Anyone Play Music?

Reflectionist said:
Lemme change my input.... i am a drummer, yes, but more importantly I'm a percussionist meaning I can play pretty much anything that involves hitting things with sticks. Although that makes it sound like any idiot can do it.

I can play Mallet Percussion Instruments, Snare, Timpani, Uber Mongo Loads of Auxilary percussion.... etc. etc. you get the point.
yea people fail to realize how hard it is...ur like the backbone of a band...the tempo setter the dude who has to keep that constant beat versus a guitarist who can kinda branch off
Umm I play synth guitar, it's an amazing insturment. I have a Yamaha AES-AD6 with a Magicstomp, a Boss Hyper Fuzz Pedal and other crap attatched to it. I also hope to own a Roland G-707, one of the first g-synths to come out. If anyone plays g-synth or wants to play g-synth PM me or whatever and we can really talk technical! :D
ImTheOneThatFalls said:
I suck at guitar though... atleast i think so.

No..... its on my avatar.

But I play this..

the black one.
That a nice Explorer copy. A little too metal-head for my taste, but pretty cool.

I like the original Gibson Explorer:

But I think this is the most beautiful guitar ever, A Gibson Les Paul Custom:

I'm a Gibson snob... I just don't have the money to get one, haha.
Brkng_Th_Hbt said:
I'm a Gibson snob... I just don't have the money to get one, haha.

Same reason I bought a PRS ( and the fact that Brad Delsonh uses one also and they look cool), but now that I have one I would choose a PRS over any other guitar except some Gibsons....
Yeah PRS is a great guitar company. My next guitar will most likely be a PRS SE. (Probably the singlecut, or custom, like yours.) But if I ever get the money, I will buy a Gibson Les Paul Studio ($1200). After I get a non-faulty guitar, my next goal is to get a tube amp. I don't like my solid state that much. (Fender Princeton 650)
I have a shitty amp I got from my grandpa (a country studio musician)...but hell its a free 75-watt amp and the distortion owns when I use my Boss DS-1 pedal...and I do recommened the Custom....but make sure you try before you buy so you don't make a mistake :p personally I would love a Gibson SG but can't afford >.<