Another Democrat


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2005
Brainless Boy.

One related case that has received more exposure than most is that of Andrew Vandal, who was born on 12th July 1984. In the early stages of his development in the womb a cyst appeared on the stem of his brain. Known as an atelencephic aprosencephaly, this destructive event left the boy with a cranium containing nothing but fluid. In some cases, it can even leave victims with no detectible brain at all - a condition known as anencephaly or 'brainlessness'.

Cases like Andrew's are again usually terminated before birth, but in this instance the subject was born and then put up for adoption. He was adopted by a paediatric nurse, Kaye Vandal, from Wallingford, Connecticut, US, who, when last asked about Andrew's welfare, stated that she remained devoted to 'giving him the best quality life for however long he lives.'

At the same time, Kaye stated that, against doctors' predictions, Andrew was able to laugh, giggle and smile and, has a 'glowing, outgoing, bubbly personality'. Kaye also stated that her young charge was able to respond to stimulus and was maturing mentally; both of which doctors believed to be impossible, considering his complete absence of brain matter.

Andrew was, however, unable to speak, and was cortically blind; that is, he could see images, but was unable to interpret them. Andrew was also incapable of walking, but did manage to drag himself along on his back.

Andrew voted in his first Presidential election in 2004. Like the rest of the brainless he voted for Kerry.
hugo said:
Andrew voted in his first Presidential election in 2004. Like the rest of the brainless he voted for Kerry.


As to the original article- I remember reading this somewhere before. It's amazing the little guy was able to find a loving home. His condition and improvement/capabilities were even more amazing. Great story.
Phantom said:

As to the original article- I remember reading this somewhere before. It's amazing the little guy was able to find a loving home. His condition and improvement/capabilities were even more amazing. Great story.

No story here... Just your average democrat.
In all seriousness... there are children who have brains that could use a loving home. Adopting a severely disfunctional child who would not be able to survive without your influence is the equivelant of adopting a pet. Some POSSIBLY FUNCTIONAL MEMBER OF SOCIETY will now go without adoption and become a festering piece of ****. That is benevolence for ya.
At the very least, you assholes can be grateful someone assumed responsibility for this "piece of ****" so your tax dollars can go to something more worthwhile.
Phantom said:
At the very least, you assholes can be grateful someone assumed responsibility for this "piece of ****" so your tax dollars can go to something more worthwhile.

Like more bullets for the troops ??
I was actually going to say something about the war but was afraid someone would misunderstand and think I was speaking against it. lol But yes, more tax dollars to buy bullets and off some Arabs.
Again... those tax dollars are going to support the food and healthcare of the prisoner who wasn't adopted.

A .38 slug only costs a few cents. I'd vote for that bill.

Do you really think that the couple is footing all of the medical care on their own dime? I don't know... but unless I did, I wouldn't point to it as a "tax break".
Ctrl said:
Do you really think that the couple is footing all of the medical care on their own dime? I don't know... but unless I did, I wouldn't point to it as a "tax break".

I don't know and I don't care. lol BUT... I read that when you adopt a child, you are on your own in terms of medical treatment. Also, being that she is a nurse probably means she does a lot of the care herself.

Regardless, this isn't Nazi Germany and the infirm shouldn't be killed because they are infirm.

Why shouldn't they?

If they are damaging to society, why the hell shouldnt they be removed from it? Don't have to shoot them. Put them on an island. If they cant feed themselves then nature will take its course. Of course I think shooting them is a more humane solution.

Why should I have to pay to subvert nature so you can feel like a good person? Why?
Ctrl said:
Why should I have to pay to subvert nature so you can feel like a good person? Why?

I guarantee you that her decision to thwart natural selection was based on religious dogma.
Phantom said:
Regardless, this isn't Nazi Germany and the infirm shouldn't be killed because they are infirm.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, Phanny, but at what point does the infirm become a burden? The second they are brought into this world to suffer and be kept alive unnaturally.

Michael Schaivo was villified in the news media and by the religious right for making a humane decision. Wait until this boy is sick and dying or goes comatose, it will overshadow the whole Schaivo case.
It should have been a decision between the parents of Andrew and the woman who chose to adopt him. Government should not pay for his sustenance. Socialism be damned. Government certainly should not have the power to kill an innocent for the so-called greater good. Utilitarianism, be damned.
Ctrl said:
If they are damaging to society, why the hell shouldnt they be removed from it?

Thanks for making me sound like a bleeding heart liberal tree hugger. If you truly want to round up some useless people, start with welfare moms, crack addicts, democrats, and Muslim extremists.

Why should I have to pay to subvert nature so you can feel like a good person?

It sounds like the nurse is the one assuming all financial responsibility- not you, not me, not the American public.

I guarantee you that her decision to thwart natural selection was based on religious dogma.

You are right. It is partly based on my Christian beliefs but mostly due to just being a decent human being with some form of compassion.

At what point does the infirm become a burden? The second they are brought into this world to suffer and be kept alive unnaturally.

Yes, although I hate to say it, the infirm is a burden. If they cannot take care of themselves, then they are a burden by definition. However, many "burdens" were not born as such. I know your injuries were not that serious during the war but let's say the shrapnel did more damage than it did and you were now paralyzed from the neck down. Should you be killed? You were born naturally, paid your taxes, served your country, and were a productive member of society until that point. Although you would probably rather not live that way, for argument's sake, let's say you wanted to live. Should someone step in and tell you that you were going to be euthanized because you were no longer able to contribute to the greater good?

Hugo said:
It should have been a decision between the parents of Andrew and the woman who chose to adopt him. Government should not pay for his sustenance. Socialism be damned. Government certainly should not have the power to kill an innocent for the so-called greater good. Utilitarianism, be damned.

Thank you, Hugo. Again, you said it better than me but in few words. lol