Another Country Groans Under the Jewish Bootheel



Israeli troops will control Hungarian Gentiles

Israeli Special Ops Forces will help to control Hungarian Gentiles
tomorrow (March 15) when Hungary celebrates its national holiday.

Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

Hungary was the birthplace of modern Zionism (Theodor Herzl was born
in Budapest in 1860).

During World War II, Gypsies were put into labor camps with Jews,
because Gypsies allied with Jewish Bolsheviks against Germany.

After WW II, Jewish Bolsheviks maintained control of Hungary, and
encouraged Soviet tanks to crush a popular rebellion in 1956.

With the fall of the Soviet Union, Jewish gangsters took control of
Hungary. They remain in control today (unlike Russia).

Hungary's president, prime minister, and all other government
ministers are Zionist Jews. Indeed, 75% of government bureaucrats at
all levels are Zionist Jews, as is the minister of police. Many of
these people spend as much time in Israel as they do in Hungary.

Jews own all TV, radio, and major newspaper outlets.

The gangsters are utterly corrupt. Before Prime Minister Ferenc
Gyurcsany (Zionist Jew) took office, he promised to reduce government
waste. Instead, he doubled taxes. In September 2006 he was caught on
tape admitting he lied to win the elections.

Under Jewish control, the Hungarian sovereign debt's credit rating has
been reduced to BBB+. This makes Hungary the only country in the EU
(apart from Jewish-controlled Poland) not to enjoy an A grade score.
Foreign investors' trust in the Hungarian economy has declined, since
all government economics programs are based on raising taxes, rather
than curbing government spending.

Today Jews get all the best jobs in Hungary, while Gentiles suffer
from the highest unemployment in Eastern Europe. Hungary has a high
cost of living, but low wages. Prices for fuel, phones, and
electricity keep rising, as do taxes and inflation. Non-Jewish
hospitals are being closed. Hospitals that remain open do not have
enough food for patients. The general quality of life is

Gentiles want to adopt the euro as currency, but Jews do not, as this
would reduce Jewish control over Hungary's economy.

On January 1, 2007, the gangsters dissolved the Hungarian Land
Moratorium, which had prevented the privatization of natural resources
in Hungary. Hungary is now up for sale to transnational corporations.

Budapest has about 50,000 Jews, the largest concentration of any city
in Eastern Europe. Thus, it is a major trans-shipment point for
methamphetamines and Afghan heroin. It also has a huge pornography

Several militant Jewish organizations are active in Hungary, such as
the Zionist Federation of Hungary, the Hungarian Zionist Organization,
and the Federation of Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz).

The city of Budapest has 26 synagogues. One of them is the size of a
city block.

Hungary sends some of its police to the "International Security
Academy" in Israel-

Hungary's national education policy was written by Israel, and
requires every schoolchild to become familiar with the holocaust.
Education Secretary Bogyay (Zionist Jew) has just launched a giant
educational exchange program for Jews. Already hundreds of Israeli
students are enrolled in Hungarian schools. Many schools are Jewish-

Hungary also has some of the most severe "hate speech" laws in Europe.

Hungary will accept the radar segment of a missile system that Bush
will install in Poland. Gentiles in Hungary and Poland do not want
this system. The Jews want it as a symbol against Russia.

The Jews that control Poland and Hungary support the Bush / Zionist
invasion war in Iraq. The Gentiles do not. Indeed, Gentiles openly say
that the war serves Israel.

This week, 30 Israeli businessmen representing 16 Israeli companies
visited Hungary to improve Israeli control over the nation. The visit
was organized by David Admon, Israel's Ambassador to Hungary.

In 2003, bilateral trade between Israel and Hungary was $173.4
million. By 2006 it had tripled to $496 million.

Israel's exports to Hungary totaled $97 million in 2006, while imports
totaled $399 million. Thus, Hungary is an Israel-controlled factory
with cheap Gentile workers.


Although half the people in Hungary are Roman Catholic, during
Christmas, the pine trees outside the parliament building are topped
with Zionist hexagrams (stars). Gentles feel that Hungary is under
direct Israeli occupation. During the May 2002 election campaign,
posters for the Hungarian Socialist Party (which represents the Jewish
gangsters) were defaced by slogans such as "Israeli interests are
behind the Socialists."

Anti-Zionist chants are common at soccer matches. A popular saying
among Hungarian Gentiles is, "Austria is ruled from Brussels, Brussels
from Washington, and Washington from Tel Aviv."

The parliament building is fenced off. Police brutality against
Gentiles is rampant. False-flag operations are routine. Yesterday
someone used an AK-47 to fire at the bulletproof glass of the police
headquarters in Budapest. The suspects were filmed in their car, but
were not arrested. The incident gave the Jewish-controlled government
an excuse to increase police powers.

The Fidesz opposition party (Gentiles) recently staged a demonstration
in the parliament square, in which they read aloud the names of Jewish
traitors that run the government.

Tomorrow (March 15) during the national holiday, the Fidesz party will
hold a large demonstration in Budapest. Holocaust "denier" David
Irving (recently released from prison) will speak.

Tension is so high that Hungarian gentiles say the atmosphere is
surreal. They say the only thing that keeps Jews in power is their
police force of 30,000. They say a "long hot summer" is coming up.

To help control the crowds tomorrow, Israel sent 174 special ops
troops, who were taken by bus (with blacked-out windows) to the main
synagogue in central Budapest, which is a huge complex. The Israelis
have been staying there for several days. Tomorrow, Israeli snipers
will occupy rooftops, while other Israelis will coordinate the police.

In the Ujelet's newspaper, Hungarian Jewish community president Peter
Feldmejer recommended that Jews stay home tomorrow, or leave Budapest
altogether for several days.

Despite total Jewish control of Hungary, Prime Minister Ferenc
Gyurcsany complains that Hungary is a hotbed of "anti-Semitism."

Hungarian Gentiles expect that if they try to take back their
government, NATO will send in the military to protect the Jewish
On 15 Mar 2007 10:22:37 -0700, "Nik" <> wrote:

>Israeli troops will control Hungarian Gentiles
>Israeli Special Ops Forces will help to control Hungarian Gentiles
>tomorrow (March 15) when Hungary celebrates its national holiday.
>Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled
>Hungary was the birthplace of modern Zionism (Theodor Herzl was born
>in Budapest in 1860).
>During World War II, Gypsies were put into labor camps with Jews,
>because Gypsies allied with Jewish Bolsheviks against Germany.
>After WW II, Jewish Bolsheviks maintained control of Hungary, and
>encouraged Soviet tanks to crush a popular rebellion in 1956.
>With the fall of the Soviet Union, Jewish gangsters took control of
>Hungary. They remain in control today (unlike Russia).
>Hungary's president, prime minister, and all other government
>ministers are Zionist Jews. Indeed, 75% of government bureaucrats at
>all levels are Zionist Jews, as is the minister of police. Many of
>these people spend as much time in Israel as they do in Hungary.
>Jews own all TV, radio, and major newspaper outlets.
>The gangsters are utterly corrupt. Before Prime Minister Ferenc
>Gyurcsany (Zionist Jew) took office, he promised to reduce government
>waste. Instead, he doubled taxes. In September 2006 he was caught on
>tape admitting he lied to win the elections.

Wow... now if you could just get Bush to admit that his
Daddy's appointees on the supreme court gave him the oval office,
you'd be fair and balanced.

>Under Jewish control, the Hungarian sovereign debt's credit rating has
>been reduced to BBB+. This makes Hungary the only country in the EU
>(apart from Jewish-controlled Poland) not to enjoy an A grade score.
>Foreign investors' trust in the Hungarian economy has declined, since
>all government economics programs are based on raising taxes, rather
>than curbing government spending.
>Today Jews get all the best jobs in Hungary, while Gentiles suffer
>from the highest unemployment in Eastern Europe. Hungary has a high
>cost of living, but low wages. Prices for fuel, phones, and
>electricity keep rising, as do taxes and inflation. Non-Jewish
>hospitals are being closed. Hospitals that remain open do not have
>enough food for patients. The general quality of life is
>Gentiles want to adopt the euro as currency, but Jews do not, as this
>would reduce Jewish control over Hungary's economy.
>On January 1, 2007, the gangsters dissolved the Hungarian Land
>Moratorium, which had prevented the privatization of natural resources
>in Hungary. Hungary is now up for sale to transnational corporations.
>Budapest has about 50,000 Jews, the largest concentration of any city
>in Eastern Europe. Thus, it is a major trans-shipment point for
>methamphetamines and Afghan heroin. It also has a huge pornography
>Several militant Jewish organizations are active in Hungary, such as
>the Zionist Federation of Hungary, the Hungarian Zionist Organization,
>and the Federation of Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz).
>The city of Budapest has 26 synagogues. One of them is the size of a
>city block.
>Hungary sends some of its police to the "International Security
>Academy" in Israel-
>Hungary's national education policy was written by Israel, and
>requires every schoolchild to become familiar with the holocaust.
>Education Secretary Bogyay (Zionist Jew) has just launched a giant
>educational exchange program for Jews. Already hundreds of Israeli
>students are enrolled in Hungarian schools. Many schools are Jewish-
>Hungary also has some of the most severe "hate speech" laws in Europe.
>Hungary will accept the radar segment of a missile system that Bush
>will install in Poland. Gentiles in Hungary and Poland do not want
>this system. The Jews want it as a symbol against Russia.
>The Jews that control Poland and Hungary support the Bush / Zionist
>invasion war in Iraq. The Gentiles do not. Indeed, Gentiles openly say
>that the war serves Israel.
>This week, 30 Israeli businessmen representing 16 Israeli companies
>visited Hungary to improve Israeli control over the nation. The visit
>was organized by David Admon, Israel's Ambassador to Hungary.
>In 2003, bilateral trade between Israel and Hungary was $173.4
>million. By 2006 it had tripled to $496 million.
>Israel's exports to Hungary totaled $97 million in 2006, while imports
>totaled $399 million. Thus, Hungary is an Israel-controlled factory
>with cheap Gentile workers.
>Although half the people in Hungary are Roman Catholic, during
>Christmas, the pine trees outside the parliament building are topped
>with Zionist hexagrams (stars).

A star is a common adornment for Christmas trees, as a dunce
cap is a common adornment for idiots. By the way, it's "DUNCE", not
"DUNTS", so take it off, erase the "TS" and put "CE" there. Good boy.

>Gentles feel that Hungary is under
>direct Israeli occupation. During the May 2002 election campaign,
>posters for the Hungarian Socialist Party (which represents the Jewish
>gangsters) were defaced by slogans such as "Israeli interests are
>behind the Socialists."
>Anti-Zionist chants are common at soccer matches. A popular saying
>among Hungarian Gentiles is, "Austria is ruled from Brussels, Brussels
>from Washington, and Washington from Tel Aviv."
>The parliament building is fenced off. Police brutality against
>Gentiles is rampant. False-flag operations are routine. Yesterday
>someone used an AK-47 to fire at the bulletproof glass of the police
>headquarters in Budapest. The suspects were filmed in their car, but
>were not arrested. The incident gave the Jewish-controlled government
>an excuse to increase police powers.
>The Fidesz opposition party (Gentiles) recently staged a demonstration
>in the parliament square, in which they read aloud the names of Jewish
>traitors that run the government.
>Tomorrow (March 15) during the national holiday, the Fidesz party will
>hold a large demonstration in Budapest. Holocaust "denier" David
>Irving (recently released from prison) will speak.
>Tension is so high that Hungarian gentiles say the atmosphere is
>surreal. They say the only thing that keeps Jews in power is their
>police force of 30,000. They say a "long hot summer" is coming up.
>To help control the crowds tomorrow, Israel sent 174 special ops
>troops, who were taken by bus (with blacked-out windows) to the main
>synagogue in central Budapest, which is a huge complex. The Israelis
>have been staying there for several days. Tomorrow, Israeli snipers
>will occupy rooftops, while other Israelis will coordinate the police.
>In the Ujelet's newspaper, Hungarian Jewish community president Peter
>Feldmejer recommended that Jews stay home tomorrow, or leave Budapest
>altogether for several days.
>Despite total Jewish control of Hungary, Prime Minister Ferenc
>Gyurcsany complains that Hungary is a hotbed of "anti-Semitism."
>Hungarian Gentiles expect that if they try to take back their
>government, NATO will send in the military to protect the Jewish

I don't suppose you have any citings for this crap other than
the neo nazi site above?
On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 15:57:17 -0500, Scotius <> wrote:

>On 15 Mar 2007 10:22:37 -0700, "Nik" <> wrote:
>>"Today, fully 60 percent of Hungarian gentile children can expect to be ritually
>>sacrificed and fully drained of blood by their Jewish overlords. The blood is soaked
>>into matzos and consumed by the Jews, many of whom suffer obesity
>>from overconsumption of gentile blood, which is believed to account for approximately
>>75 percent of daily caloric intake of Hungarian Jews. Despite advice from their
>>Jewish doctors and concerned gentiles that their gluttony carries serious health
>>risks, the Jews continue to insist on their religous right to gorge like beasts upon the
>>blood of the gentle children. Although Hungarian
>>gentiles are not very happy with this state of affairs, and some are even beginning to
>>hint that their toleration of the barbaric practice may have limits, the Jews are quite
>>content and openly brag of plans to greatly expand human sacrifice operations
>>(with the help of Israeli Mossad death squads) so that gentile blood may soon become
>>a profitable export product sold to the worldwide diaspora of bloodsucking Jews.
>>Wealthy Jews can often be seen preening atop thrones of gold, carried aloft by twenty
>>or more gentle slaves through the city squares. Once reaching their destination, instead
>>of the promised handful of moldy peanuts, the poor gentles are more likely to receive no more
>>than a slap in the face or, if they are lucky, a kick in the nuts from the arrogant Jew as
>>payment for their troubles. Yet the scrappy gentles somehow manage to subsist on this
>>meagre fare, rarely complaining and continuing to serve the Jew out of Christian love,
>>and in the vain hope that he will one day reward them for their toleration..."

>I don't suppose you have any citings for this crap other than
>the neo nazi site above?

I found it a bit over the top, tbh...
On Mar 15, 11:22 am, "Nik" <> wrote:
> Israeli troops will control Hungarian Gentiles
> Israeli Special Ops Forces will help to control Hungarian Gentiles
> tomorrow (March 15) when Hungary celebrates its national holiday.
> Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled
> Hungary was the birthplace of modern Zionism (Theodor Herzl was born
> in Budapest in 1860).
> During World War II, Gypsies were put into labor camps with Jews,
> because Gypsies allied with Jewish Bolsheviks against Germany.
> After WW II, Jewish Bolsheviks maintained control of Hungary, and
> encouraged Soviet tanks to crush a popular rebellion in 1956.
> With the fall of the Soviet Union, Jewish gangsters took control of
> Hungary. They remain in control today (unlike Russia).
> Hungary's president, prime minister, and all other government
> ministers are Zionist Jews. Indeed, 75% of government bureaucrats at
> all levels are Zionist Jews, as is the minister of police. Many of
> these people spend as much time in Israel as they do in Hungary.
> Jews own all TV, radio, and major newspaper outlets.
> The gangsters are utterly corrupt. Before Prime Minister Ferenc
> Gyurcsany (Zionist Jew) took office, he promised to reduce government
> waste. Instead, he doubled taxes. In September 2006 he was caught on
> tape admitting he lied to win the elections.
> Under Jewish control, the Hungarian sovereign debt's credit rating has
> been reduced to BBB+. This makes Hungary the only country in the EU
> (apart from Jewish-controlled Poland) not to enjoy an A grade score.
> Foreign investors' trust in the Hungarian economy has declined, since
> all government economics programs are based on raising taxes, rather
> than curbing government spending.
> Today Jews get all the best jobs in Hungary, while Gentiles suffer
> from the highest unemployment in Eastern Europe. Hungary has a high
> cost of living, but low wages. Prices for fuel, phones, and
> electricity keep rising, as do taxes and inflation. Non-Jewish
> hospitals are being closed. Hospitals that remain open do not have
> enough food for patients. The general quality of life is
> deteriorating.
> Gentiles want to adopt the euro as currency, but Jews do not, as this
> would reduce Jewish control over Hungary's economy.
> On January 1, 2007, the gangsters dissolved the Hungarian Land
> Moratorium, which had prevented the privatization of natural resources
> in Hungary. Hungary is now up for sale to transnational corporations.
> Budapest has about 50,000 Jews, the largest concentration of any city
> in Eastern Europe. Thus, it is a major trans-shipment point for
> methamphetamines and Afghan heroin. It also has a huge pornography
> industry.
> Several militant Jewish organizations are active in Hungary, such as
> the Zionist Federation of Hungary, the Hungarian Zionist Organization,
> and the Federation of Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz).
> The city of Budapest has 26 synagogues. One of them is the size of a
> city block.
> Hungary sends some of its police to the "International Security
> Academy" in Israel-
> Hungary's national education policy was written by Israel, and
> requires every schoolchild to become familiar with the holocaust.
> Education Secretary Bogyay (Zionist Jew) has just launched a giant
> educational exchange program for Jews. Already hundreds of Israeli
> students are enrolled in Hungarian schools. Many schools are Jewish-
> only.
> Hungary also has some of the most severe "hate speech" laws in Europe.
> Hungary will accept the radar segment of a missile system that Bush
> will install in Poland. Gentiles in Hungary and Poland do not want
> this system. The Jews want it as a symbol against Russia.
> The Jews that control Poland and Hungary support the Bush / Zionist
> invasion war in Iraq. The Gentiles do not. Indeed, Gentiles openly say
> that the war serves Israel.
> This week, 30 Israeli businessmen representing 16 Israeli companies
> visited Hungary to improve Israeli control over the nation. The visit
> was organized by David Admon, Israel's Ambassador to Hungary.
> In 2003, bilateral trade between Israel and Hungary was $173.4
> million. By 2006 it had tripled to $496 million.
> Israel's exports to Hungary totaled $97 million in 2006, while imports
> totaled $399 million. Thus, Hungary is an Israel-controlled factory
> with cheap Gentile workers.
> Although half the people in Hungary are Roman Catholic, during
> Christmas, the pine trees outside the parliament building are topped
> with Zionist hexagrams (stars). Gentles feel that Hungary is under
> direct Israeli occupation. During the May 2002 election campaign,
> posters for the Hungarian Socialist Party (which represents the Jewish
> gangsters) were defaced by slogans such as "Israeli interests are
> behind the Socialists."
> Anti-Zionist chants are common at soccer matches. A popular saying
> among Hungarian Gentiles is, "Austria is ruled from Brussels, Brussels
> from Washington, and Washington from Tel Aviv."
> The parliament building is fenced off. Police brutality against
> Gentiles is rampant. False-flag operations are routine. Yesterday
> someone used an AK-47 to fire at the bulletproof glass of the police
> headquarters in Budapest. The suspects were filmed in their car, but
> were not arrested. The incident gave the Jewish-controlled government
> an excuse to increase police powers.
> The Fidesz opposition party (Gentiles) recently staged a demonstration
> in the parliament square, in which they read aloud the names of Jewish
> traitors that run the government.
> Tomorrow (March 15) during the national holiday, the Fidesz party will
> hold a large demonstration in Budapest. Holocaust "denier" David
> Irving (recently released from prison) will speak.
> Tension is so high that Hungarian gentiles say the atmosphere is
> surreal. They say the only thing that keeps Jews in power is their
> police force of 30,000. They say a "long hot summer" is coming up.
> To help control the crowds tomorrow, Israel sent 174 special ops
> troops, who were taken by bus (with blacked-out windows) to the main
> synagogue in central Budapest, which is a huge complex. The Israelis
> have been staying there for several days. Tomorrow, Israeli snipers
> will occupy rooftops, while other Israelis will coordinate the police.
> In the Ujelet's newspaper, Hungarian Jewish community president Peter
> Feldmejer recommended that Jews stay home tomorrow, or leave Budapest
> altogether for several days.
> Despite total Jewish control of Hungary, Prime Minister Ferenc
> Gyurcsany complains that Hungary is a hotbed of "anti-Semitism."
> Hungarian Gentiles expect that if they try to take back their
> government, NATO will send in the military to protect the Jewish
> gangsters.

What happened in Romania can happen anywhere.............and hopefully
it will.

Dragged from office and machine-gunned.
On Mar 15, 8:00 pm, Chris <a...@b.c> wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 15:57:17 -0500, Scotius <> wrote:
> >On 15 Mar 2007 10:22:37 -0700, "Nik" <> wrote:

> >>"Today, fully 60 percent of Hungarian gentile children can expect to be ritually
> >>sacrificed and fully drained of blood by their Jewish overlords. The blood is soaked
> >>into matzos and consumed by the Jews, many of whom suffer obesity
> >>from overconsumption of gentile blood, which is believed to account for approximately
> >>75 percent of daily caloric intake of Hungarian Jews. Despite advice from their
> >>Jewish doctors and concerned gentiles that their gluttony carries serious health
> >>risks, the Jews continue to insist on their religous right to gorge like beasts upon the
> >>blood of the gentle children. Although Hungarian
> >>gentiles are not very happy with this state of affairs, and some are even beginning to
> >>hint that their toleration of the barbaric practice may have limits, the Jews are quite
> >>content and openly brag of plans to greatly expand human sacrifice operations
> >>(with the help of Israeli Mossad death squads) so that gentile blood may soon become
> >>a profitable export product sold to the worldwide diaspora of bloodsucking Jews.

> >>Wealthy Jews can often be seen preening atop thrones of gold, carried aloft by twenty
> >>or more gentle slaves through the city squares. Once reaching their destination, instead
> >>of the promised handful of moldy peanuts, the poor gentles are more likely to receive no more
> >>than a slap in the face or, if they are lucky, a kick in the nuts from the arrogant Jew as
> >>payment for their troubles. Yet the scrappy gentles somehow manage to subsist on this
> >>meagre fare, rarely complaining and continuing to serve the Jew out of Christian love,
> >>and in the vain hope that he will one day reward them for their toleration..."

> >I don't suppose you have any citings for this crap other than
> >the neo nazi site above?

> I found it a bit over the top, tbh...

What you're really saying is it was over your zionist-controlled head.

- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
On 16 Mar, 02:36, wrote:
> On Mar 15, 8:00 pm, Chris <a...@b.c> wrote:
> > On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 15:57:17 -0500, Scotius <> wrote:
> > >On 15 Mar 2007 10:22:37 -0700, "Nik" <> wrote:

> > >>"Today, fully 60 percent of Hungarian gentile children can expect to be ritually
> > >>sacrificed and fully drained of blood by their Jewish overlords. The blood is soaked
> > >>into matzos and consumed by the Jews, many of whom suffer obesity
> > >>from overconsumption of gentile blood, which is believed to account for approximately
> > >>75 percent of daily caloric intake of Hungarian Jews. Despite advice from their
> > >>Jewish doctors and concerned gentiles that their gluttony carries serious health
> > >>risks, the Jews continue to insist on their religous right to gorge like beasts upon the
> > >>blood of the gentle children. Although Hungarian
> > >>gentiles are not very happy with this state of affairs, and some are even beginning to
> > >>hint that their toleration of the barbaric practice may have limits, the Jews are quite
> > >>content and openly brag of plans to greatly expand human sacrifice operations
> > >>(with the help of Israeli Mossad death squads) so that gentile blood may soon become
> > >>a profitable export product sold to the worldwide diaspora of bloodsucking Jews.

> > >>Wealthy Jews can often be seen preening atop thrones of gold, carried aloft by twenty
> > >>or more gentle slaves through the city squares. Once reaching their destination, instead
> > >>of the promised handful of moldy peanuts, the poor gentles are more likely to receive no more
> > >>than a slap in the face or, if they are lucky, a kick in the nuts from the arrogant Jew as
> > >>payment for their troubles. Yet the scrappy gentles somehow manage to subsist on this
> > >>meagre fare, rarely complaining and continuing to serve the Jew out of Christian love,
> > >>and in the vain hope that he will one day reward them for their toleration..."
> > >I don't suppose you have any citings for this crap other than
> > >the neo nazi site above?

> > I found it a bit over the top, tbh...

> What you're really saying is it was over your zionist-controlled head.
> - Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

I wish the Hungarians all the luck in the world, but the Germans tried
exactly the same thing in the thirties - to pry their country back
from the jews and although they no longer have Russia, the jews still
have the USA and UK to use to suppress the Hungarian people.
On 15 Mar, 17:22, "Nik" <> wrote:
> Israeli troops will control Hungarian Gentiles
> Israeli Special Ops Forces will help to control Hungarian Gentiles
> tomorrow (March 15) when Hungary celebrates its national holiday.
> Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled
> Hungary was the birthplace of modern Zionism (Theodor Herzl was born
> in Budapest in 1860).
> During World War II, Gypsies were put into labor camps with Jews,
> because Gypsies allied with Jewish Bolsheviks against Germany.
> After WW II, Jewish Bolsheviks maintained control of Hungary, and
> encouraged Soviet tanks to crush a popular rebellion in 1956.
> With the fall of the Soviet Union, Jewish gangsters took control of
> Hungary. They remain in control today (unlike Russia).
> Hungary's president, prime minister, and all other government
> ministers are Zionist Jews. Indeed, 75% of government bureaucrats at
> all levels are Zionist Jews, as is the minister of police. Many of
> these people spend as much time in Israel as they do in Hungary.
> Jews own all TV, radio, and major newspaper outlets.
> The gangsters are utterly corrupt. Before Prime Minister Ferenc
> Gyurcsany (Zionist Jew) took office, he promised to reduce government
> waste. Instead, he doubled taxes. In September 2006 he was caught on
> tape admitting he lied to win the elections.
> Under Jewish control, the Hungarian sovereign debt's credit rating has
> been reduced to BBB+. This makes Hungary the only country in the EU
> (apart from Jewish-controlled Poland) not to enjoy an A grade score.
> Foreign investors' trust in the Hungarian economy has declined, since
> all government economics programs are based on raising taxes, rather
> than curbing government spending.
> Today Jews get all the best jobs in Hungary, while Gentiles suffer
> from the highest unemployment in Eastern Europe. Hungary has a high
> cost of living, but low wages. Prices for fuel, phones, and
> electricity keep rising, as do taxes and inflation. Non-Jewish
> hospitals are being closed. Hospitals that remain open do not have
> enough food for patients. The general quality of life is
> deteriorating.
> Gentiles want to adopt the euro as currency, but Jews do not, as this
> would reduce Jewish control over Hungary's economy.
> On January 1, 2007, the gangsters dissolved the Hungarian Land
> Moratorium, which had prevented the privatization of natural resources
> in Hungary. Hungary is now up for sale to transnational corporations.
> Budapest has about 50,000 Jews, the largest concentration of any city
> in Eastern Europe. Thus, it is a major trans-shipment point for
> methamphetamines and Afghan heroin. It also has a huge pornography
> industry.
> Several militant Jewish organizations are active in Hungary, such as
> the Zionist Federation of Hungary, the Hungarian Zionist Organization,
> and the Federation of Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz).
> The city of Budapest has 26 synagogues. One of them is the size of a
> city block.
> Hungary sends some of its police to the "International Security
> Academy" in Israel-
> Hungary's national education policy was written by Israel, and
> requires every schoolchild to become familiar with the holocaust.
> Education Secretary Bogyay (Zionist Jew) has just launched a giant
> educational exchange program for Jews. Already hundreds of Israeli
> students are enrolled in Hungarian schools. Many schools are Jewish-
> only.
> Hungary also has some of the most severe "hate speech" laws in Europe.
> Hungary will accept the radar segment of a missile system that Bush
> will install in Poland. Gentiles in Hungary and Poland do not want
> this system. The Jews want it as a symbol against Russia.
> The Jews that control Poland and Hungary support the Bush / Zionist
> invasion war in Iraq. The Gentiles do not. Indeed, Gentiles openly say
> that the war serves Israel.
> This week, 30 Israeli businessmen representing 16 Israeli companies
> visited Hungary to improve Israeli control over the nation. The visit
> was organized by David Admon, Israel's Ambassador to Hungary.
> In 2003, bilateral trade between Israel and Hungary was $173.4
> million. By 2006 it had tripled to $496 million.
> Israel's exports to Hungary totaled $97 million in 2006, while imports
> totaled $399 million. Thus, Hungary is an Israel-controlled factory
> with cheap Gentile workers.
> Although half the people in Hungary are Roman Catholic, during
> Christmas, the pine trees outside the parliament building are topped
> with Zionist hexagrams (stars). Gentles feel that Hungary is under
> direct Israeli occupation. During the May 2002 election campaign,
> posters for the Hungarian Socialist Party (which represents the Jewish
> gangsters) were defaced by slogans such as "Israeli interests are
> behind the Socialists."
> Anti-Zionist chants are common at soccer matches. A popular saying
> among Hungarian Gentiles is, "Austria is ruled from Brussels, Brussels
> from Washington, and Washington from Tel Aviv."
> The parliament building is fenced off. Police brutality against
> Gentiles is rampant. False-flag operations are routine. Yesterday
> someone used an AK-47 to fire at the bulletproof glass of the police
> headquarters in Budapest. The suspects were filmed in their car, but
> were not arrested. The incident gave the Jewish-controlled government
> an excuse to increase police powers.
> The Fidesz opposition party (Gentiles) recently staged a demonstration
> in the parliament square, in which they read aloud the names of Jewish
> traitors that run the government.
> Tomorrow (March 15) during the national holiday, the Fidesz party will
> hold a large demonstration in Budapest. Holocaust "denier" David
> Irving (recently released from prison) will speak.
> Tension is so high that Hungarian gentiles say the atmosphere is
> surreal. They say the only thing that keeps Jews in power is their
> police force of 30,000. They say a "long hot summer" is coming up.
> To help control the crowds tomorrow, Israel sent 174 special ops
> troops, who were taken by bus (with blacked-out windows) to the main
> synagogue in central Budapest, which is a huge complex. The Israelis
> have been staying there for several days. Tomorrow, Israeli snipers
> will occupy rooftops, while other Israelis will coordinate the police.
> In the Ujelet's newspaper, Hungarian Jewish community president Peter
> Feldmejer recommended that Jews stay home tomorrow, or leave Budapest
> altogether for several days.
> Despite total Jewish control of Hungary, Prime Minister Ferenc
> Gyurcsany complains that Hungary is a hotbed of "anti-Semitism."
> Hungarian Gentiles expect that if they try to take back their
> government, NATO will send in the military to protect the Jewish
> gangsters.

I wish the Hungarians all the luck in the world, but the Germans tried
exactly the same thing in the thirties - to pry their country back
from the jews and look what happend to Germany - bombed into
submission and dichotomised. Although they no longer have Russia, the
jews still have the USA and UK that they will use to leverage the will
of Israel on the Hungarian people.
"Nik" <> wrote:
>Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
million Hungarians?
On Mar 16, 10:24 am, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
> "Nik" <> wrote:
> >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

> How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
> million Hungarians?

They used their secret magical powers. The ones that the Nazis and
Radical Fundy Islamists hatemongers tell fairytale stories about.
Gordon Levi <gordon@address.invalid> wrote:

>"Nik" <> wrote:
>>Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

>How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
>million Hungarians?

The same way the Jews do it in other countries - control of the mass
media and $$$$$. That gains control of legislators who then pass
laws that Jews want, e.g. 'anti-hate' laws which forbid criticism of
Jews and opposition to Jewish deconstruction of the local culture
via media propaganda and the promotion of mass immigration from
foreign lands.
On 16 Mar, 14:24, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
> "Nik" <> wrote:
> >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

> How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
> million Hungarians?

They do what they have done everywhere else, they buy up the nation's
mass media. If the mass media is not on your side, you don't get
elected. Six Jewish companies own 96% of the world's media.
THERE IS NO GREATER POWER in the world today than that wielded by the
manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no
conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even
remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control America's
mass media of news and entertainment. The mass media form for us our
image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image.
Essentially everything we know-or think we know-about events outside
our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our
daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our
In article <>, says...
> On 16 Mar, 14:24, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
> > "Nik" <> wrote:
> > >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

> >
> > How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
> > million Hungarians?

> They do what they have done everywhere else, they buy up the nation's
> mass media. If the mass media is not on your side, you don't get
> elected. Six Jewish companies own 96% of the world's media.
> THERE IS NO GREATER POWER in the world today than that wielded by the
> manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no
> conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even
> remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control America's
> mass media of news and entertainment. The mass media form for us our
> image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image.
> Essentially everything we know-or think we know-about events outside
> our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our
> daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our
> television.

Quoting some crap from "jewwatch" shows you for what you are, a simple
jew hater. Get educated and wise up a little. I know you can do it.

"Condor" <> wrote:

>Gordon Levi <gordon@address.invalid> wrote:
>>"Nik" <> wrote:
>>>Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

>>How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
>>million Hungarians?

>The same way the Jews do it in other countries - control of the mass
>media and $$$$$. That gains control of legislators who then pass
>laws that Jews want, e.g. 'anti-hate' laws which forbid criticism of
>Jews and opposition to Jewish deconstruction of the local culture
>via media propaganda and the promotion of mass immigration from
>foreign lands.

OK. How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the
Hungarian mass media when there are ten million Hungarians? Why do
100,000 Hungarian Jews have more money than ten million Hungarians?
"9/11 Wasn't Real" <> wrote:

>On 16 Mar, 14:24, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>> "Nik" <> wrote:
>> >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

>> How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
>> million Hungarians?

>They do what they have done everywhere else, they buy up the nation's
>mass media. If the mass media is not on your side, you don't get
>elected. Six Jewish companies own 96% of the world's media.

How do about three million Jews manage to retain control of the U.S.
media when there are about three hundred million Americans?

How did about sixteen million Jews manage to wrest control of 96% of
the world's media from the other 6.5 billion people? I can understand
why you don't approve but I'm sure you agree that for one quarter of
one percent of the world's population to gain control of 96% of the
world's media is a significant achievement. How did they do that and
why does 99.75% of the world's population do nothing about it?
Gordon Levi wrote:
> "9/11 Wasn't Real" <> wrote:
>>On 16 Mar, 14:24, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>>>"Nik" <> wrote:
>>>>Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled
>>>How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
>>>million Hungarians?

>>They do what they have done everywhere else, they buy up the nation's
>>mass media. If the mass media is not on your side, you don't get
>>elected. Six Jewish companies own 96% of the world's media.

> How do about three million Jews manage to retain control of the U.S.
> media when there are about three hundred million Americans?
> How did about sixteen million Jews manage to wrest control of 96% of
> the world's media from the other 6.5 billion people? I can understand
> why you don't approve but I'm sure you agree that for one quarter of
> one percent of the world's population to gain control of 96% of the
> world's media is a significant achievement. How did they do that and
> why does 99.75% of the world's population do nothing about it?

I find this "blame the Jew" thing rather stupid at this stage of the
game. Most of the media in the US is NOT owned by Jews, but by
sypathizers of Israel. Most sympathizers of Israel are Christian
fundamentalists, who are of the opinion that the "second coming of
Jesus" will occure once the majority of Jews get to "go back" to Israel,
where they will be either killed or converted to Christianity. As anyone
can imagine, very few Jews share this "vision", though zionist Jews do
take advantage of the money sent by Christians and use it to expand
illegal settlements.

Curiously enough, one portion of America
Viejo Vizcacha <> wrote:

>Gordon Levi wrote:
>> How do about three million Jews manage to retain control of the U.S.
>> media when there are about three hundred million Americans?

> Very few would question that
>Jews or children of Jewish families are at the helm of the movie

I would be tempted to question it but, for the purpose of this
discussion, I won't. I will just ask the same question of you that I
have asked everyone else in this thread. How did one percent of the
U.S. population get to be "at the helm" of the U.S. movie industry and
why have the other 99% not done anything about it?
Gordon Levi wrote:
> Viejo Vizcacha <> wrote:
>>Gordon Levi wrote:
>>>How do about three million Jews manage to retain control of the U.S.
>>>media when there are about three hundred million Americans?

>>Very few would question that
>>Jews or children of Jewish families are at the helm of the movie

> I would be tempted to question it but, for the purpose of this
> discussion, I won't. I will just ask the same question of you that I
> have asked everyone else in this thread. How did one percent of the
> U.S. population get to be "at the helm" of the U.S. movie industry and
> why have the other 99% not done anything about it?

For starters, there are 6 million people identified as Jews in a country
of 300 millions. So, that is about two percent, even if there is an
agreement of what being a Jew is.

Secondly, to get at the helm of the movie industry it was not that
dificult for Jews. Being in the movies, or in the theater, or a painter
or sculptor, was not the kind of activities that carried a lot of
respect. Even today, it is not an activity that is recognized as "high
class." As with banking and lending money, it was the kind of activity
that was shun by upper class, and since someone had to do it, Jews were
not only wualified, but willing.

Thirdly, I did not say that that Jews in Hollywood act as a group, and I
do not believe they do. There was an ad published during the conflict
between Israel and Lebanon last Summer, wtih the signatures of Hollywood
people, in which they stated their support for Israel. It was the result
of intense lobby by the Israeli consul in LA.

Now, I never got to see that ad, but even though we are led to believe
that it was in support of Israel, it does appear to blame Hezzbollah and
Hamas for starting the conflict. But interestingly enough, they give the
number of people signing as 84, but less than two dozen people are
named, and it is more than revealing that the great "Jewish" names are
absent. I would say that Hollywood is far behind the rest of the US in
its support of Israel.

So, my opinion is that yes, among the people whose decisions have weight
in Hollywood there are a lot of Jews. Which does not bother me in the
least, since those Jews are politically all over the place. I am more
concerned about Evangelical Christians, who do not seem to be as
diversed politically.

Gordon Levi <gordon@address.invalid> wrote:

>"9/11 Wasn't Real" <> wrote:
>>On 16 Mar, 14:24, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>>> "Nik" <> wrote:
>>> >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled
>>> How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
>>> million Hungarians?

>>They do what they have done everywhere else, they buy up the nation's
>>mass media. If the mass media is not on your side, you don't get
>>elected. Six Jewish companies own 96% of the world's media.

>How do about three million Jews manage to retain control of the U.S.
>media when there are about three hundred million Americans?

First, there are probably closer to six million Jews in the U.S.
Second, what is your point? That you doubt that 'so few' Jews
could possibly dominate the American media? Or, are you
saying that if they do, then they must be so superior that the
stupid goyim should just stay quiet and submit to Jewish

>How did about sixteen million Jews manage to wrest control of 96% of
>the world's media from the other 6.5 billion people?

Powerful ethnic ties, access to LOTS of capital to acquire media
properties and the strong desire to control the flow of information.
Check out how Rupert Murdoch built his media empire - with the
backing of several Zionist billionaires.

> I can understand
>why you don't approve but I'm sure you agree that for one quarter of
>one percent of the world's population to gain control of 96% of the
>world's media is a significant achievement. How did they do that and
>why does 99.75% of the world's population do nothing about it?

What do you think would happen if the gentile majority in Britain,
Canada, the USA etc DID seek do something about it... to take
back the media in their country? There would be screams of
NAZIS...NAZIS...heard round the world. Every Jewish owned
MP and Congressman in those countries would spring into
action and pass whatever laws were necessary to prevent such
a thing from taking place.
On Mar 16, 6:24 am, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
> "Nik" <> wrote:
> >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

> How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
> million Hungarians?

How does AIPAC manage to control U.S. politicians?

How does a tiny minority of jews manage to control
most of the mass media in the Western World?

If you can provide proof that what the original poster
said was wrong please do so, but don't dismiss it
as lies because you didn't like the post. wrote:
> On Mar 16, 6:24 am, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>>"Nik" <> wrote:
>>>Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

>>How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
>>million Hungarians?

> How does AIPAC manage to control U.S. politicians?
> How does a tiny minority of jews manage to control
> most of the mass media in the Western World?
> If you can provide proof that what the original poster
> said was wrong please do so, but don't dismiss it
> as lies because you didn't like the post.

When one comes to newsgroups stating something that sounds outrageous,
it is quite normal to have people asking that you show some proof that
said statement is true, or at least probable.

I want to know why is this fixation people have with Jews. In the last
presidential election in the US both candidates belong to the Skull and
Bones society. Yet, I do not remember people making this as a
conspiracy. You take most governments, congress, and parliaments in the
world, and most of them are dominated by lawyers, yet I do not see many
people saying that lawyers are a secret society geared to screw up the
rest of us.
