Another Country Groans Under the Jewish Bootheel

"Scout" <> wrote:

>Gordon Levi <gordon@address.invalid> wrote:
>>"9/11 Wasn't Real" <> wrote:
>>>On 16 Mar, 14:24, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>>>> "Nik" <> wrote:
>>>> >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled
>>>> How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
>>>> million Hungarians?
>>>They do what they have done everywhere else, they buy up the nation's
>>>mass media. If the mass media is not on your side, you don't get
>>>elected. Six Jewish companies own 96% of the world's media.

>>How do about three million Jews manage to retain control of the U.S.
>>media when there are about three hundred million Americans?

>First, there are probably closer to six million Jews in the U.S.

OK. I obtained the figure from
<> but they
may not count non-practicing Jews.
>Second, what is your point? That you doubt that 'so few' Jews
>could possibly dominate the American media? Or, are you
>saying that if they do, then they must be so superior that the
>stupid goyim should just stay quiet and submit to Jewish

For the sake of this discussion I have accepted that Jews do control
the media. Are _you_ saying Jews are so superior that 98% of Americans
just stay quiet and submit to Jewish control? I find that explanation
>>How did about sixteen million Jews manage to wrest control of 96% of
>>the world's media from the other 6.5 billion people?

>Powerful ethnic ties, access to LOTS of capital to acquire media
>properties and the strong desire to control the flow of information.

Is that your considered explanation? Do you think that .25% of the
world's population are so rich and have such a strong common will that
they really can "control the flow of information"?

>What do you think would happen if the gentile majority in Britain,
>Canada, the USA etc DID seek do something about it... to take
>back the media in their country? There would be screams of
>NAZIS...NAZIS...heard round the world. Every Jewish owned
>MP and Congressman in those countries would spring into
>action and pass whatever laws were necessary to prevent such
>a thing from taking place.

I am not suggesting you forbid Jews or anyone else from _trying_ to
control the media. The overwhelming majority of shareholders, editors,
managers, journalists, film stars, TV directors etc are _not_ Jewish.
At least 98% of consumers are not Jewish. Surely all that is necessary
is for a small percentage of those people to act collectively to point
out the misinformation and ensure that the correct information is
"" <> wrote:

>On Mar 16, 6:24 am, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>> "Nik" <> wrote:
>> >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

>> How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
>> million Hungarians?

> How does AIPAC manage to control U.S. politicians?
> How does a tiny minority of jews manage to control
> most of the mass media in the Western World?
> If you can provide proof that what the original poster
> said was wrong please do so, but don't dismiss it
> as lies because you didn't like the post.

I did not dispute the OP's statement and I am sure the OP sincerely
believed what he wrote and therefore was not lying. I asked, in a
different form, the same questions that you have asked in your post.
Do you have an answer to those questions?
Viejo Vizcacha <> wrote:

>I want to know why is this fixation people have with Jews.

Do you recognize the following quote?

"to get at the helm of the movie industry it was not that difficult
for Jews. Being in the movies, or in the theater, or a painter or
sculptor, was not the kind of activities that carried a lot of
respect. Even today, it is not an activity that is recognized as "high
class." As with banking and lending money, it was the kind of activity
that was shun by upper class, and since someone had to do it, Jews
were not only wualified, but willing".

Yes, it's yours. I think it implies that Jews are keen on, and skilled
at, doing grubby jobs that respectable people won't do. You don't
share the belief that Jews are a coherent, entirely self-interested,
group but imagine if you did. Now do you understand the fixation
people have with Jews?
On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 13:36:17 GMT, Gordon Levi <gordon@address.invalid>

>Viejo Vizcacha <> wrote:
>>I want to know why is this fixation people have with Jews.

>Do you recognize the following quote?
>"to get at the helm of the movie industry it was not that difficult
>for Jews. Being in the movies, or in the theater, or a painter or
>sculptor, was not the kind of activities that carried a lot of
>respect. Even today, it is not an activity that is recognized as "high
>class." As with banking and lending money, it was the kind of activity
>that was shun by upper class, and since someone had to do it, Jews
>were not only wualified, but willing".
>Yes, it's yours. I think it implies that Jews are keen on, and skilled
>at, doing grubby jobs that respectable people won't do. You don't
>share the belief that Jews are a coherent, entirely self-interested,
>group but imagine if you did. Now do you understand the fixation
>people have with Jews?

In answer to your question, how can such a small population manage to
hold on to so much power, seems like there's a parallel between the
historical role of Jews as tax collectors for royalty and their modern
role as managers of the public psyche. In both cases they are servants
to the ruling class which can itself remain conveniently obscured from
view, while Jews become the public target of resentment for those who
are not deceived by media's attempts to misdirect their anger and
resentment elsewhere. They look behind the screen to find the little
Jewish man running the projector, but they rarely seem to wonder who
owns the theater, employs the projectionist and oversees his work, and
to what purpose?
Gordon Levi wrote:
> Viejo Vizcacha <> wrote:
>>I want to know why is this fixation people have with Jews.

> Do you recognize the following quote?
> "to get at the helm of the movie industry it was not that difficult
> for Jews. Being in the movies, or in the theater, or a painter or
> sculptor, was not the kind of activities that carried a lot of
> respect. Even today, it is not an activity that is recognized as "high
> class." As with banking and lending money, it was the kind of activity
> that was shun by upper class, and since someone had to do it, Jews
> were not only wualified, but willing".
> Yes, it's yours. I think it implies that Jews are keen on, and skilled
> at, doing grubby jobs that respectable people won't do. You don't
> share the belief that Jews are a coherent, entirely self-interested,
> group but imagine if you did. Now do you understand the fixation
> people have with Jews?

I hope you are not asking me to apologize for having written that. I did
not intend that to be offensive.

It is the same reason that in certain cities Irish became the bulk of
police forces, and Blacks are now the main component of most
professional sports, Italians have quite a presence in the construction
trades, and White working class Anglos are quite numerous as truck
drivers. When you have people with certain abilities, people whom
society shuts lots of doors in front of them, well, it is only natural
to expect them to flock to doors that remain open to them.

Chris wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 13:36:17 GMT, Gordon Levi <gordon@address.invalid>
> wrote:
>>Viejo Vizcacha <> wrote:
>>>I want to know why is this fixation people have with Jews.

>>Do you recognize the following quote?
>>"to get at the helm of the movie industry it was not that difficult
>>for Jews. Being in the movies, or in the theater, or a painter or
>>sculptor, was not the kind of activities that carried a lot of
>>respect. Even today, it is not an activity that is recognized as "high
>>class." As with banking and lending money, it was the kind of activity
>>that was shun by upper class, and since someone had to do it, Jews
>>were not only wualified, but willing".
>>Yes, it's yours. I think it implies that Jews are keen on, and skilled
>>at, doing grubby jobs that respectable people won't do. You don't
>>share the belief that Jews are a coherent, entirely self-interested,
>>group but imagine if you did. Now do you understand the fixation
>>people have with Jews?

> In answer to your question, how can such a small population manage to
> hold on to so much power, seems like there's a parallel between the
> historical role of Jews as tax collectors for royalty and their modern
> role as managers of the public psyche. In both cases they are servants

Could you please cite some author, or historical research, that states
that Jews were employed as tax colelctor for royalty in the past? This
is the first time I read something like this.

> to the ruling class which can itself remain conveniently obscured from
> view, while Jews become the public target of resentment for those who
> are not deceived by media's attempts to misdirect their anger and
> resentment elsewhere. They look behind the screen to find the little
> Jewish man running the projector, but they rarely seem to wonder who
> owns the theater, employs the projectionist and oversees his work, and
> to what purpose?

Personally, I find this obsession with Jews, or any other ethnic group,
the main distraction. It is quite funny how in the US, and to a lesser
degree Canada, try to classify people around ethnic lines, gender lines,
sexual orientation lines, racial lines, age lines, and even linguistic
lines. Anything, it seems, except class and income.

On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 17:04:03 -0400, Viejo Vizcacha
<> wrote:

>Chris wrote:
>> On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 13:36:17 GMT, Gordon Levi <gordon@address.invalid>
>> wrote:
>>>Viejo Vizcacha <> wrote:
>>>>I want to know why is this fixation people have with Jews.
>>>Do you recognize the following quote?
>>>"to get at the helm of the movie industry it was not that difficult
>>>for Jews. Being in the movies, or in the theater, or a painter or
>>>sculptor, was not the kind of activities that carried a lot of
>>>respect. Even today, it is not an activity that is recognized as "high
>>>class." As with banking and lending money, it was the kind of activity
>>>that was shun by upper class, and since someone had to do it, Jews
>>>were not only wualified, but willing".
>>>Yes, it's yours. I think it implies that Jews are keen on, and skilled
>>>at, doing grubby jobs that respectable people won't do. You don't
>>>share the belief that Jews are a coherent, entirely self-interested,
>>>group but imagine if you did. Now do you understand the fixation
>>>people have with Jews?

>> In answer to your question, how can such a small population manage to
>> hold on to so much power, seems like there's a parallel between the
>> historical role of Jews as tax collectors for royalty and their modern
>> role as managers of the public psyche. In both cases they are servants

>Could you please cite some author, or historical research, that states
>that Jews were employed as tax colelctor for royalty in the past? This
>is the first time I read something like this.

From "The Jews in the Modern World: A History Since 1750 By Hilary L.
(EDT) Rubinstein" - "The Jews who migrated to medievel England were,
legally, the chattels of the English kings, who were the absolute
owners of the Jews' persons and property. The Jews were there as Royal
tax collectors and money-lenders, living in separate quarters in
cities and towns throughout the country ('Old Jewry', a street in the
City of London, is the most famous reminder of the medievel Jewish
presence). Tax collectors and money lenders are seldom admired in the
best of circumstances, but in Medievel England the Jews became
increasingly reviled..."

One about Lithuania - "The exemption of the Jews from military service
and the power and wealth of the Jewish tax-farmers intensified the
resentment of the shlyakhta (noble class). Members of the nobility,
like Borzobogaty, Zagorovski, and others, attempted to compete with
the Jews as leaseholders of customs revenues, but were never
successful. Since the Jews lived in the towns and on the lands of the
king, the nobility could not wield any authority over them nor derive
profit from them. They had not even the right to settle Jews on their
estates without the permission of the king; but, on the other hand,
they were often annoyed by the erection on their estates of the
tollhouses of the Jewish tax-collectors."

And in Spain - "The nobles of Spain found that they had only increased
their difficulties by urging the conversion of the Jews, who remained
as much a close corporation in the new faith as they had been in the
old, and gradually began to monopolize many of the offices of state,
especially those connected with tax-farming."
>> to the ruling class which can itself remain conveniently obscured from
>> view, while Jews become the public target of resentment for those who
>> are not deceived by media's attempts to misdirect their anger and
>> resentment elsewhere. They look behind the screen to find the little
>> Jewish man running the projector, but they rarely seem to wonder who
>> owns the theater, employs the projectionist and oversees his work, and
>> to what purpose?

>Personally, I find this obsession with Jews, or any other ethnic group,
>the main distraction. It is quite funny how in the US, and to a lesser
>degree Canada, try to classify people around ethnic lines, gender lines,
>sexual orientation lines, racial lines, age lines, and even linguistic
>lines. Anything, it seems, except class and income.

That was my point - that ultimately it's all (or mostly all) about
class. But then responsibility for much of the ignorance of class also
lies with the mass media , which regarded class analysis as tantamount
to class warfare and enforced an unofficial taboo against it thoughout
the Cold War, which doesn't seem to have been particularly broken
since it's 'ending' - although there was a recent series in the NY
Times on class analysis which I didn't read. Too little too late.

As J. K. Galbraith said, "The study of money, above all other fields
in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise the truth
or to evade truth, not to reveal it." It's like trying to understand a
sport without being allowed to acknowledge that one team is playing
against the other.

On Mar 18, 4:52 am, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
> "" <> wrote:
> >On Mar 16, 6:24 am, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
> >> "Nik" <> wrote:
> >> >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

> >> How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
> >> million Hungarians?

> > How does AIPAC manage to control U.S. politicians?

> > How does a tiny minority of jews manage to control
> > most of the mass media in the Western World?

> > If you can provide proof that what the original poster
> > said was wrong please do so, but don't dismiss it
> > as lies because you didn't like the post.

> I did not dispute the OP's statement and I am sure the OP sincerely
> believed what he wrote and therefore was not lying. I asked, in a
> different form, the same questions that you have asked in your post.
> Do you have an answer to those questions?

Money talks? The fact that they control the
media? It is a well known fact that since
WW2 politicians in all Western countries
and even those in Eastern European countries
are terrified of saying anything that might be
construed as anti-jew. To be perceived as
a "racist" or an "anti-semite" is the kiss
of death in the political scene. Even
nations like Canada has its daft "hate laws"
where people are even denied entry for a
visit and some are deported for expressing
opinions that the jew doesn't like.

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On Mar 17, 7:15 pm, Viejo Vizcacha <>
> Boedi...@isp.comwrote:
> > On Mar 16, 6:24 am, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:

> >>"Nik" <> wrote:

> >>>Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

> >>How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
> >>million Hungarians?

> > How does AIPAC manage to control U.S. politicians?

> > How does a tiny minority of jews manage to control
> > most of the mass media in the Western World?

> > If you can provide proof that what the original poster
> > said was wrong please do so, but don't dismiss it
> > as lies because you didn't like the post.

> When one comes to newsgroups stating something that sounds outrageous,
> it is quite normal to have people asking that you show some proof that
> said statement is true, or at least probable.

The fact that the jew controls the media
needs no proof, the names have been posted
many times over. What is it you don't

> I want to know why is this fixation people have with Jews. In the last
> presidential election in the US both candidates belong to the Skull and
> Bones society. Yet, I do not remember people making this as a
> conspiracy. You take most governments, congress, and parliaments in the
> world, and most of them are dominated by lawyers,

And many of them are jews.

yet I do not see many
> people saying that lawyers are a secret society geared to screw up the rest of us.

The O.P. posted about the jew in Hungary
and the fact that they control far too
much over there. If it is the truth then
why bother to deny it. The fact is that
after WW2 much of Hungary's government
was made up of jews and they were all communist.
> VV- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
In one age, called the Second Age by some,
(an Age yet to come, an Age long past)
someone claiming to be wrote
in message

> The fact that the jew controls the media
> needs no proof, the names have been posted
> many times over. What is it you don't
> understand?

The fact that those "lists" have been refuted just as many times.

Speaking of times, who do you think is in charge over at Time Warner /
AOL, the biggest media conglomerate in the world?
<> wrote in message
> On Mar 18, 4:52 am, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>> "" <> wrote:
>> >On Mar 16, 6:24 am, Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>> >> "Nik" <> wrote:
>> >> >Background: Hungary Is Zionist Controlled

>> >> How do, at most, 100,000 Hungarian Jews manage to control the other 10
>> >> million Hungarians?

>> > How does AIPAC manage to control U.S. politicians?

>> > How does a tiny minority of jews manage to control
>> > most of the mass media in the Western World?

>> > If you can provide proof that what the original poster
>> > said was wrong please do so, but don't dismiss it
>> > as lies because you didn't like the post.

>> I did not dispute the OP's statement and I am sure the OP sincerely
>> believed what he wrote and therefore was not lying. I asked, in a
>> different form, the same questions that you have asked in your post.
>> Do you have an answer to those questions?

> Money talks? The fact that they control the
> media? It is a well known fact that since
> WW2 politicians in all Western countries
> and even those in Eastern European countries
> are terrified of saying anything that might be
> construed as anti-jew. To be perceived as
> a "racist" or an "anti-semite" is the kiss
> of death in the political scene. Even
> nations like Canada has its daft "hate laws"
> where people are even denied entry for a
> visit and some are deported for expressing
> opinions that the jew doesn't like.

Lets see if I get this correct. I, as a Canadian, support what you claim to
be Canada's daft "hate laws" yet you as something other than Canadian get
all in a tizzy about something that should only be a concern to you if you
are promoting hate against an identifiable group of people. Perhaps if you
kept your racist views to yourself then you wouldn't have to worry about
Canada's laws - daft or otherwise. If Canada's laws scare you to the point
where you won't try to enter Canada in case you are charged with a crime
then that must serve as an unintended benefit.

Care to name the most recent instance where a Jew has caused harm or damage
to you or your immediate family?

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On Mar 21, 2:58 am, Roger <roger@.> wrote:
> In one age, called the Second Age by some,
> (an Age yet to come, an Age long past)
> someone claiming to be wrote
> in message
> <>:
> > The fact that the jew controls the media
> > needs no proof, the names have been posted
> > many times over. What is it you don't
> > understand?

> The fact that those "lists" have been refuted just as many times.

You are either a liar or stupid or both. The
names of those on those lists have never been
> Speaking of times, who do you think is in charge over

at Time Warner /
> AOL, the biggest media conglomerate in the world?

What a daft question, the jews of course or do
you think that "Eiser" "Geffen" etal are goy names.

AOL was started by Steve Case and it was a great
company until the tribe bought it out. Now
it has been outsourced to India and trying to
find someone to help you when needed is hopeless.

You do ask some stupid questions, you will be
asking who owns all those N.Y. newspapers next!!