Anyone got a spare copy of Win2K [Windows 2000] laying around?

Hey you guys,

A few months ago I lost my Win2K disk and was just wondering if anyone here still has a Win2K disk they might be able to image for me, so I can re-install the system, cuz I'm starting to get sick of XP. :)

If anyone thinks they can help me out... Let us know, Send us a private message. Thanks! :thumbsup:



New member
I would go back down to 98. I didn't care for Windows 2000 or ME. But no sadly, but I might have a copy of 98 somewhere.


Active Members
XP can slow your system down if you have a slow comp

but I thought lp extreme would have a fast comp



New member
I love XP I haven't had any problems with it! also I mean look at the letter XP it is a smilie face! XP so come on, you can't beat taht!


New member
the new comps fitted out with vista are awesome

anyways, sorry cant help you, i got win98 and xp/pro and home edition



New member
win 2000 is the worst ever, has the most blue screens, xp fo life

soz if i had any win2000 i would have burned it years ago



New member
win 2000 is the worst ever, has the most blue screens, xp fo lifesoz if i had any win2000 i would have burned it years ago


Windows 2k is the most stable OS I ever used

Your thinking of Windows ME



New member
I use vista and it kicks ***! you should upgrade not downgrade.
lol true but remember now that vista really sucks you comp to death so you need some nice ram and cpu to run it smoothly

and being in africa i cant get the best at a good price :<



Active Members
not really, if you have a slow computer, it can still work, it will disable some of the fancy stuff automatically to make vista run its best on any system.


New member
true but its that small things you want =>

my pc can run vista but i find xp better for gamers like me :>

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