Another loser bitch...Child killer

Why DON'T these psychobitches just kill themselves instead of their kids? I wish they would, too.
Here's another loser mom:
MINAS GERAIS, Brazil -- A baby was found floating down a river inside a plastic bag in Brazil.

Her amazing rescue -- the baby was found alive -- was caught on tape.

A local television crew was in the area filming when they heard what sounded like a cat's meow coming from the river.

Using a long stick, two men were able to get a floating plastic bag tied to a tree branch to shore. They expected to find an animal inside, but instead found a crying baby girl.

Witnesses have told local media that they saw a woman placing a bag in the water upstream, moments before the little girl was found.

The baby was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she was in good condition. Doctors estimated the girl to be less than 2 months old.

Brazilian police were searching for the baby's mother.
Two things kill me about this story and others like them.

The HUGE part religion seems to play in these kinds of killings. So often the Mother is under the impression her children are better off dead and are going to god or that god wants them dead to begin with.
The other part is how she says she is sorry.
Am I the only one who thinks thats a little ****in late for those 3 innocent children?
To my knowledge Arkansas does not have the death penalty but I could be wrong. People who kill the truly innocent, our children, deserve to be dragged behind a car until dead.

**** her religious bullshit, this is an attempt to draw sympathy if she chants the rhetoric people of her religion will come out and tell everyone how hard done by she is. Too bad she didn't commit this crime a little south, where the death penalty would at least be an option.
She should never be allowed to breed again and the only way to make this posible is to put her to death...
angie said:
There is hope. AK does have the death penalty.
27 executions in the last 30 years. No women currently on death row. Maybe she'll be the first one to join the group. I sure as hell hope so.

Well thank god, if anyone is deserving its this bitch.
It just makes me sick when the bible thumpers cluster around when someone has done such a horrible thing and sing the song about how horrible the perp feels...not half as badly as those children did.
Now the horror pleads not guilty.....I like the idea of dragging her to death. Or make her swim in the swamp and let the gators take her down for a death roll. Anything that's slow and painful.:mad:
And yet, we are still getting the question of whether or not torture is ever justified....

These cases have nothing to do with religion. That is a cop out. It has to do with a mentally unstable person. There are just as many parents who are not religious that murder their children, if not more. It is for sympathy more than anything.
Did you know that if an inmate is injured or sick they can't go to be executed, they have to be in good health.
The electric chair was not so popular because it was considered as torture by some because the inmate didn't die immediatly, having said this I have read it is still a choice in some states.
When I mentioned religion, I was only pointing out that the religious freaks seem to gather round. You often find someone who is mentally ill who is also fixated on religion, I don't count this as truly being religious at all. It just seems to be part of the package so often. That crazy bitch in Houston who drowned 4 of her kids did it so they would go to a better place, to be with god. I was disappointed to hear that Texas was not going to step up and send her to god as well.
Lethalfind said:
Two things kill me about this story and others like them.

The HUGE part religion seems to play in these kinds of killings. So often the Mother is under the impression her children are better off dead and are going to god or that god wants them dead to begin with.
The other part is how she says she is sorry.
Am I the only one who thinks thats a little ****in late for those 3 innocent children?
To my knowledge Arkansas does not have the death penalty but I could be wrong. People who kill the truly innocent, our children, deserve to be dragged behind a car until dead.

**** her religious bullshit, this is an attempt to draw sympathy if she chants the rhetoric people of her religion will come out and tell everyone how hard done by she is. Too bad she didn't commit this crime a little south, where the death penalty would at least be an option.
She should never be allowed to breed again and the only way to make this posible is to put her to death...

Agreed, take her out side and shoot her in the head, if she truly believed in god she wouldn't have done it in the first place, "Do not murder" funny how so many of these half wits forget that until the the deed is done.
Lethalfind said:
When I mentioned religion, I was only pointing out that the religious freaks seem to gather round. You often find someone who is mentally ill who is also fixated on religion, I don't count this as truly being religious at all. It just seems to be part of the package so often. That crazy bitch in Houston who drowned 4 of her kids did it so they would go to a better place, to be with god. I was disappointed to hear that Texas was not going to step up and send her to god as well.
Agreed. These are the same idiots who join cults, and I would bet similar personalities also do drugs. They are looking for some sort of peace of mind and acceptance. They each go about it a different way but it is about the same thing. Dependency prone, be it drugs or religion.
ToriAllen said:
Agreed. These are the same idiots who join cults, and I would bet similar personalities also do drugs. They are looking for some sort of peace of mind and acceptance. They each go about it a different way but it is about the same thing. Dependency prone, be it drugs or religion.

I think people like this use religion as a drug...something to avoid, just as you say. I grew up around a bunch of people like this.
When I was 19 I worked at the police department and found that this super religious town I had grown up in had the highest rate of child abuse, physical and sexual of any town in the county...that spoke volumes to me about the pseudo-religious...