Anzac Day

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Breakdown Conspiracy

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2006
New Zealand
Anzac Day

ANZAC Day is commemorated by Australia and New Zealand on 25 April every year
to remember members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who
landed at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I, as well as other fallen soldiers in conflict.

ANZAC Day is New Zealand, and Australia's version of Memorial Day, compared to the US.
To support it paper poppy flower badges are sold and the money collected by donations goto the NZ Army
or something, not sure about in OZ. I am usually to stingy to buy a badge that they sell, even thought its not
a set donation, or even visit a dawn parade. I am even working on the day because its time and a half pay,
but this year I decided to make this sig to show my remembrance. If you care to support ANZAC Day
please take this image and place it on your forum sig.

"They shall grow not old,
As we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning
We will remember them.

Lest We Forget"


first thing i do when i finish uni is take that kokoda track walk,im hoping to oen day take in anzac day at gallipoli

anzac spirit is alive and well, lots of kids at those parades every year, though its a shame to see the veterans just that bit frailer every year...
Wow. So not great/ not thread worthy.
I have more of a mental compacity now to understand what the guy is really talking about, rather than he was shot down several ****ing times enough for me to be punished at 5 in the morning when I could be sleeping and not in the ****ing cold freezing my ass off just to go back and have a history lesson in which I topped, Australian history, easiest piece of **** ever to learn....
I would rather sleep in my cosy bed then to hear some old guy rant on about how his digger mate died and what he died of. Trust me, it's hearing him rant on in the cold or listening to my fav bands on my MP3 in the cold and I know, trust me, I know which one I would choose. I spare myself pneamonia by not attending.
But we have dumb ****s who go and graffiti on (Bathurst for an example and their memorial) memorials in which my tax money paid for. GO ****ING AWAY FROM THAT YOU DUMB ASSES! RESPECT MY TAX MONEY !!
Why is it, they fought to protect our land from the Turkish, and yet, you go to places in Sydney like Auburn and there are a **** load of Turkish people giving you weird glances that you can only talk one language? I know people died. Whoop de ****ing doo. It was a war. People die you know? You signed up to the corps, you're going to die anyway wither from old age, cancer or a bullet wound. It was a suprise attack Sarah! ..... so was Pearl Harbour about 30 years later....
To me it's almost like Christmas day. It's so not exciting to me anymore. ANZAC day and me is like me saying I'm the most sensible girl in the world and yes, eveyone knows that's me bullshitting myself on that part.
But I do enjoy ANZAC cookies :)

I'm such a bitch....
haha...but Aus and NZ havent been in that many wars so I think Anzac Day is really made memorable I think its a cool a Turk I think we also have someday to honor Anzacs..i shud check the news today maybe theres some festival somewhere
I see no reason to support warfare nowadays, but these guys died to defeat bad powers in one of the most pointless waste of a war there's ever been
so commemorating is worth it

and woody obviously you don't have to go, it's a free country, but I don't think Aus would necessarily be the place it is, if it hadn't been for people like those who fought the central powers
if nobody in history had ever stood up to the wrongness in the world, we wouldn't now have all these freedoms and equalities

no iPods or welfare systems
haha...but Aus and NZ havent been in that many wars so I think Anzac Day is really made memorable I think its a cool a Turk I think we also have someday to honor Anzacs..i shud check the news today maybe theres some festival somewhere

We've only been involved in War World 1 and 2 on top of the East Timor crisis. I think that's enough for our country, on top being involved in the Kosovo peace treaties (lol what peace?) Afganistan and Iraq and now that I think of it, the Indochina wars (Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia). So where ever the Americans were, we were fighting right next to them.

But I am thankful that we had America and England on our side during all wars. The two major powers of the 20th century or else we would've been a goner.

Fribs - Industralisation it's called and being under a captalist regime because that head power couldn't be me Germany tried on various occasions to bring England down...never happened...and Germany's allies did try to bring the Americans down but it didn't happen.

Err I just hate being dragged along to those ceremonies. Three thousand times were enough. But for some reason I could never get sick of ANZAC cookies depsite the fact women used to make them for the men back then, thus ANZAC cookies.
no, the fact that almost anyone can get all this stuff (in the western world) is not called industrialization.

we've had technology earlier in history. it's just that the only people priviligded (spelling????) to get it were monarchs and dukes.

getting most people access to stuff is called something like social reform, helped by standing up to people like kings.
God dam it! All I wanted to do was show some patriotism along with my fellow Australians, but it had to turn into some bullshit political argument.

*Lock PLZ*
No im being difficult. I like these social discussions about my pov on Anzac day.

Without the most simpliest form of industralisation, we wouldn't be where we are now.
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