Another fake townhall meeting


New member
Sheila Jackson Lee, the incredibly dense congresswoman from Houston, has managed to out-do herself. At a time when the Democrats are really fighting a disastrous PR image because of the town hall response to healthcare reform ... Sheila Jackson Lee definitely didn't help her cause with this arrogant stunt.

Here's what happened. Jackson-Lee decided to actually hold a town hall meeting in her district, which is more than a lot of her fellow Democrats can say. But during her town hall meeting a woman stands up and starts to explain why she is opposed to the Democrat healthcare plan. While the woman is speaking, Sheila Jackson Lee actually answers her cell phone. Yes, she gets out her cell phone while a constituent is making a statement during this town hall. Unbelievable. Even the crowd thinks it is unbelievably rude. This is like saying to the constituent "Blab all you want. I'm not interested in your opinion, I have a call to take here.' But what more did they expect from this woman. This is the same "public servant" who just used their tax dollars to appear at Michael Jackson's funeral. You people in Texas should be ashamed that you keep electing this twit into office. She actually thinks that our astronauts have planted an American flag on Mars, for goodness' sake. This is exactly the entitlement mentality that prevails in Washington these days. These politicians only care about one thing and that is maintaining power. Many of them simply do not have the job skills to earn in the private sector what they do in Congress. They are in love with the perks and the prestige and they sure as **** aren't there to represent the people of their district

[ame=]YouTube - Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee talks on the phone as a woman asks a question at a town hall event[/ame]



Active Members
I was cooking at the time someone was interviewing a democrat politician about why he supported obama care so I missed their name but the interviewer asked him "the polls now show for your district that 53% of the people are against this bill, will you listen to the voters or will you do your own thing?"

The guy said that this Nation was not a democracy and majority does not rule. He believes the peoples voice is important but he has to do what he believes is right even if every voter says no.

I will say this about the man, at least he is the only honest Democrat speaking about Obama care and their intention to pass this no matter what the people say.



New member
[ame=]YouTube - Alan Grayson Town Hall Meeting - Orlando, FL - 8.17.09[/ame]

Let's deal with this town hall meeting held by Central Florida Democrat Alan Grayson last night. Grayson chose a local IBEW union hall for the meeting. The meeting room could hold no more than 120 people. Now that's the way to reach out to your constituents congressman! What's more, immediately before Grayson's meeting local Democrats were holding a meeting in the same town hall. This meant that many of the people - actually, most of the people who showed up to make their objections to ObamaCare known found the meeting room already filled with Democrats who had just finished their meeting. The looters stayed, of course, for the Grayson town hall. Don't really need to say much more about this one ... I think you get the picture, and I think that Alan Grayson is probably a one-term Democrat.

Meanwhile another Florida Democrat, Congressman Alan Boyd, held three town hall meetings on Monday. Here we seem to have a Democrat who actually wants to hear from his voters. Boyd is now saying that maybe we should just scrap the whole ObamaCare plan and start over. He cannot, he says, support the bill as it is now.

I've also had some time to study the so-called co-op plan now being touted by some Democrats. Sorry, but I'm not impressed. I think in the final analysis this idea for state-run co-operative health insurance companies is just another way to run the private health insurance companies out of business and move to a single-payer plan.

If you're still out there thinking that the Democrats are actually wringing their hands out of concern for the quality and availability of health care, I don't know what to say to you. Some people are just more gullible than others. Hopefully more and more Americans are recognizing that the issue here is control, not health care. Clearly if the looters were concerned about quality and availability they would be looking to the private sector. Argue all you want, but there has never been a better mechanism devised by man to deliver needed goods and services to the general public than the free market --- and you have to look long and hard to find any respect paid to the free marketplace in any of the Democrat plans being tossed about Washington.

Single-payer means one thing -- government control. Just who do you think the single-payer would be? If all medical bills are paid by one entity ... whether they're bills for visits to the doctor, prescription drugs, hospital stays or imaging services ... if those bills are to be approved and paid by one entity (single-payer) then that entity controls health care. That entity decides what gets paid for and what does not, and it decides who gets paid and who does not. That's absolute control, and that's what the left is after. The sooner the people in this country awake and see this monster at the foot of their beds, the safer we all are.

Oh ... Let's hold off on all that blather about how good this ObamaCare dust-up is for the Republican party. From where I sit and run my mouth the GOP can't claim any credit for ObamaCare's problems at all. I have yet to see a comprehensive Republican bill offered to respond to the Democrat's efforts. If there is such a bill, I'm not aware of it, and that in itself is a problem.



Active Members
There have been many ideas out of the Conservatives but let's look at it from the worse possible angle of no plan or ideas as you claim.........Why would that really be a bad thing against them?

That is like asking why we don't have SUV's that operate on water instead of gas.........maybe there just is not a "good answer to the question "YET".

I believe the first step should be massive tort reform and removing State restrictions that keep 95% of the competition stifled. Then go after redundant testing and over medicating/over doctoring patients just to have something to bill for. None of this requires massive new Government spending or increasing it's power beyond what it already has at it's disposal.



New member
About six protestors were legally wearing guns on their hips. One was carrying a semi-automatic rifle. I've said that I thought that this was a bit over the top ... not a good idea ... but let's focus on what MSNBC's Contessa Brewer had to say:

"A man at a pro-health care reform rally just outside wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip. The Associated Press about a dozen people in all at that event were visible carrying firearms.
The reason we're talking about this--a lot of talk here Dylan--because people feel like yes, there are Second Amendment rights, for sure, but also there are questions about whether this has racial overtones. You have a man of color in the Presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waists."
OK .. let's ferret out the "facts" contained in Contessa's news story.

?We had a rally for ObamaCare

?A man at that rally was carrying a semiautomatic assault rifle

?The man carrying the rifle was white.

[ame=]YouTube - MSNBC: Gun-Toting Protesters are 'White' Racists... Black Guy with AR-15 Edited to Conceal his Race.[/ame]



New member
Notice how MSLSD cropped in on the guy with the gun, showing just the gun and his white shirt? Hmm...

[ame=]YouTube - 4409 -- Brother carries AR-15 Rifle at Obamabot Rally[/ame]

Man, I'm sure Contessa is right. This guy's ****** that there's a black man in the White House. :rolleyes:

<psst! It was a radio stunt.>



Active Members
Playing the race card has always worked for Obama in the past, during the time he was fighting for the nomination he was pressed on many issues he refused to answer and tossed out the race card as a smoke screen. Now he is truly at a loss. He lost his momentum and messiah popularity by most thinking Americans with this garbage Insurance reform that was once healthcare reform and is now changing again into being a moral mandate to help the poor. In his exchange with some religious groups he pressed them to help him pass this bad legislation because it is what Jesus would want......what a laugh.

Every time we blink Obama is reinventing his pet project to increase the control big Government has on our lives.

Reading some replies to one of the many news stories I have seen a guy who claimed to be a Democrat made a great point against Obamacare:

So you trust Obama now, but Obama will not be in control of this program, very likely Obama is a one term President and it will be conservatives in control of a monster that "they, not Obama" will impliment, that is if they do not revoke it all before it can go into effect. Do you trust Bush with your healthcare? Well someone very much like Bush will be in office before this program will go into action so when you vote for government healthcare today, your really voting to give Conservatives, not Liberals more control over your that what you really want?



New member
Notice how MSLSD cropped in on the guy with the gun, showing just the gun and his white shirt? Hmm...
Man, I'm sure Contessa is right. This guy's ****** that there's a black man in the White House. :rolleyes:

<psst! It was a radio stunt.>
Ohhh fukken aye, man. You have to see that I was playing devil's advocate when I snuffed out the only truths in Contessa's little report.

That guy is black... I will confirm my sources and get back to you. I swear he's black.


- The man strapped with the AR-15 is black or at least representative of a mixed union.



New member
According to Obama, all white cops are racists, not a big jump to say all whites are racists too.
I don't know how true that statement is, or if it can be validated with comments out of context, but he is definitely a race pimp. See below...

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites."
"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."

"There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."
TJ, honestly, I wish more people read books instead of Twitter or Facebook bullsh!t.



Active Members
I don't know how true that statement is, or if it can be validated with comments out of context, but he is definitely a race pimp. See below...
You have to look between the lines sometimes to see the truth. He first admits to not knowing the details of his friends arrest but he is also compelled to speak out against the white cops. This was not a surprise question as originally thought, he knew he was going to get this question before the thing started so his reply was rehersed and deliberate.

His deep seated hate of whites of power is clear, this is the basis of his desire for a private military, one that is not white. Peopel who still believe his lies about not knowing the true nature of Reverand Wright are fools, birds of a feather flock together.

TJ, honestly, I wish more people read books instead of Twitter or Facebook bullsh!t.
I agree, I rarely even turn on the television.

The problem is not really the information though, it is a lack of caring. IMHO



New member
Man, I'm sure Contessa is right. This guy's ****** that there's a black man in the White House.
If anyone was to assassinate Obama, it would be the extreme leftists who believe that his first 100 days should reflect more radical and expedient moves to sieze power.


Old Salt

New member
If anyone was to assassinate Obama, it would be the extreme leftists who believe that his first 100 days should reflect more radical and expedient moves to sieze power.
And they would probably escape justice (barring a claim) with the focus of the investigation being white, far-right extremists.
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