Another one of Saddam's lawyers killed

One more dead Muslim. Only 1.226 billion more left to eradicate.

It's time for a good old fashioned genocide. :mad:

"Fair trial"? If I had been there when that ****er was in his spider hole. I most certainly would have accidentally dropped a live grenade on top of him. Would have been much easier.

Now, we just have a dog and pony show.

Oh where have we lost the ability to actually wage war.

Where are the good warrior leaders like Vlad the Impaler?

They knew that the real warrior is only victorious when you have the fortitude to kill your enemy down to the last man, woman and child - that is the solution to the Islamic problem.
oh nice so you are actually evil then, I knew you were stupid, but that is not the half of it...
Mariama said:
oh nice so you are actually evil then, I knew you were stupid, but that is not the half of it...

Actually, he's one of the smarter ones on here. I forgot...your a muslim. Being a braindead retard is an admired quality in your religion.
I'v seen its posts...Smart is not the term I should use...
And to speak about Muslims, yet you consider killing women and children a just activity..
No wish they would leave his defense team alone. Let him have his fair trial so we can hang his ass!
snafu said:
No wish they would leave his defense team alone. Let him have his fair trial so we can hang his ass!
Yeah no doubt PROTECT HIM for just that alone. You know the ****er is gonna get found guilty. I can't wait for the photos !!! :D

The nice thing about Iraqi law, is there is no appeal process (unless that has been changed), and his ass will get hung right after the verdict of guilty is given.
phreakwars said:
Yeah no doubt PROTECT HIM for just that alone. You know the ****er is gonna get found guilty. I can't wait for the photos !!! :D

The nice thing about Iraqi law, is there is no appeal process (unless that has been changed), and his ass will get hung right after the verdict of guilty is given.

I would like to see that **** in person!
snafu said:
No wish they would leave his defense team alone. Let him have his fair trial so we can hang his ass!

Let him have his fair trial so he can name all the US aresholes who funded, aided, abetted and armed him.

Now that would be a fair trial. ;)
We funded Iraq legally during the Iraq Iran war. Russia and China were adding and abetting Sadam illegally with WMD
builder said:
I beg to differ.

Saddam was a CIA implant. So was the Shah of Iran. Go back to school old man.

Meddling in the ME goes way back to your diaper days. Maybe even further.

The **** always hits the fan. Sometimes you have to wait for it. ;)

Good one builda. I would rep you if I could.

For those in denial...

Sen. Robert Byrd, a master at hectoring executive branch witnesses, asked Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld a provocative question last week: Did the United States help Saddam Hussein produce weapons of biological warfare? Rumsfeld brushed off the Senate's 84-year-old president pro tem like a Pentagon reporter. But a paper trail indicates Rumsfeld should have answered yes.

An eight-year-old Senate report confirms that disease- producing and poisonous materials were exported, under U.S. government license, to Iraq from 1985 to 1988 during the Iran-Iraq war. Furthermore, the report adds, the American- exported materials were identical to microorganisms destroyed by United Nations inspectors after the Gulf War. The shipments were approved despite allegations that Saddam used biological weapons against Kurdish rebels and (according to the current official U.S. position) initiated war with Iran.

This record is no argument for or against waging war against the Iraqi regime, but current U.S. officials are not eager to reconstruct the mostly secret relationship between the two countries. While biological warfare exports were approved by the U.S. government, the first President George Bush signed a policy directive proposing ''normal'' relations with Saddam in the interest of Middle East stability. Looking at a little U.S.-Iraqi history might be useful on the eve of a fateful military undertaking.

At a Senate Armed Services hearing last Thursday, Byrd tried to disinter that history. ''Did the United States help Iraq to acquire the building blocks of biological weapons during the Iran-Iraq war?'' he asked Rumsfeld. ''Certainly not to my knowledge,'' Rumsfeld replied. When Byrd persisted by reading a current Newsweek article reporting these exports, Rumsfeld said, ''I have never heard anything like what you've read, I have no knowledge of it whatsoever, and I doubt it.''

That suggests Rumsfeld also has not read the sole surviving copy of a May 25, 1994, Senate Banking Committee report. In 1985 (five years after the Iraq-Iran war started) and succeeding years, said the report, ''pathogenic (meaning ''disease producing''), toxigenic (meaning ''poisonous'') and other biological research materials were exported to Iraq, pursuant to application and licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce.'' It added: ''These exported biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction.''

The report then details 70 shipments (including anthrax bacillus) from the United States to Iraqi government agencies over three years, concluding, ''It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the United Nations inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program.''

With Baghdad having survived combat against Iran's revolutionary regime with U.S. help, President George H.W. Bush signed National Security Directive 26 on Oct. 2, 1989. Classified ''secret'' but recently declassified, it said: ''Normal relations between the United States and Iraq would serve our longer-term interests and promote stability in both the Gulf and the Middle East. The United States government should propose economic and political incentives for Iraq to moderate its behavior and to increase our influence with Iraq.''

Bush the elder, who said recently that he ''hates'' Saddam, saw no reason then to oust the Iraqi dictator. On the contrary, the government's approval of exporting microorganisms to Iraq coincided with the Bush administration's decision to save Saddam from defeat by the Iranian mullahs.

The Newsweek article (by Christopher Dickey and Evan Thomas) that so interested Byrd reported on Rumsfeld's visit to Baghdad on Dec. 20, 1983, that launched U.S. support for Saddam against Iran. Answering Byrd's questions, Rumsfeld said he did meet with Saddam and Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz, but was dismissive about assisting ''as a private citizen . . . only for a period of months.'' Rumsfeld contended he was then interested in curbing terrorism in Lebanon.

Quite a different account was given in a sworn court statement by Howard Teicher on Jan. 31, 1995. Teicher, a National Security Council aide who accompanied Rumsfeld to Baghdad, said Rumsfeld relayed Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's offer to help Iraq in its war. ''Aziz refused even to accept the Israeli's letter to [Saddam] Hussein offering assistance,'' said Teicher, ''because Aziz told us that he would be executed on the spot.''

Such recollections of the recent past make for uncomfortable officials in Washington and Jerusalem today.
builder said:
I beg to differ.

Saddam was a CIA implant. So was the Shah of Iran. Go back to school old man.

Meddling in the ME goes way back to your diaper days. Maybe even further.

The **** always hits the fan. Sometimes you have to wait for it. ;)

And when the fan hits the ****, that usually means a World Cup patron was trampled to death by hooligans.
builder said:
I beg to differ.

Saddam was a CIA implant. So was the Shah of Iran. Go back to school old man.

Meddling in the ME goes way back to your diaper days. Maybe even further.

The **** always hits the fan. Sometimes you have to wait for it. ;)
CIA implant? The dictator of a country. Hahaha
I think I was out of my diapers when the first Bush was President.
Information clearing house? what a joke.
I said we helped them in the Iraq Iran war. We new he had the weapons but everybody like you said he didn't. This was done with U.N. approval. Unlike the uranium yellow cake he got from Africa and Russia. Backtrack some more builder. You were one of the naysayers too.
Mariama said:
I'v seen its posts...Smart is not the term I should use...
And to speak about Muslims, yet you consider killing women and children a just activity..

It must be, your own people kill women and children all the time...OR like 9-11 are you going to deny that Muslims ever kill women and children and say that its a conspiracy launched by the American government to make you all look bad...

I'm sorry to say this but the American Government is not organized enough to make a conspiracy like that work...
builder said:
I beg to differ.

Saddam was a CIA implant. So was the Shah of Iran. Go back to school old man.

Meddling in the ME goes way back to your diaper days. Maybe even further.

The **** always hits the fan. Sometimes you have to wait for it. ;)

(This hurts to say because its Builder...) I agree...the US has ****ed itself, getting in bed with one idiot after another...playing the world like its a chess game and now its come back to bite us in the ass.
Your right about your government, they arn't very well organised, if they were they could have done a better job, only now we all know they did it themselves.