Another rant on homosexuality.

Ya f kidding Richard the lion heart?

I think it's a conspiracy by vindictive historians.
Silver_dragon87 said:
So you're saying being gay sullies someone's name. How interesting.

Its the norm apparently...and the crap i have to deal with daily.

Aint life fun. Aint it totaly rad that i "chose" it.

I hear ya, Vortex. It's part of why I have so much against Catholicism. Many of my friends are at the very least bisexual, and I myself am not sure where I fall. But I could care less if they insult me, should I decide that's who I am. NO ONE insults my friends and gets away with it. Anyone who's MY friend gets a bodyguard (complimentary!) for life. And also, some of the coolest people ever are/were gay. I.e. Alexander the Great, maaaanymany fine actors and loads of other histoical figures. Hell, you posted the list yourself ;) Kickass people who are BETTER for it, I say. And who can't adore the Fab Five? XD
Silver_dragon87 said:
I hear ya, Vortex. It's part of why I have so much against Catholicism. Many of my friends are at the very least bisexual, and I myself am not sure where I fall. But I could care less if they insult me, should I decide that's who I am. NO ONE insults my friends and gets away with it. Anyone who's MY friend gets a bodyguard (complimentary!) for life. And also, some of the coolest people ever are/were gay. I.e. Alexander the Great, maaaanymany fine actors and loads of other histoical figures. Hell, you posted the list yourself ;) Kickass people who are BETTER for it, I say. And who can't adore the Fab Five? XD

No wonder your so angry you dont know if your gay, bi or straight....explains a lot
I have ****ed around with girls (long ago) and loiked it, but I am totally straight. I wouldn't even onsider myself BI I just like to have fun ;)

I do feel for anyone that is forced to live their life with such a stigma. It's not right.
Silver_dragon87 said:
So you're saying being gay sullies someone's name. How interesting.

Um..yeah if you think of it this way SD..these "historian" were social and political commentators of the time...subject to rumours and gossip and personal political biases and probably belonged to some opinionated clique of some form or other.

e.g The Romans were notorious for this.

Anyways wrote as if you whole heartedly approved of this sexual pursuation...and now you admit to having bi'sexual curiosities urself hahahahahaha

Yes I do find you impartial.

How very interesting. :rolleyes:
Actually, if you must know, the reason I said that and feel that way is because I don't have ANY 'curiosities.' I have never been truly attracted to anyone--in body--and therefore have to honestly say that I don't know how I'll turn out. I don't feel anything for either gender, so how could I fairly label myself?

Oh and Tizz, some people aren't sluts. There are other things besides sex that I use to complete my life. This matter causes me no stress or anxiety whatsoever.
And just what exactly finally defeated this "war-machine" called the "Spartans"? Didnt happen to be AIDS was it? Talk about being your own worst enemy...

Anyway, I hate gays and dont wont them and their diseases around me, and IM NOT RELIGIOUS EITHER! Just take a good long look at Africa! Enough said.

BTW im new to the board. :D
First of all, you can't blame people for not knowing something they couldn't possibly have known. For another thing, anyone can get HIV you moron. There aren't diseases specific to homosexuals--an STD is an STD, and I hope you contract several you hateful numbskull.
Silver_dragon87 said:
First of all, you can't blame people for not knowing something they couldn't possibly have known. For another thing, anyone can get HIV you moron. There aren't diseases specific to homosexuals--an STD is an STD, and I hope you contract several you hateful numbskull.

While anyone can get it the easiest way is through sharing needles are anal sex. This is why AIDS is a plague among gay males but has pretty much left lesbians alone. If God hates fags, he seems to only hate male fags.
AIDS is NOT a standard STD...its a ****ing virus you get from HIV. And standard means everyday/common...and common STDs are crabs, herpes..and such. AIDS IS NOT!

I admit you sometimes sound like you know what your talking about but with that little comment you sounded stupid
Silver_dragon87 said:
AIDs can affect everyone. It's a standard STD--anyone having any kind of sex can get it.

Wrong again, you cannot get AIDS when practicing beastiality (might be some small possibility with another primate). Do your homework.
Silver_dragon87 said:

And isn't it ironic that the people trying their damnedest to stand in the way of all this horrible LOVE are the ones who won't shut the hell up about God and Jesus. Don't you think that GOD, who loves everyone or so you try to tell me, would want its creations to GET ALONG? To not destroy each other? Don't you think that Jesus would ****ing roll over in his grave or heaven or in your taco or wherever the hell you think he is if he saw you all trying your best to stop all this 'love' he was always talking about?

Ok, you bring up religion, and specifically Christianity in your orginal post. But...

Silver_dragon87 said:
Or maybe we could NOT keep citing religious texts and discuss the issue like intelligent creatures thinking for themselves. You know, that's always an option.

So do you really want discussion? Or do you just want people to agree with you?
I was talking about people having sex with PEOPLE, Hugo. -_- Sorry for the oversight.

Gal, you're an idiot. I didn't mean 'everyday,' I meant that it is contracted in the STANDARD ways--standard as it the same as every other STD. It is TRANSMITTED SEXUALLY. Christ, do I have to spell everything out for you?

Eddo, I began the thread with a general comment about the values of the religion. After people started citing every mouldy old book they could lay hands on, I attempted to put a stop to it. That was not the point of the thread, it was just an observation. As you can see from my liberal cursing, it was more of a general thing--I intended for people to THINK about it for themselves (like 'who would Jesus bomb?') instead of turning, as ever, to their tomes and scrolls and pictograms to try to find an ANSWER. I meant for people to use their own brains. It was supposed to be a meaningful, general remark about how hypocritical it is to say 'our mascot/leader/founder/whatever loves everyone' and then have all this hatred for people who are, themselves, just trying to love other people. All I intended to do was point out how RIDICULOUS it is, not start an actual religious debate. Hopefully that explains what I see as the difference clearly.