New member
You said the writer tried to make it look like it was a report from 2010. That's false. He said the report was published in a 2010 publication.What did I lie about? Do you DENY the report is from 2007? Do you DENY that it's the EXACT SAME REPORT your referencing from the right wing site (the alleged independent institute) you linked to? Just because it was published in an ARCHIVE LIBRARY doesn't make it apply to today. KEEP DREAMING.
Just because the CBO makes a report in 2005 doesn't mean it applies today, either.
As far as I'm concerned, I think Mrs. Romer's expert opinion from 2007, is more relevant than it is today, as at that time she didn't have to play cover for anyone's ideology and with that said, even Keyensian economist, who want stimulatory spending, are against greatly raising taxes, during a down economy and the stimulatory spending should be short term. No sign of them following either rule any time soon. (unless GOP takes over the House)