Anybody into Rammstein?

Seriously, rammstein are the greatest band ever, even my mum likes a few of their songs! I love the whole Buck Dick stage act however i do think that the mein teil with the big sinster cooking pot was sooo much better!

and yes, till was the sex, he still could be but have u seen him recently.He's gotten lardy and has developed a nice pair of moobs. :) But still back in the day...*drool* Like the Live aus Berlin show when he was covered in that bluey silvery stuff with no shirt on and his big bulging muscles and toned, firm stomach *mega-drool* ****ing hell.....
Listen to a lot of Rammstein at work - nothing like cranking it up loud on a busy Saturday night shift in the kitchen, hard to sing along cause I only speak English, but still, the energy's what's important - and the beat - let's face it, it bumps ;)
Are you a cook?..damm i am to..(if you are.) boss would kill me if i would listen to Ramms in tha kitchen..I work in a fanc<y restaurat ..they play only jazz..and that kind of stuff...But if i could i definitly would :))
Are you a cook?..damm i am to..(if you are.) boss would kill me if i would listen to Ramms in tha kitchen..I work in a fanc<y restaurat ..they play only jazz..and that kind of stuff...But if i could i definitly would :))
Yes I am. Have been for a few years now. Tex Mex restaurant. Lisa (sorta like the head chef) is a heavy metal fanatic and we have a general rule, whoever starts the early shift gets to choose the music for the night. Thankfully we have similar tastes in music, but she's not really a Linkin Park fan, so I can only get away with that on the rare occasion. She tolerates it for me but no Fort Minor when she's on. No rap or hip hop. We can and do play everything from Machine Head to Disturbed, Static X, Marilyn, Rob Zombie, Ozzy, Pantera, Bullet for my Valentine, Sepultura, Trivium, AFI, damn, you name it for anywhere up to 2 to 10/11 hours a day (night, we mainly work afternoon and nights, every weekend).
The main restaurant has it's own music so the rest of the patrons (unless they sit too close) don't really hear it. Definitely makes a difference if we don't have something hard and heavy playing, especially on a busy night, it gives you energy to keep going and helps you yell over the noise of plates crashing and waitresses calling orders and the exhaust fans and stuff... Can't be a quiet shy type and survive in the kitchen, at least where I work. :spiteful:
Definitely not the conditions of an office job that's for sure ;) Almost makes it worthwhile.