Another n00b =)


New member
Tak, mam! Ciotke w Arizonie. Kiedys mieszkala w NJ, wiec moze ja znasz... ;)Ma na imie Beata. Byc moze pojade do niej za rok, albo za dwa, bo zapraszala mnie do siebie i nawet mowila, ze szuka dla mnie college'u, tylko nie wiem czy sobie poradze, bo moj jezyk nie jest rewelacyjny :/
translation: Yes, I've got aunt in Arizona. She lived in NJ, so maybe you know her ;) Her name is Beata. Maybe I'll go to her next year or second, because she ivited me and even said that she was searching for college for me, but I don't know if I manage, because my english isn't sensational :/
Wiesz w jakim miescie ona mieszkala w NJ ? Beata ... Jakie jest jej ostatnie imie ? Moze ja znam, albo moze moja mama ja zna.

I nie zle mowisz po angielsku :)

translation : Do you know where she lived in NJ ? Beata... whats her last name. It sounds very familiar I might know her or my mom might.

Your english isn't that bad. :)



New member
Nie wiem jak ma teraz nazwisko, bo wyszła za mąż. Ale ma małego syna, ma teraz 2 może 3 lata.

I don't know what is her surname, because she got married. But she has little son, he is 2 maybe 3.



New member
Nie wiem jak ma teraz nazwisko, bo wyszła za mąż. Ale ma małego syna, ma teraz 2 może 3 lata.
I don't know what is her surname, because she got married. But she has little son, he is 2 maybe 3.
Wiesz w jakim miescie mieszkala w NJ ?

Do you know the city she lived in in NJ ?

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