Anyone got anything they gotta say???


New Member
May 24, 2004
Hell BKA My House
Hey everyone. yeah i used to be a real big LP fan. I used to listen to all their cds and obssess over them like there was no one else in this world to think about. but now its over. i hope no one can get as far as dedicating their life to the guys of the band because it is fun i admit but there can be some downfalls to it. i hope yall have a great day and a great weekend. see ya lata. :thumbsup: :D :rolleyes:
u said u were a real big fan
a fan would have never stopped loving his fav band
i addore them and i love to know everything about them ,thing that happens
but i don't make an obsession out of this
u have to learn how to deal with music
lp really help me to relax or when i'm depressed...
that's what i've had to say
all my respect for your decission

one thing i can tell you
i like lp's music,i like their verses,i like it all but i'm not dedicating my life to them
no one should do that because it's not healthy
and i think they wouldn't agree with fans that cut themselfes while listening to their music or make bad things blaming lp's music for what they do
ok,i don't know what made you take that decission but i think it wasn't healthy for you to be obsessed with the group
Yeah, I respect that.

LP has had it's downtimes with the months before CC came out. I didn't think LP would do anything else and I got so SICK of all the songs being on the I actually stopped listening to LP in August 04 and got back when CC came out, heh.

Anyways, thats your choice and we hope noone else makes that choice :)
I never hear their songs on the radio, so all my LP cds are always in my cd player. Maybe I am becoming a little obsessed, but it's healthy =D For me anyway lol. I haven't obsessed so much over a band / singer since back in the day when Britney Spears first came out lmao. I shouldn't have admitted that >.>

Oh well, if you don't wanna listen to them anymore, I doubt we can convince you otherwise. Have fun without LP ^.^ As hard as it may be ;)
i personally think dat LP is the best band ever made. chester is SOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!! i seriously think Lp's music is better than any band i've ever heard.
BBBz_gurl12177 said:
Hey everyone. yeah i used to be a real big LP fan. I used to listen to all their cds and obssess over them like there was no one else in this world to think about. but now its over. i hope no one can get as far as dedicating their life to the guys of the band because it is fun i admit but there can be some downfalls to it. i hope yall have a great day and a great weekend. see ya lata. :thumbsup: :D :rolleyes:
thats pretty much what was up with me. like when i first heard about them back in 2000 i immediately fell for them as my fav band. i was into them for a few years i guess and i for no appearant reason just stopped looking up their current events etc. but honestly i think it was after Meteora.. that did it for me. im not saying i didn't liek it... it just drew me away from it.. if that makes sense.
AutumnRayn said:
thats pretty much what was up with me. like when i first heard about them back in 2000 i immediately fell for them as my fav band. i was into them for a few years i guess and i for no appearant reason just stopped looking up their current events etc. but honestly i think it was after Meteora.. that did it for me. im not saying i didn't liek it... it just drew me away from it.. if that makes sense.
it does make sense. n bbbgirl..its ok. u dun wanan listen to lp, its fine.
Yeah, my liking for Linkin Park isn't as strong as it was when I first joined the forums, so I can sympathyze. But, I still think they are a good band. If only they could release a CD a little faster..... :p
Clogz said:
Yeah, my liking for Linkin Park isn't as strong as it was when I first joined the forums, so I can sympathyze. But, I still think they are a good band. If only they could release a CD a little faster..... :p
lol.. agreed. its just personally i wouldn't concider them the "great" as far as music goes... like some of the stronger fans do. but i still like their stuff.. mainly from HT though
i never obssesed with anything really.... lol i find it silly... I like LP alot though.. if they broke wouldn't affect me much

Hyper said:
seems like this thread was meant to start a fight lol.. good thing it didn't do that tho :thumbsup:
nope not meant to start a fight just meant to get my feelings out. i still kinda like their music although some of it makes me sad but i just cant listen to it 24/7 anymore. its not me. theres other things in this wrld