Another fake townhall meeting


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Obama today held another strictly controlled townhall meeting where only prescreened people were allowed to attend. Most of the questions were set up in advance and Obama had pat, no detail answers ready for them.

He avoided anything close to specifics and again stuck to his tired early promises that have been proven completely false by anyone who actually pays attention.

There is no savings in this bill.

There is no protections for insurance companies.

The cost for this bill is huge, and as every other estimate the Obama administration has put out, most likely very, very wrong. Using past experience with Obama, this will cost 4 times as much as he is claiming.

The only thing this bill does is end more private secotor jobs and increase the power of the Government over our every day lives. Once they own our healthcare options (make no mistake, the guy paying is controlling), they will own the people.

This is a gateway bill, similar to a gateway drug where they get their foot in the door but intentionally include massive mistakes to force the Government to "fix" the "minor errors" and inch things closer and closer to the single payer system Obama has said from day one he wants.



Active Members
FIRST, tort reform. THEN health insurance reform. It's the ONLY way to cut costs.
Short, simple, true, wonderful post Salt. I agree completely.

I can see where we need some big changes in the insurance industry, but we can accomplish that without erasing such a massive amount of private sector jobs.



New member
FIRST, tort reform. THEN health insurance reform. It's the ONLY way to cut costs.

Just like immigration. First secure the border, then decide what to do with those in the country illegally.

Health care without tort reform will not be effective.

Obama made a big deal about the $177 billion that is wasted on money going to insurance companies that could be used elsewhere, but flat out ignores the $185 billion per year wasted on excessive malpractice insurance.



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The problem with doing the best and most effective things first in things like healthcare and immigration is if they do too much good, they cannot gin up the support they need to push America to their socialist agenda.

I blame the Republicans on this too, especially the immigration issue where they had a clear and loud stand from the people to secure our borders and refused to do it. I still cannot understand why both parties refuse to secure our borders.

Somthing I learned tonight was health insurance is restricted to State by State groups. It is estimated we can reduce costs of insurance by opening up insurance sales like auto insurance almost as much as tort reform.

So right there we have two very powerful solutions offered by Conservatives that will severely lower health care and insurance cost and increase competition that can be done "NOW" without the Federal Government spending more than what it takes to write the bills.



New member
Yes, it's not a true town hall unless people are allowed to come in and scream and disrupt. Yes the Republicans who asked questions in the audience were planted there. You can tell they were fakes because they weren't screaming like a bunch of babies & raped banshees.

You obviously never read the bill, save for a couple of justBS topics and specific copy and pastes. If you did you'd realize there is some tort reform in it. You don't wanna believe there is because you don't wanna read it. But you would believe others about things that aren't in it.

This tells me you have no intention of ever backing health care reform, you'd much rather be like the other tea baggers and destroy it altogether. Even if it's been designed to help you. Your dead set against anything this administration wants to do, no matter if it's good or not. You should just shut the **** up like a good losing party and let the adults handle things





New member
I am surprised the Republicans that interrupt these meetings are not charged with a crime the way Professor Gates was for asserting his 1st Amendment rights.


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Bender, admission to the event was strictly controlled, nobody was allowed to attend the meeting until they were screened and their questions were cleared.

Obama has said many times he will never support tort reform. The big meeting he had with the doctors a couple months ago he said the same thing to the tune of groans from everyone in the audience but he still charged foward preaching about how it is unfair to the all people to place any restrictions on lawsuits.

Your so fond of telling people to post the actual words from the bill I ask you the same thing, post the lines specifically reduding the awards of all medical lawsuits......if you can.

Tort reform and dropping barriers to allow cross state competition is the easiest thing to do, why not start there Bender? Why do you believe we have to solve every issue with the Government taking over things?


Funny stuff.

Last night Obama claimed the AARP had endorsed his plan, he went on and on about it and today the AARP said they do not endorse Obama's plan.......I guess just more lies from Obama.



New member
I don't have to sit down, read this piece of **** and pretend to understand the bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. I?m sure you have a full grasp of what?s in front of you, right. But that?s why we elect leaders that have lawyers and a team of experts going over them. I believe the Republican Senators that spoken out against it and have listen to ones that don?t. They can bring it to laymen terms for such Americans as me.


New member
I don't have to sit down, read this piece of **** and pretend to understand the bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. I’m sure you have a full grasp of what’s in front of you, right. But that’s why we elect leaders that have lawyers and a team of experts going over them. I believe the Republican Senators that spoken out against it and have listen to ones that don’t. They can bring it to laymen terms for such Americans as me.

The Health Care Bill

John David Lewis is a professor at Duke University.



New member
First I'd like to know where in The Constitution it says healthcare is a right.

Second, EVEN if we can somehow make the jump that healthcare IS a right, what compels the government to provide this right for us?

And finally, the second amendment gives us all the undeniable right to own guns. Following the Democrats logic, I just want to know; Where are my government guns?

I want my government gun! It's my right and it's the governments job to provide me with my rights...

Oh, wait. I've already seen how they provide my freedom of the speech and press.

But to make a point we should all start contacting our representatives asking them where our government guns are.




New member
First I'd like to know where in The Constitution it says healthcare is a right.
Second, EVEN if we can somehow make the jump that healthcare IS a right, what compels the government to provide this right for us?
"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare,

and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,

they may take the care of religion into their own hands;

they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish

and pay them out of their public treasury;

they may take into their own hands the education of children,

establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union;

they may assume the provision of the poor;

they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads;

in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation

down to the most minute object of police,

would be thrown under the power of Congress.... Were the power

of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for,

it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature

of the limited Government established by the people of America."

James Madison



New member
So her mom donated $636 to Obama's campaign... I donated almost $500, am I an insider too? Don't see her listed as a working for a Lobbyist like that Heather Chick in Minnesota was..


She donated $1,991 and you're talking about the Heather who had to be working for a lobbyist because she had **** Armey as a friend on Facebook

This girls mom has a picture with Obama and one where she attended one of the inaugural *****.

She's also in a picture on the website forNEWFC...

NEW ENGLAND WOMEN FOR CHANGE was formed in February 2007 and was originally known as Massachusetts Women for Obama (MA WFO), a group dedicated to electing President Barack Obama to office.
During the 2008 primary season, MA WFO worked for then candidate Obama in seven states (as well as Puerto Rico), where we did canvassing and phone banking, and also attended rallies and fundraisers and visited churches to read Senator Obama?s message of hope to congregations.

While the general election campaign played out, MA WFO hosted highly successful fundraising events in and around Boston and on Martha?s Vineyard, raising significant funds for the campaign. From late summer 2008 through Election Day, we canvassed tirelessly in New Hampshire every weekend and phone banked regularly from Boston. And in the last two weeks before Election Day, many of us worked hard in NH and in distant battleground states.


TODAY?because we want to support and advance our new President?s agenda, we continue our mission. We will help implement President Obama?s agenda by supporting progressive Democratic candidates and by working to raise money for Organizing for America, the political arm of the White House. New England Women for Change (NE WFC) holds regular group meetings, the dates for which will be posted on this website:
mission statement

**** she was at the DNC convention in Denver.

Blue Mass. Group:: 7th Congressional District Obama Delegate Caucus

But I can see how your Facebook claim on Heather is more compelling that she works for him. :rolleyes:



New member
First I'd like to know where in The Constitution it says healthcare is a right.
Second, EVEN if we can somehow make the jump that healthcare IS a right, what compels the government to provide this right for us?

And finally, the second amendment gives us all the undeniable right to own guns. Following the Democrats logic, I just want to know; Where are my government guns?

I want my government gun! It's my right and it's the governments job to provide me with my rights...

Oh, wait. I've already seen how they provide my freedom of the speech and press.

But to make a point we should all start contacting our representatives asking them where our government guns are.

I called mine and he said it was in his pants....cokked and loaded.

I must have dialed the wrong number. :confused:

But now to get back on topic, this was a **** good point, RO. People throw around the word "right" so ***** nilly these days. Everyone thinks they have the "right" to everything....especially the "right" to have free **** handed to them by good ol' Uncle Sam. This mentality is leading us down the path of self

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