Another dead child, Mom left him in the car alone...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
Boy's Body Found In Orlando Pond

POSTED: 2:32 pm EDT October 9, 2006
UPDATED: 6:44 pm EDT October 9, 2006

Authorities recovered the body of a 5-year-old autistic boy from a retention pond Monday, a day after he disappeared.
Bloodhounds tracking Aaron Campbell's scent led handlers to a retention pond, where the boy frequently went with relatives, Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said.
Aaron liked water but could not swim, he said.
Earlier, authorities said Aaron's mother had stopped for a moment at a relative's house, leaving the boy in the car. He was gone when she came back on Sunday, Solomons said.
Before sending in the dive team, the sheriff's office used a small unmanned device that took pictures from inside the pond.

When are people going to learn, its NEVER a good idea to leave a child alone in a car. It has been getting up to 90 degrees during the day here and this woman thought it a good idea to leave him sitting in the car...If he hadn't wandered off and drowned, he probably would have died in the car.
Maybe I'm just hyper vigilante...

The only time Diane is in the car without me is when I am pumping gas right there beside the car...She is 9 years old and still rides in the back seat.
I don't leave my kids in the car either, and they are 7 and 14. I don't think you're hyper-vigilant, just careful of your child. That's what parents are supposed to do.
I don't leave my kids alone even in the garden without one of my elder children to watch them the elder 2 are 16 and 18 and even then i constantly check up on them. How can a mother be so careless with her childs life?
Wouldn't that just be the ultimate nightmare? If for some unforsaken reason I did that. Next stop would be the gun case! How in the **** can you forget you have a child with you? It gives me the creeps just thinking about it.
Whats odd about this is the boy had autism, you would think the Mother would be even more careful with him.

The sight of my child face down, drowned because I wasn't paying attention is something I could never get out of my mind.
I don't think i could live with the memory of it i would see it constantly.
Although i do see what she did as stupid and iresponsible my heart goes out to his mother her life will never be the same again.
One day not that long ago (Heat of the summer in Florida), I parked at the grocery store and right in front of me was a car with two pure bred Springer Spaniels in it. Very pricey car, pricey dogs. They seemed fine, I sat and waited until the owner came back, if he had been much longer I would have called the police. Under those circumstances police have been known to take the dogs from the owner.
It goes without saying that if I ever witness this being done with a child, I will call the police immediatly.