Anti-Rape Condom Unveiled

I think it is a good idea, but there are laws (in Texas anyway) against, automatic deterance devices, for example, I know it is illegal to booby trap your front door when you go to bed at night.

The reason for this law is the idea that the booby trap has no conscience and will activate regardless of who (in this case) is coming through the door. They argue that the house may catch on fire and the inhabitants become unconscience from smoke inhalation and a fireman may need to break down the front door to rescue the inhabitants and subsequently become a victim of this seamingly good idea.

I know of no valid reason that someone may need to penetrate a vagina without the woman that it is attached to consent, but the law does exist. If the woman was wearing this devise and actually did get raped, the attacker may get really pissed and kill the woman. She ends up at the morgue, and the coroner may need to check for signs of forced rape and get hurt as well.

I don't know, but my first instincts are "Yes" it is a good idea.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I don't know, but my first instincts are "Yes" it is a good idea.

Yes. anything to stop ****tards like you reproducing can only be a good thing. ;)

Go rape your boot. Neanderthals should not be reproducing. Dicksnot.
They sound pretty expensive, like $16 a condom. I geuss if your in a situation that is clearly identified as a high risk situation, then I can understand but I can't imagine wearing one of these everyday.
Although the look on the bastards face who thinks he is gonna get some with one of these clamped around his dick is hilarious. I wonder how much attention he would be paying to the woman who would no doubt be running away, with this thing clamped on his memeber.
I think the reaction to this in the states like most thing will vary by state.
I understand the purpose of this condom and it has good intentions but always remember this...a product is only as useful as its user. In the wrong hands, it is just another weapon. A gun has the same concept. In the right hands, great defense tool. In the wrong hands, it is as deadly as the intentions of the user. As a former poster said about the condoms being used by a woman to get back at their husbands and the like, that is a perfect example of what I am talking about. And as far as I know, there are alot of angry women out there who would love to perform such an act and make it a rape case. I am in no way trying to be mysogynistic but think about it seriously...

As for actual raping, there are several ways to reduce this act. Don't go out alone, don't get so drunk and if you leave your drink and come back...throw it away, lock your doors at night LIKE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO, and have a point of contact. Because the most common kind of rape is by someone you actually know so you also have to choose your opposite gender friends wisely.

To be extremely honest with you, alot of women (and some guys) bring this upon themselves for not following such a simple rule. This GREATLY reduces the chances of being raped in the first place.