Anyone got a spare copy of Win2K [Windows 2000] laying around?

What´s wrong with XP?
Well XP runs really well on this computer and the hardware I have... And I could run Vista if I wanted to... But I like to stick with the older versions of things for many reasons [Complicated To Explain]... And XP / Vista have a lot of things that I quite frankly don't need.

XP can slow your system down if you have a slow comp
but I thought lp extreme would have a fast comp
I do have a fast computer :thumbsup:

2000 Pro is still better on any comp
Very true! And I completely agree with what you have said. 2000 isn't bloated with all the **** XP/Vista have. And windows 2000 is very reliable if configured right... If your not a computer wizz then I would recommend windows XP.

I love XP I haven't had any problems with it! also I mean look at the letter XP it is a smilie face! XP so come on, you can't beat taht!
Yeah Windows XP is very stable and I wont deny that. But for a computer wizz who likes to tweak there system for the best performance usally goes with the OS that doesn't have all this visual bloated stuff XP/Vista contain (And yes I do know you can turn off visual themes blah blah blah... But It's still in the code...)

just find a torrent
I've looked around... And all the Win2K torrents I have downloaded are illegal moded versions, and I just don't trust the installations.

win 2000 is the worst ever, has the most blue screens, xp fo lifesoz if i had any win2000 i would have burned it years ago
Yeah you are thinking of ME... worst system ever made... lol

Windows 2k is the most stable OS I ever used

Your thinking of Windows ME
Completely agree with you lol, Windows ME was just a waist of time for M$ to release.

I use vista and it kicks ***! you should upgrade not downgrade.
It's personal choice... And I like the stability of Win2K better.
But thanks for all the replies. :p But if anyone does encounter the Disk saying Windows 2000... Please let us know!!! Thanks!

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