ANOTHER Giuliani LIE Exposed!

  • Thread starter Freedom Fighter
  • Start date

Freedom Fighter

Prostates and Prejudices
By PAUL KRUGMAN Op-Ed Columnist
NY Times
November 2, 2007

"My chance of surviving prostate cancer - and thank God I was cured of
it - in the United States? Eighty-two percent," says Rudy Giuliani in
a new radio ad attacking Democratic plans for universal health care.
"My chances of surviving prostate cancer in England? Only 44 percent,
under socialized medicine."

It would be a stunning comparison if it were true. But it isn't. And
thereby hangs a tale - one of scare tactics, of the character of a man
who would be president and, I'm sorry to say, about what's wrong with
political news coverage.

Let's start with the facts: Mr. Giuliani's claim is wrong on multiple
levels - bogus numbers wrapped in an invalid comparison embedded in a

Mr. Giuliani got his numbers from a recent article in City Journal, a
publication of the conservative Manhattan Institute. The author gave
no source for his numbers on five-year survival rates - the
probability that someone diagnosed with prostate cancer would still be
alive five years after the diagnosis. And they're just wrong.

You see, the actual survival rate in Britain is 74.4 percent. That
still looks a bit lower than the U.S. rate, but the difference turns
out to be mainly a statistical illusion. The details are technical,
but the bottom line is that a man's chance of dying from prostate
cancer is about the same in Britain as it is in America.

So Mr. Giuliani's supposed killer statistic about the defects of
"socialized medicine" is entirely false. In fact, there's very little
evidence that Americans get better health care than the British, which
is amazing given the fact that Britain spends only 41 percent as much
on health care per person as we do.

Anyway, comparisons with Britain have absolutely nothing to do with
what the Democrats are proposing. In Britain, doctors are government
employees; despite what Mr. Giuliani is suggesting, none of the
Democratic candidates have proposed to make American doctors work for
the government.

As a fact-check in The Washington Post put it: "The Clinton health
care plan" - which is very similar to the Edwards and Obama plans -
"has more in common with the Massachusetts plan signed into law by
Gov. Mitt Romney than the British National Health system." Of course,
this hasn't stopped Mr. Romney from making similar smears.

At one level, what Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Romney are doing here is
engaging in time-honored scare tactics. For generations, conservatives
have denounced every attempt to ensure that Americans receive needed
health care, from Medicare to S-chip, as "socialized medicine."

Part of the strategy has always involved claiming that health reform
is suspect because it's un-American, and exaggerating health care
problems in other countries - usually on the basis of unsubstantiated
anecdotes or fraudulent statistics. Opponents of reform also make a
practice of lumping all forms of government intervention together,
pretending that having the government pay some health care bills is
just the same as having the government take over the whole health care

But here's what I don't understand: Why isn't Mr. Giuliani's behavior
here considered not just a case of bad policy analysis but a character

For better or (mostly) for worse, political reporting is dominated by
the search for the supposedly revealing incident, in which the
candidate says or does something that reveals his true character. And
this incident surely seems to fit the bill.

Leave aside the fact that Mr. Giuliani is simply lying about what the
Democrats are proposing; after all, Mitt Romney is doing the same

But health care is the pre-eminent domestic issue for the 2008
election. Surely the American people deserve candidates who do their
homework on the subject.

Yet what we actually have is the front-runner for the Republican
nomination apparently basing his health-care views on something he
read somewhere, which he believed without double-checking because it
confirmed his prejudices.

By rights, then, Mr. Giuliani's false claims about prostate cancer -
which he has, by the way, continued to repeat, along with some fresh
false claims about breast cancer - should be a major political
scandal. As far as I can tell, however, they aren't being treated that

To be fair, there has been some news coverage of the prostate affair.
But it's only a tiny fraction of the coverage received by Hillary's
laugh and John Edwards's haircut.

And much of the coverage seems weirdly diffident. Memo to editors: If
a candidate says something completely false, it's not "in dispute."
It's not the case that "Democrats say" they're not advocating
British-style socialized medicine; they aren't.

The fact is that the prostate affair is part of a pattern: Mr.
Giuliani has a habit of saying things, on issues that range from
health care to national security, that are demonstrably untrue. And
the American people have a right to know that.

Rudy's bogus healthcare stats -
Giuliani claims he might not have survived prostate cancer under "socialized
medicine," yet he was covered by a government-provided plan.
By Joe Conason

Nov. 02, 2007 | To a politician pandering to his party's right wing, a role
that Rudolph Giuliani plays every day now, citing his own recovery from
prostate cancer as an argument against "socialized medicine" must have
seemed like pure genius. The that went up this week in New Hampshire
suggests that Giuliani not only faced down the 9/11 terrorists -- or
something like that -- but triumphed over a terrifying disease as well,
without the help of any government bureaucrats.

Or as Giuliani himself says in the controversial ad: "I had prostate cancer
five, six years ago. My chance of surviving cancer -- and thank God I was
cured of it -- in the United States: 82 percent. My chances of surviving
prostate cancer in England: only 44 percent under socialized medicine."

Yes, it's another inspiring and instructive story -- or would be, perhaps,
if only it were true.

The former New York mayor did survive prostate cancer, but otherwise his
statistical claims were not difficult to debunk, as reporters for the New
York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC and other news outlets quickly
discovered. Giuliani had picked up his numbers from an article in City
Journal, a publication of the right-wing Manhattan Institute, and simply
repeated them in public without bothering to check their validity.
Unfortunately, they were essentially fraudulent figures, extrapolated
inaccurately from old data (by a doctor who also advises the Giuliani
campaign on healthcare).

Accurate and current data, easily available from public health agencies and
medical authorities, shows that the survival rate from prostate cancer in
England is better than 74 percent and in the United States is better than 98
percent. Even that difference, as experts explained, probably has nothing to
do with the British National Health Service and much to do with the
aggressive screening programs employed in this country. (And for the moment,
let's merely mention another highly pertinent issue, namely that the great
majority of prostate cancers occur in men over 65, which indicates that many
if not most are treated successfully under Medicare -- our version of
national health insurance for the elderly -- or by the Department of
Veterans Affairs, which comes as close to truly socialist healthcare as any
system in the world.)

The Giuliani ad's problems go well beyond a pair of phony numbers. Among the
blogging wonks scrutinizing the relevant health data is Ezra Klein, who
asked a separate but penetrating question: "Wouldn't it be interesting to
find out if the gold-standard care Giuliani got during his prostate cancer
came while he was on government-provided health insurance?"

As Klein surmised, Giuliani was serving as mayor and participating in a city
of New York health plan when his doctor informed him that his prostate
biopsy had come up positive. The coverage he enjoyed -- which resembles the
Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan -- permits all city employees, from
trash haulers and subway clerks up to the mayor himself, to select from a
variety of insurance providers, and it is not much different from the reform
proposals adopted by his nemesis Hillary Clinton.

In the spring of 2000, when Giuliani learned that he had cancer and abruptly
dropped out of the Senate race against Sen. Clinton, he was enrolled as a
member of GHI, one of the two gigantic HMO groups that provide care for most
city workers (the other is known as HIP). He underwent surgery and radiation
at Mount Sinai Hospital, a prestigious institution that participates in the
GHI plan, which means that his costs were largely underwritten by city

So does that qualify as "socialized medicine"?

At GHI and HIP, the city government pays the premiums for its hundreds of
thousands of enrolled members, of course. On the board of directors of GHI,
a nonprofit corporation, sit half a dozen officials from the city's largest
unions, including Harry Nespoli, president of the Sanitationmen's
Association Local 831, and Roger Toussaint, president of the Transport
Workers Union Local 100 (who led a tough, illegal strike against the subway
system last year). Among the many state and federal regulations and programs
that support the operations of these major insurers is a New York state
"risk allocation pool" that cushions the financial impacts of certain kinds
of mandated coverage.

If that isn't socialism, it hardly sounds like pure private enterprise,
either. While that may startle a boob who accepted the premise of Giuliani's
silly commercial, it is hardly surprising to anyone familiar with the
pedigree of GHI and HIP, which were among the earliest examples of prepaid
healthcare in the United States. Both were originally cooperative
enterprises, founded by idealistic progressives whose hope was to make care
more affordable for working-class families. (And their earliest supporters
notably included Fiorello LaGuardia, a liberal Republican mayor of New York
who happened to be of Italian descent.)

Naturally such hopeful initiatives outraged the reactionary ideologues and
political mountebanks of that era. Back in 1937, the appearance of
Washington's first group health plan for federal employees was denounced in
Time magazine as a "blood-curdling new excursion into the practice of
medicine" by the government, which surely meant the end of professionalism,
declining standards, ruinous expenses and nothing less than the advent of
"Soviet medicine."

We've heard it all before, Rudy. And 70 years later, it isn't exactly fresh.
Freedom Fighter wrote:
> Prostates and Prejudices

You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little
hysterical lefty? And no, it isn't fear of any
"tyranny" nonsense - it's fear that he's electable.
That's why you're only going after him, ignoring other
"Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>> Prostates and Prejudices

> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?

Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.

And no, it isn't fear of any
> "tyranny" nonsense - it's fear that he's electable. That's why you're only
> going after him, ignoring other Republicans.

He's the front runner nitwit.
abracadabra wrote:
> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>> Prostates and Prejudices

>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?

> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.

Probably not.

>> And no, it isn't fear of any
>> "tyranny" nonsense - it's fear that he's electable. That's why you're only
>> going after him, ignoring other Republicans.

> He's the front runner nitwit.

And the F.F. - Fat **** - is afraid he's electable.
Fat **** isn't afraid of any terrible thing Giuliani
might actually do as president; all that hysterical
blabber is just hot air. What Fat **** is afraid of is
that Giuliani has a good chance of beating her
preferred socialist.
Giuliani and Buddy Bernard Kerik make money anytime a terror attack
happens !
The more threatened and scared people are, the more money they make.

On 7/7 Rudy Giuliani was in London nearby the attacks, coming from
Yorkshire, 200 miles away.
According to a BBC5 report, the consultancy agency Visor Consultants
with government and police connections
was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around
the London Underground being bombed
at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the
morning of July 7th.
There are some claims, that Rudy Giuliani had "past associations" with
Power Visor Consultants.
( these links havent been establish yet) , however Peter Power might
know Richard Sheirer, Giuliani & Partners,
because both met on older and forthcoming "world conference of
disaster management",
as already mentioned in another team8 thread.
Sheirer was former Commissioner of New York City's Mayor's
Office of Emergency Management (OEM), which drilled "building
collapses" and "plane crashes" prior 9/11,
as confirmed by Bernhard Kerik at a May 2004 testimony for the 9/11

Chandra Levy Saves GW Bush -Rudi Giuliani + 9/11
Chandra Levy's body turns up just in time to distract the entire US
media from questions about what the Bush administration knew before
9/11. Her body miraculously appears in a wooded area that was
thoroughly searched by police officials after her disappearance. It's
"discovered" just in time to bounce all questions about Bush right out
of the news. Will we get to hear more about the man who was, "looking
for turtles" and found her? I doubt it.

The right's responses to questions about the Bush administration and
9/11 have been classic examples of obfuscation. They range from blame
it all on Clinton to grim warnings that daring to even ask such
questions are tantamount to being a terrorist oneself. The real issue
is not, "what did semi-literate dimwit GW Bush know before 9/11" but
what did Bush administration officials - Cheney, Rice, Ashcroft et al
- know.
giuliani-line.jpg - 1165 Bytes

Why was John Ashcroft - but not the American people - warned not
to fly on commercial airliners before 9/11?
Why were FBI agents warned not to investigate bin Laden and the
Why were Saudis flown out of the U.S. immediately after 9/11 by
the US government?
Why is no one in the mainstream asking hard questions about the
Bush family's many business ties to the bin Laden family, including
financing GW's oil company, employing former President Bush as a
spokesperson and working with Neil Bush on various business deals?

They need the space for 24-7
cover-to-cover reporting on Chandra Levy.

The massive disinformation campaign by our own government against the
American people has many fronts, all of which are closely tied to
Here in NYC, non-entity Mayor Mike Bloomberg has just put Rudy
Giuliani in charge of bringing both the Republican convention and the
Democratic convention to NYC as part of a ludicrous "We aren't afraid
of terrorists" campaign. If they really expect a massive attack on NY
why would they want to bring both conventions here?

Perhaps what is actually planned is a a mass die-off of our elected
officials, a clean-sweep that makes possible the total restructuring
of the U.S. government. My prediction is that at the very least, fake
"hero" Giuliani will become Bush's running mate and the next US Vice
Not long afterwards, Bush will be out of the picture (another pretzel
attack?) and Giuliani will become President/Fuhrer.

Ultimately, for those pulling the strings, GW Bush is as expendable as
were the thousands who died on 9/11. To find the real power look at
who and what is behind Bush. The Manhattan Institute. The Saudis. The
financial backers of the far right. David Rockefeller and his various
Wall Street banks like JP Morgan Chase and Citibank.

Rockefeller, his business interests and his employees gave us Hitler,
bin Laden, Saddamn, West Nile Virus, eugenics, Enron, and the whole
Middle East problem. Of course, it was all done to "help America".

Giuliani is tied to all of the worst in recent American history and
works for the exact same bosses as GW Bush. His "consulting company",
Giuliani Partners, is a presidential-administration-in-waiting. His
first job as a consultant? Helping Merrill Lynch wiggle out of a major
criminal investigation.

HBO begins the Giuliani coronation on Sunday night titled, "Mettle and
Honor ", the latest 9/11 tribute, this time narrated by Sir Rudy
Giuliani himself. Is this a historical documentary or a political ad?
You decide.

On the heavily advertised special presentation there will be no
mention of how Giuliani personally caused WTC #7 to collapse by
illegally storing thousands of gallons of fuel there, thereby
destroying thousands of active criminal cases and investigations
against terrorists, US officials and top corporations.

All of the files and evidence
in these cases were stored in the
CIA, FBI and Secret Service
offices in WTC #7.

There will be nothing of how the radios the Giuliani
administration gave to firefighters failed causing hundreds of deaths
of firemen or why there was no contingency plan for dealing with
another attack on the WTC.
There will be nothing about how Giuliani had FDNY union leaders
arrested in their homes for leading protests against his turning the
recovery of bodies into a scoop and dump operation aimed at quickly
rebuilding the WTC site or of how he ordered the steel beams from the
WTC melted down before they could be examined by investigators.
Nor will there be anything about Giuliani's eight year reign of
trashing all civil liberties, of generating daily false statistics on
crime or of claiming credit for countless things he had nothing to do
with. Mettle and Honor... in other words by holding press conferences
in which he misinformed all New Yorkers about the health risks from
the WTC destruction, leading hundreds of PR tours of ground zero and
turning America's worst terror attack into a vehicle for personal
political profit, Giuliani transformed himself into an American hero.

giuliani-line.jpg - 1165 Bytes

Rudy Giuliani's entire career has
been a masterpiece of misrepresentation.

A crusader for "decency" who was at the same time a serial
A crime fighter who hid the fact from the US Congress and the
American people that his father was a Mafia enforcer.
A welfare reformer whose ideas were directly derived from
eugenics, Nazism and the white supremacy movement.
A spokesperson for "freedom" who as a lawyer and US Department
of Justice official supported dictators and mass murderers.
An advocate for "self-sufficiency" who kicked poor mothers and
children off welfare while at the same time giving more corporate
welfare to more wealthy people than all previous NYC Mayors combined.
A self-styled "economics and budgeting expert" who left NYC with
an unprecedented 7 billion dollar deficit.

Hiding the truth is as vital to maintaining the fake image of Giuliani
as a hero as it is to maintaining the false idea that GW Bush is
protecting the American people. All evidence to the contrary must be
suppressed or destroyed and those telling the embarrassing truth must
be demonized, arrested or eliminated.

That's why Giuliani stole 2,000 cases of NYC documents owned by the
public on his last day in office and secreted them in a private
warehouse. That's why the Bush administration wants no 9/11 or Enron
investigations, will turn over no documents, will not testify before
Congress and has sealed all Presidential records.

Giuliani is a genius - of the big lie technique as practiced in Nazi
Germany and updated to perfection by the Bush administration.
When it comes to dictators GW Bush may be just an empty suit, but Rudy
Giuliani is the real thing. Watch him ride the 9/11 bandwagon right
into the White House and the creation of a real police state.
Can you say,
Heil Giuliani?

9-11 scam - We've ben had again!
Giuliani left WTC 7 early. He later owned ... told that WTC 7 would
collapse. (16)
Giuliani ordered that no photo taken at WTC site. (17) Giuliani, the
9-11 'hero' ordered that WTC

7 World Trade Center - 9/11
June 1999, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani built a $13 million ... collapsed
late Tuesday afternoon.
Giuliani intended the centre to ... lined up Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the
police and fire

WTC building 7 collapse or missile ? September 11
Rudolph Giuliani on Dec. 7, 1999. Regarding the investigation of WTC
4, 5, and 6,
FEMA?s Building Performance report says, WTC 5 was the only building
"abracadabra" <> wrote in message
> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>> Prostates and Prejudices

>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?

> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.

I've killfiled this Rudy Kazootie troll, so I do not see his bigoted
babblings. He's not worth taking the time to argue with. You can be certain
that despite his bravado, like all malicious trolls he would never have the
guts to say to your face what he says here.


An Internet "troll" is a person who delights in sowing discord
on the Internet. He or she slanders others and seeks to cause
conflicts and upset people. Trolls are malicious, antisocial,
and often mentally ill. They crave attention, and care not
whether it is positive or negative. The Internet is a
convenient venue for their bizarre, misanthropic games - a
means to abuse others without fear of retaliation. Trolls are
cowards - lacking the courage to be overtly hostile towards
people, they hide behind their computers and the anonymity of
the Internet. The troll is a less intelligent version of the
malicious hacker or virus writer.

Trolls are impervious to meaningful dialogue. You CANNOT reason
with them and you CANNOT cause them to feel shame or
compassion. Trolls do not feel bound by rules of courtesy or
social responsibility. They are simply not playing with a full
deck. It is futile to try to "cure" a troll of his obsession.
Trolls are irrational and not accessible through any sane approach.

Established posters may leave a newsgroup/message board because
of troll-created conflicts, and lurkers (readers that do not
post) may not want to expose themselves to abuse and therefore
never speak up. Thus they unwisely allow the troll to violate
their rights of free speech and expression. The Internet is a
vital resource - and probably the last stand for free speech.
Being antisocial, trolls hate this and try to subvert it.

When you try to reason with a troll, he wins. When you curse at
a troll, he wins. If he succeeds in angering you, he's succeeded.
having NO EFFECT on his intended targets!

So the best way to deal with trolls is to IGNORE THEM and
occasionally (and ONLY occasionally) remind others not to
respond to them either.

Hard to ignore? You can set up your computer to AUTOMATICALLY
ignore the troll by using your KILLFILE. Just go to the
offensive message, and bring your pointer to the "MESSAGE" tab
near the top of your screen. Click, and a menu opens. Go to and
click on "BLOCK SENDER." You will no longer see any of the
sender's posts from that account. This is called "plonking" the troll.

Ignored, these children will have to find another game to play.
Freedom Fighter wrote:
> "abracadabra" <> wrote in message
> news:472ba877$0$25675$
>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>>> Prostates and Prejudices
>>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?

>> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.

> I've killfiled this Rudy Kazootie troll,

Because you can't address the criticism I make of your
paranoid obsession with Giuliani.
On Nov 2, 5:15 pm, "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote:
> Prostates and Prejudices

Thank you, Citizen, for posting and exposing yet another
Roveian fabrication from that "hero" of 9-11, "Rudi" Giulani,
who was careful to be seen everywhere on the outside
while the real heroes were risking their lives.

Todays climate of careful media orchestrated release
of news in small vague packages coupled with
rapid shifts of focus to Anna Nicole Smith and the
latest updates on Brittany and OJ Simpson make
the Giulani fallacies and misrepresnetations, which
Krugman's article exposes, possible.

There is no lie, no distortion, no fallacy too great
for the "health" industry to avoid, so long as they
think enough people will be "influenced"
(i.e. fooled) by it and there is little or no chance
of exposure and the consequent backlash.

It is to be hoped that you are equally angry
at Hillary Clinton's disgraceful concealment
of her position on major issues, such as was
exposed in the recent debates, in which
she somehow was in favor of licenses for
illegal immigrants but apparently had to
be FORCED to reveal her nebulously self righteous
anti middle class viewpoint - as if, somehow,
it were OK to appear to be for and against
something at the same time.

Well done, Citizen.

Citizen Jimserac
"Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>> "abracadabra" <> wrote in message
>> news:472ba877$0$25675$
>>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>>>> Prostates and Prejudices
>>>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?
>>> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.

>> I've killfiled this Rudy Kazootie troll,

> Because you can't address the criticism I make of your paranoid obsession
> with Giuliani.

If Giuliani is lying about the prostate cancer survival rate in the UK,
calling him on it is effectively calling him on his values system. If he is
deliberately lying about this just to get elected, what other lies is he
willing to say to get elected or once he is elected? What does it say about
the party of values if it condones this lying?

Paranoid indeed! Giuliani is a LIAR. He is LYING. He will do anything,
include LIE, to get elected. And when the lie is pointed out, he doesn't
apologize, he just continues to repeat the same lie again and again. And
you, Rootie Tootie, by supporting this, are saying you actually prefer lying
politicians. But, of course, only if they're rightie tighties like you.
Guy wrote:
> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>> "abracadabra" <> wrote in message
>>> news:472ba877$0$25675$
>>>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>>>>> Prostates and Prejudices
>>>>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?
>>>> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.
>>> I've killfiled this Rudy Kazootie troll,

>> Because you can't address the criticism I make of your paranoid obsession
>> with Giuliani.

> If Giuliani is lying about the prostate cancer survival rate in the UK,

How do you know Krugman isn't the one lying? He's a
partisan shill.

> Paranoid indeed! Giuliani is a LIAR. He is LYING. He will do anything,
> include LIE, to get elected.

No more (but probably no less) than your preferred
Freedom Fighter <> wrote:

> "My chance of surviving prostate cancer - and thank God I was cured of
> it - in the United States? Eighty-two percent," says Rudy Giuliani

The whole cancer industry is a fraud. They cured cancer a long time ago,
but any doctor who offers a credible, effective cure gets slammed with
lawsuits, loses his licence to practice, ends up in prison, run out of
the country or mysteriously dies of the disease he sought to cure.

Download and watch this documentary on what the mainstream did to this
alternative cancer treatment. This guy had 17 clinics spread across the
USA, was arrested about 200 times, but never convicted because he had
thousands of patients who would testify under oath that their regular
doctor wrote them off as terminal, then Hoxsey cured them, and that was
5, 10 even 20 years ago.
"Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
> abracadabra wrote:
>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>>> Prostates and Prejudices
>>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?

>> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.

> Probably not.

Well, if don't listen to what he says than I can see why you say that. If
you do listen to what he's saying you'll see that he's dying for more wars,
especially with Iran.

>>> And no, it isn't fear of any
>>> "tyranny" nonsense - it's fear that he's electable. That's why you're
>>> only going after him, ignoring other Republicans.

>> He's the front runner nitwit.

> And the F.F. - Fat **** - is afraid he's electable.

He might be, although one wonders how Republicans, who were so upset and
offended by Clinton getting a BJ, can suddenly refrain from judgment on
Rudy's personal life.
abracadabra wrote:
> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>> abracadabra wrote:
>>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>>>> Prostates and Prejudices
>>>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?
>>> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.

>> Probably not.

> Well, if don't listen to what he says than I can see why you say that. If
> you do listen to what he's saying you'll see that he's dying for more wars,
> especially with Iran.

No, he isn't.

>>>> And no, it isn't fear of any
>>>> "tyranny" nonsense - it's fear that he's electable. That's why you're
>>>> only going after him, ignoring other Republicans.
>>> He's the front runner nitwit.

>> And the F.F. - Fat **** - is afraid he's electable.

> He might be, although one wonders how Republicans, who were so upset and
> offended by Clinton getting a BJ, can suddenly refrain from judgment on
> Rudy's personal life.

Rudy hasn't lied about his personal life under oath.
"Guy" <> wrote in message
> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>> "abracadabra" <> wrote in message
>>> news:472ba877$0$25675$
>>>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>>>>> Prostates and Prejudices
>>>>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?
>>>> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.
>>> I've killfiled this Rudy Kazootie troll,

>> Because you can't address the criticism I make of your paranoid obsession
>> with Giuliani.

> If Giuliani is lying about the prostate cancer survival rate in the UK,
> calling him on it is effectively calling him on his values system. If he
> is deliberately lying about this just to get elected, what other lies is
> he willing to say to get elected or once he is elected? What does it say
> about the party of values if it condones this lying?
> Paranoid indeed! Giuliani is a LIAR. He is LYING. He will do anything,
> include LIE, to get elected. And when the lie is pointed out, he doesn't
> apologize, he just continues to repeat the same lie again and again. And
> you, Rootie Tootie, by supporting this, are saying you actually prefer
> lying politicians. But, of course, only if they're rightie tighties like
> you.

"Rightie tighties" - funny!
These fascists and their apologists never have a sense of humor, do they?
I will happily continue to publicize Ghouliani's lies for all to see.
"Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
> abracadabra wrote:
>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>> abracadabra wrote:
>>>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>>>>> Prostates and Prejudices
>>>>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?
>>>> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.
>>> Probably not.

>> Well, if don't listen to what he says than I can see why you say that. If
>> you do listen to what he's saying you'll see that he's dying for more
>> wars, especially with Iran.

> No, he isn't.

You ought to listen to his words rather than what you want to think he says.

>>>>> And no, it isn't fear of any
>>>>> "tyranny" nonsense - it's fear that he's electable. That's why you're
>>>>> only going after him, ignoring other Republicans.
>>>> He's the front runner nitwit.
>>> And the F.F. - Fat **** - is afraid he's electable.

>> He might be, although one wonders how Republicans, who were so upset and
>> offended by Clinton getting a BJ, can suddenly refrain from judgment on
>> Rudy's personal life.

> Rudy hasn't lied about his personal life under oath.

Rudy us a totally untrustworthy person and a lowlife. He's done nothing that
qualifies him for a position of leadership. As a Democrat, I hope the
Republicans nominate him, because he'll be very easy to beat. Senator
Clinton kicked him around like a discarded beer can until he resigned from
the senate race in disgrace.
On Nov 2, 11:42 pm, (the_blogologist) wrote:
> Freedom Fighter <> wrote:
> > "My chance of surviving prostate cancer - and thank God I was cured of
> > it - in the United States? Eighty-two percent," says Rudy Giuliani

> The whole cancer industry is a fraud. They cured cancer a long time ago,
> but any doctor who offers a credible, effective cure gets slammed with
> lawsuits, loses his licence to practice, ends up in prison, run out of
> the country or mysteriously dies of the disease he sought to cure.
> Download and watch this documentary on what the mainstream did to this
> alternative cancer treatment. This guy had 17 clinics spread across the
> USA, was arrested about 200 times, but never convicted because he had
> thousands of patients who would testify under oath that their regular
> doctor wrote them off as terminal, then Hoxsey cured them, and that was
> 5, 10 even 20 years ago.

Well said and interesting.

The "war on Cancer" is a lot like the "war" on drugs, the "war" in
and the "war" on terrorism. A phony "war" with misguided goals
is set up and then BILLIONS in wasted dollars are thrown at the
Each tiny "breakthrough" is taken that progress is made. When will
be attained in these "wars"?? Never. They are designed to be self
perpetuating frauds, just like the pharmaceutical drug "cures" that
somehow make the patient dependent on them and then there are those
"side effects", sometimes fatal.

EXPOSURE of these kinds of deceptions must be done before we can ever
reform our "health" system and build a Universal Health Care system
that, you know,
COVERS EVERYONE and KICKS OUT the insurance profiteers.

Citizen Jimserac
Why all this bashing of Giuliani?

"Citizen Jimserac" <> wrote in message
> On Nov 2, 5:15 pm, "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote:
>> Prostates and Prejudices

> Thank you, Citizen, for posting and exposing yet another
> Roveian fabrication from that "hero" of 9-11, "Rudi" Giulani,
> who was careful to be seen everywhere on the outside
> while the real heroes were risking their lives.
> Todays climate of careful media orchestrated release
> of news in small vague packages coupled with
> rapid shifts of focus to Anna Nicole Smith and the
> latest updates on Brittany and OJ Simpson make
> the Giulani fallacies and misrepresnetations, which
> Krugman's article exposes, possible.
> There is no lie, no distortion, no fallacy too great
> for the "health" industry to avoid, so long as they
> think enough people will be "influenced"
> (i.e. fooled) by it and there is little or no chance
> of exposure and the consequent backlash.
> It is to be hoped that you are equally angry
> at Hillary Clinton's disgraceful concealment
> of her position on major issues, such as was
> exposed in the recent debates, in which
> she somehow was in favor of licenses for
> illegal immigrants but apparently had to
> be FORCED to reveal her nebulously self righteous
> anti middle class viewpoint - as if, somehow,
> it were OK to appear to be for and against
> something at the same time.
> Well done, Citizen.
> Citizen Jimserac
In article <G%4Xi.48662$>, says...
> "Guy" <> wrote in message
> news:472bdf34$0$25711$
> >
> > "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Freedom Fighter wrote:
> >>> "abracadabra" <> wrote in message
> >>> news:472ba877$0$25675$
> >>>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
> >>>>
> >>>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
> >>>>>> Prostates and Prejudices
> >>>>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?
> >>>> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.
> >>>
> >>> I've killfiled this Rudy Kazootie troll,
> >>
> >> Because you can't address the criticism I make of your paranoid obsession
> >> with Giuliani.

> >
> > If Giuliani is lying about the prostate cancer survival rate in the UK,
> > calling him on it is effectively calling him on his values system. If he
> > is deliberately lying about this just to get elected, what other lies is
> > he willing to say to get elected or once he is elected? What does it say
> > about the party of values if it condones this lying?
> >
> > Paranoid indeed! Giuliani is a LIAR. He is LYING. He will do anything,
> > include LIE, to get elected. And when the lie is pointed out, he doesn't
> > apologize, he just continues to repeat the same lie again and again. And
> > you, Rootie Tootie, by supporting this, are saying you actually prefer
> > lying politicians. But, of course, only if they're rightie tighties like
> > you.

> "Rightie tighties" - funny!
> These fascists and their apologists never have a sense of humor, do they?
> I will happily continue to publicize Ghouliani's lies for all to see.

You know, you idiots consistently wrongly apply the word fascist in an
attempt to make your invalid arguments. The problem you have is using
inflammatory words like that only serve to discredit you and your cause.

Fascists would be the the definition of islamic fundamentalists who want
to lop your head off simply because you're not Muslim. Or Iranians
wanting to wipe Israel off the map because they are Jewish. Or Liberals
who want to silence those who disagree with them as they tried to do
with Rush a few weeks ago.

You morons should really get a life because when it comes to political suck at it.


Daniel L Bergman

"There is no vice... so contemptible; he who permits himself to
tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third
time, till at length it becomes habitual..." ---Thomas
Daniel L Bergman wrote:
> In article <G%4Xi.48662$>,
> says...
>> "Guy" <> wrote in message
>> news:472bdf34$0$25711$
>>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>>>> "abracadabra" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:472ba877$0$25675$
>>>>>> "Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Freedom Fighter wrote:
>>>>>>>> Prostates and Prejudices
>>>>>>> You're really afraid of Giuliani, aren't you, little hysterical lefty?
>>>>>> Only that he's more of a war monger than Bush.
>>>>> I've killfiled this Rudy Kazootie troll,
>>>> Because you can't address the criticism I make of your paranoid obsession
>>>> with Giuliani.
>>> If Giuliani is lying about the prostate cancer survival rate in the UK,
>>> calling him on it is effectively calling him on his values system. If he
>>> is deliberately lying about this just to get elected, what other lies is
>>> he willing to say to get elected or once he is elected? What does it say
>>> about the party of values if it condones this lying?
>>> Paranoid indeed! Giuliani is a LIAR. He is LYING. He will do anything,
>>> include LIE, to get elected. And when the lie is pointed out, he doesn't
>>> apologize, he just continues to repeat the same lie again and again. And
>>> you, Rootie Tootie, by supporting this, are saying you actually prefer
>>> lying politicians. But, of course, only if they're rightie tighties like
>>> you.

>> "Rightie tighties" - funny!
>> These fascists and their apologists never have a sense of humor, do they?
>> I will happily continue to publicize Ghouliani's lies for all to see.

> You know, you idiots consistently wrongly apply the word fascist in an
> attempt to make your invalid arguments. The problem you have is using
> inflammatory words like that only serve to discredit you and your cause.

Exactly right. You frequently read in usenet and
occasionally elsewhere that Bush is a "fascist". The
people using the label know they're wrong. If we lived
in the fascist dictatorship they claim we do, they
wouldn't be posting to usenet - they long ago would
have been packed off to the camps that don't exist, and
they would have been killed in some unpleasant way.

> Fascists would be the the definition of islamic fundamentalists who want
> to lop your head off simply because you're not Muslim. Or Iranians
> wanting to wipe Israel off the map because they are Jewish. Or Liberals
> who want to silence those who disagree with them as they tried to do
> with Rush a few weeks ago.
> You morons should really get a life because when it comes to political
> suck at it.

On Nov 4, 4:57 pm, "Georgio Salavantinizi" <s...@nospam-italiani-> wrote:
> Why all this bashing of Giuliani?
> "CitizenJimserac" <> wrote in message
> > On Nov 2, 5:15 pm, "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote:
> >> Prostates and Prejudices

> > Thank you, Citizen, for posting and exposing yet another
> > Roveian fabrication from that "hero" of 9-11, "Rudi" Giulani,
> > who was careful to be seen everywhere on the outside
> > while the real heroes were risking their lives.

> > Todays climate of careful media orchestrated release
> > of news in small vague packages coupled with
> > rapid shifts of focus to Anna Nicole Smith and the
> > latest updates on Brittany and OJ Simpson make
> > the Giulani fallacies and misrepresnetations, which
> > Krugman's article exposes, possible.

> > There is no lie, no distortion, no fallacy too great
> > for the "health" industry to avoid, so long as they
> > think enough people will be "influenced"
> > (i.e. fooled) by it and there is little or no chance
> > of exposure and the consequent backlash.

> > It is to be hoped that you are equally angry
> > at Hillary Clinton's disgraceful concealment
> > of her position on major issues, such as was
> > exposed in the recent debates, in which
> > she somehow was in favor of licenses for
> > illegal immigrants but apparently had to
> > be FORCED to reveal her nebulously self righteous
> > anti middle class viewpoint - as if, somehow,
> > it were OK to appear to be for and against
> > something at the same time.

> > Well done, Citizen.

> > CitizenJimserac

Because he is the 9-11 candidate and what
we need is one for 9-12.

He has NOTHING to offer but the same stale
Bushian platitudes, make believe health care,
look the OTHER way on illegal immigration
and the same disasterous and taxpayer money
wasting foreign policy wars while ignoring
real security at home - or else violating to
constitution to give us make believe security.

NO THANKS. WE have had enough of
him and other candidates like him.

I also do NOT think much of a guy who
uses 9-11, you know, the day a lot of
good people DIED, as a photo op to bolster
his political future.

Citizen Jimserac