wasn't expecting much ... almost insulting if you ask me. I was also told being that is was mainly hardcore and then well.. slipknot playing the pit was supposed to be crucial. I actually almost left... thinking I wasn't going to be able to handle it [not much experience with the hardcore crowd].
Well to tell you the truth there really isn't much to say about it. The shows were great! I was actually impressed with Slipknots' stage show. However I still think nobody from Shadows Fall was really showing a lot of enthusiasm up there except for the vocalist and drummer... but even then it was worth it.
However with that said. We came to the conclusion that the Linkin Park show we went to last year had so much more "pit action"! I remember actually having to leave the pit because I felt like I was going to faint ...[ended up throwing up right after]. As far as the crowd went for the show I just saw...SUCKED. I had maybe a few nudges here and there.... and I was pretty sure the "circle" was just a couple ppl behind me. So obviously no body was really participating ... I dont know if it was the music or what. Can you believe Linkin Park fans actually rocked out 10x harder than Slipknot fans along side hardcore fans?????? In fact I think Corey Taylor (Slipknot)exaggerated a bit when he was talking about how awesome the crowd was...... I have to admit seeing Joey Jordison's solo bit was pretty awesome. I just wish it lasted longer. It was maybe 5mins.
Anyways that's all I have to say about that show. Even though I did a lot of complaining while writing all this I still had an awesome time, the shows were great, and just being able to hear different styles of music played live was definatley.. and experience!
yeah i know and if slipknot concerts are normally like that than... wow.. that sucks. lol. but thats just the thing... the Linkin Park show I went to was way more awesome as far as the pit goes than the slipknot show and slipknot's supposed to be heavier and faster etc. ... thats kinda messed up.
i'm not gonna lie. their show was pretty impressive. HOWEVER the thing that kinda pissed me off the most was the fact that practically after EVERY song they walked off stage ... that, i'm sorry was rude as hell and aggrevating after like the first 2 times. This was actually the 2nd show I've been to that was at an actual collesium(sp) [with Linkin Park being the first] so that to me was a plus.
I, for some reason prefer the collesiums. I've been to the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach a few times and although the inside was set up alright... i dont like that kinda atmosphere. the same goies for local gigs/bars. I dont know, maybe because its smaller? But the ppl are ruder [especially here cuz of the marines and a known biker gang... lol dont ask.] I just like it where everyone goes for the music with a good attitude on their shoulders and not there to be some asshole and pick fights.